Star Odyssey

Chapter 1,160 Gap and Conditions

With the help of the power of the mallet, Hui Santong chased Hui Santong. Hui Santong stepped on the meteor very fast, and Lii Nu did not want to be thrown away by him.

On the spot, the tomb-protecting giant roared, and everyone dispersed. No one confronted the tomb-protecting giant head-on. This was the experience passed down by the elders of the Seven-Word Royal Court.

Although the Tomb-Guardian Giant has no combat skills and does not practice star energy, its physical strength is rare in the universe. It has the physical power to destroy the planet at birth. The older it grows, the more terrifying its physical power becomes. An adult Tomb-Guardian Giant is enough It made hundreds of thousands of warriors in the Enlightenment Realm look askance, otherwise Chenzu would not have let his clone absorb the giant's bloodline in the first place.

A tomb-protecting giant dispersed all those who broke into Chenzu's tomb.

In the distance, three figures appeared inexplicably. The leader was Yin. Behind him were the corpse ghost and Lu Yin hidden under the black robe.

"Master Wu Lingshen has become more and more proficient in moving in large spaces. He has not shifted his position very much. He can move as long as he gets the coordinates. It is indeed the original treasure formation in the original treasure true solution," Yin said with emotion.

Behind him, Lu Yin's eyes were full of deathly aura, and he was secretly shocked when he heard Yin's words. No wonder Yin and the corpse ghosts could enter the mountain and sea world, and now they could enter Chen Zu's tomb. There was such a transfer that ignored space.

Got the coordinates? So, whether it is the Shanhai Realm or the Chen Zu Tomb, the New Humanity Alliance has obtained the coordinates. Does it mean that someone is cooperating with them?

In the distance, the giant guarding the tomb is still roaring.

The corner of Yin's mouth curled up, "Captain, look, that is the Tomb-Guarding Giant, a branch of a certain line of giants in ancient times, and that giant branch was said to have been massacred by the Sixth Continent, all because one of Chen Zu's clones turned into a giant. ".

Lu Yin said nothing. When he came, Yin kept talking to him, completely treating him as a normal person.

In fact, he is indeed a normal person, and he can actually remove his disguise when he comes here, but he hasn't figured out how to explain it to the Seven-Character Royal Court, and he also wants to see what Yin wants to get, not to mention Chen Zuda Tomb, he didn’t understand it at all.

By the way, is that guy Ku Wei coming? He was looking forward to it.

Just when Chenzu's tomb was opened, the Daoyuan Sect of the Sixth Continent collapsed.

"Why do these monsters appear? Aren't they already wiped out?"

"Why do these monsters appear in my sixth continent?".

"It was the Fifth Continent that collapsed the universe, and it was the Fifth Continent that harmed us."

"The Fifth Continent, we are irreconcilable."

The blood spread throughout the Sixth Continent. Countless people in the Sixth Continent died tragically and countless people were in despair.

With the collapse of Daoyuan Sect, indescribable and magnificent power appeared with the arrival of the Third Ancestor, pushing countless scarlet-eyed monsters outside the Sixth Continent, and created a barrier, with the Third Ancestor as the base, isolating the Sixth Continent. mainland.

The barrier created by the Third Ancestor is located above the Miluo River. Under the barrier, there are countless scarlet-eyed monsters on one side, and on the other side, there are horizontal black holes created by the explosion of the mountains and seas. The sixth continent is within the barrier.

Looking at the boundless monsters outside the barrier, Martial Ancestor shouted, "My sixth continent should not be robbed. What is going on? Why is this happening?".

The secret ancestor said in a complicated tone, "The Fifth Continent has already had a plan, but we were careless."

"We should have entered the fifth continent and the new universe from the beginning and destroyed all their plans," the Blood Ancestor roared.

"This kind of layout cannot be arranged by today's Fifth Continent. It must be a strong one from the ancestral realm," Wu Zu said.

The secret ancestor sighed, "The only one who can have such a layout is the Huizu of the Fifth Continent."

"A dead man actually plotted against our Sixth Continent. When our Sixth Continent survives this calamity, he will invade the Fifth Continent again and bloodbath the Fifth Continent," Wu Zu said angrily.

The secret ancestor looked outside with countless scarlet eyes. Further away, there was a power that made them all jealous and even afraid. That was the real catastrophe. Can they really withstand it? Perhaps tragedy will happen again.

Of the six continents, only their sixth continent is intact. Now, it is also facing collapse. This is the fate of mankind.

Did they do the right thing in the ancient war?

Huizu saw through the long history of history and used a unique layout to not only help the Fifth Continent survive the crisis, but also avenged the invasion of the ancient Sixth Continent, making the Sixth Continent the bearer of this disaster.

Although Huizu's layout was successful, nothing is perfect in the universe. There were deviations in his plan, or in other words, deviations in the execution of later generations, which resulted in a gap in the horizontal black hole that isolated the fifth continent. And this gap, It happens to be connected to the sixth continent.

The gap was not big and could only accommodate a few people entering and exiting. The Third Ancestor discovered it, and countless scarlet-eyed monsters also discovered it and rushed toward the gap with roars.

The three ancestors of the Sixth Continent could help the Fifth Continent block the gap, but they did not. It is better to be robbed on the Fifth Continent than on the Sixth Continent.

The terrifying bloody power swept past the barrier and headed towards the gap.

This power surprised even the Third Ancestor. Although it did not reach the ancestral realm, it had reached the level of the Half-Ancestor. Combined with the unique fighting methods of these monsters, it was enough to sweep everyone in the Sixth Continent except the Third Ancestor.

