Star Odyssey

Chapter 1919: A hundred secrets and a sparse

Once upon a time, Lu Yin experienced Chen Zu's memories, and there was a scene in which Chen Zu looked at the sea of ​​flowers in a daze. It was similar to here, and it couldn't be here.

"Brother Qi, do you want to search?" Qianzou asked. He had no idea who the Nibu he learned came from or who had lived here.

Lu Yin took Qian Zou and the little old man outside the meteorite and entered this space alone. The field was completely released. It was indeed necessary to search.

With Lu Yin's current strength, the area of ​​​​the field expanded greatly, and he quickly swept through the entire space. Finally, he looked at the bottom of the river, and there was something there.

The river water was cool. Lu Yin came to the bottom of the river, squatted down and took a breath. The mud at the bottom of the river spread out, revealing footprints that had been solidified for who knows how many years. This footprint had been there for who knows how many years and had already formed fossils. This couldn't be Chen. Ancestor’s footprints?

There is more than one footprint, and it looks chaotic, but it feels like there is some pattern in it, right? Lu Yin thought of a possibility. He raised his foot tentatively and stepped on the footprints. Then he walked from back to front, stepping on the footprints with every step. There was no reaction. Then, there were more than ten footprints. Maybe it was a reverse walking method. , I want to confirm it over and over again, there are many possibilities.

Lu Yin tried several possibilities and then gave up. He tried each one without knowing how long he would try. He thought of Qian Zou, then walked out and came back with Qian Zou. Qian Zou looked confused.

"Look, is it walking backwards?" Lu Yin asked, pointing to the footprints on the bottom of the river.

Qianzou blinked, looked at the footprints, and nodded, "Yes, yes."

"Mark it for me in the order of walking," Lu Yin said.

Qian Zou looked at it carefully, then marked a sequence for Lu Yin, and finally said, "Brother Qi, although this reverse step is a footwork combat skill, the emphasis is on understanding, not the order of footwork, otherwise you would have learned it long ago, but The initial learning still needs to be done in order, Brother Qi plans to learn?"

"Nonsense," Lu Yin said.

Qianzou pursed his lips and looked at the footprints on the bottom of the river. He didn't know when Lu Yin would learn.

After he got the reverse step in the auction house, he relied on jade to quickly understand it. But in his feeling, he only understood the most superficial level of the reverse step. The speed did speed up a lot, but he still didn't get the key point. If Lu Studying here takes too long? Wouldn't he have to wait a long time?

"Brother Qi, I can go now. I've found the place, and I've also found the method of learning in reverse steps," Qianzou asked tentatively.

Lu Yin took Qian Zou outside the meteorite, "wait a little longer", and then entered.

He wasn't afraid of Qian Zou leaving either, as he didn't have the courage.

Qian Zou really didn't dare. Although he had been evading pursuit all along, it also depended on who was chasing him. If it was Lu Yin, just thinking about it would make his scalp numb. The entire Fifth Continent would catch him.

Lu Yin returned to the bottom of the river, and followed the order marked by Qian Zou, stepping up step by step, not along the steps, but against the steps. This was the reverse step, clearly retreating and then moving forward, going against the chaos of the void.

After completing all the steps, the air around Lu Yin was confused for a moment. Although it was only for a moment, it gave him encouragement to practice.

Thinking of this, Lu Yin became excited. He originally lacked a step combat skill, reverse step, which couldn't be more perfect. This was a combat skill practiced by Chenzu's clone.

After a few days, Lu Yin has become very proficient in the steps. What he lacks is comprehension. From this set of steps, he should be able to understand the effect achieved by Qian Zou's performance. However, Qian Zou relies on jade, and he needs to explore slowly.

It takes time to explore slowly.

After a long time, Lu Yin walked out of the meteorite. In Qianzou's expectant eyes, he said, "You can go."

Qian Zou was overjoyed and said, "Thank you, Seventh Brother."

"Take him away too and tell him not to talk nonsense," Lu Yin was referring to the little old man.

The little old man hurriedly expressed his position, "Sir, I will never dare to say nonsense. After so many years, if the adults don't take the initiative to ask, I will forget about it. Huh? Where is this? What am I doing? Who are you?".

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows, smart guy.

Qianzou took the little old man away. In his words, the little old man wouldn't say anything as long as he didn't want to die. The universe is very cruel.

"I really don't want him to say, I can help." The voice of the Night King came the next day, and he was always hiding in the dark.

Lu Yin said, "That's not necessary." He was not a murderer. As he said that, a light curtain appeared in the void, and on the light screen was a line of words, "What does this line mean?".

The King of the Second Night is from the Daoyuan Sect era and should recognize the ancient characters.

The second night king looked at the words on the light screen and was surprised, "It's actually ancient words?".

"Not from your era?" Lu Yin was puzzled.

The King of the Second Night shook his head, "No, this kind of writing is far older than our time. I want to check it out."

Lu Yin nodded and waited quietly.

Although the Baiye clan was once a slave of the Bai family of the Hanxian Sect, their background is relatively deep. It is possible that they have obtained part of the Bai family's background. The original King Jingye can find out the meaning of the previous words.

"Even if I am punished by heaven and earth, even if I am left with eternal infamy, I just want to wait for you when the rain stops." The king of the second night said slowly, "This is the meaning of that line."

