Star Military Exercise: I Have A Ghost At The Beginning, I Am The Strongest On The Surface

Chapter 69: Attracting Great Attention From Major General Bangzi

"Yes!" Jiang Li responded.

Other celebrities heard that they really don't mess around, as long as they learn it, they can take the next subject immediately.





Wu Jing, Zhen Zhuan, An Zhijie, and other martial arts stars all shouted.

"Speak." Chen Guotao looked at them.

"Report, we also learned!" Wu Jing shouted.

When they heard that as long as they learned it, it was the next subject, they immediately became impatient.

At the same time, the man's desire to win is also aroused.

Jiang Li can do it, and so can they. After all, they have a solid foundation.

The physical strength cannot be compared. If it cannot be compared, then all these years of martial arts training will be in vain.

Chen Guotao smiled, he was much more relaxed than the dog-headed old man, and said with a smile: "Okay, come one by one."

Turning to Jiang Li, he said, "You will teach me later if you can."


Jiang Li shouted.

Then Chen Guotao went over to watch the demonstration by Wu Jing and others.

"Does it hurt?" Dilireba's quiet voice sounded, and Jiang Li could hear the fear in her voice.

"It doesn't hurt."

"Zundu is fake?" Dilireba didn't believe it.


"Don't lie to me!"

"believe it or not!"


Listening to her slightly resentful tone, Jiang Li stopped paying attention to Youregu.

Seeing Jiang Li being so cold, Dilireba stood on tiptoe and kept drawing circles on the sand.

I was thinking about how this guy is so straight!

She is Dilireba!

She is a domestic entertainer who combines her beauty, intelligence, and fame!

It’s okay if you’re not attentive, but you’re still so cold!



At this time, Wu Jing and others were already performing.

Wu Jing took a deep breath and fell forward without hesitation.

Although the action is not as beautiful as Jiang Li's, it is at least completed.

Chen Guotao nodded with slight satisfaction, and then looked at Zhen and the others.

They are all martial arts stars. When filming, injuries are common, so they are not afraid of pain at all.

One by one they fell down resolutely.

After watching several of their performances, Chen Guotao asked the other stars, "Is there anyone else who wants to give it a try?"

Brother Hu and others were silent.

They wanted to try, but they still didn't dare and couldn't control their fear.

Although they are aware, they are not like martial arts stars who have not fully mastered the essentials of movements.

"No, right? Then you should think about it on your own first."

"The others will come out and I will teach you how to fall forward."

Wu Jing and others were overjoyed and immediately came out.

Stick Country.

"Global Military Exercise" Command and Director Department.

The director in charge of this program is the same as Hua Xia, the most famous director in Bangzi Country: Han Zhicheng.

Likewise, sitting next to him was Pu Chang, the instructor training director of their 273 "Global Military Exercise" and the Major General of Bangzi Country.

At this time, they were watching the projection display together.

The picture above is not a star trained by their country, but a picture of China's "Global Military Exercise".

Now in the camera, Wu Jing and others are learning to practice reverse kung fu.

Han Zhicheng pointed to a man in the picture and said, "I think General Park needs to pay more attention to this Jiang Li."

"The various statistics he has shown so far have surpassed all our stars, and it may be due to the changes in this "Star Military Exercise".

Pu Chang was wearing the uniform of a Bangzi Army officer, his face was full of the murderous aura of a soldier, he stared at Jiang Li coldly and said: "It will indeed be a trouble!"

He is not as arrogant as Mac Arthur. He can go from a small soldier to a major general, step by step. Naturally, he knows to be cautious in everything.

Although I have confidence in my own stars, I have not yet reached the level of being arrogant.

"The comprehensive data is almost catching up with our Black Beret members!"

He raised his eyebrows and murmured to himself: "It's only been three days now, and we have already improved to this extent. A month later..."


He exhaled and said, "It's difficult to deal with."

Han Zhicheng did not dare to say anything for fear of offending the general.

Bangzi Country is a country with extremely obvious divisions.

Capital comes before everything else, and as the most famous director in the entertainment industry, if it weren't for this show, he wouldn't be qualified to sit with him.

Pu Chang pondered for a while and said coldly: "Find out all the information about this person from birth to now."

"Okay, General Park."

When Han Zhicheng heard this, he did not dare to neglect and immediately ordered people to collect it.

About half an hour later, all Jiang Li's information was submitted to Pu Chang.

Jiang Li is a public figure after all, and most of his information has long been revealed by his fans.

Just search online and you can find it immediately.

Not to mention the popularity it has now!

Pu Chang picked up the portfolio and pulled out the first page of paper.

Ignore the name and gender information above, omit them, and look directly at the resume at the back.

Everything from Jiang Li's birth to now is organized and recorded on this piece of paper.

The more Pu Chang looked at it, the more he frowned.

