Star Emperor Tyrant

Chapter 797: Unknown forces

Ji Min kept giving orders one by one, and there was no nervousness on his face. His self-confidence also infected many people around him. ..

On top of his flagship, in addition to the generals who need to go to the front line, behind him is a staff team of hundreds of people. It can be said that this is a gathering of elites. The entire flagship has been rectified, the command room is super large, and the commands are continuous. From here on.

At this moment, he is actually a little worried. The insect's body's resistance to energy reduces the lethality of small energy weapons. Only physical attack weapons can be used. However, physical attack weapons are more difficult to supply and consume more than energy weapons. If you fight too much Intense, it is very likely that the front-line ammunition supply will not be received, which is very troublesome.

For example, a laser cannon, a small-caliber laser cannon is not harmful to the Zerg, but its energy supply is provided by the energy supply center. It is not an exaggeration to call it inexhaustible energy.

The use of missiles, dark mines, etc., all require separate and additional ammunition, and this supply is naturally different.

But there is no way, he can only do his best.

The Zerg’s offensive is very swift. When thousands of Zerg groups charge together, the ability to increase speed in an instant is greatly enhanced. However, as early as the front of the battlefield, the Allied Forces of the Three Clans had already planted a massive amount of dark thunder. It is the saved experience of fighting the Zerg before.

This time, these dark thunders also played a huge role. When the Zerg touched this dark thunder, the violent and dense explosion immediately stopped their charge.

However, this time the Zerg's offensive was very fierce, and they didn't stop at all. They were bombarded by countless dark thunders, and they were constantly approaching the front line of human defense.

Soon, the distance between the two parties was very close, and there was no dark thunder here, because considering that the dark thunder was placed within its range and could not attack, so dark zero was not placed close to the defense line. ..

Just when all the defensive fortresses are ready to attack.

Suddenly, the insect group of the Zerg race changed. Among the charged insect group, dozens of the insect group suddenly became bigger. It turned out that several nearby insect groups automatically moved closer, and then swallowed by the soldiers, and it was created in one fell swoop. After dozens of super huge insect clusters, the countless huge insect chains originally inserted by these insect clusters suddenly began to swing, and then violently pulled behind and then moved forward.

Those dozens of super-huge insect swarms suddenly ejected, and then disappeared and reappeared after the first line of defense.

Then these dozens of super huge insect groups suddenly collapsed, and they recovered into insect groups about the same size as the original ones, and they went straight to the defensive fortresses, as if they were about to tear a hole from the front.

The insect group has not yet approached, the long-range attack insects within the insect group have begun to attack, and countless blue light groups are floating within the insect group.

Then it gathered outside into a strong stream of energy, and went straight to the defensive fortresses.

This is the fifth level of energy, belonging to biological energy, with amazing penetrating and corrosive power. Many defensive fortresses lose a half of their combat effectiveness after a single shot.

The speed of the Zerg attack is frightening, but fortunately, these defensive fortresses are equipped with temporary robots, so there are no casualties among the three tribes.

But the more so, the more worried the soldiers of the three clans, if this is defeated by the Zerg, I am afraid that none of them will end well.

"The opportunity is just right! Full fire!"

Ji Min's expression remained unchanged, and immediately gave the order to fire.

Suddenly the robots in the countless fortresses in the front line of defense received the order and started firing frantically, and the entire front line was instantly overwhelmed by a sea of ​​flames.

But for an instant, seeing a fortress that was not under attack, tens of thousands of missiles rose into the air, densely blasting towards a nearby insect group, and behind the missiles, several hundreds of meters thick beams of light floated into the air. Wherever it went, all the insects were evaporated and hit the center of the insect swarm.

The entire worm group could not withstand such a terrifying energy attack, and was directly penetrated, completely disintegrated, and suddenly there were worms running around everywhere.

Then, the missile hit, a series of explosions, countless corpses were wiped out by the ashes of the bombing.

Such scenes appeared everywhere on the entire first line of defense.

When the two sides were stalemate, Xi Tianlei and Fei Qianshang led their fleets to rush out from the left and right, with a volley of super legions, mixed with the auxiliary attacks of millions of ordinary warships, and suddenly one after another. A cluster of bugs was defeated, and then the bugs were wiped out.

Of course, they did not make assaults, but steadily fight, taking more insects as their primary task.

Generally speaking, front-line humans have an advantage.

Chi Namo looked at the situation on the front line, and saw that the other side had many troops that had stopped her sending troops without using it. It was clear that this had only been a few years, and the strength of mankind had indeed undergone an earth-shaking change.

At that time, humans had very few super fleets, and they were still made up of super warships and large warships, mainly large warships.

But now, the human super fleet is composed of 100,000 super warships. What makes Chinamo even more surprised is that she can see the existence of many such super fleets by controlling the eyes of frontline bugs.

She understands that gathering like this a little bit to give to the other party will not achieve the goal of defeating humans.

So she gave the order again, and the entire rear army insect array immediately cut off huge pieces from both sides, and directly bypassed the battlefield to the Void Star Region.

The changes of the Zerg can't escape Ji Min's It seems that the Zerg doesn't want to spend time with the defensive fortress, but moves to the void star area without a line of defense, and directly attacks the human hinterland! "

Ji Min sneered.

The Zerg’s wishful thinking he had already dealt with this, but at this moment, suddenly, the two ultra-large-scale Zerg armies that had just been separated returned to the Zerg’s central army.

At this moment, Chinamo looked at a long one in astonishment: "What did you say? The leader of Nantong asks for help? You make it clear! What's the matter?"

Don’t underestimate this worm. It’s a well-known Zerg communication worm. It is not too big, but no matter how far away they are, they can communicate with other communication worms in the universe. Their ability is precisely the Zerg’s ability. Widely used by senior management.

"My lord, there is an unknown force attacking the territory of the Southern Commander. The Southern Commander is still in Amethyst and cannot return for a short time. And the elite army of the Southern Star Territory has been taken away by the adults in half. The Southern Commander hopes that the adults will stop immediately. The mankind’s conquest, first eliminate this unknown force, the leader of the South repeatedly reminded that the opponent is very strong, please do not hesitate and return to the army immediately!"

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