Star Odyssey

Chapter 1,161 Starry Sky Supreme Competition

After listening to what Elder Chan said, not long after, Blood Ancestor exclaimed, "No wonder you allowed the sky to be changed. No wonder you could have so many half-ancestors. It seems we have to thank the little guy who broke the upper three gates, not him. We didn't even know you had this secret."

"It has nothing to do with him. Even if the Sixth Continent invades, it has not really entered the new universe," said Zen Lao.

The blood ancestor said, "How many places are there?"

Old Zen and the others looked at each other again and said helplessly, "Ten people."

The Blood Ancestor nodded, "Okay, we need five people from the Sixth Continent."

Mr. Zen immediately refused, "Among the ten people, there are two from the technological star domain, three from the behemoth star domain, and five from our human star domain. Now that the Sixth Continent wants to join, there can be at most two people, and it is impossible to add more. many".

"The Behemoth Star Territory and the Technology Star Territory have been at war with your Human Star Territory. Can they get a quota?" Secret Ancestor wondered.

Elder Zen said helplessly, "In addition to racial separation, another reason for starting the war is to compete for quota allocation. This quota belongs to the entire Fifth Continent and is not owned by our human star field alone. However, our human star field is the dominant one. Please forgive me, Third Ancestor." , up to two people.”

Wu Anzu shouted angrily, "Three of us will protect the continent for you, two of us? Do you know who you are talking to?".

Mr. Zen raised his head and said, "This is related to the distribution of interests in the entire Fifth Continent. It's not just me and the other seven who can make the decision. There are also half-ancestral masters in the Technology Star Region and the Behemoth Star Region. Does the Third Ancestor want us to kill each other?" ?".

The blood ancestor was surprised, "There are still half-ancestors? It seems that this is the biggest secret of your fifth continent. We didn't know it until today. If it were delayed for a while, we might not even know about the ancestral realm where your fifth continent was born. Now look I have to thank those monsters."

Zen Lao was helpless. They had always tried to keep a low profile. Even if they knew where the New Human Alliance was, they would try not to touch it. They were afraid of causing a premature backlash from the New Human Alliance. Although Huizu's layout was far-reaching, there were always surprises in everything. They were just worried. This is why they have not tried their best to encircle and suppress the New Human Alliance. Now it seems that an accident has occurred.

It can only be said that this is fate.

"You can discuss among yourselves how to allocate them. In short, we need at least four people. You can go and transfer the people from the outer universe. Those who want to stay can also do it. The outer universe will be ruled by my sixth continent in the future, and we will treat it well. Their "Blood Ancestor" snorted coldly and stopped talking to Elder Chan and others.

Zen Lao and others returned, and there was no need to worry about the gap for the time being, but the words of the Third Patriarch echoed in their ears.

With the addition of the sixth continent, the number of people cannot be distributed at all.

The seven people discussed it for several days, and then contacted Bu Tian of the Sky Demon Empire in the Behemoth Star Territory and some people in the Technology Star Territory, and finally decided on a method. Since it was difficult to allocate, they would fight for it themselves.

Mr. Zen came to the gap alone and faced the Third Patriarch. "We have discussed it and the number of people cannot be allocated. Currently, the number of people known to be on the observation list has exceeded twenty. With the addition of the Sixth Continent, we are really There is no choice, so", at this point, he looked at the Third Ancestor seriously, "Let them fight for themselves. We have decided to hold a competition for them. The top ten people are qualified to go to that place and fight for their own opportunities." .

The three ancestors looked at each other, and the secret ancestor was the first to agree, "Okay, fair competition, selection of the best, remember your words, if all ten of them are from my sixth continent, you won't regret it?"

"I will never regret it," Mr. Zen said loudly.

Third ancestor

Laughing, they thought about Daoyuan for three days.

Mr. Zen also smiled. He thought of the Shangqing Dynasty and the elites on the golden stage in the world of mountains and seas.

They all have confidence in their own people, and this is the basis for holding a martial arts competition.

Zen Veteran announced this decision in the Hall of Glory. The time for the competition has not been determined, and the number of people is not limited. Everyone can sign up. The nine directors of the Hall of Glory, together with all the senior officials, decided to use this competition as a way to integrate the human star field. , a grand event that inspires everyone.

At that time, we will face the entire universe, including the open images of the sixth continent, so that everyone can know what the top looks like. It is called the Starry Sky Supreme Competition.

The universe is too scattered, including the Human Star Territory, the Behemoth Star Territory, the Technological Star Territory, and the Sixth Continent. The Human Star Territory also has outer universe, inner universe, cosmic sea, new universe, etc. In the future, it will definitely face the invasion of those monsters. Only by integrating all the forces can we fight. This is only the first step, but it is not the last step.

Everyone must get used to union.

In the past, the most powerful competition was held between the human star domain and the behemoth star domain, but that kind of competition was just child's play in the eyes of many people. This starry sky supreme competition is the most peak battlefield for the younger generation of the entire human race. At the same time, it is also A life-and-death collision for the opportunity to achieve the ancestral realm. In this competition, life or death matters.

It is not that easy to hold a starry sky supreme competition across the fifth and sixth continents. At least the network must cover the Behemoth Star Territory.

There is a constant war between the Behemoth Star Territory and the Human Star Territory. Even if Butian agrees and the Sky Demon Empire agrees, it is not that simple to cover the network. It takes time. At the same time, the migration of many regions in the outer universe also takes time.

