Star Emperor Tyrant

Chapter 798: Gale Counterattack

"What is an unknown force?"

Chi Namo angrily said. ..

She thrust a paw fiercely into the body of the communication bug in front of her. At present, it is only the tip insertion. The communication bug has been twitching in pain. It seems that if one is not careful, it will kill you if you sneer at it. .

"My lord, there really is no source of the opponent from the rear, but it is certain that the opponent's army is so huge that even the leader of the South must be treated with caution. This force is very mysterious, as if it suddenly appeared. According to some intelligence, it may be a human force!"

The communication bug is really painful, there is no way, it can only search all the relevant information in the brain, said.

"Human army? Impossible! The human army in front of me is much more unexpected now. How could the human army run so far! Do you think I am a fool?"

Chi Namo stabs his claws into the body of the communicator fiercely!


The communicator got a pain and exclaimed: "My lord, I didn't lie to you! According to some intelligence, our army is exactly the same as the warships of humans this time. There is almost no difference between super warships, large warships, and small warships. They are almost the same! So I guess they are a human army, and their number is very large, so the Southern Commander gave the order, I hope you can stop the attack immediately and return to the rescue!"


Chi Namo gave a fierce flick and threw the communication bug away.

At this moment, she really couldn't figure out how, in just two short years, the changes in humans were so great that she was completely unfamiliar with them. She had always considered herself to be human, but at this moment, she was not confident anymore. ..

In the hinterland of the southern tribe, although only half of the elite are left, if the other king insects and insects that are free are included, the army is even much larger than what she currently has. In this case, the Southern Commander is still asking for help. This is simply incredible!

If human beings are really so powerful, what is this in front of her? Are you deliberately showing weakness?

Not to mention, it will take at least one or two years for the humans to reach the hinterland of the Zerg southern tribe. Such a long time, is it possible that humans organized so many troops to attack the hinterland of the Zerg when she just quit the sky blue system, thinking I think it's incredible.

But she knew that the communication bug could not lie to her, and the leader of Nan Tong could not be joking at this time, so it is certain to be attacked, but the greatest possibility of this unidentified force is that it may develop a civilization similar to human beings, at least that is also the case. More credible than humans.

What Chinamo didn't know was that humans did not develop the space jumping technology when she possessed the stone to open the sky, so if humans really needed to attack the southern hinterland of the Zerg tribe, it would not take a year or two.

Of course, one thing about her is correct. It is impossible for human beings to build such a huge army in such a year or two.

She has separated two armies just now, ready to cross the storm star field and attack humans in a separate way, so that she can give full play to the advantage of her own army, but the opponent's insufficient number.

But as soon as the order was issued, the Communicator gave her such news. She was so angry that she had to transfer the army back first.

Now there are two roads in front of her, whether to continue the attack or listen to the words of the leader of the south and return to rescue.

After a long time, her voice fell cold: "Continue to attack!"

And she didn't plan to divide her troops, she attacked directly from the front. Only in this way could she be able to make a quick battle. If she bypassed the front and split the troops from both sides to attack the hinterland of the human star field, it would take a lot of time, and she didn't have much time.

If the human army can be defeated from the front, then the Zerg army directly invades from the storm star field, this time will be greatly shortened.

In this way, it will be easier to explain to the Southern Commander and the Golden Messenger.

Now go back to support and run for another year. I'm afraid the war will be over long ago. There is nothing wrong with her. If she runs back and forth like this, she won't get anything. At that time, she will be charged with inadequate support.

Instead of this, it is better to directly attack humans. If it can break through, this can be considered a great achievement.

After thinking about it for a long time, Kanamo finally made up his mind to attack humans from the front, and at this moment, in the jurisdiction of the southern rule of the Zerg, a super-large fleet is advancing quickly.

Everywhere along the way, all the bugs encountered were killed. The scale was shocking. The warship is not a bug. Even the smallest warship is thousands of meters long. The super warship is 50 kilometers long. The chief, and the number of this fleet can be said to be incalculable.

Its scale is almost the same as that of the Zerg army led by Chinamo, it is mighty, and it directly kills the Zerg hinterland!

"The wind commander, we have carefully prepared for the past two years, and our current strength is enough. Since we need a larger territory, why not attack humans and attack the Zerg instead. The Zerg’s strength is unfathomable. Let’s start now. Is it a bit too hasty to provoke them!"

Inside a super battleship, at first glance, dozens of "humans" gathered for a meeting.

One of the generals stood up and said to the man above.

And if you are familiar with the evil tyrant's subordinates, you will find that the person above is the violent wind general who rebelled against the evil tyrant, the leader of their new generation of intelligent robots.

Kuangfeng was sent by the evil tyrants to fight against the army of the He directly transferred all the super warships to form a fleet of 400 super warships, and returned with more than 3 million evolution stones. All the high-tech copied and fled directly.

Because of the space jump, no one knows where they went. In fact, they went to the edge of the Zerg power, and then hollowed out the Death Stars, and established their own robot territory there, and developed it quietly. grow.

It is also true that wherever the Zerg goes, everything that contains biological energy is eaten, just not the minerals, but the robots only need the minerals and nothing else.

It's like two races that can complement each other, so there are a lot of bonanza stars in the star field occupied by the Zerg.

As a result, the new generation of intelligent robots led by Fengfeng developed rapidly. In a year or two, the effect of unbridled and frantic expansion of the army is that now, countless minerals have become tribesmen, battleships, and superpowers. A huge army.

And now these dozens of generals are the generals of all the robot fleets. Among them, they are led by the wind. They are not real human beings at all, but just a group of intelligent robots in human skin.

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