Star Odyssey

Chapter 2518 Tide

There is nothing sadder than being abandoned by your father.

Lu Yin said, "Maybe you can be sent to time and space as a proton, which is Luo Jun's way of protecting you."

Luo Laoer's body was shaken and he didn't say anything more. He put a smile on his face again, "Brother-in-law, how are you? This condition is not too much. As long as you can use Zijing's name to protect yourself in time and space, it will be enough. Correspondingly , I will teach you the authentic kingly energy.”

Lu Yin nodded, "Okay, deal done."

"Brother-in-law-", Luo Laoer shouted, attracting many people outside Xu Di to look at him.

Luo Shan was also there, his eyes flickering, "You have really climbed to a high branch, but it's a pity, second brother, your backer no longer belongs to Time and Space." After finishing speaking, there was a sarcastic smile in his eyes.

King Qi is a cultivation method similar to star energy, and the cultivation process is similar.

Star energy cultivation requires the operation of skills to absorb free star energy, and it can also be absorbed with the help of star energy crystals. The king's energy also has something similar to the star energy crystal, which is the weapon that has been blessed by the king's energy.

Lu Yin held the three-color weapon with the aura of the king in his hand, "with added toughness, and a touch of edge added to the edge."

"This is the effect of the king's energy. It is actually similar to many cultivation civilizations, but it has an additional effect of increasing the performance of weapons. In addition, my father's three-lord formation can deal with the Seven Gods, so it can be ranked among the best. Six Party Conference," Luo Laoer introduced.

Cultivating the King's Qi is very simple, and the standard for getting started is to cultivate the King's Qi to a level similar to the Fusion Realm or the Extreme Realm. This level has a unified name in the Three Monarchs' Space - Bei. In the Three Monarchs' Space, if you are in the realm of Lianbei None of them can reach it, they are all ordinary people.

Based on the living structure of the three monarchs' space, cultivators are considered servants of Luo Jun and the others, and ordinary people are not even qualified to be servants.

This is also the reason why not many people go to the Monarch Taoist Academy to study. It is not difficult to get started with the Monarch Qi. If they are willing, many people can actually get started, but they cannot accept this division.

How is it possible for a person from the main dimension to learn the aura of a king and become his servant? Although it is just a title, many people cannot accept it.

Lu Yin was weird, "Your father has a good taste in dividing realms."

Luo Laoer was helpless, "Our space seems to have never experienced the development of civilization and is a standard slave society."

"Okay, I know how to practice. Give me those weapons and absorb the king's energy from the weapons to increase the king's energy in your body, right?" Lu Yin said.

Luo Laoer nodded, "There should be many weapons or other things with the king's energy attached to the monarch's Taoist courtyard for them to practice."

Lu Yin is not very interested in King Qi, it is just an ordinary cultivation civilization. Without the Three Lords Formation, they would not be able to touch the Six Directions Society at all. It is far behind compared to Super Time and Space. Although Super Time and Space is not a cultivation civilization , but people don’t need to practice, as long as they have enough energy, they can mass-produce energy sources that are comparable to the ancestral realm, and the combined feeding technique is also very scary.

After driving away Luo Laoer, Lu Yin was about to continue practicing. He raised his hand and the dice appeared. It was time to roll the dice. I wonder if rolling it to six o'clock here will merge into other people's bodies like in the fifth continent?

Thinking, he pointed out and watched the dice rotate slowly, three o'clock, it's meaningless, he won't improve things here, continue.

Two points, nothing to decompose, continue, four points, time is still and space is still. As the scene in front of him changed, Lu Yin entered the gray space. Once he came here, he had one year to practice, first of all, the King's Qi, at least to get started.

I will definitely have to deal with the Three Lords Space in the future, and it will be beneficial to learn it.

Unlike other practitioners, he can learn any power, and as long as that power enters his heart, he will be obedient.

All things are unified, this is his understanding of the power in the heart.

When the scene in front of him changed again, Lu Yin left the time-still space. At this moment, the land formed by the quicksand in his heart had more colors. It was from the king's energy, which was the result of being in the time-stationary space half a year ago. He has already started. Not only has he started, but the king's energy in his body has reached the level of a humble servant, surpassing humbleness. If he told Luo Laoer, he would be scared to death.

In Luo Laoer's understanding, it has only been a moment since he taught King Qi to now.

Even Luo Jun, who founded the civilization of king Qi cultivation, could not be so fast.

And in the second half of the time-stationary space, he continued to practice Tianxing Gong and recite the meaning of the Ancestor Sutra. No matter what, he could not slack off on this.

He stood up and moved his arms. Although the outside world had only passed for a second, a year had passed for Lu Yin.

After not practicing the power of the Void God for a year, it was time to work hard.

Just do what you want, Lu Yin's pupils turned into runes, his shoulders, candle figures appeared, and the invisible runes spread.

He was very cautious to prevent the strong people from the ancestral realm from seeing anything.

As the number of runes spread wider and wider, they gradually enveloped Xie Wu, Xiao Fei, Luo Laoer and others who were practicing in Xu Dao Temple.

No one was aware of it.

Lu Yin took a deep breath and started.