Because he discovered that this resume showed a life of complete waste!

He squinted his eyes and looked up from the file with murderous intent, looking at Han Zhicheng, and said in a deep voice: "Are you sure the information you collected is the Jiang Li information I want?"

Han Zhicheng was puzzled. Feeling the killing intent in his eyes, his face suddenly turned pale and his forehead was instantly covered with beads of sweat.

"Park, General Park, is there anything wrong?"

"See for yourself!" Park Changsen said coldly.

From what he had just observed, Han Zhicheng did not fool himself, but found information at random.

Because he knows the consequences!

Han Zhicheng quickly took the file bag in his hand and took it out and took a quick look at it.

The name is correct!

The gender is right too!

There is nothing wrong with my previous works either!

Take a look at your resume.

It’s normal, the birth of a normal artist!

There are times of glory and times of loneliness. Isn't this the portrayal of a normal star?

Why is Park Chang so angry?

He didn't know what to say!

Han Zhicheng plucked up the courage and said: "General Park, do you have any questions? This is all Jiang Li's information!"

Listening to his slightly worried voice, Chang exhaled lightly.

"Are you sure that a person with such physical and learning abilities will have such a useless resume like the one above?"

Han Zhicheng understands!!!

It turned out to be this reason.

Indeed, according to the information displayed above, there is no comparison with Jiang Li who appears on the screen at this time.

However, this is indeed his information!

Pu Chang was angry because he thought he was fooling him!

He sighed helplessly, "General Park, maybe Jiang Li is training secretly in private!"

"Training? Haha!" Pu Chang sneered, "I can understand this, he is training hard and has self-discipline.

Immediately he increased his tone.

"Then how do you explain his learning ability?"

"Your information shows that he is someone who can make mistakes even if he learns a basic men's group dance!"

Feeling such an accented tone, Han Zhicheng's hand holding the information trembled slightly.

Indeed, he didn’t know how to explain it!

Jiang Li debuted in a boy band. He could make mistakes even in the simplest dance steps, and it took him a long time to learn. In the scene being played at this moment, Jiang Li was the fastest to learn how to do the dance.

His brain kept spinning, thinking about the key. He had never thought about a problem so quickly.

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration.

"General Park, I understand!"

"It's not that our data is missing anything."

Pu Chang raised his eyes, "Oh?"

"There is a saying in China that my talents will be useful. This Jiang Li has no talent as an artist. To put it simply, he took the wrong path. His talents have only been fully utilized in the current army!"

Han Zhicheng said in one breath.

After hearing this, Pu Chang thought deeply!

My talents are destined to be useful!

He has also heard this sentence!

In this way, it makes sense.

The command studio center suddenly became quiet.

Other staff members and soldiers did not dare to make a sound for fear of angering Pu Chang who was deep in thought.

Pu Chang shook off the past information about Jiang Li in his mind. The top priority now is to think about this "Star Military Exercise"!

Bangzi Country must win!

There must be no mistakes.

Originally he was full of confidence, but with the appearance of Jiang Li, he felt that this victory was not 100%!

This is not only related to Bangziguo's face, but also related to his personal future.

At this moment, the door to the command studio opened.

A man who was about forty years old and wearing a decent suit walked in, with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose.

After he walked in, he ignored the slightly depressing atmosphere in the room and said to Pu Changao: "General.

Pu Chang's originally serious face quickly revealed a hint of charm when he saw him, and the same was true for Han Zhicheng.

The two of them stood up from their seats and shouted respectfully to the visitor: "Mr. Li."

(agfc) The man called Mr. Li nodded, stepped forward and patted Pu Chang on the shoulder, smiling and saying: "How are the stars training?"

"It should be a sure-win situation against China!"

There are many people with the surname Li in Bangzi Country, but only the Li family of the capital society, which is in charge of Bangzi Country's economic lifeline, can make the major generals of Bangzi Country be so respectful.

"There is no problem. Our country will win this time. Please rest assured, Mr. Li." Pu Chang assured.

Mr. Li nodded with satisfaction and looked at the live broadcast screen.

"Huh? China's live broadcast?"

"Yes, we are studying Chinese stars now!" Pu Chang said.

Mr. Li looked at the live broadcast, and the camera happened to be on Jiang Li's figure.

"Jiang Li!" He spit out his name, obviously knowing Jiang Li.

"Mr. Li knows him?"

"Among all the celebrities in the world now, he is the only one who is more famous. Who doesn't know him? Haha!" Mr. Li said with a smile.

Indeed, there is news about Jiang Li everywhere on the Internet now.

Ten kilometers of cross-country with heavy loads breaks discipline!

Five-star general Mike Arthur commented.

I have spoken harsh words about the beautiful country’s “Global Military Exercise”.

Nothing is ordinary.