Waiting for the rain to stop, indeed waiting for the rain to stop, who is Chen Zu waiting for? That white flower? Lu Yin thought of the Forgotten God. She also had the Chen Zu mark on her face. Could it be her?

Probably not, the Forgotten God is far older than Chen Zu.

"It's a love poem," said the king on the second night.

Lu Yin's heart moved. By the way, Ku Wei once went to Chenzu's tomb to deceive him. He mentioned that there seemed to be love poems in Chenzu's tomb, but they were actually love poems.

Soon, Lu Yin entered that space again and came to the bottom of the river. There was no need to worry about Chen Zu's affairs. The time was relatively old. All he had to do now was practice reverse step.

Cultivation is the most time-consuming thing, and he is not afraid of wasting time. He raises his hand, the dice appears, and points out four o'clock, and his luck is overwhelming.

The dice talent is very magical, and the four-point time still space has brought Lu Yin an almost abnormal cultivation talent. However, there is a disadvantage here, that is, it cannot absorb the star source. Whether it is star source or star energy, it cannot be absorbed from it. Absorb the outside world, otherwise keep shaking the four points, and you will not be afraid of time.

With a little regret, Lu Yin began to practice reversal in the still space of time.

Also in the new universe, outside the Boundary Mountain, strong winds filled the sky, a huge Xihuo rushed quickly in one direction, and the yellow sand obscured his sight.

A figure stood in the strong wind. In front of him, the Xihuan slowed down and then stopped. The ground was cracked by it.

"Sir, I brought it here," said an old woman on Xi Xuan's back.

The figure jumped onto Xihuan, looked at the boy on his back, raised his head, and revealed his face, it was Nan Yuan.

"Child, what's your name?" Nan Yuan spoke in a very soft tone.

The boy looked at Nanyuan, uneasy and said "Bo".


Great name, who else is in the family? "Nanyuan continued to ask.

Beau lowered his head, not knowing how to answer.

Nan Yuan knelt down, smiled, and looked at Bo, "What does Old Man Mikami have to do with you?".

Bo looked at Nanyuan and took courage, "He is my grandfather."

Nan Yuan was surprised, "Your grandfather? Then why are you living outside?".

Mentioning this, Bo's eyes turned red, "It's that person, that person named Lu Yin. He was the one who caught me, and he was the one who controlled grandpa."

"How do you know?" Nanyuan asked.

Bo Dao said, "He didn't hide it. He threatened grandpa with me in front of his face."

Nan Yuan looked at Bo's fierce eyes, full of hatred, and showed a satisfied smile, "Then, do you want to meet grandpa?".

Bo Xi looked at Nan Yuan expectantly, "Is that okay?"

"Of course, good boy, you are the grandson of the director of the Hall of Glory and one of the most noble people in the universe. How can you be living outside and be controlled by others? Don't worry, I will help you." Nan Yuan smiled and looked at Full of excitement.

The old woman stood in the distance, and after hearing this, the corners of her mouth curled up.

Not long after, Xihuan headed towards the boundary mountain.

The wild sand in the sky was still. In the distance, the Boundary Mountain gradually became clearer. Bo's eyes were bright. He recognized it. This was the Boundary Mountain. It was the place where he was born and grew up. It was also the place where he escaped. Now he is back. He wants to Reunion with grandpa.

Nanyuan sat on Xihuan, with his back to Bo, showing a proud look. With Bo, the old man Mikami was his. Although it was still not as good as Lu Yin's advantage, it would definitely be useful at critical moments. After all, he was A director.

It was also lucky that his people accidentally discovered this child and brought him secretly. After a lot of care, Lu Yin lost due to carelessness.

In the starry sky of the tree, in the upper realm, there is a mountain col under the huge palm. At this moment, there are densely packed cultivators in the mountain col, no less than a million, and outside the mountain col, there are still cultivators arriving.

"Brother Rong, are you here too?" A figure was speeding through the forest, and a surprised voice came from not far away.

The figure stopped, it was a young man, looking into the distance, overjoyed, "Brother Wei?"

"Haha, Brother Rong, I knew you would come, but I didn't expect to meet you so soon." Brother Wei said with excitement.

"Of course, how can I be spared from annihilating the remnants of the Lu family? I think back then, an extremely talented ancestor of my Rong family was appointed by the Lu family. This incident was a shame to my Rong family. This revenge must be avenged." Brother Rong gritted his teeth.

Brother Wei sighed with emotion, "Yes, the Lu family has committed too many crimes. Sifang Tianping used the white dragon to turn over and annihilate the Lu family. However, he did not expect that the remnant Lu Xiaoxuan is still alive and even disturbs the starry sky. In this expedition, this son must be killed." Cut into pieces with thousands of swords to pay homage to our ancestors."

"The Lu family has done too many evil things. There are millions of cultivators in this mountain valley. Who doesn't hate the Lu family? Who doesn't want to kill Lu Xiaoxuan with his own hands?" Brother Rong said excitedly.

While he was talking, Brother Rong was stunned. Someone stepped on his head and half of his body was pressed into the ground without even reacting.

There were only three words left in the distance: 'Sorry'.

Brother Rong was confused and his eyes were blurry. It took him a while to recover, "Wei, Brother Wei, what happened?"

Brother Wei's face was twitching, "That's right, you were stepped on."

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