Luo Yu was just paddling on the edge at first, but soon a wanderer recognized him and shouted to his companions. The scattered wanderers immediately gathered together and rushed towards him, as if they thought that catching him, a famous person in the lower class area, could turn the situation around.

The wind direction of the battlefield changed, and the original melee turned into a battle centered on Luo Yu. Seeing the thoughts of these termites, Xier suddenly became irritable and became more aggressive, but during the battle, she found that Luo Yu actually had some skills.

Although she didn't see the appearance she imagined, she was scared and comforted. But the fighting look, also... cough... quite handsome.

The fighting movements were calm and smooth, and it was obvious that a lot of effort had been put in, which added another layer of excellent filter to Luo Yu in Xier's heart.

She liked this kind of self-discipline, taking time to improve herself and not causing trouble for others.

There are more men than before, um... maybe it was influenced by me.

Xier felt very satisfied and thought that the tough style of doing things that she had instilled in him had an effect.

"Although I'm not particularly powerful, it's pretty good, because when I'm in trouble, I'll help."

Looking at Xi'er's inexplicably satisfied and a little bit proud expression, Luo Yu raised his eyebrows and looked strange, with a question mark in his head, not understanding what the other party was thinking.

What is she thinking about?

"Fortunately, I can't always cause trouble for everyone."Luo Yu thought about it and didn't make her look embarrassed.

"No one thinks it's troublesome, so don't put too much pressure on yourself. By the way, I saw the ice you used, what is your destiny?" But Xi'er didn't hear it and continued to ask with interest.

"Memory of destiny"


This touched upon Xier's blind spot. Although she knew there was a destiny of memory, she had no idea about the ability of this destiny. However, Xier did not want to show her poor academic performance. She coughed dryly and pretended to be calm and said,"It's OK. Although this destiny is not suitable for combat, it is also excellent.""

"Yes, that's right."Luo Yu just smiled gently and didn't say much.

The two chatted while walking, and Hook ran over with his short legs to join them.

The three of them investigated the situation at the gathering place and rescued a locked-up mechanic girl. She should be in her early twenties. She was frightened by the previous situation and her face was pale, revealing an uneasy mood.

"They asked you to modify these mining tools into usable weapons?"After hearing the other party's description, Xier frowned immediately.

According to the other party's description, the wanderers captured this girl who knew mechanics, locked her up and forced her to modify their weapons. After a brief search in the camp, they immediately found the modified weapons mentioned by the captured girl, and there were quite a few of them, at least enough to equip more than a hundred people. In addition, there were a lot of tools that had not been modified yet piled up in some tents.

Although they were just weapons simply modified from mining tools, they could cause some effective damage when used in battle.

"So many? What do these guys want to do? Want to start a war?"Xier frowned even more after seeing these weapons. This was no longer just a normal disturbance.

What was they planning?

"Maybe there really is going to be a war." Luo Yu's eyes flickered, and after a little thought he understood the reason.

"Huh?" Seeing Xi'er's puzzled look, Luo Yu explained to her.

There is almost no place for vagrants in Panyan Town now.

The group of vagrants was born out of chaos and despair.

People are selfish creatures. Some people can't stand this kind of dark and miserable life, so they choose to give up their bottom line and join the vagrants, arbitrarily plundering and bullying others to meet their needs, and at the same time breed more chaos and repression. The effort is not proportional to the reward. People feel that living well will only be dark, but being a bad guy is free and easy.

The power of vagrants is getting bigger and bigger in this environment, and it is impossible to eradicate it.

But now it's different.

The order and atmosphere of Panyan Town are much better than before, and people feel that life has meaning and are willing to live a good life.

In this stable living environment, The existence of the wanderers is somewhat conspicuous.

In the past, they were hooligans that no one dared to mess with, but now they will only receive disgusted looks when walking on the street. As for the people who want to join the wanderers, even fewer of them are there.

In this environment, if the Earth Fire is fully prepared, it can even directly and permanently eradicate the malignant tumor of the lower-level area, the wanderers.

Those small leaders of the wanderers do not want to sit and wait for death and accept the inevitable decline, or be directly purged when the opportunity is seized. There is only one way to go.

Unite and fight to the death to defeat the Earth Fire that threatens them, and then completely occupy the entire Panyan Town.

If this war breaks out, whether the wanderers can win or not, the Earth Fire will lose.

Because this war will inevitably affect the entire lower-level area, and the stability and peace that Panyan Town has finally restored will be shattered in battles and gunfire.

"This is just the beginning. They will probably have many similar actions in the future to accumulate their own strength."

"This... No! I have to tell the boss about this quickly. The underground fire must be activated and these termites cannot be allowed to succeed."Luo Yu explained it very clearly. Xier, who understood the situation, suddenly looked very ugly. She immediately wanted to go back and report the matter. Then she said to Hook

"Hook, you go back first, I won't see you off."

Want to fight?


Hook was listening with a panicked and confused look on her face. Although she was panicked, she had no idea what to do at such a young age. She completely lost her sense of proportion and grabbed the corner of Luo Yu's clothes and asked helplessly:

"Great man, do you really want to fight?"

Luo Yu smiled gently and touched the other person's head to calm her down:"Don't worry, we will solve this matter, and Panyan Town will be fine."

"And Xier, you don't have to be too anxious."

Luo Yu's gentle smile, calmness and composure made people feel relieved for no reason.

Xier's originally anxious mood was relieved a lot, and she asked in confusion

"Have you thought of any solution?"

Luo Yu laughed and shook his head, feeling regretful and bored:"If the cannons have been set up, it would be troublesome to completely contain them, but they foolishly exposed their purpose before that."

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