When talking about intelligence, people tend to think of the power of intelligence first, and then think of the brilliant genius club in the cosmic civilization, and those geniuses who transcend the times in the records.

On the contrary, intelligence makes this word easy to be ignored, and their presence in the universe seems to be very low.

The intellectual destiny is very different from other destinies.

It is not very obvious when the destiny is walking, but when the destiny reaches a certain height, this difference is very obvious.

Compared with other forces, everyone is playing with destiny, but the knowledge and technology played by the Knowledge Society and the Genius Club, destiny seems to be an additional existence.

Apart from destiny and star gods, wisdom, knowledge, and technology have always been the most powerful and magical power in the hands of intelligent creatures. It is not necessary for creatures to evolve brains to evolve into powerful planetary overlords, but those who evolve brains to think are definitely the fastest to become planetary overlords.

This is reflected in the pinnacle of wisdom, and it is even more exaggerated in the geniuses of the genius club. In some aspects, their performance is more than���Even more exaggerated.

There are also geniuses who show how much horrible damage technology can cause, but he is not a Commander, or even a Destiny Walker.

You can imagine the scene of the Destiny arguing about which one is more powerful.

The major forces sent masters of Destiny to participate in the competition, but the intellectual forces sent an ordinary person, but he held the laser cannon he researched in his hand, and the style of the painting suddenly became strange. The genius club is too dazzling.

And the intellectual Commanders are basically mostly hidden among geniuses, and they are not publicized.

This also leads to the fact that the genius club is more famous than the intellectual Commander.

But it does not mean that the power of the intellectual Commander can be ignored. It is not that the gold content of the intellectual Commander is too low, but that the gold content of the genius is too high. It is like other Commanders, representing the most distant and powerful existence in the destiny except for the Star God.

This Luo Yu is a doubtful Commander of three different destiny.

Thinking of this, Diamond couldn't help but be silent.

One of them is still a Protector Commander.

In addition to power, the Commander also represents that the other party has walked far enough in this destiny, is recognized by the Star God, and has a firm belief in destiny.

The Guardian has a special meaning for the company as a guardian force.

If a force with unwavering belief in the Star God conflicts with the Star God's Envoy, who is determined to walk a distant path, it is needless to think that it will be laughed at by other forces in the universe, and even the members of its own force will have self-doubt.

Diamond put his hand on his head, which was hurt by the violent impact and sighed deeply.

What can he do? He is helpless.

This person is too evil. I don't want money, and I don't want favors.

He only hopes to stay away from the other party to avoid causing any trouble or affecting unimaginable disasters.

Even if he comes into contact with this kind of person, his scalp will numb. It is better to let Toppa come back as soon as possible, and treat the previous bad debts as nothing happened.


At Klipperburg, Bronya was asked out by Seele for a quarrel at noon.

They quarreled, quarreled, and went out to have a quarrel while shopping and eating.

Every time they chatted, they would quarrel. Even when Bronya persuaded Seele to calm down, they would quarrel because of inexplicable differences in ideas.

Their relationship was very subtle. They seemed to be quarreling, but there was an inexplicable harmony.

The two of them went out to drink something first. Seele complained to Bronya that she had been busy all the time during this period. If she continued to spin, she would almost become a spinning top. When would this life end?

After listening to her, Bronya seriously persuaded her that she should not be lazy. As the leader of the underground fire, she should shoulder her responsibilities.

Seele, who originally wanted to relax, turned black after listening. She came out to relax but was lectured. The two immediately quarreled about this matter.

Seele was so angry that she even brought up the fact that it was because of the other party's appearance that she only worked that Luo Yu went to the lower area to date and chat with her instead of looking for Bronya at all.

Although the date failed because of some trivial matters, you just said whether you looked for her or not, right?

Bronya was so angry that her face turned black, and she said bluntly that Luo Yu never cared about such things. The other party must not have come because he didn't want to delay the busy official business in Klipperburg.

Seele also argued with reason. The two were still arguing in a private room, but Klipperburg welcomed an unusual guest.

In the quiet Klipperburg hall, the sound of shoes stepping on the floor tiles was particularly obvious. Cocolia, who was working at the curved long table, heard the strange footsteps and looked up with a cold face.

But when she saw the person coming, her whole body froze, and she opened her mouth but made no sound.

Following her gaze, Luo Yu walked into the hall and showed a happy smile as if she had met an old friend:"Why do you show this expression? Are you unhappy to see me?"

Cocolia didn't say a word and tried her best to calm her heart.

Don't you know whether I will be happy or not?

After a long time, she suppressed her emotions and tried her best to appear calm and indifferent:"What? Do you finally have time to come and see Beloberg's business in person?"

Bronya had always been dissatisfied with her complaints about Luo Yu and wanted to prove something.

But she didn't need the other party's proof at all. She and Luo Yu had always had private contact, and Cocolia knew very well what kind of bad character this man had.

"Have you forgotten how to talk to me in private?"

Luo Yu walked in front of Cocolia, and the two were only separated by a table. He spoke leisurely, but his words made Cocolia's heart tremble.

How to talk in private……

"I...you……"Cocolia lowered her head, her lips stammering for a long time but unable to say anything, her face flushed with shame

"Well, continue."

Luo Yu said with a smile, but this smile was like a devil in the eyes of the other party.

Cocolia struggled for a long time in her heart, and finally spoke out with the impact of shame, her voice was so low that it was difficult for people to hear clearly.

"Do you have anything to tell me, my dear master?"

Cocolia gritted her teeth, clenched her hands tightly, and tried to suppress her shameful desire to die. She finally finished the last word in a halting manner.

"Well, very good, the training is very effective."Luo Yu smiled with satisfaction and nodded in praise.


You said training, right? You claimed to have corrected me before, but now you don't even pretend to do that, right?

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