Star Odyssey

Chapter 2588: The only master

The holy lake spreads out of the Immortal Realm. Once any corpse king touches the lake, it will be dissolved directly, making countless people shiver.

The Ancestral Realm Corpse King keeps retreating, turning into saints and rushing into the Eternal Clan. The lake spreads, and he wants to die.

A few days later, the lake shrunk by nearly half, and the surface of the lake was dyed red with blood.

Shi Jiao said sadly, "Jinghu is the strongest power of Senior Huasheng. Senior once said that Jinghu is like the human soul, it must be spotless. No matter how powerful it is, now the Jinghu is stained with blood. Senior, I have to leave."

You Teng and others clenched their fists and watched the lake shrink with their own eyes.

They heard the wail of the Zombie King in the Ancestral Realm, and heard the maniacal laughter of the Transformed Saint. The pain and despair were suppressed in the manic laughter.

The Unsullied Realm rarely calmed down. Countless cultivators stood inside and outside the wall, looking into the distance. Each of them looked respectfully and saluted slowly.

Two more days have passed, and no trace of the Eternal Corpse King can be seen from the Immortal Realm. Countless corpse kings have been dissolved in Jinghu Lake, temporarily bringing an end to the endless war, but it has also brought a new end to his own life. Full stop.

"Chengkong", a loud roar came from Huasheng.

Everyone's body was shaken and they looked in horror. In the distance, the water of the lake spread out in all directions, covering the starry sky with blood, piercing through the stars and the walls of the Unsullied Realm. They vaguely saw Hua Sheng's body being torn apart. In front of him, the Ancestral Realm Corpse King roared. , hitting Huasheng continuously with a hammer, hitting Huasheng's head every time, smashing his head into pieces. Huasheng was not to be outdone, and grabbed the neck of the Ancestral Realm Corpse King with both hands, and the power of the Ancestral Realm bloomed with the last brilliance, " Become empty." He roared to the sky, and transformed into a saint. He exploded with all his power, completely plunging the void into darkness.

Lu Yin's heart trembled when he saw the terrifying darkness. It was a lightless place that even the ancestral realm didn't want to enter.

Huasheng tried his best to use his last strength to lead the Ancestral Realm Corpse King into the boundless darkness, but unfortunately, his power was exhausted. Half of the Ancestral Realm Corpse King's body was shattered, and the remaining half escaped. Although he did not die, he was short-lived. Time has also lost its fighting power.

Outside the Wugou Realm, the power of transformation turned into beams of light and rushed towards the time and space of reincarnation, rushing towards the high place, where there seemed to be a pair of eyes watching.

Shi Jiao was sad and saluted, saying, "Send me off to become a saint."

The others all saluted and said, "Send me off to the saint."

"Congratulations on becoming a saint."

It is raining in the Immaculate Realm, and every raindrop can feel the unwillingness of Huasheng before his death. It was the last brilliance of his power explosion. With extreme unwillingness to complete the Holy Sorrow, and atone for his sins under the command of the Great Heavenly Lord, he can He wanted to die, but he didn't want to die. He wanted to find Cheng Kong until the end and die with Cheng Kong. If it weren't for Cheng Kong, Tu Shuangshuang would not betray him or let him take the blame.

After being sanctified for a lifetime, he died like this in the end. Even though he died fighting for mankind, he did not receive the treatment he deserved. In the history of reincarnation, he was just a poor man who completed the Holy Sorrow and atonement.

No one spoke, whether it was the cultivators from the Wushou Realm or the people from the Six Directions Dojo such as Lu Yin, they all had a suppressed breath in their hearts at this moment and wanted to spit it out, but they didn't know how.

Is it worth sacrificing to become a saint just because of Tu Shuangshuang? Is it worth it? The more worthless it is, the more it means that the Great Heavenly Lord does not care. He does not care about the life of the saint at all.

Lu Yin looked into the distance. The ancestral realm was obviously the pinnacle of human cultivation. Even if his strength was high or low, he shouldn't die in such a wretched manner. What was the difference between this kind of death and the ancestor of the Liu family.

The ancestors of the Liu family were slandered by the Sifang Tianping and joined forces to kill them, while Huasheng was implicated in the massacre of Shuangshuang and died to atone for his sins. They were the saddest ancestral realm Lu Yin had ever seen.

This is the time and space of reincarnation, and this is the will of the Great Heavenly Lord, which cannot be defied even in the ancestral realm.

At this moment, Lu Yin had a new understanding of reincarnation time and space. This was a civilization that looked similar to the original space, but was completely different from the original space. Like star energy, they could not blend with each other.

No wonder Xu Xiangyin had heard from Xu Wuwei that even if possible, he would not become the three Nine Saints. Their power was unreal.

Lu Yin suspected that even if Huasheng wanted to betray humanity and join the Eternals in the end, he would not be able to do so, because his power came from the Great Heavenly Lord.

What is the significance of such ancestral realm power?

After a moment of silence for a stick of incense, Shi Jiao raised his head and glanced at the people in the Six Directions Dojo. "Someone will inherit the position of Saint Transformation within a hundred years. You should practice hard and strive to enter the eyes of the Great Heavenly Lord within a hundred years and obtain the position of Saint Transformation as much as possible."

In the past, everyone would have been excited, but now for some reason, it seems that the positions of the three Nine Saints are not so attractive.

Lu Yin didn't understand the purpose of showing them this tragedy in the reincarnation time and space. Was it to tell them that they could strive for the position of saint? Or tell them that even if they become the Three Nine Saints, they are still under the control of the Great Heavenly Lord? So, why continue to fight for it?

