After hearing the voice, Luo Yu looked over without feeling surprised.

The person who greeted him was a beautiful lady with excellent appearance and temperament. There was a strand of red highlights in her short white hair. The voice was also familiar.

Hmm... It felt like meeting an old friend from Taixu Mountain.

"Mr. Luo Yu, I didn't expect to see you here. I am Topa, the project director of Interstellar Peace Company.

Although the other party looked at her with inexplicable malice at first sight, Topa still showed an impeccable smile on her face, greeted her and introduced herself, with enough respect in her words, as if she came up to say hello by chance.

She didn't know the other party, it should be just an illusion.

"I know you, Miss Topa. The museum is a good place to relax and it is very leisurely and elegant."Luo Yu chuckled and seemed easy to talk to.

He was the most difficult type.

Topa was smiling but actually observing Luo Yu. This kind of person who seemed to be polite and gentle was the type they least wanted to meet during business negotiations. He was not emotional and it would take a lot of time to find a flaw.

"Thank you for your compliment, but I have been assigned many tasks by my superiors, so I dare not slack off. I just hope to get some inspiration in thinking through this method. Knowing a place through history can always get many additional answers."

Topa thanked with a bright smile, but showed a helpless look, explaining that he dare not relax and play, and he is just a small manager who is busy with business.

"Oh? A very novel perspective. What do you see? Luo Yu raised his eyebrows.

"There are many things that we have observed. For example, most of the exhibits here were donated by the same person. This shows that Mr. Luo Yu is a gentle and generous person."Topa smiled and analyzed seriously.

He turned a big corner and said something nice. He is indeed a social elite. His way of adjusting the atmosphere is very novel.

During the conversation, Topa did not mention his department or the purpose of coming to Beloberg.

If he said that he came here for the debt, what would it mean? Is it a threat? This is not a friendly thing. It is better not to mention it, otherwise the other person's face will be gloomy, and he will not know how to die when the time comes.

"So you waited for me here for half an hour, thinking you would gain something?" Luo Yu looked at her with interest and said,"Please start your performance."

"Haha, nothing can be hidden from your eyes."After his intention was exposed, Topa showed a refreshing and natural smile.

"But you misunderstood me. I didn't have the courage to deliberately test him just because he was gentle. And I thought that warmth was not for me, an uninvited guest."

"Belloberg is lucky. After all, that gentleness is not your true character."

"I don't deny this." Luo Yu did not deny it. He looked at the exhibits in the display cabinet beside him with Topa's smiling eyes and said slowly:"Just like the beauty described in these display cabinets, some things cannot be told to children."

He smiled frankly, and it seemed that he didn't mind talking to Topa with his true other side, but at the end he changed his words.

"But it won't help your purpose to enlighten me. You won't leave a good impression on me just because of a heart-to-heart talk, Miss Toppa."

Toppa's eyes twitched slightly in her smile, but her smile was still frank and sincere:"Sorry, I just saw that you were having a good chat with that little girl."

Although she was prepared that her purpose would be guessed, after all, she was a being who had walked far enough on the road of life, and such a being generally could not be guessed by common sense, but her purpose was revealed as soon as she opened her mouth, which was a bit too difficult to deal with.

"It is indeed a rare relaxing time. I am glad you did not disturb me. Luo Yu expressed his curiosity.

"But why do you think I need guidance?"

"I don't dare to enlighten you, I just think you may need a close friend"

"I admire everything you have done. You have solved all the troubles by yourself and kept them in your heart, and only gave the beautiful warmth to Beloberg, so that it has the best environment for growth."

Topa was frank and sincere.

She didn't know what Luo Yu's real side was. Anyway, it was definitely different from the rumors. The image of a philanthropist who was admired and loved by others was just a deliberate performance.

No truly good person would behave so perfectly, and someone who can be perfect in front of everyone must not be a truly good person.

But just now, the relaxed smile on his face when he was with the little girl named Clara was not false.

Although his personality is unpredictable, he obviously has a soft and friendly side in his heart. From this point of view, people will always be tired of burying many things in their hearts, and they will always want to find someone to talk to.

She has clear ideas in her heart, but what she says is also from the heart.

"Some of my actions seem to have caused you strange misunderstandings, Miss Topa."Luo Yu couldn't help but chuckle after hearing this.

"I am happy to chat with you for half a day, but I don't need to be relieved, and I have never felt tired in my heart."

Topa was stunned. Luo Yu did not look at her but cast his eyes on the imitation red spear in the conspicuous display case in the distance, and said slowly with a hint of meaning

"Who do you think is more worthy of the title of hero: a person who leads people to fight and resist unyieldingly and finally win, a person who endures humiliation and overcomes many difficulties and finally succeeds, or a person who chooses to rely on others to save his people from disaster? Which ending is more beautiful?"

This is a false proposition. It's both and it's neither. Topa was silent for a moment, recalled some past events, and then returned to her usual smiling face and answered

"I think it's the third one. At least this way you won't experience any unforgettable pain. Separation from life and death is a pain that can never be healed, but other things still have a chance to change."

"But in my opinion, neither��Luo Yu was not surprised by this answer.

"They are losers. If they really have a sincere heart, they will definitely look at themselves in this sad way. Hero is never a beautiful word."

"I watched the things I cherished slip away from me along the way. I didn’t succeed, but I saved them again and again, making the cost of"failure" even smaller. The heroic deeds passed down by later generations are actually the heart-wrenching memoirs of the people involved."

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