Moreover, now, countless Chinese netizens have made a collection of Jiang Li’s various training videos and publicized them in various countries!

It can be said that among all the stars participating in more than 200 countries around the world, Jiang Li is currently the most popular!

Even those Hollywood superstars are ranked behind Jiang Li.

"Did you find anything in your research?" Mr. Li chuckled. Suddenly, he saw Han Zhicheng's hand with a flash from the corner of his eye.


He said nothing and stretched out his hand.

Han Zhi immediately handed it over with respectful hands.

After taking the file bag, he looked at Jiang Li's information with a trace of disdain.

Pu Chang said when he was reading the information: "This Jiang Li is a bit evil!"

Mr. Li said calmly: "Will it affect the result?"

He doesn't care about anything else, he only cares about Bangzi Country winning.

After waiting for a while, Pu Chang made no movement. Mr. Li understood that it would affect him!

His cold eyes swept over Pu Chang and Han Zhicheng's faces.

"When we first launched "Star Military Exercise", we said that Bangzi Country must win this game. I don't want any surprises."


Han Zhicheng nodded fearfully.

Mr. Li continued: "The peripheral areas have been opened, you understand what I mean!"

They were sure that the Bangzi Congress would win, so they organized this "Star Military Exercise".

After all, it is capital, and only money is in its eyes.

A sure-win situation is just about making money.

"Understood!" Pu Chang said solemnly.

"Well!" Mr. Li stood up and walked out the door. When he passed by Pu Chang, he patted him on the shoulder again and said calmly: "If there is an accident, just deal with it.

"Just a star!"

After saying this, he left the command studio without staying any longer.

After he left, he smiled bitterly.

What he said was simple!

Just a star!

Do you think you are a star in your own country?

Just deal with it?

They are Chinese!

He sat back in his seat, closed his eyes and meditated.

Just as I just thought, if this Jiang Li continues to grow for him, it will definitely affect the outcome of "Star Military Exercise".

Although he is only one person, there are other relatively powerful ones among Chinese stars.

In the past few days, he had screened and observed it.

For example, Wu Jing, Fan Shaohuang, An Zhijie, and Peng Yuyan all have good histories.

He must avoid any surprises!

After thinking about it, he immediately stood up and said to Han Zhicheng: "You continue to watch, I will go out."

"Okay, General Park."

Han Zhicheng roared in response, watched Pu Chang leave, and sat down to watch the dual screens.

Half of them are Chinese military exercises, and half are of our own country.

At this time, China's "Global Military Exercise" program.

Jiang, Li, Wu Jing and others had already learned how to do the reverse gong, and they took turns demonstrating it to Chen Guotao.

"Okay, you guys wait here, a new instructor will be there soon to take you to the next subject."

Chen Guotao said.

Originally, he taught all this fighting training alone.

However, there are just a few people who learn faster.

Not only him, but others such as Ma Da and others did not expect that they would learn so quickly.

Otherwise, he is a martial arts star!

This aspect does have advantages.

Thinking about it, they will also be the first to qualify for the next subject in the subsequent combination routines.

"Brother Jing finally showed it and made his family members cry!"

"Yeah, they finally showed off their strengths!"

"This subject puts no pressure on their martial arts stars at all!"

"It started inexplicably and ended quickly. Before I even looked carefully, they had already graduated!"

"Jiang Li is a pervert, he learns everything very quickly! He really got into the wrong profession. I was wondering if he went to serve as a soldier. Do you think he will now appear as an instructor and squad leader?


"It's possible!"

"Isn't it possible? You can become a special forces soldier if you want to?"

"I think it's possible. Jiang Li has such abnormal physical fitness and learns military skills quickly. If he had been a soldier at that time, he would have done better in the entertainment industry than he does now!"

"Come on, Old Hu, we must catch up with them and wait for your performance in the joint military exercise!!!"

Chen Guotao returned to the front of Brother Hu and others.

"How are you thinking about it?"

Peng Yuyan said: "Squad leader, we are not very familiar with the essentials of the movements. Please teach us again.


Chen Guotao nodded, and then said to the actresses: "Where are you?"

Yang Mi, Yaya and the others lowered their heads, but they still don’t dare!

Chen Guotao has no way to deal with these women. Unlike male stars, he cannot directly scold them!

I think he was a soldier, but he just started fighting!

He clicked on the headset and said: "Wild Wolf, send a member of the Fire Phoenix over here!"


Not a moment.

Tang Xiaoxiao and Qiang Xiaowei came to the mixed martial arts training ground together.

Chen Guotao said to Qiang Xiaowei: "Here, you take them to practice combination routines, and I will continue to teach these few!"

"Okay, the wild wolf told me."

Qiang Xiaowei responded and then walked towards Jiang Li.

Tang Xiaoxiao walked towards the actresses. .

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