[I'm not lying: Of course, if the person who receives the gift is happy, then I will be very happy too.]

Inside the space station.

Looking at the message sent by Luo Yu on his phone, Heita suddenly felt uncomfortable, as if something was taken away. He frowned and typed the message.

【Heita: You are such a weird person.】

【I didn't lie: Hmm? Why?

Heita put down the phone without replying. She felt a sense of depression in her heart and was very uncomfortable. Even the other puppets stopped their work in annoyance. She didn't know why she felt uncomfortable seeing Luo Yu treat others like this.

She tried to calm down this inexplicable emotion, but the more she suppressed it, the more uncomfortable she felt. Finally, she picked up the phone again and typed:

【Black Tower: Give me 20 rare items】

【I didn't lie: OK. 】

The uncomfortable feeling in her heart disappeared immediately, and the corners of Heita's mouth curled up unconsciously when she saw the reply.

This kind of happiness seemed to come from the preciousness of the gift, but not from the benefits she gained. The rare objects were very precious, but they were not enough to control her emotions. It was very strange, and there was a little conflict.

But when she saw Luo Yu's response to her, she couldn't help but feel happy. The original unhappiness in her heart was satisfied, and she didn't even look down on the small gifts that Luo Yu gave to others.

Humph, anyway, they are not as good as me.

With a smile on her lips for a moment, Heita fell into deep thought and looked at the chat history.

But in this case, would she ask for too much? After all, rare objects are also very precious. This idea made her think for a moment, and finally shook her head. Anyway,

Luo Yu is very happy, and she is very happy too. Since everyone is happy, other things are not important at all.

Thinking of this, Heita's mood became beautiful again.

In addition to being happy, she was also looking forward to it. She typed a message and sent it.

【Black Tower: Give me 20 more rare items】

【I didn't lie: OK.】

Heita was even happier



Luo Yu was also very happy, leaning back in his chair and typing a message.

At this time, Lord walked into the hall and fell silent when he saw Luo Yu in a good mood and chatting with someone with a smile on his face.

She frowned, hesitated for a moment, and persuaded:"Boss, you haven't dealt with the company's affairs recently."

Although Liyue Technology has been expanding its business sector and developing rapidly recently, Luo Yu has also selected and promoted a group of trusted people to be responsible for various affairs, which is considered to be an additional position under the original cadre position level.

These people were originally people that Luo Yu and Lord often contacted. They were members who had worked in Liyue Technology for a long time and were reused. Everyone had strong abilities.

And with the bonus of the guild, these people have extremely strong working abilities.

Liyue Technology's business has increased, but the efficiency of manpower has increased even more.

In the end, Luo Yu became more idle. He usually paid attention to the situation of some companies at any time and made some major decisions.

Lord, who was serious in character, saw Luo Yu's enjoyment of playing badly, as if he saw him wasting his life.

"Hehe. Luo Yu smiled as usual and said,"Although I haven't dealt with the affairs, I have never stopped paying attention to them."

"Liyue Technology is growing rapidly, and everyone has the opportunity to show their abilities. Isn't this great?"

Lord was speechless. She wanted to refute Luo Yu's laziness, but she couldn't find a reason to refute.

"You should also relax a little, take a break after work, and do something else. Originally, you had done all the work of your subordinates, and she kept all the grievances and tears in her heart and dared not say anything."

Luo Yu said helplessly.

Originally, these Valkyries... these members were very loyal and worked hard, and with the emergence of the guild system reputation system, they became more excited and active, because they could get reputation points for doing a good job and making contributions to make the company stronger. Reputation points are good things. You can be beautiful, strong, and do anything you want. Of course, they are all excited and active like chicken blood.

However, due to the decentralization of power and affairs, Lord's work became much less, which made Lord finish his own work and start doing the work originally in the hands of his subordinates. Of course, she didn't care about that little reputation point, but her serious personality didn't want her to relax.

This made those members whose work and reputation points were robbed smile on their faces but cry in their hearts, with a knife stuck in their hearts and bleeding, but they dared not say or ask.

"Well……"After hearing Luo Yu's words, Lord frowned and realized belatedly

"Their reactions were a bit strange at the time. So that's how it was. Did my behavior cause them trouble?……"

"Yes, but there is no need to worry about it. They are your subordinates. It is your power to decide whether to do it or not."Luo Yu smiled and Lord just needed to know this.

"Yes, thank you for your guidance, I know what to do."Lord pondered for a moment, then made a decision and nodded in response.

She is not a person who likes to dwell on trivial matters. Since it is her behavior that makes her subordinates lose the opportunity to grow, then she will give it up. Of course, this does not mean that she is a foolish and kind person, because"kindness" gives all opportunities and growth to subordinates.

Lord made this decision after careful consideration. If she does not do those jobs, she can do other things and have many choices, but if her subordinates lose those jobs, they will lose the opportunity to grow. They only have this one way to choose.

If the demand is within her ability, then she will provide some help. The team members not only need to be loyal to the captain, but the captain also needs to be responsible for the team members. This is the responsibility of a leader.

Thinking of this, Lord looked at Luo Yu.���A little understanding

"So that's why you made this decision? Sorry, boss, I misunderstood you."

Hmm? There's an unexpected gain?

"That's right, I'll hand over the original responsibility to you, and I'll finally have the opportunity to go to a higher and farther place."Luo Yu said gently without changing his expression

""I'm sorry, I'm too slow to understand." Lorde felt a little ashamed, ashamed that she couldn't help Luo Yu and was a burden instead.

She thought for a while and finally made a decision. She looked at Luo Yu and said her feelings seriously.

"I want to be by your side. Maybe I still have many shortcomings now, but I will train myself more strictly and never slack off until I can become your sharpest gun and clear all obstacles for you.

She did not allow herself to just live in peace behind the handover and live under Luo Yu's protection. If she could not help, she would train harder until she could help the boss.

"Is this your final decision? Of course I welcome it, and I also believe that there will be such a day."Looking at each other's serious eyes, Luo Yu smiled.

And even if he disagrees, it will have no effect. She is a person who will never change or retreat once she has determined her goal.

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