Perhaps there is only one meaning that the Great Heavenly Lord wants to express - from ancient times to the present, only he is the master of the years and stars!

Returning to the Liufang Dojo, everyone dispersed in silence. Shi Jiao went to find Lu Yin and had a conversation with him, but the conversation was also very dull.

In Shi Jiao's view, the death of Huasheng gave Lu Yin a great stimulation. She could only comfort Lu Yin and told him not to think too much and strive for the position of Huasheng.

Lu Yin watched Shi Jiao leave. The entire time and space of reincarnation was equivalent to living under the Great Heavenly Lord alone. This was still the case even after cultivating to the ancestral realm. So, was that time and space still time and space? It's basically a prison.

Half a month later, people left the Liufang Dojo one after another. Shao Qingfeng, He Shu, Mu Mu, Luo Zang and others all left. They could not learn anything in the Liufang Dojo. If they wanted to learn more, they could only enter the Liufang Club. time and space, it involves more than just the integration of civilizations.

Lu Yin was thinking about when to leave Liufang Dojo.

He had set his cultivation level too low. Today, when he was taken to Super Dimension by Ke Jian, he should have set his cultivation level at a level close to that of a star envoy. However, judging from his age, that kind of cultivation level is still Very eye-catching.

Which of these people, Shao Qingfeng, is not the genius of the Six Directions Society? He originally wanted to keep a low profile, but now, it is not that easy to leave the Six Directions Dojo.

Why hasn’t Mu Shikong responded yet? You should have seen something through the competition between yourself and Xu Yue. Even Xu Ji saw the problem. It was impossible for them not to see it. It was strange.

All Lu Yin can do now is wait. Maybe he can make a big breakthrough in his cultivation, such as - enlightenment?

While waiting calmly, Lu Yin did not wait for the scramble of time and space, but instead he felt a strange aroma. The aroma of food was very fragrant, so fragrant that it made people salivate.

Since embarking on the path of cultivation, Lu Yin has rarely been so greedy for the taste of food.

He followed the scent and walked in one direction. Who could it be? He actually created an alluring aroma that even he couldn't stand?

Soon, Lu Yin pushed aside the grass and saw a grass fire burning. A man was roasting something with his back to him. The aroma was emanating from the roasted meat.

"High-end ingredients often only require simple barbecue. What you eat is the original taste of the ingredients, sizzling and beautiful." The vicissitudes of voice came from the man with his back to Lu Yin.

Lu Yin turned around and left without hesitation, because the moment he saw that person, his brain produced a subconscious warning sign. This warning sign appeared more than once, and each time it brought him a life and death crisis. This person was not simple. , he didn’t even have the idea of ​​field testing.

The moment I turned around, I saw a back figure and the alluring aroma of barbecue. When?

Lu Yin turned around. There was only a pile of ashes left where he was. His pupils shrank. The person changed his position in an instant, leaving him too late to react. It was impossible. Even Xia Shenji and the others couldn't give him time to react. None, this person?

"Little guy, why are you running?" The man with his back to Lu Yin stood up, patted his butt, and turned the grill leisurely, "Are you guilty?"

Lu Yin's expression remained as usual, "Junior Xuan Qi, see you senior."

The rotating grill made a sizzling sound. The man took out something and sprinkled it on the barbecue. A more alluring aroma came out. Lu Yin swallowed unconsciously and looked at the barbecue. The smell was too fragrant. It's not like the taste of the human world. It's obviously a wild food like barbecue, but why does it have an otherworldly taste?

"I, the five flavors are empty," the man turned the grill and spoke calmly.

Lu Yin's heart sank and he saluted again, "Junior Xuan Qi, please see Senior Xu Wuwei."

Xu Wuwei still had his back to Lu Yin, his eyes fixed on the barbecue, "That guy Xiang Yin said you were very talented. He begged me to see you again and again. Well, all his hard work was not in vain. You are indeed very talented." ".

Lu Yin didn't interrupt and listened quietly.

"Being able to hide your strength in front of him, except for the extremely powerful, no one should see through you. This talent is rare." At this point, Xu Wuwei turned around and looked at Lu Yin. This was an old man with a vicissitudes of life, but his eyes were very... Qingming, so clear that one glance seemed to see through everything about Lu Yin.

Lu Yin's heart sank again. Sure enough, he couldn't hide it from this person. There are strong and weak in the ancestral realm. This Xu Wuwei is definitely the top one, at least at the level of Nine Mountains and Eight Seas or even higher, but it cannot reach the level of Mr. Mu, otherwise He can definitely see the power in his heart. Once he sees it clearly, it will definitely not be this attitude.

You know, even Mr. Mu was surprised by the power of his heart, unless his cultivation far surpassed Mr. Mu, but this was impossible. As Mr. Mu appeared again and again, Lu Yin's knowledge was refreshed. Mr. Yin Zhenmu is definitely a strong man at the level of Great Heavenly Lord, otherwise there is no way that Great Heavenly Lord would not take action against him.

No matter how strong the five flavors of Xu are, they will never surpass the Great Heavenly Lord.

"Hide your cultivation and join the Six Directions Dojo. My first guess is that you are the dark son of the Eternal Clan." Xu Wuwei said lightly. As he spoke, his eyes looked at the barbecue again. In his eyes, no matter what Lu Yin did, it was nothing. This roast is important.

Lu Yin's heart suddenly raised, "Senior, this junior is definitely not the dark son of the Eternal Clan."

Xu Wuwei raised his hand to stop Lu Yin from talking. He moved closer to the barbecue and smelled it, "The aroma is wrong. Is it burnt? It's not right either. The seasonings are not right. Let me think about it, think about it...".

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