Star Odyssey

Chapter 2519 Absolute Genius

Lu Yin looked down at his hands, wondering if he was being bullied. Using his semi-ancestral level combat power to cultivate other civilizations, this was so fast that even others could not practice.

Fortunately, no one can tell how old I am, but I am not much older than them.

He stood up and stretched, his bones making soft sounds.

Luo Laoer asked, "Brother-in-law, you don't want to practice anymore?"

Lu Yin looked over and said, "Why don't you practice? It's not good to be lazy."

Everyone was angry, it was clear that they couldn't practice, but no one dared to say anything to Lu Yin now. Xu Xiangyin's attitude was scary. For fear that Lu Yin would complain, Xu Xiangyin would kill them directly. It was not impossible, he would kill them. , there is nothing they can do.

After the crowd dispersed, Luo Laoer quickly came up and praised him crazily. Xu Xiangyin came and threw Luo Laoer out. He looked at Lu Yin with undisguised wonder and envy in his eyes, "Xuan Qi, how do you feel?".

Lu Yin smiled and said, "Great, the power of the virtual god has entered the body, making this junior feel that he has become much stronger."

"Hahahaha, this is natural. Sixteen days of virtual god tide is equivalent to several years or even ten years of practice for others, but you achieved it in sixteen days. How did you do it?" Xu Xiangyin asked.

Lu Yin was confused, "This junior doesn't know either. I just feel that the power of these virtual gods is easy to absorb, so I just want to absorb as much as possible, and then that's it."

Xu Xiangyin was envious, "I am almost jealous of you. You have caused the tide of False Gods. In the history of our False God civilization, there have only been several False God tides. They can only be achieved by people with great enlightenment. Each of them has Achieving supreme greatness, your situation is exactly the same as theirs.”

Lu Yin was confused and said, "Senior, this is a good thing."

"Of course, I have already reported to the superiors that you caused the Tide of the False God. Your future must belong to the time and space of the False God," Xu Xiangyin said.

Lu Yin raised his head and said, "No one can stop this junior from joining the Void God's Time and Space."

Xu Xiangyin was pleased, "Very good, it's a pity that I have limited abilities and cannot meet Lord Xu. Otherwise, I would try my best to recommend you to Lord Xu and give you the opportunity to become his disciple. It's a pity." After saying that, he said, "Now Now, you should have a lot of power of the False God in your body, how about it? Which False God do you want to try to attract?"

Lu Yin raised his head and looked at the sky, his eyes shining with confidence. He raised his hand and pointed upward, "the biggest one."

Xu Xiangyin smiled, "Two and a half months. In just two and a half months, you want to try the biggest test of Xu Taoist Academy. Are you sure?"

Lu Yin said seriously, "Yes."

"Okay, then let me see how you create this miracle. I can tell you that even Xu Ji, the most talented disciple of our Virtual God Civilization in the contemporary era, may not be able to pull such a huge amount of power in two and a half months after entering the virtual god's power. Xu Shen, I hope you won’t disappoint me,” Xu Xiangyin said.

Lu Yin looked solemn and said, "Junior, let's begin." After saying that, the power of the Void God came out of his body and headed high into the sky.

At this moment, not only Xu Xiangyin, but also many people outside Xu Di were watching. They were all people from Xu Taoist Academy. They heard Xu Xiangyin's words and looked at Lu Yin with shock in their eyes.

Two and a half months after joining the company, you want to lead the village. Is it true?

Xie Wu's eyelids jumped. He had been in Xu Taoist Temple for two years, and he had only tried to pull the round virtual god from before. That virtual god was ranked in the top ten in Xu Taoist Temple at most, and it was far away from the village. This mysterious god Seven actually started to try the village, which is really weird.

"I remember that the last person who tried to lead the village was Shao Qingfeng, right?"

"It's He


"Luo Zang seems to have tried it too."

"Anyway, almost all the geniuses who joined Daochang have tried. The only one who succeeded was Shao Qingfeng, but Shao Qingfeng stayed in Xu Daochang for nearly a year."

"One year, two and a half months, this gap is a bit big."

"How is it possible to succeed? I heard Luo Zang say that the village is not only powerful, but also because there are roads, houses, courtyards, and even living animals in the village, which makes it difficult to pull at the same time, so he gave up. , If you want to succeed, you will have to spend at least more than a year in Xu Taoist Temple, which is not worth it."

"This Xuan Qi relies on his high talent to try to lead the village, which is impossible."

Everyone is discussing.

Lu Yin was not distracted. He had already touched the village with the power of the Void God. As soon as he touched it, he felt something was wrong. The power of the Void God contained in this village was not integrated like the previous attempts, but was scattered. The houses inside The garden house, including the paths and woods, and the small animals raised in the garden house all have their own powers of virtual gods.

If you want to pull the village down, it takes not only the power of the virtual god, but also the control.

This kind of control requires long-term practice and cannot be achieved overnight.

Xu Xiangyin had a smile on his face. Did you notice it? He was still too young. Do you really think that the biggest Xu God in Xu Taoist Academy was so easy to attract? Isn't the civilization of the virtual gods too simple?

This boy's talent is too high, and he has no hindrance in cultivating the power of the False God. In addition, his appearance several times has made him a little arrogant. It's good that this time is a lesson to him. He should suppress his character, otherwise he will really Thinking that the False God Civilization is so easy to cultivate is not good for his future.

