"Gentle? Caring? Easy to talk to?"

After listening to Estelle's description, Heita's handsome face changed significantly, and his eyebrows were wrinkled together.

Are you sure you are talking about Luo Yu? How can he be easy to talk to? He is obviously very strong, and he will never let himself suffer even the slightest loss in a conversation. He also likes to make sarcastic remarks in front of others.

Although he is still polite in his words, he is also very strong and never shows weakness. Finally, he likes to tease people. This is Heita's opinion of Luo Yu.

Seeing Heita's reaction after listening, Estelle's happy narration suddenly paused, and she asked in confusion.

"Uh...what's wrong? Ms. Heita?"

Heita frowned and pursed her lips, as if she had seen something incomprehensible. The desire to complain was stuck in her throat, unable to go up or down, and she felt very uncomfortable, but she did not directly question whether Estelle had poor eyesight. Instead, she said

"I just gave you a gift, is there any need to be so happy?"

""Huh?" Estelle was stunned for a moment, not quite reacting. She organized her words and then began to preach seriously.

"Gifts represent care, blessings, and attention. Of course, you will feel happy when you receive the kindness from your friends."

The person who asked this question would make people feel strange. She also talked about many topics about gifts, such as representing the kindness of friendship, and gifts between friends do not represent the purpose, etc.

However, after listening to the black tower on the opposite side, it was even more difficult to understand.

It was the first time she heard such a statement, and the difference from her usual cognition was like

The romance of a couple in love going to the beach to watch the sunrise is similar to the reality of having 20 credits in your pocket and being unable to do anything.

"Uh...Ms. Heita, you haven't...never received a gift from a friend, have you?" Estelle asked cautiously, watching Heita's expression change.

As long as she was an ordinary person, this kind of thing would never happen, as everyone had three or two friends.

But when she looked at Heita standing there with a frown on her face, giving off an aura that no one should get close to, she suddenly felt that it made sense.


Black Tower looked at Esta, who had a strange expression that seemed to carry a hint of pity. A big question mark suddenly appeared on his head, and then he glared at her with anger rising in his heart.

"Of course I have friends! What are you thinking about all day long! Go to work, there are still many things to deal with in the space station."

Esther could see that she was ashamed and angry, so she stopped talking and left with a smile. After driving Esther away in anger, Heita slowly calmed down. But after she stood there for a while, she took out her mobile phone with a dazed look and looked at the communication, which had a note of 'Ruan Mei’、‘Screw Gumu' two people.

Thinking carefully, she seemed to have never received a gift from a friend.

After thinking for a moment, Heita picked up her phone and edited a message to Screw Gumu.

【Black Tower: Screw Goom, give me 30 rare items】

【ScrewGum: [code-code-code]】

【Black Tower: ???】

【ScrewGum: Sorry Black Tower, I need to use the code in the simulated universe to make sure your communications have not been hacked. 】

Black Tower:"……"

She pulled her lips in silence, and she closed the conversation without replying.

She picked up her phone, edited the message and sent it to Ruan Mei again.

【Black Tower: Ruan Mei, give me 30 rare items】

【Ruan Mei: Hmm?】

【Ruan Mei: [Ruan Mei is puzzled]】

【Ruan Mei: Did you encounter something incomprehensible?

Heita silently closed the conversation and opened the conversation with Luo Yu. The file sent in the message was still displayed there, and the strange object received before was still stored in the collection room. After a while, she edited the message and sent it back.

【Heita: Luo Yu, give me 30 rare items. 】

The message was sent out, Heita looked at the chat page and waited for a moment, Luo Yu sent a reply

【I'm not lying: Okay.】

【I'm not lying: What's wrong? Are you in a bad mood?】


Her fingers unconsciously clenched around the phone, staring at the information on the screen, her gorgeous purple eyes lost in thought.

She stood in the laboratory for a long time,


【Heita: I just tested the file you sent, it works perfectly, thanks, it's a great help】

【Heita: Humph, but I, Heita, will not take advantage of you for nothing. When you come to visit me someday, I will personally entertain you.】

【I'm not lying: No, the dolls are fine.】

【Black Tower:?】

【Black Tower: [The Black Tower villain is puzzled]】

【Heita: Forget it, I really don’t understand you.

Heita kept deleting and revising the message, and finally sent it after a while.

【Heita: Um, don't mind the fact that I asked you for the rare item that day.】

【I'm not lying: So what happened?】

【Heita: It’s a lot of trouble to explain. I’m too lazy to explain. Just treat it as my angry words and don’t take it seriously.】

【I didn't lie: Um...but I have already sent the gift, it should be received in two days】


Heita blinked blankly. She had just mentioned this yesterday.

Could it be that he had fallen behind the times? What kind of technology had appeared in this world that made rare objects as worthless as cabbage?

【Black Tower: You……】

【I'm not lying: don't like it?】

【Black Tower: I like it.】

【I'm not lying: If you like it, take it.】

【I'm not lying: If you're having a bad time, I'd love to hear you talk】

【Heita: I... who wants to talk to you, and I don’t have anything to be unhappy about... always... forget it, I’m busy, let’s hang up. 】

Heita raised her head suddenly, feeling a little embarrassed and annoyed, but some colleagues also felt a strange emotion spreading and her expression was erratic.

After a moment of embarrassment, she snorted to cover up, responded with her hand, put down the phone, stopped chatting and started to concentrate on the experiment.

But a few minutes after starting the experiment.

She always felt that today’s experiment was inexplicably boring. After thinking about it, she took out her phone again, edited a message and sent it.

【Heita: What do you usually do?】



Black Tower sent frequent messages, Luo Yu responded with his fingers on the screen, and a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

[Letter from the Black Tower]

【Heita: The development is quite fast. You are indeed the one who commercializes the technology first. It is really useful to run Brainlight.】

[Letter from the Black Tower]

【Black Tower: Doing charity?】

[Letter from the Black Tower]

【Black Tower: After Esta came back, she came to me to show off the gifts she received.】

[Letter from the Black Tower]

【Heita: Do you like giving things to others so much? 】

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