Star Odyssey

Chapter 1918: Rain falls on white flowers

Lu Yin looked at the Mirror God up and down without saying anything.

The God of Mirrors is not stupid, and said hurriedly, "We can exchange with you. There are several rune technology ruins in my hometown of the gods. We all practice there. I might as well tell you that I am the Infinite Realm, and I am in one of the ruins. It is almost impossible for outsiders to cultivate to the infinite realm if they succeed in internal cultivation. You should know the magic of rune science and technology civilization. Creating something out of nothing is the best way to describe that civilization. Others cannot cultivate even if they want to."

"If you want to reach the infinite realm, you must practice there."

Lu Yin pondered for a while, "Infinite Realm, how does it feel?" He knew about the Infinite Realm at the Burial Garden Rune Technology Site, but if he wanted to practice it, it was as difficult as climbing to the sky. The reason why he attracted the Mirror God was for this purpose. He wanted to Explore what the Land of the Gods has, and if possible, enter the Land of the Gods to practice the Zhouyan Scripture.

The God of Mirrors looked deeply at Lu Yin, his eyes filled with piety and fanaticism, "The Infinite Realm is the next level of the Zhiwen Realm. All combat skills, techniques, secret techniques, and talents will be presented in the form of runes and numbers when cultivating Zhou Yanzhen. In front of those who have experienced it, this realm can do more than just see and weaken it. It can forcibly change the smallest number of runes formed, and forcibly change the combat skills and exercises, etc."

"It can be said that in this realm, you will achieve transformation, change the most primitive matter you see, and neutralize the opponent's attacks. Not only will you create something out of nothing, but you will be able to do anything."

Lu Yin was so excited when the Mirror God said, "Let me feel it." He raised his hand and struck out with the Kong Ming Palm, but the speed of this palm was slowed down by him, lest the Mirror God Out of sight.

The Mirror God's expression moved, and the palm print struck. It was unparalleled in strength, accompanied by energy, field, etc. If any one of them could not hold up, he would be severely injured by the palm. The most important thing is that this palm is extremely powerful.

He kept staring at Lu Yin, and the Kongming Palm turned into nothingness less than one meter in front of him.

This scene was not unexpected before. It could be done even if it was weakened to the extreme. However, the Mirror God is not stronger than him, but it can neutralize his Kongming Palm. This is the infinite realm.

Lu Yin didn't make any more moves. The Mirror God had shown enough. With Lu Yin's current strength, who could easily take over the Kong Ming Palm? The Mirror God can be neutralized, which is quite terrifying.

"I have only scratched the surface of the infinite realm. When the Candle God takes action, it is called magic. I can make the stars disappear and reorganize, turn other people's combat skills into my own, and even simulate the opponent's combat skills. Even - talent, that's it. It’s an infinite realm” Jing Shen Dao.

Lu Yin said longingly, "I will go to the Rune Technology Site of the Land of the Gods as soon as possible and tell you the location of the statue."

The God of Mirrors said eagerly, "You can tell me now, and you will always be welcome in the land of the gods."

Lu Yin shook his head, "I'll tell you when I get to the land of the gods. It's too early now."

The Mirror God was helpless. They longed for the ruins of rune technology. A long time ago, they arranged people to search for them all over the Fifth Continent. For example, the Purple Jade Trading Company was their chess piece in the search for ruins in the land of the gods, both in the inner universe and the cosmic sea. No one is more eager to practice the Zhouyan Scripture than they are.

If it were anyone else, Mirror God would have taken him away for questioning, but facing Lu Yin, he didn't have the courage or the strength.

"Leader Lu, I hope you can come to our land of the gods as a guest soon. No matter when, the land of the gods welcomes you," the Mirror God said in anticipation.

Lu Yin felt his sincerity, just like the Wen family. Having said that, it seemed that he was hanging on to a lot of people.

, Wen family, Ku family, now this is the home of the gods, and by the way, there is also a sword sect, who agreed to give Liu Hao to them, and we will talk about it after returning to the inner universe.

"Don't worry, I will go as soon as possible," Lu Yin said politely.

Before leaving, Mirror God couldn't help but say, "Leader Lu, you must take care of yourself, safety comes first."

This sentence made the old woman and others confused, and the mirror god was full of weirdness.

Prince Qing and his son were also stunned.

Are the people in the Land of the Gods so kind?

Yao Hong just woke up and fainted again after hearing these words.

Lu Yin sighed, there are so many good people in the new universe, the Tianxing Sect cares about him, and now, the Land of the Gods also cares about him.

The people from the Land of the Gods left and took Yao Hong away, saying they wanted to go back and discipline her well.

Lu Yin stayed behind, waiting for news from Qian Zou.

Since he was staying, it was natural for King Qing to entertain him. Although he was beaten badly by Lu Yin, as long as he was alive, he had to entertain him himself. Qing Yu was waiting on him.

What happened that day brought about earth-shaking changes in his life. Although Lu Yin's eyes were full of fear, there was also longing. For the first time in his life, he longed to become a strong man. The father who once stood in front of him fell. Now, he can only move forward by himself.

Lu Yin didn't expect Qing Yu to get better, and he didn't care about such a small person.

A few days later, Qianzou found Lu Yin and "came back."

Lu Yin nodded and said goodbye to King Qing.

Seeing Lu Yin leave, King Qing breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, he was worried, fearing that Lu Yin would destroy him before leaving. In this universe, there are too many ruthless people, especially those at the pinnacle of power like Lu Yin.

so far so good.