"Xuan Qi, how do you feel?" Xu Xiangyin asked.

Lu Yin's face was solemn, "It's difficult. The power of the virtual god is scattered and it's difficult to move the entire village. It's like using a needle to move a mountain. Even if the needle breaks, it's impossible to make the mountain move."

"Well, it's pretty good to be able to see this. Then give up. It won't work this time. You should be able to practice for about half a year. With your talent, it can take up to half a year," Xu Xiangyin said.

Outside Xu Di, everyone was shocked. For half a year, this was what Xu Xiangyin had expected from Lu Yin.

But it took Shao Qingfeng a year.

The difference between the two is huge.

Lu Yin said, "This junior wants to continue trying, it should be possible."

Xu raised his eyebrows to Yin, "What did you say? It should be okay?".

Lu Yin said, "Yes." As he spoke, he looked deeply into the sky.

Xu Xiangyin smiled. Young man, unwilling to admit defeat, interesting, "Okay, I'll wait and see."

Lu Yin smiled secretly, is it difficult? Of course it is difficult. Even if someone with such talent in the False God Civilization wants to lead the village, it is impossible at this moment. But for him, it is trivial. Of course, he still has to pretend, and he cannot be too relaxed.

Time passed by, and everyone looked up at the sky, wondering why Lu Yin didn't give up.

Xu Xiangyin looked at him in admiration. Although he failed to lead the village, it was rare for this boy to persist for so long. Although his control of the power of Xu God was rough, he also showed his talent. Yes, quite good.

He really wanted to accept Lu Yin as his disciple, but unfortunately, he was not qualified.

Suddenly, there was an exclamation, "It's moving."

Everyone is staring at the high-altitude village.

Xu Xiangyin was surprised and looked up. He never thought Lu Yin could succeed, so he focused on Lu Yin himself and didn't care about the situation in the village.

Note, the village is actually moving now. As long as it moves, it means there is a possibility of success.

how come?

He didn't understand. It was impossible for this kid to do it. It was impossible.

Thinking about it, he stared at the village, his expression changed, and he looked a little unbelievable. He looked at Lu Yin again. Seeing him sweating profusely, the shock in his eyes became more and more obvious. This man actually broke all the virtual gods in the village and merged them into one. , this, this, is this something a beginner can do?

Lu Yin yelled, "Get down here."

The next moment, the village moved and landed slowly.

Everyone opened their mouths and moved, really moved.

Outside Xu Di, no one noticed that Xu Yue also came. Watching the village land, she also opened her mouth wide and was full of shock.

This, this, she looked at Lu Yin in shock, did he do this?

The village is a test for Xu Daoyuan. It is very easy for Xu Yue, but for a beginner, how long will it take for him to do it? How long did it take you to do this?

With a bang, the village hit the ground hard, making a loud noise and shattering in all directions.

Xu Xiangyin stared blankly at Lu Yin, once again shocked by his talent.

Lu Yin took a long breath and sat on the ground, powerless.

"Senior, junior, junior, I'm lucky to have lived up to my mission and done it," Lu Yin said.

Xu Xiangyin's eyes flickered, he was shocked under pressure, and looked at Lu Yin, "How did you do it?"

Lu Yin gasped and said, "It can be done by breaking the barriers between the power of the virtual gods and integrating them into one."

Xu Xiangyin didn't know what to say. It's easy to say but difficult to do. Is this something a beginner can do to break the barriers?

But then he remembered the previous False God Tide. This son's affinity for the power of the False God was extraordinary. He had caused a False God Tide just after he started. This was unprecedented since ancient times. This was a genius, a genius that was hard to explain.

Perhaps in the future, the Void God Civilization can continue its current glory under the leadership of this son.

He seemed to see the rise of a great world.

"Congratulations, Xuan Qi, you did it," Xu Xiangyin sincerely praised.

Outside the virtual world, everyone looked at Lu Yin with completely convinced eyes. Regardless of whether they were hostile to him or not, at least at this moment, Lu Yin had done something that ordinary people could never do. He suppressed the top genius Shao Qingfeng and others in everyone's hearts. They saw To the miracle.

Lu Yin smiled bitterly and shook his head, "It's too difficult, senior. Virtual God's civilization is broad and profound. Junior needs to practice hard and practice harder."

Xu Xiangyin's eyes lit up, "You are right. You are not proud, which is good. In fact, the reason why you can lead the village is purely due to your talent. I hope you can lead it down with your ability."

Lu Yin stood up and said seriously, "Now that this junior knows, he will definitely live up to the expectations of his seniors."

Xu Xiangyin was satisfied with Lu Yin's attitude. He could see that this person was sincere, unlike some people who got carried away with a little talent. He didn't see this in Lu Yin's eyes, which was what reassured him.

"Xuan Qi, you must remember that there is a world outside the sky, and there are people outside the world. Even in this Six Directions Dojo, there are people with extremely talented people beyond your imagination. Some people, even if they look ordinary, can use various methods to obtain things that ordinary people can't get in their lifetime. The power is not talent, but status." Xu Xiangyin said seriously, "Status can change everything, including talent. Talent is the ladder to climb up. The higher the talent, the higher the ladder, and the only thing you can climb. The higher he gets, but his status no longer needs a ladder, he is already standing at the top."

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