Star Odyssey

Chapter 2587 Holy Sorrow

No one knows how long the history of Wood Time and Space is. There was a war between the First Space and the Eternals, and many parallel time and spaces joined the battlefield. Wood Time and Space is one of the few powerful beings that can stand on an equal footing with the third continent of the First Space, and fight a decisive battle against the Jiu River. If we want to trace it back, perhaps the history of Wood Time and Space will go beyond Virtual God Time and Space.

No one knows how many strange trees have been born in such a long history. There have been gaps in space history, and wooden space-time has also appeared.

Mu Sanye wanted to go back to look for information, and he seemed to have thought of something.

On this day, a majestic voice echoed through the Six Directions Dojo, "Everyone gathered in the starry sky within ten breaths."

Lu Yin immediately walked out, stepped into the starry sky, and figures appeared next to him.

In the starry sky, You Teng, Shi Jiao and others are all there, and everyone pays homage one by one.

As soon as ten breaths passed, tens of thousands of people gathered in the entire Six Directions Dojo and entered the starry sky.

Lu Yin didn't expect there to be so many people. It seemed that another group of people had joined the Six Directions Dojo.

Wen Sansi, Zhuo Baiye and others were also there.

Shi Jiao stepped forward, and the power of the semi-ancestral level swept through everyone, bringing pressure and making the void distort, "Next, no one should say anything, we will take you to witness history. This process may be long, or it may be short. No one is allowed to speak for any length of time."

"Anyone who dares to violate the rules will be killed."

Everyone in the Six Directions Dojo was surprised. They are all elites selected from various time and space. Although their cultivation levels are high or low, it is undeniable that their future potential is great and their status in their respective time and space is not low. But now their lives are threatened. Many people are I'm not used to it, but no one really speaks.

Shi Jiao used a power similar to that of the inner world, and took tens of thousands of people from the Six Directions Dojo plus You Teng, Xu Xiangyin, Mu Sanye and others to leave.

Lu Yin knew that the destination should be the time of reincarnation, otherwise Shi Jiao would not be the main destination.

Are you going to reincarnate in time and space? He was a little worried. In that time and space where even the ancestral realm could be granted, would the Great Heavenly Lord notice him? Will you encounter the ancestral realm? The accident came so suddenly that he was unprepared.

In a blink of an eye, as the void opened up, they came to a strange starry sky.

For people outside the time and space of reincarnation, this starry sky is very strange, but Lu Yin feels familiar. He saw the land covering the starry sky and felt the power of the star source everywhere. If the land was not too big, He thought he had returned to the fifth continent.

In the entire Fifth Continent, only the New Universe has land, and the rest of the land has long since collapsed.

In front of them, there is a huge piece of land that spans the entire starry sky and spreads out to an unknown extent. It lies across the time and space of reincarnation, and everyone who sees it is shocked.

Lu Yin had seen this scene in the memories of cultivators from the Sixth Continent, and he had also seen this scene while traveling through time and space.

The fifth continent once had the same landmass, but now it has disappeared.

"Why is there land?" a woman exclaimed, with a cute appearance and full of agility, looking at Zhi Bing with curious eyes.

Zhi Bing's expression changed, and in the next moment, the woman's body turned into powder, and her blood spilled into the starry sky.

The expressions of everyone around him changed drastically, and they looked at this scene in horror.

Dead, that lovely woman died directly, it was Shi Jiao's attack.

"I said, no one is allowed to speak. Anyone who violates this will be killed." Shi Jiao was cold, colder than ever.

Everyone deeply understood the weight of this sentence. She was not joking, it was true.

Will kill people.

That woman was a member of the Lost Tribe and was very popular with Zhi Bing. She actually killed her without hesitation. Zhi Bing could have stopped her but failed to stop her. This was not only the will of the Liufang Dojo, but also the will of the entire Liufang Association.

Everyone's expressions changed, they closed their mouths tightly and could not speak.

Lu Yin looked at the land under his feet. This is the time and space of reincarnation. It is too similar to the fifth continent, or in other words, too similar to the beginning space. This time and space of reincarnation must be connected with the beginning space.

In the depressing atmosphere, Shi Jiao led everyone in one direction. With her half-ancestor's speed, it took her several days to cross the land and reach the other side, where she led Lu Yin and others to see the shocking scene. scene.

Everyone stared blankly at the battlefield in the distance. Countless cultivators were fighting with the Eternal Corpse King. A towering wall was built on the land. It couldn't be regarded as a wall. It was more like folding the land to block the Eternals. Although it was simple and crude. , but it is far more shocking than the boundaries of the three monarchs' time and space, and is full of wild magnificence.

Stars were shining inside and outside the wall. Lu Yin clearly saw the original treasure formation, and there were countless original treasure formations composed of stars, scattered inside and outside the wall.

The wall seems to surround the entire time and space of reincarnation, or it may only surround one direction. The dark red color visible to the naked eye is filled with walls, not only from humans and the Corpse King, but also from various starry sky beasts.

Countless cultivators stand on the wall and fight, and there are also cultivators fighting through the gaps in the wall. Those gaps look small when viewed from the perspective of the entire wall, but to the cultivators, they are already a large space. Some gaps even have stars rotating. Those stars are by no means smaller than the earth.

Here is the battlefield between the reincarnation of time and space and the Eternals, which is equivalent to the meaning of the battlefield on the back to the starry sky of the tree.

This place is full of brutal killings, and everything you breathe is the smell of blood.

