Star Odyssey

Chapter 2593 Ten Meters Distance

Another half month passed, and Lu Yin finally caught up with them, only ten meters away from them.

The man looked back and said, "Little brother, you are very fast."

Lu Yin said, "It's not bad. The senior is also very fast. The junior has been chasing for more than a month."

"Haha, there aren't many people who can catch up with me in the entire Void God's time and space. What's your name?" the man asked.

Lu Yin looked at the man and said, "Xuan Qi."

The man was confused and had never heard of it. He looked at the woman and said, "Have you heard of it?"

The woman said coldly, "No."

"You and I have been competing in Xuguan for these years, and the outside world doesn't even know that there is such a genius." After saying this, the man looked at Lu Yin again, "Who does this little brother study under?"

Lu Yin said, "I wonder who the senior is?".

"We are asking you." The woman turned back and looked at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin said bluntly, "I dare not say it. If the senior has a grudge against the junior disciple, wouldn't he seek death if he did so?"

"Hahahaha, interesting." The man laughed and looked at Lu Yin with admiration. "You can speak so straightforwardly. My little brother is an aboveboard person. Well, my name is Xu Heng, and the one next to me is Xu Leng."

Lu Yin blinked, "Oh."

Xu Heng was speechless, "Is this the reaction?".

"What other reaction is there?" Lu Yin was confused.

Xu Leng's eyes flashed, "Are you not from Xu God's civilization?"

Lu Yin nodded, "Junior comes from beyond time and space."

"Chrono-space?", the two of them were surprised. Since the virtual pass was opened to the entire Six Directions Society, there have been many people coming to the imaginary pass, but almost no people from Chrono-space have come. Chrono-space learns cultivation skills, masters energy sources, and is not good at cultivation. , let alone those who come to break through the virtual barrier, they can't even move forward with the tide, and they will be pushed out when they come down, so there are almost no time-travelers here.

I didn't expect to see one now, and he was so powerful.

"Are you a person from time and space?" Xu Heng asked again.

Lu Yin said, "That's right. How does the senior know that the junior does not belong to the False God Civilization?"

Xu Leng said, "Because you are not surprised by our name, you either know us a long time ago, are even here to look for us, or you belong to an extraterrestrial civilization."

Lu Yin was curious, "Are you two very famous in the Void God Civilization?"

Xu Heng and Xu Leng looked at each other, "It doesn't count, right? Xuan Qi, you are a person from time and space, you can break through the virtual barrier so fast, but your cultivation level is so low. Have you learned the power of the virtual god?".

"You are from the Six Directions Dojo," Xu Leng guessed.

Lu Yin nodded, "This junior is from the Six Directions Dojo."

As they talked, the distance between the three of them kept getting closer. The main one, Lu Yin, kept getting closer to them, but the gap between them did not widen.

"How many people are there in Liufang Dojo now?" Xu Heng was interested.

Lu Yin replied, "Probably tens of thousands of people."

"So many?" Xu Heng was surprised.

Xu Leng said, "I have said before that the intersection of civilizations is an inevitable trend. Some people stick to the rules of their ancestors and will be eliminated sooner or later."

Xu Heng was embarrassed, "Leng'er, don't say that. The situation forces me to do it. Sometimes I have no choice but to do it."

Xu Leng snorted coldly, "I can do it as a woman, why can't you? Men are all duplicitous."

Xu Heng looked at Lu Yin awkwardly and smiled apologetically.

Lu Yin was curious, "The two seniors seem to be competing?".

Xu Leng suddenly stared at Lu Yin, "Little brother, how about helping me? Use your ability to help me move forward. As long as you can keep him ten meters away, you can choose one of the Xu Yin clan's collections. ".

Xu Heng was shocked and said, "Leng'er, don't do this nonsense."

Xu Leng sneered, "In the Xu Yin clan, no one dares to object to my words, how about that? Xu Heng, are you afraid?".

Xu Heng frowned, "You underestimate people's hearts. With your ability, you can suppress all objections, but what about in the future? Once something unexpected happens, those who oppose you will appear."

"Then kill them," Xu Leng's tone was full of decisiveness, "What are you afraid of?"

Xu Heng had a headache, "The only way to solve the problem is to kill them, and they are also your tribe. Why do you have to kill them? We can tolerate each other and convince others with reason. Only in the long run can we convince our tribe. You are just too extreme. Think about it. What happened to your parents”.

Xu Leng shouted fiercely, "How can you convince people with reason if you practice a certain way? Get out of here."

Xu Heng sighed, "My Xuyang clan is united, so we can defeat your Xuyin clan. After all these years, you still haven't understood this truth? Excessive killing will only aggravate the conflict."

"Who am I doing this for?", Xu Leng's eyes were red and he stared at Xu Heng.

Xu Heng was startled, looked at Xu Leng complexly, and said nothing.

Lu Yin understood. The two people came from different families. They seemed to have stories about each other, but they couldn't be together. This Xu Leng used thunderous means to suppress the family. He could do whatever he wanted and didn't care what others thought. Xu Heng cared about his family. Being tied down by the secular world caused Xu Leng to have resentment and hatred towards him.

Lu Yin didn't expect that he would encounter this kind of thing when he was breaking through the virtual level. How should I put it, it's too common. This kind of thing happens too much. After all, outsiders can't interfere. Their knots need to be solved by themselves. And Lu Yin didn't have time to deal with this kind of thing.

If it weren't for the difficulty of surpassing them, he wouldn't have interacted with these two people.

