Black Tower Space Station.

In the laboratory, Black Tower looked at the message on his phone with a dangerous smile, snorted and sent the message.

【Black Tower: Humph, I really don't want to understand. Your metaverse is full of messy and meaningless codes. It's obvious that you are a nobody. I have no interest in communicating with you at all.】

【Heita: There are so many meaningless and redundant underlying logics, and it is built so huge. I really don’t know what the server is made of. How can such a wild thing support normal operation.

Heita sent the message and waited for a reply.

Of course, she was just pretending to be uninterested. If she was not interested, she would not have taken the initiative to send messages to Luo Yu in the past few days. But the most curious thing is what exactly the"metaverse" uses to support its normal operation.

This"universe" that she thinks is wild and full of bugs and operation waste is actually running. What technology is used that she is not aware of.

A message came on the phone soon.

A reply came!

Hearing the message���Heita immediately picked up his phone to check the reply.

【I'm not lying: it's simple, and requires wisdom, courage, strength, and determination. 】

Black Tower:"……"

【Heita: If you don't want to talk, forget it, hang up. 】Heita put down his phone expressionlessly and put it aside. Heita didn't want to talk to Luo Yu anymore.

Even if he was perfunctory, he should find a decent reason. What's the point of saying that? Do you think she is a child?

Just when she was unhappy.

With a click, the door of the laboratory was opened and someone walked in. It was Xing and Sanyueqi. Heita looked at the two of them coming here and put aside his previous thoughts.

"Black Tower"

""Ms. Black Tower."

The two greeted

"Hmm? It's you guys, what do you want to talk to me about?"

After two minutes of listening to the two people's words, Heita was surprised:"You are leaving the space station? When are you leaving?""

"We will leave today, and I came to say goodbye to everyone before leaving." Xing replied that they had already discussed the departure time and prepared the supplies a few days ago, and today was the day the train officially departed.

"So, since it's all decided, I won't try to persuade you to stay."

Heita nodded and said goodbye calmly, but there was no sign of reluctance on her face. She never showed such weak and embarrassing emotions.

"It just so happens that the recent tests of the simulated universe have all ended, and I am preparing to update it. Distance creates beauty, which will prevent me from losing interest in you so quickly. You can continue to be a guest of honor in the space station when you come back."

"You can just enjoy it secretly, others don't have this opportunity"

"Uh, haha, do you have to be so realistic?……"Sanyueqi laughed dryly and complained.

Although they knew that this was the usual way of speaking for Heita, and it was almost impossible to see the emotional expression of sadness and reluctance on his face, but suddenly giving such realistic words before parting was really hard to describe.

Xinghen nodded seriously and said to the other party:"We will go back to the space station to see everyone."

"The door of the Black Tower Space Station is always open to you. Of course, you are also welcome to play on my planet, Aquamarine. Just don't cause any trouble."

Black Tower nodded and asked again.

"By the way, where are you going next? Have you decided?"

Sanyueqi answered with a look of anticipation:"Jizi said that the next destination is the place called Pinocchio, the Star of the Festival. I have never been there."

""Miss Heita, have you been to Pinocchio? What kind of place is that?"

She asked Heita. Hearing this, Xing looked over and waited for Heita's answer.

However, after hearing the question, Heita just said in a nonchalant tone:"Pinocchio, it's just so-so, nothing interesting."


They shouldn't have asked Heita such a question. Heita's answer made both of them fall into silence.

There was no point in chatting that day, so March 7 could only change the topic.

"It was a pity that we didn't see Miss Ester. Alan said she had left for something important, and we wanted to say goodbye to her."

Ester took good care of them in the space station, so we felt a little sorry that we didn't see her when we said goodbye."

"Oh, Esta is going to shoot a promotional advertisement. You are all familiar with the person who invited her, Luo Yu. I think it’s almost time now."

"You will probably be able to see promotional materials about her during your trip soon."

Heita told the two that Ester was going to Beloberg, but Ester kept it secret because she didn't want to reveal the game content.

"Ah? Miss Estelle went to Beloberg?"

Upon hearing this news, Sanyueqi was so shocked that she cried out. This was beyond her expectations.

"So they went to promote the Metaverse." On the contrary, Xing showed a look of realization, not too surprised.

"How come you are not surprised at all?"Sanyueqi couldn't understand Xing's calmness.

"Because Luo Yu informed me some time ago that if we have time, we can go and play together. He also asked me if Ji Zi was interested. If she was interested, she could also play a role. However, after I told Ji Zi, she just smiled and said that she didn't have much time, and refused."Xing explained the cause and effect very calmly. She felt that Luo Yu's purpose in inviting Ji Zi was not pure, and it was okay for Ji Zi to refuse.


The people of March 7 were stunned.

Didn't she know?

"But aren't we leaving now? The train will leave soon."

Then she asked a question that was not logical. Xing was invited to participate in the promotion of the Metaverse, but the train was about to leave for the universe. How could she get there? Did she refuse?

"Metaverse."Xing answered as a matter of course. Luo Yu said that the filming would be carried out in the Metaverse.

March 7:"……"

Well, her worries were unnecessary.

After bidding farewell to the Black Tower, the two returned to the Starry Sky Train.

"Ji Zi."When San Yue Qi saw Ji Zi sitting elegantly at the table drinking coffee, he immediately greeted her with full energy.

"Jizi, we are back."Xing nodded and said

"Well, I'll be waiting for you. Find a place to sit. The train will leave soon."Seeing the two people coming back, Ji Zi smiled and said gently.

Her elegant and gentle temperament is easy to indulge in. San Yueqi has always longed for one day to have Ji Zi's mature, elegant and calm temperament.

But from her habit of crossing her legs when sitting, and her decisive appearance and fighting power when fighting, it can be seen that Ji Zi was definitely not the kind of gentle and soft-spoken or ladylike character when she was young.

It's only because of her growing and mature age that she has become the gentle big sister she is now, but sometimes Ji Zi's deterrence as a navigator is still very large and scary.

"The train is about to depart! Please take your seats at the designated seats."Pam's voice came from the carriage's broadcast. Pam, who usually stays in the carriage, is not here at this time. She needs to control the departure of the train.

"All right, stop standing there." March 7 pushed Xing to the long sofa in the carriage with an energetic smile.

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