This is a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

"This is the front line of my reincarnation time and space fighting with the Eternals. Here, except for the extremely powerful, everyone is an ant. Even if we wait, if we don't pay attention, we may fall. And on this wall, dyed The blood of the two extremely powerful people. Today, you may see the blood of the third extremely powerful person staining the wall. This wall is called the Immortal Realm." Shi Jiao's voice reached everyone's ears.

Everyone is looking into the distance, the Immortal Realm?

It looks like a wall, but it is extremely huge. It carries stars, enough to make half-ancestral strong men kill at will, and even allows strong ancestors to fight. This is the boundary of reincarnation time and space.

Lu Yin took a deep breath. There were no less battles here than on the battlefield behind. It could be seen from the darkened blood stains on the walls that it was still like this here. You could imagine the intensity of the boundless battlefield.

Everyone didn't know what they were looking at here. It was impossible for them to participate in the war in the Unsullied Realm. Going up there would mean death.

What Shi Jiao said made many people speculate. What does it mean that you might see the blood of the third extremely powerful person? Will there be an extremely powerful person fighting?

Even in the Immortal Realm, it is impossible for extremely powerful people to take action frequently.

Everyone watched calmly.

For ten consecutive days, the war in the Unsullied Realm went on numbly. Day after day, there was always fighting, and blood kept watering the earth, never stopping.

On the eleventh day, the starry sky suddenly changed, and the feeling of the sky falling and the earth falling came, making everyone feel the pressure from the depths of their souls.

Lu Yin's eyes flashed, he was a strong man in the ancestral realm.

Shi Jiao and others looked up, and an old man appeared above the starry sky. He looked at the Wushou Realm in the distance with a calm expression.

With the arrival of the old man, the entire Wugou Realm was trembling. This was a terrifying pressure that could only be brought by the strong ones in the ancestral realm.

Shi Jiao saluted and said, "See Transformation into a Saint."

You Teng, Xu bowed to Yin and others, "see the transformation of saints".

Countless people visit the Immortal Realm.

Lu Yin and others also saluted, expressing respect for the strong men in the ancestral realm just like the cultivators fighting in the Wushou Realm.

However, compared to Lu Yin and others, Shi Jiao's eyes were a little more sad. Only she knew what she was about to see. This scene was one of the few major events in the reincarnation of time and space that could be recorded in history, the Holy Sorrow!

Huasheng looked at the Immortal Realm for two full days, and then disappeared. The next moment, outside the walls of the Immortal Realm, countless corpse kings of the Eternal clan were shattered, and Huasheng descended and slaughtered them personally.

"Hua Sheng, you are seeking death." A loud shout appeared from outside the Wushou Realm. It was the Corpse King of the Ancestral Realm. He came out with a deep and cold voice and started an earth-shattering showdown with Hua Sheng.

There were too few people who had seen the battle in the ancestral realm. Even if the people in Liufang Dojo were looking at it, they couldn't see it at all, and their eyes were stinging.

Countless cultivators in the Immortal Realm retreated frantically, and the Corpse King was constantly affected.

The starry sky overturned, and the pressure brought by the aftermath was enough to make the Half-Ancestor vomit blood.

The Wushou Realm was cracking open, and two figures were attacking each other crazily. One of them was the Corpse King of the Ancestral Realm.

Huasheng was obviously suppressed and at a disadvantage. With physical strength, human beings were at a huge disadvantage against the Corpse King. However, Huasheng relied on the Transformation of Heaven Technique and counterattacked with the help of the Corpse King's power, and the attack was too much for the Corpse King to bear.

Shi Jiao and others stared closely, but they couldn't see clearly.

Lu Yin's eyes were calm. He guessed that Huasheng was indeed looking for death. He rushed out of the Immortal Realm and entered the Eternal Clan. This was the punishment given to him by the reincarnation of time and space, and the punishment given to him by the Great Heavenly Lord.


Hua Sheng kept vomiting blood, and the Ancestral Realm Corpse King opposite him felt uncomfortable, with his whole body cracking.

"How long can your original treasure formation last?" the Ancestral Realm Corpse King roared, taking out a hammer-like weapon and bombarding it continuously. Each bombardment made the void tremble, and a terrifying and boundless darkness appeared, as if the starry sky was really blown away. tear apart.

However, this kind of bombardment passively shifted the direction. Huasheng used the original treasure formation. The purpose was unknown, but it was able to prevent the Ancestral Realm Corpse King's attack from hitting him, and the Ancestral Realm Corpse King himself was still withstanding Huasheng's offensive.

Huasheng is indeed the original formation Celestial Master.

Lu Yin had already guessed when he saw the method of cultivating Hua Tian Gong. If the original treasure formation existed in this space and time, there must be the original formation Celestial Master, Transformation Saint. It was most likely. Now that it was confirmed, it was a pity for him. It would be great if you could get the original treasure formation that transforms you into a saint.

I'm afraid I won't have this chance.

Huasheng is asking for a fight. No matter how far he fights with the Ancestral Realm Corpse King, even if the Ancestral Realm Corpse King withdraws from the Wushou Realm, he will chase him out.

"Holy Sorrow, I remember, Hua Sheng, you have been executed the punishment of Holy Sorrow," the Ancestral Realm Corpse King roared in a deep voice.

Huasheng didn't say a word, even though there were many scars on his body, and even though his strength declined, he still rushed out of the Immortal Realm without fear of death.

"Come here if you have the ability. If you want to die, I will grant you a wish," the Ancestral Realm Corpse King roared again.

Huasheng broke out of the Immaculate Realm again, and lakes spread out around it. Lu Yin couldn't help but take a step forward. This is the ancestral world, Huasheng's ancestral world.

The emergence of the ancestral world almost means that the saint has done his best, which means that the end is not far away.

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