The most unhappy people now are one of the nine directors, Bu Lao Old Man, and his grandson Tian Shao.

The division of the outer universe into the sixth continent was a decision made by Zen Lao and others out of desperation, but they suffered the most.

"Grandpa, when the outer universe is gone, isn't the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance gone as well? Then aren't the previous decisions just like child's play?" Tian Shao complained to the immortal man inside the light screen.

The old man said calmly, "What's the hurry? There are so many people in the Sixth Continent. Even if they want to move to the outer universe, it will take time. This time cannot be determined. It will take at least hundreds of years. What the Glory Hall needs to do now is to move the outer universe to the outer universe." The West begins to move into the inner universe, and the time span will also be long. This period of time is enough for you to achieve success."

Tian Shao breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good. My grandson will pack up and head to the outer universe."

"Remember, you are going on my behalf. You must not lose the majesty of our Hall of Glory, but you must not be too oppressive. Although Lu Yin was captured by the New Humanity Alliance, his influence is still there, especially with Yuan behind him. With the support of the division and Changtian Island, the Rennes War Group is not easy to mess with. Don't have a head-on conflict. Although there are many people in the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance who have joined, they are not sincerely surrendering. Those people are the ones you can use," the old man said.

"I know, grandpa," Tian Shao said nonchalantly.

The old man frowned, "Please remember one thing. This time you go, not for merit, but for no faults. It is just your first step into the upper echelons of the Hall of Glory. You must not make mistakes in this step, and you must not waste my many years of management." , these were originally given to your father, but it is a pity that he left early. If it hadn't coincided with the establishment of the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance and given you a step, even a thousand years of business would not be enough to achieve your success. This opportunity became yours through many coincidences, you, It should succeed.”

Master Tian nodded and said firmly, "Don't worry, Grandpa."


The old man is still worried, but he can't leave the new universe for the time being, so he can only send people to follow Tian Shao. In a wild place like the outer universe, no one should dare to embarrass his grandson.

There is no daylight inside the Chenzu Tomb. As its name suggests, it is a large tomb, enclosed in the starry sky.

The scope is very large, after all, the ones buried are the powerful ones from the ancestral realm.

The giant guarding the mausoleum appeared and scattered everyone. Hui Santong used the golden meteor combat skill to fly into the distance. Originally, he wanted to keep an eye on Xia Jiuyou, but he couldn't find anyone. The tearful girl kept staring at Hui Santong. , the Hall of Glory is completely unfamiliar with Chenzu Tomb, she can only focus on one, Hui Santong is the best target.

Hui Santong was also speechless. He looked back and saw the tearful girl still following him.

This woman is planning to follow him until death!

"I said the second method, can't you explore it yourself?" Hui Santong couldn't help but say.

The tearful girl didn't say anything and just followed him.

Above is a dark dome, and below is a stretch of black mountains with protruding spikes that look quite penetrating, and a black river makes a strange boiling sound.

Hui Santong asked several more times, and finally couldn't bear it any longer, and attacked Lai Nu. In the end, he couldn't beat him, and Lai Nu didn't attack him too hard. He just followed, and Hui Santong felt a strong sense of suffocation.

Hui Santong was like this, and so was Xie Xiaoxian. She was stared at by Shu Jing.

"Hey, I feel insecure when you stare at someone dressed like this, okay? Go and stare at someone else." Xie Xiaoxian looked at Shu Jing dissatisfied and said.

Shu Jing frowned, "Sorry, if you don't take action, I won't take action against you either."

Xie Xiaoxian was so angry that he simply stopped where he was. Then bones appeared in his palms and turned into sharp thorns, piercing the ground and digging in place. Shu Jing looked at him in shock, "What are you doing?".

Xie Xiaoxian smiled slyly, "Don't you like to follow me? Then follow me. Anyway, I'm the same wherever I go, and I'm not going anywhere."

Shu Jing was confused.

Compared to the Hall of Glory, the New Humanity Alliance is much more familiar with the Tomb of Chenzu, and in Lu Yin’s opinion, it should not be under the Seven-Word Royal Court.

Yin walked confidently in one direction, talking as he walked, "Captain, there are a lot of good things in Chenzu's tomb, and the three most attractive ones are Chenzu's secret technique, wisdom root and ancestral realm. Enlightenment, what we are going to now is the place of ancestral realm enlightenment, the so-called ancestral realm enlightenment is "", he paused at this point, and then stopped talking.

Lu Yin appeared to be as unconscious as a corpse, so he just followed him.

Yin turned back and stared at Lu Yin, "Has the transformation been successful? Captain, you are becoming more and more difficult for me to see through."

At this time, a thunder streaked across the top of the head, it was Ku Lei.

Yin looked up and asked, "Are this generation of the Ku family stupid or arrogant? Don't you know there are mausoleum-protecting giants here?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a continuous sound of horns came from the distance, and the sound was so loud that it spread throughout the Chenzu Tomb.

The sound of the horn came from another direction, and in that direction, there was a tribe of giants protecting the tomb. A giant played the horn, causing all the giants in the Chenzu Tomb to scream, rush out of the tribe, and look to the sky.

The withered thunder turned into thunder and headed into the distance. A mallet hit him. He narrowly avoided it and looked to his left. There, a giant rushed toward him. He raised his hand and slapped it down.

Ku Lei's eyes were cold, and he pointed out with one finger and Zen with the other.

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