"Father, what should we do about Yao Hong?" Qing Yu asked.

King Qing gritted his teeth and said angrily, "It's all this bitch's fault for provoking Lu Yin. It's not her. You and I won't be in such a miserable situation. Don't worry about her. Whether she comes back or not, don't worry about her." After saying that, Covering his body, his injury was too serious. He had endured the injury to serve Lu Yin these past few days. Now he must recover in seclusion as soon as possible.

"Be honest with me and don't get into trouble during this period. The universe is not as simple as you think," King Qing ordered, and then ordered people to keep Qing Yu under guard and not let him go out, and then retreated to heal his injuries.

On the other side, Lu Yin and Qian Zou found the owner of Yinxiang Auction House.

For these little people, anything can be done with just a few tricks.

The owner of Yinxiang Auction House doesn't have any secrets. If he does, it's his money, but the former Atour Auction House was actually exposed to a major secret. They control a secret space, similar to the hidden space of Aegis Qizong, and The reverse step is also obtained from that space.

Half of the northern boundary from Qingtian City, there are countless meteorites floating in the starry sky. This is the northern boundary meteorite belt, and on one of the meteorites, Lu Yin and his party appeared.

Lu Yin, Qian Zou, and a little old man.

"Is this it?" Qianzou asked.

The little old man panicked, "Yes, that's it."

Lu Yin looked at the meteorite under his feet. This meteorite was huge, comparable to an ordinary planet. Following the direction pointed by the little old man, they came to the corner of the meteorite, raised their feet, and the three of them disappeared.

This is a secret space that is not too big. To say it is not big is because of Lu Yin's vision. In fact, this space is much larger than an ordinary planet. When you look into it, it is covered with drizzle. Under the drizzle, there is mist. Wandering around, all over the mountains and plains

It's a flower.

The flower was very ordinary, but when Lu Yin saw it, his body trembled, and his eyes showed excitement. This kind of flower was exactly the same as the flower symbolized by Chenzu. As expected, the reverse step came from Chenzu.

"Where?" Lu Yin asked eagerly, looking at the boundless sea of ​​flowers, feeling very close to Chen Zu for the first time. Even when he was in Chen Zu's tomb, he didn't feel this way.

The little old man pointed in one direction, "We explored this space for several months before we found that place. It's right next to the sea of ​​flowers, and there is a small river there."

Lu Yin grabbed Qian Zou and the little old man and disappeared.

In an instant, the three of them came to the river. Lu Yin saw a ruins buried in the rocks.

"It should be that the rocks collapsed over time. There was originally a wooden house here. There were also decayed furniture and furnishings in the wooden house. We inspected it and found that except for a stone table, the rest had turned to dust. The entire space was of no use. We haven’t been here for a long time,” the little old man said respectfully.

Lu Yin's eyes were immediately attracted to the stone table. He raised his feet and appeared directly beside the stone table.

This stone table was originally buried in the ruins of a mountain, but it was dug out by people from the auction house. Fortunately, they didn't use too much force, otherwise they might not be able to save it.

The stone table is very ordinary, but the reason why it is preserved is because there is a line of characters on it, a line of ancient Chinese characters, which are from the Daoyuan Sect period. Lu Yin does not recognize them, but several of them are related to the characters that were originally written in the centipede's body. , the same text next to the man who was nailed to the ground with five spears.

He remembered that the line had been translated by the original King Jingye, ‘I wish I could protect the Lord until the rain stops! hatred! hatred! Hate', this is the meaning of that line of characters, and these characters should most likely be left by Chen Zu. Three of the characters are the same, which is - wait for the rain to stop.

Thinking of this, Lu Yin looked up at the sky. It was raining all over the space, and the mist was hazy. Is the indescribable beauty related to this line of writing?

Qian Zou was curious, "Brother Qi, what does this line mean?".

The little old man also looked at Lu Yin curiously.

Lu Yin shook his head, "I don't know."

Qian Zou was disappointed, "This is a very old text. After so many years of evolution, the text has changed so much that it is difficult to recognize it."

"Besides these, is there anything else? Where did you get that piece of jade?" Lu Yin looked at the little old man and asked.

The little old man replied respectfully, "It's right here, next to the stone table. We searched for it for a long time and carefully, but there was nothing except the jade stone."

Lu Yin frowned, why was the place where Chen Zu stayed so ordinary? It stands to reason that it would be difficult for even him to get in, let alone a small auction house, where a strong person in the ancestral realm is, just like Chen Zu's tomb, but this place is too ordinary, and after entering, he read the Zhou Yan Sutra However, it has not isolated the Zhouyan Scripture. It is too common, it is too common.

There is no intelligent life in this space. There are fish in the river, insects in the sea of ​​flowers, etc., forming a small but stable ecological circle, but there is no possibility of cultivation.

If there is no possibility of cultivation, why leave the jade? The reverse step in the jade stone was obviously left behind intentionally to teach future generations, but the place where it was left behind was so ordinary that it was hard to fathom.

Qianzou touched the white flower and said, "It's an ordinary flower, but don't tell me, it looks quite pure."

Lu Yin looked at the sea of ​​flowers. These small white flowers trembled under the drops of mist and rain, looking very weak. The symbol of Chen Zu was nine stars surrounding a white flower. What did he want to express? Guard this seizing flower?

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