For a day, no one spoke. Lu Yin focused on rushing forward, getting closer and closer to them, but it would take a few days to completely surpass them. If he distanced himself, it would take even longer.

Xu Leng turned back and said, "Little brother, how are you? My conditions are not low. You come from super time and space. You don't know how powerful my Xuyin clan is in the time and space of the virtual god. But I can guarantee you that the virtual god you choose will be the best." The best virtual gods can allow you to use the Xu Hao Realm, and the best Xu God can allow you to use the Xu Tai Realm."

Xu Heng also turned around and looked at Lu Yin, "Little brother, don't get involved in this matter. I, Xu Heng, will give you a virtual god to ensure that you can use the virtual transformation realm."

Xu Leng glared at Xu Heng fiercely. If Xu Heng also asked Lu Yin to help, this would be competition. However, this bastard asked Lu Yin not to intervene in the matter and gave Xu Heng a piece of Xu Shen for free, making it seem like she was messing around. Why did this bastard She looked the same, which made people even more unhappy, "Xu Heng, if you have the ability, compete, if you don't have the ability, go away." After saying that, he looked at Lu Yin, "Two false gods."

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows, the price is not low!

Xu Heng dissuaded him, "Leng'er, don't mess around, you will cause a rebellion in the family."

Xu Leng shouted sharply, "It's none of your business. Isn't the collapse of my Xuyin clan exactly what your Xuyang clan wants to see?".

Xu Heng quickly said to Lu Yin, "Little brother, don't listen to her, she is messing around."

Xu Leng is angry, "Three pieces of virtual gods".

"Ling'er", Xu Heng shouted.

Lu Yin was speechless, how could this guy have lower emotional intelligence than him? The more he tries to dissuade him, the more Xu Leng will do it, and he makes nonsense every time. Who can stand it?

"Four pieces", Xu Leng looked at Lu Yin, "You can choose four pieces from the Xu God collected by my Xu Yin clan, as long as you help me throw him ten meters away."

Xu Heng looked at Lu Yin hurriedly, fearing that he would agree.

The tidal thrust of Xuguan was very strong. He could attack Lu Yin, but once he did, the thrust would push him away in an instant. The distance could easily exceed ten meters, so he could not threaten Lu Yin and could only persuade him with words.

Two people, one kept raising the price to tempt, the other kept discouraging, which made Lu Yin have a headache. He himself kept getting closer to the two of them, and was about to be on par with them.

"Two seniors, let the junior say something," Lu Yin shouted, Xu Heng and Xu Leng looked at him together.

Lu Yin said, "Senior Xu Leng, junior can help you." As soon as he said this, Xu Heng's face changed drastically. Just as he was about to speak, Lu Yin raised his hand to stop him and looked at Xu Leng seriously, "But junior, don't use Xu Shen."

"Then what do you want?" Xu Leng was alert. Although she was motivated, she was not stupid and could not agree to all conditions.

Lu Yin said seriously, "Junior, please agree to senior, calm down and not interrupt, and allow senior Xuheng to speak for an hour."

Xu Leng and Xu Heng were stunned at the same time. What condition is this?

Xu Heng was confused, "Little brother, this?".

Lu Yin looked at Xu Heng, "Senior, think carefully about what to say at this moment? What you have said before, which ones are meaningful and which ones are meaningless, senior is smarter than anyone else and should understand, and" Lu Yin looked around , "This is Xuguan, there is no one else here, only the two of you, the two seniors have amazing cultivation, why not let go of everything in the world, let go of family grudges and entanglements, and just be yourselves."

Xu Heng looked at Xu Leng with complicated eyes.

Xu Leng was originally looking at him, but when he saw his gaze, he subconsciously looked away.

Lu Yin looked at Xu Leng again, "Senior, can you agree?".

Xu Leng's eyes flickered and he snorted, "Okay, as long as I can win, it's fine. At worst, I'll just listen to him talk nonsense for an hour."

Listening to their conversation, Lu Yin could tell that Xu Heng was impatient and decisive. Every time Xu Heng spoke, she was interrupted and couldn't say anything he wanted to say. Many things couldn't be explained at all, so it was just right. , let Xu Heng have something to say, and the most important thing is that Lu Yin really has a headache. He helps Xu Leng win and let Xu Leng be quiet for an hour, so that he can be quiet for an hour and stay as far away from them as possible.

But an hour is too short. Lu Yin pursed his lips. He knew he should have said it would have been a day, but it didn't matter. They wouldn't argue during this period, and an hour was the same as a day. They couldn't distance themselves much. The main thing was to distance themselves. This time of distance can also be quiet.

"Senior, move the left front with three forces," Lu Yin said, telling Xu Leng, and at the same time, he himself was also moving forward.

"Fifth force movement on the right front".

"Stop for three seconds, go full speed, straight line."

With Lu Yin's help, Xu Leng gradually opened the distance from Xu Heng, and Xu Heng followed calmly.

In the blink of an eye, five days passed, and Xu Leng would soon be more than ten meters away from Xu Balance.

According to Lu Yin's estimation, even with his help, it would take at least more than ten days for Xu Leng to open a distance of ten meters from Xu Heng. But now he can do it in five days. This is not only Lu Yin's credit, but also Xu Heng's own slowdown. It was related to speed. He did it on purpose, allowing Xu Leng to open a distance of ten meters, just for that moment.

Lu Yin looked back, looked at Xu Heng and smiled knowingly. Xu Heng's eyes were filled with gratitude.

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