The moment this force passed through the gap and landed on the fifth continent, a figure appeared and raised his hand to press down. The terrifying force gradually disintegrated and then disappeared.

The Third Ancestor of the Sixth Continent looked across the endless distance to the gap and saw the figure, incredulously, "You, why are you here?".

The human figure blocked the gap alone. With a wave of his hand, countless monsters disappeared. The human figure looked at the third ancestor and said, "Let's talk."

At the moment when the bloody power came to the gap, in the new universe, Chan Lao opened his eyes, his eyes were horrified, how could it be? He stepped out and disappeared into the void.

At the same time, it was not only Mr. Zen who left the new universe, but also the Holy Master of Changtian Island, a woman from the Mavis clan, etc., a total of seven people, and they all headed towards the Miluo River, which is the entrance to the Sea of ​​Falling Stars. The gap was there. over there.

When Zen Lao and others arrived, they found that the gap in the horizontal black hole was blocked by the barrier created by the Third Patriarch of the Sixth Continent, and they also met the Third Patriarch.

Ancestor is the years, the realm, the end, and also a kind of belief.

There is no ancestral realm expert in the Fifth Continent, so the Sixth Continent invades, and a Martial Ancestor makes the entire Fifth Continent despair.

The only one who can fight against Zu is Zu.

Half Ancestor, one and a half words, makes a world of difference.

Zen Lao and the other seven people stood quietly in the gap, looking towards the Sixth Continent. Through the space, they saw the three ancestors of the Sixth Continent, and the three ancestors of the Sixth Continent also saw them.

"We have seen the ancestral realm." The seven Zen elders slowly bent down. Even if they were enemies, they still maintained respect when facing the ancestral realm.

On the other side of the gap, Martial Ancestor was surprised, "There are actually seven half-ancestors in the Fifth Continent, surpassing our Sixth Continent. You are hiding very well."


The Blood Ancestor said, "You are indeed the fifth continent that has traveled across nine mountains and eight seas. We underestimated you."

The secret ancestor did not speak, but the surprise in his eyes was undisguised.

The one who stands at the pinnacle of the Sixth Continent is the Three Ancestors, and below the Three Ancestors, there are four, and the four are Seal of All Heavens. It does not mean that there are only four powerful Seal of All Heavens in the Sixth Continent, but the number is definitely not enough. When it comes to seven people, not all of the seals of the heavens are in the half-ancestral realm. The half-ancestors have surpassed the seals of the heavens.

Seven half-ancestors appeared directly on the fifth continent, which meant that not only the number of half-ancestors, but also the number of heavenly seal levels surpassed the sixth continent.

"Thank you, Third Patriarch, for blocking the gap in the Fifth Continent. I am very grateful." The seven Zen Lao people said. They were puzzled as to why the Third Patriarch would help them even though they were enemies. Moreover, if the gap could not be blocked, the Fifth Continent would The mainland will become a hunting ground for those monsters, which will only bring benefits to the Sixth Continent but no harm. They really can't figure out why the three ancestors of the Sixth Continent did this.

The Blood Ancestor snorted coldly, "Thank you, no need, we have conditions."

Mr. Zen said solemnly, "Please speak."

The Blood Ancestor looked unwilling, but still said, "Even if our Third Ancestor resists, the Sixth Continent may not be able to survive. Therefore, we need to transfer the people of the Sixth Continent to your starry sky."

The seven Zen elders looked at each other, not surprised. This was the only explanation, otherwise why would the three ancestors of the Sixth Continent help them block the gap.

They were silent, thinking about what would happen if people from the Sixth Continent entered the Fifth Continent.

Martial Ancestor said coldly, "Promise, and we can help you block the gap. If you don't agree, we will withdraw our power and you, the Fifth Continent, will block it by yourself. With your strength and the heritage left by the ancient ancestral realm, you may be able to consume those monsters." It is also good for us if a group of people die. Whether we agree or not, we can accept it and make our own choice."

In the end, Zen Lao had no choice but to say, "Okay, we agree. I wonder where the Third Patriarch sees it?"

The Blood Ancestor said, "I won't embarrass you, just go outside the universe."

Mr. Zen and others breathed a sigh of relief. They were afraid that if the Third Ancestor asked for the inner universe, it would be troublesome. Although the inner universe is still less important than the new universe, there are also some powerful sects, such as the Sword Sect, the Baiye Clan, and the Wen Family. Wait, some of these forces are at the top of the Hall of Glory. It is not that easy to deal with, but the outer universe is different.

"The outer universe is huge. It's not easy to make room for the Sixth Continent. Please give the Third Patriarch time," said Zen Master.

"Yes, the gap is only so big. Even if you want to go faster, you can't go faster. There is one condition." Wu Zu stared at the seven old Zen people coldly, "You have something of origin in you."

The expressions of the seven Zen elders changed, and they were subconsciously vigilant.

The Blood Ancestor sneered, "Don't panic, we won't take action against you. Since we have decided to cooperate, we will have a cooperative attitude. But we are very strange. If there is an origin object on your body, it can be explained as being left over from ancient times, but there are more than one. It's a piece, and the aura is so strong, it's obviously not too old, at least it was obtained after Chen Zu and others died, how did you get it?"

The seven old Zen men were silent, and no one spoke.

The Third Patriarch was also silent and did not speak.

Soon after, Mr. Zen and others were helpless and made up their minds. They told the Third Ancestor something. The fate of their fifth continent is now in the hands of the Third Ancestor. If they let go a little, the entire Fifth Continent will fall into catastrophe. Now they take the initiative. It's the Third Ancestor, not them.

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