Julian is good at disguise. With his small height, he can even dress up as an adult without being recognized. He is very good at fishing in troubled waters.

Alina is good at acting, and is best at playing the role of a young daughter, although she is one herself.

But she can bring out all her advantages. She knows everything but can play the image of an ignorant, innocent and cute little girl.

Being cute and getting by can sometimes play a big role. After all, what bad intentions can a cute little girl have.

As the leader of the Mole Party, Hook is more directly a destiny walker. If a few blind wanderers see that she is a child and want to bully her, then they will be in big trouble.

"Are you... serious?" Seeing Hook's imposing manner, Xi'er looked strange and tried to persuade him.

"I don't distrust you, Hook, but things need to be done step by step. It's too early for you to get into trouble now.

Although she was straightforward, she was not the kind of person who didn't understand the innocence of children.

She knew Hook's ability, but the situation in front of her was not a small fight. There were at least dozens of people in the gathering area of tents in front of her, and they had all kinds of weapons. This kind of gathering and fighting was even a serious situation. It was too dangerous for Hook.

"I... I can fight too, we can fight the bad guys together." Hook's tone softened after hearing this. She was actually very sensible and would not make trouble unreasonably.

If he treated her like a child, Hook would emphasize his identity and maintain his image, but if he went along with her, she would not need to think about these things, and would become her original self, the sensible little girl who would think about others.

"In that case, let's do it together."Luo Yu smiled and did not reject Hook's suggestion.

Hook smiled immediately after hearing it, then he remembered something and frowned again, holding the drilling machine with a majestic look. The drilling machine in her hand was modified by Natasha from mining tools. It was half a toy and half a tool for little Hook to use for self-defense. It can also be used for fighting.

"Huh?"The one who reacted the most was Xi'er, who looked at Luo Yu in disbelief.

What are you talking about? Are you here to cause trouble?

From what Luo Yu said, the other party was also going to join in?

When the battle started, was she here to be a bodyguard or to fight?

In her impression, Luo Yu was just the kind of rich young master who didn't know the evil of human nature.

"I still have some self-defense methods."Luo Yu knew what the other party was thinking. He had no chance to fight in the upper and lower levels, and he was well protected in the lower level.

The other party's"unaware of the seriousness of the situation" made Xier speechless for a moment.

What's the use of knowing some self-defense methods? Those people are hooligans who often fight with weapons, and they also have a lot of self-disciplined robots. This is not a fight between children.

Isn't Luo Yu just adding to the chaos? Don't let him get scared and run to his arms and cry.


Why do I think this picture is... quite... exciting?

"Forget it, come if you want."Xi'er stopped arguing. They were just a bunch of minions anyway. With her speed, she could protect two people. She just needed to pay more attention to them in the battle. Hook immediately looked happy, and then turned to his right-hand man and ordered them to wait for the dark Lord Hook to return victoriously. Then the three of them walked towards the gathering place of wanderers in the tents in the distance.

""Stop! Who are you?" As they got closer, they saw two homeless people standing guard with weapons. Seeing the completely different attire, they immediately raised their weapons and shouted.

It was typical that their mouths were faster than their brains.

After the two homeless people who were guarding the gate shouted ferociously, they saw who was coming clearly, and their violence suddenly turned into fear. They even trembled when they spoke, and shouted in panic to greet their companions.

"You, you are the butterfly of the underground fire, it’s bad! Come on, come on! The people of the underground fire are coming!!"

Xier's name has long been spread throughout the lower area. As long as it is the kind of wanderer who stirs up trouble, there is no wanderer who has not been taught a lesson by her.

The wanderers' panicked shouting soon made the rest camp boil. Many people rushed out quickly. In a few breaths, dozens of people gathered, each holding a weapon. So many people standing together in a black mass are indeed quite intimidating.

Three or five people are not afraid, but being stared at by a large group of people, Hook's little face showed a guilty expression, but he still pretended to be calm and picked up his weapon to prepare for action.

"Don't waste words with these people, just beat them hard, don't be polite, don't show mercy, these scoundrels won't learn their lesson unless they are beaten hard and hurt."Xi'er waited for these people to gather by themselves, looking relaxed, and told Luo Yu and Hu Ke about her experience

"Be careful, but don't be too scared. I will always keep an eye on you."Xi'er comforted them. After that, a long-handled sickle appeared in her hand. She rushed forward first. The energy of destiny turned her figure into a purple afterimage, so fast that it was impossible to catch.

In an instant, they crossed the distance. There were screams from the gang of wanderers on the opposite side, and several people flew out.

"Um……"Luo Yu could certainly see Xier's speed, and he was not dissatisfied with being treated as a gigolo by the other party. After all, it was an image he created naturally, which was helpful for giving gifts.

He looked at Hook who looked a little nervous and wanted to comfort him.

"Don't be afraid, my good man, I will protect you." Before Luo Yu could speak, Hook spoke first to comfort him, telling him not to fight back. Then he looked at the battlefield, took a deep breath, gathered his strength, and rushed forward with a scream:"Let me show you how powerful Lord Dark Hook is!"


Luo Yu, who was about to speak to comfort the other party and let him relax, suddenly had a strange look on his face.

The battle was one-sided and ended quickly, taking only six or seven minutes in total.

The gap was too huge and there was no suspense at all. If Xier hadn't been distracted by the safety of Luo Yu and Hook, she could have solved it all in two minutes. Although she was reckless, she would also worry if it involved something important.

During the process, Hook drove the hole machine to chase several panicked wanderers. After the battle, she looked very happy, as if she had won a victory. There was no benefit in it. She was happy from the bottom of her heart just because she participated in the action of helping everyone in Panyan Town.

Xier glanced at the gathering place. There were no enemies among the wanderers who were lying or running. Then she walked to Luo Yu's side and said with a look of surprise.

"Not bad~ When did you practice it?"

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