Far away from the virtual land, Xie Wu raised his head and looked at the sky. Only those who have entered the virtual god civilization can see that the power of the virtual god extends from his body, spreading towards the sky, approaching a huge round virtual god, that Although the power of the False God enveloped by the False God is not as good as that of the village, it is still considerable. It is enough to rank among the top ten among all the False Gods in the sky.

He has tried many times. As long as he pulls this off, as long as he succeeds, he can go to the next Taoist academy and learn other civilizations. One day he can join the Taoist temple and compete with those top wizards.

He cannot remain a servant forever.

Success, success, must be successful.

Xie Wu's face was solemn, and his fists were clenched. The power of the virtual god had been integrated into the circular virtual god. As the circular virtual god vibrated, it then slowly dropped.

Xie Wu was overjoyed that he had succeeded. He stared at the sky. As long as he could be pulled down, it would be recorded in the Xu Taoist Academy's results and he could leave here. He didn't want to see that Xuan Qi again.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew by. Xie Wu didn't pay attention. However, the next moment, his virtual god's power was shaking, and he felt like he couldn't control it.

How is this going?

He hurriedly controlled the power of False God, but as the strong wind became stronger and stronger, the power of False God became more and more out of control.

Finally, the power of the virtual god broke, and he was extremely angry, "Who, who is causing trouble?".

Not only Xie Wu, but at this moment, everyone who practiced in Xu Dao Temple was affected. Whether they were absorbing the power of Xu God or pulling Wu Shen, they were all interrupted. A strong suction force came from one direction, pulling the entire Xu Dao. The power of the virtual god of the courtyard is pulling towards that direction.

Xie Wu looked in that direction. Is that the virtual land?

In his eyes, the power of the Void God continued to move towards the direction of the Void Land, as if a giant was devouring it, forming a vortex.

One after another human figures passed by Xie Wu and headed towards the virtual land.

Xie Wu's eyes flashed, is it that Xuan Qi again? He gritted his teeth and headed towards the void as well.

Not long after, a group of people gathered outside the virtual world, and they were stunned when they saw Lu Yin absorbing the power of the virtual god at an extremely fast speed.

Is there anyone who practices like this?

Luo Laoer blinked. He had just left the virtual land and came back in the blink of an eye. Brother-in-law, what are you doing?

Lu Yin also didn't expect that the effect of absorbing the power of the virtual god with the help of runes was so good. When he found out, he had already restrained the runes, but the power of the virtual gods was still coming towards him like it was being stirred into a whirlpool. He was The point at the center of the vortex.

He was also at a loss, nothing would happen.

No matter what, continue practicing.

In the history of cultivation, things often occur that ordinary people cannot explain. It depends on whether Xu Xiangyin can help him explain it clearly.

"Void God Tide", Xu Xiangyin received the report, came to Xu Di and saw this scene and said four words directly.

Lu Yin was speechless, he could really explain it.

Xu Xiangyin's eyes were excited, "It turned out to be the legendary Tide of the False God. It is said that only those who are most friendly to the power of the False God can do it. This is not absorbing the power of the False God, but instilling it. They want to enter his body and resonate with him. His existence gives the power of virtual gods emotions, thus producing a superimposed effect."

"No, report it immediately. It must be reported. His talent in the power of the Void God is enough to surpass anyone else." After saying that, he left. Before leaving, he once again warned no one not to disturb Lu Yin's cultivation. Anyone who violates this rule will be killed. amnesty.

It had been a warning before, but this time it was a naked threat.

In Xu Xiangyin's heart, Lu Yin's status had risen infinitely, to the point where he even thought that this son might be able to become Master Xu's disciple.

The other big figures in the Six Directions Dojo all set their sights on the Xu Taoist Temple.

"The civilization of the False God is so lucky. This man is so unique in the cultivation of the power of the False God that he can be recorded in history. How long has he been here? The old guy Xu Xiangyin has been lured there so many times."

"In the future, when humans face the Eternals on the battlefield, the False God Civilization may have an unimaginable strong man. As long as this child does not die young, the future can be expected."

"Obviously we are beyond time and space."

"Don't talk about it anymore. If he shows this kind of talent, he must join the Void God Civilization. Otherwise, the Void Lord will go to Chaos and Space to cause trouble for you. It's a pity. If this kid's talent in wood transformation is as high as that. How good it is, not a civilization of false gods."

"I also hope that his talent in cultivating the King's Qi will be so high."

"Lao Zhi, what about you? Do you hope that someone will be extremely talented in cultivating the power of your lost tribe?".

"It doesn't matter if we hope or not, the Lost Clan's power is unique. It would be great if you can get started. No one can compare with me, an insider of the Lost Clan."

Others did not refute. The power of the Lost Tribe is indeed strange, and it also tests a person's character.

One day, two days, three days...Sixteen days, a full sixteen days, the power of the virtual god from the Xu Taoist Temple was crazily poured into Lu Yin's body. He watched the river of virtual god's power growing in his heart on the quicksand land. Quite a few, and finally stopped on the seventeenth day.

Opening his eyes, he saw a man staring at him in shock.

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