The new city area.

This city, which represents the thawing of Beloberg, is only one step away. It is somewhat similar to Beloberg in style but also different. It represents rebirth and the future. Today, the originally busy people all stopped to celebrate.

The huge venue, orderly and various snack stalls, has become a huge food city.

"Welcome to the first food festival in Bello Berg……"

On the screen, an enlarged version of the silver wolf, similar to the etheric projection, appeared, and the milky voice announced.

The bustling crowd and the thunderous cheers marked the beginning of the first food festival.



In an office with a rather serious interior, the sound of keyboards clacking is endless. A girl with silver-gray hair and a spiral ponytail can be seen working hard in front of the screen.

She has a blank expression and stares with dead eyes. If you look closely, you can see the dark circles under her eyes due to fatigue. The whole air of numbness and fatigue is in stark contrast to her confident image on the screen just now.

It's like the difference between the image when she is at work and when she is on vacation at home.

Silver Wolf stares with dead eyes and types on the keyboard. As for why she has become like this.

Because she has worked overtime for several days.

In the past, Silver Wolf never thought that she would encounter this kind of life. Although her reputation value is rising, she has become a social animal.

On the day of receiving the task, Silver Wolf found that she seemed to be busy with the reward and accidentally received too many tasks. It's like when you see three activities in a game, you will be very happy.

Seeing thirty activities, it seemed like she was busy counting the stars, and she was so happy that she was almost dying. But when she actually did the tasks, she felt tired and numb as much as the rewards she received.

Silver Wolf felt troubled for a while, but finally let it go.

Anyway, she couldn't finish it, so she just did it slowly.

Originally, it was good, but I don't know why Lord had a brain storm and took care of her so much. He was just like a robot, a ruthless working machine, taking time to explain the work matters to her while supervising her work. Dealing with this and that, she had to live a miserable life as a worker. Originally, Silver Wolf thought that when Lord rested, he would take the opportunity to be lazy.

But who would have thought that this woman was so serious that it was terrifying.

Silver Wolf thought it was outrageous.

When he was working, she was working. It was too late and he could finally rest properly, but she was still working, and she could even wake him up early the next day to work together.

Where did she get so much energy! Doesn't she need to rest at all?!

Silver Wolf doubted his life. Could the pair of D+ on Lorde's chest be a power bank forged in this shape? Is this what gave her a constant source of energy for work?

Looking down at his slightly small chest, Silver Wolf fell into deep thought about life and was deeply certain of his guess.

It must be fake. How could a person grow that big?

And his talent was terrifying. At the beginning, Silver Wolf saw that Lorde's BOSS level was stuck at one level and he couldn't beat it, but it didn't take long for him to break through the shackles and reach a higher level. He was truly eating like drinking water, and there was no bottleneck when he became stronger.

This terrifying improvement shocked Silver Wolf. What level of talent was this? The speed at which he became stronger was simply too fast. And the most terrifying thing was that this person didn't even have a way to live now.

And Silver Wolf didn't want to compete with Lorde. That guy worked at least 12 hours a day and trained for 8 hours. His lifestyle was simply unbearable for humans.

""Mr. Director."

At this time, an assistant in a women's business suit came in with a stack of documents and reports, and said one by one

"This is the information Lord Lord asked me to give you. It's urgent and needs to be completed before tomorrow morning. There are also plans to discuss the flight of the spacecraft. The promotion of the"Metaverse" should also officially begin soon. Please arrange your time in advance."

"Okay, I see."Silver Wolf looked over expressionlessly and said, his tone calm.

"OK, I'll put it here for you."After handing over the work, the female assistant secretly glanced at Silver Wolf a few more times before leaving.

Director Silver Wolf is small and cute, and he is also a very powerful destiny walker. Those screens were not connected to the projection equipment before.

Oh, no, no, it's the determined Lord Lord who is pushing people alone.

The female assistant thought to herself, and left with a sweet smile that made Silver Wolf feel a little inexplicably cold. Why does it feel that the atmosphere in Liyue Technology is a little weird.


The door of the room closed gently. At the same time, the calm Silver Wolf finally couldn't hold it anymore and took off his disguise. The whole person slumped in front of the computer and let out a whine.


Why are you here to work again! Is it over? I quit! I quit! No, I must find a way to change the status quo.

Although her reputation value is satisfied, she doesn't want to live this kind of life forever. I want to play! I want to play games!!

Silver Wolf...burned out


In the bright and spacious courtyard, Luo Yu was lying on a chair in the sun, with a glass of iced drink beside him. He took a sip and felt relaxed.

Yes, everything was going in a good direction.

Luo Yu was deeply touched to be able to lie here and enjoy the comfort in broad daylight.

At this time, a message came from the mobile phone next to him. Luo Yu took it and

【Black Tower: Ester should be here soon】

【I didn't lie:"Well, I have received the news about this matter. I didn't expect you to care about her so much."

Luo Yu sent a message and immediately received a reply from the other party.

【Heita: Humph, I just wanted to tell you to finish the shoot as soon as possible and not to waste time. I have a lot of things waiting for her to come back and deal with.】

【I didn't lie: Don't worry, the filming of 'Metaverse' will be done soon. Forget it, you won't understand even if I tell you. 】

Luo Yu sent the message and received a reply almost instantly, but the reply contained only a few symbols.

【Black Tower: ???

Black Tower sent a series of question marks.

Are you kidding me? I don’t understand the metaverse?

If I don’t understand, who will? Is there anyone in this universe who can understand the artificial universe better than me?

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