"I personally don't like this kind of ending. Since everyone is looking forward to happiness, it should last forever. In my ending, there is no choice. Everything will remain, and no one will be hurt."

Luo Yu's eyes were calm, but every word sounded heavy and loud in the listener's heart, as if it was imprinted in the heart and was unforgettable. Topa stared blankly, and his heart could not help but feel throbbing, but on the contrary, his brain clearly expressed his objection.

Yes, it must be an extremely beautiful scene, but reality is not a fairy tale. Even children who have just started school will be forced to realize that the world cannot become what they want it to be.


The moment the sound fell, the surrounding air seemed to be covered with a layer of crystal-like gold, followed by a huge sound, and the terrifying dazzling energy made it impossible to look directly at it.

This will attracted the sidelong glance of fate.

The Amber King of the universe gave him a great gift of destiny. He was so happy that he used the giant hammer in his hand to hit the high wall in front of him three times unconsciously. The wall was almost broken by lightning cracks just after it was cast.

Memory and wisdom are only because they were discovered early. Only preservation is the real adherence in his heart and the longest destiny.

Luo Yu! I want you to help me build the wall!


It was not a loud explosion, but a shock that resounded in the soul. The surging energy was terrifying but did not cause any material damage to the surroundings. Everything around was covered with a dazzling layer as if it was wrapped in a golden crystal wall.

It seemed that the ears were in the depths of the soul, as if there was a sound of a huge hammer falling.

This is!

Topa had no choice but to use his forearm to block his eyes. Under the pressure of the power, his mind was swaying like a small boat in a storm, but his eyes were wide open in disbelief.

She, who had the cornerstone, was very familiar with this kind of power! But that was why she couldn't believe it. This was obviously the power of protection! And the power of the cornerstone was like the difference between the sea and the pond compared to this terrifying power.

But even though the facts were already in front of him, Topa couldn't believe it in his heart.


According to the information from the train, isn't he the memory order user!

Even if this was the train's own guess, the power performance he saw was true. Maybe he would mistake the fate of the mysterious end, but it was impossible to mistake protection for memory!

It's understandable to mistake a hippopotamus for an elephant, but it's impossible to mistake a crocodile for a giraffe!

And the way he looked in front of him didn't seem like an explosion of power, but more like gaining strength.

"Let's answer the original question."The aftermath of the golden energy spread, and the entire Yaliluo was coated with an imperceptible layer of light golden crystal barrier. The terrifying energy finally dissipated.

Looking at Topa who looked incredulous in front of him, Luo Yu said calmly

"I won't feel happy or tired because it's just a trivial matter to me. I don't mind putting Beloberg in my palm and letting it develop beautifully."In his hand, there is a sphere that exudes this terrifying power. When he grasps it, Topa can feel the oppression as if the planet is tightened by some force.

The phrase"put it in the palm of your hand" is not an adjective.

Topa only felt a dry throat for this sentence, and couldn't say anything with a smile. This unreachable height makes people feel shocked and distant.

Topa didn't move.

Luo Yu smiled faintly and patted her shoulder to comfort her.

"No need to do this, I am happy to receive sincere care"

"I just confessed this in the hope that you would not misunderstand me, and I did not lie in what I said before. I always like making friends. If someone comes to chat with me, I am very happy to prepare refreshments and have a happy chat for half a day.

Luo Yu's tone and attitude made Topa feel that he was not lying.

"The company envoy……"

"Oh, they don't count, let them stay as far away as possible and don't get in our way."


Patting her shoulder again, Luo Yu left, leaving Topa standing there.

After a long time, Topa sighed and lowered her head in frustration, feeling as if she were in another world and powerless. Her expression was very complicated. This Luo Yu was really unpredictable.

You thought you were on the third floor, saw through the first floor, and touched the other person's true heart. Wrong, he actually has fifty floors.

You thought the other person was a terrifying existence with layers of disguises and height and thoughts. Wrong, the first fifty floors of the other person were actually real.

Luo Yu's side always makes people feel that there is something hidden, but exploring the hidden true heart is tantamount to exploring the abyss, layer upon layer, hidden but also real.

It's like peeling an onion, peeling off layer after layer, but what is peeled off is both the skin and the heart.

You can never see the inner thoughts clearly.

But one thing can be confirmed.

Her purpose of coming to Beloberg has been ruined.

Topa sighed again in frustration, completely defeated.

And there is a strange feeling of powerlessness, always feeling that the other person is very familiar with me, even though I have never really seen him.

The mission was a complete failure. Topa turned around and left the museum. On the way, he called Diamond


Pierpoint, the headquarters of Interstellar Peace Corporation.

Inside the office, the phone suddenly rang. Diamond paused and answered the call. A female voice came out of the receiver.

"I'm your boss. I think there's something I need to report to you in person."

Once or twice, why do I always need to ask his opinion on something?

Diamond took a deep breath and began to question Topaz's ability.

Under the light, the dazzling and beautiful light and shadow of the gemstone swayed in the office, and time passed by.���Past.

For a long time.

After listening to all the reports and telling Topa about the change of the target, Diamond put down the phone and silently looked at the photo of Luo Yu with a gentle smile on the paper.

This person... is a bit weird.

He was favored by the fate of memory to become a memory order, and was favored by the fate of knowledge to become a genius. Now he is favored by the fate of preservation and protection to become a preservation and protection order.

After becoming a star god order, he was favored by another star god and given the power of an order.

As the head of a company department, he has seen all kinds of storms and waves. But he has never seen this scene. Do you think the star god is easy to talk to and easy to get along with?

Moreover, this impossible but unbelievable fact makes Diamond a little suspicious. Luo Yu's identity as a genius may not be as simple as imagined.

Before becoming a genius, he was already a memory order. This situation is just as incomprehensible as he is now a preservation and protection order. As incomprehensible as now, does he have reason to doubt that it may contain the same result.

Maybe he was not only given the position of genius by the star god of knowledge, but also favored and given the power of an order.

This answer is as incomprehensible and abnormal as what is happening now, but it seems very smooth and reasonable.

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