Star Odyssey

Chapter 2594 The Power of Familiarity

Soon after, the ten-meter distance passed, and Xu Leng was overjoyed, "I won, I won." She was grateful to Lu Yin.

Lu Yin laughed, "The two seniors should go to the left, and the junior to the right. After one day, the two seniors can have a quiet environment for conversation without being disturbed."

"No need, little brother," Xu Heng said from behind, "You can listen, it's okay."

Xu Leng stared at Xu Heng coldly, "I won, does the previous bet count?".

Lu Yin didn't know what the bet was between them, but it had nothing to do with him, and Xu Heng himself thanked him, so it didn't matter.

Xu Heng smiled, "Of course it counts, Leng'er, you win."

The corners of Xu Leng's mouth curled up, "You can talk now. I can still listen to your nonsense for an hour."

Xu Heng glanced at Lu Yin gratefully again, then cleared his throat, "Leng'er, I'll say it then."

Xu Leng snorted coldly, saying nothing or interrupting.

"First of all, the Yin Yang Sword is indeed not in the hands of my Xu Yang clan," Xu Heng said. In the past, whenever he said this, he would be interrupted by Xu Leng. Now that there are restrictions, Xu Leng just wanted to speak, but he held back. Listen quietly, but she definitely doesn't believe it.

"I know you don't believe it, so let me start from the beginning. Back then, Master Xu Yi was the direct descendant of two lineages. The ancestors of the Xu Yang clan and the Xu Yin clan were brothers. The two of them...".

Xu Heng started talking for an hour, but he didn't notice that Lu Yin's expression changed the moment the words Yin Yang Sword appeared.

Yin Yang sword? It couldn't be the sword in his hand, it wasn't that coincidental.

Originally, he planned to move on. The two people talked for an hour without moving, which was enough for him to put some distance between them. However, as soon as the words Yin Yang Sword came out, Lu Yin did not leave and just listened.

As Xu Heng's words came out, Xu Leng's expression gradually changed. Xu Heng told the whole process from the appearance to the disappearance of the Yin Yang Sword, and provided evidence to prove that the Yin Yang Sword was definitely not in the hands of the Xu Yang clan, "The reason why you confirmed that Yin Yang The sword is in our hands because your mother told you..."

Half an hour later, Xu Leng's face turned pale and he asked, "Why didn't you say these things before?"

Xu Heng said bitterly, "Do I have room to speak?".

Xu Leng opened his mouth, his eyes dim.

"I have explained clearly about the Yin-Yang Sword, and then there is another matter." Xu Heng continued to speak. Soon, an hour came, but he did not stop, and Xu Leng did not interrupt, he just listened.

Xu Heng talked for a long time, explaining one thing after another, solving misunderstandings one after another.

After hearing so much, what Lu Yin admired the most was Xu Leng's mother, who actually tried her best to create so many misunderstandings for them, resulting in the two of them never being able to be together. Xu Leng's mother knew her temper so well, so Under multiple misunderstandings, Xu Leng would never be able to listen calmly to Xu Heng's explanation. If it weren't for him, these misunderstandings would continue for who knows how long until they die.

In human history, many grievances are caused by misunderstandings. These two words bring as much killing and death as wars, and some wars even originate from these two words.

Lu Yin moved on. He was not interested in listening to Xu Heng's confession. He had already figured out that the sword in his Ningkong Ring was the Yin Yang Sword they were looking for. It came from Master Xu Yi, the Xu Yang clan and Xu Yang. The ancestor of the Yin clan is the disciple of Master Xu Yi.

This made Lu Yin feel guilty as a thief, even though he did not take the Yin Yang Sword from these two clans.

Go, but it's really with him.

I don't know how long later, "Little brother, please stay," Xu Heng's voice came. Lu Yin was startled for a moment and turned around slowly.

Xu Heng had stopped talking, looking at him with gratitude, while Xu Leng's whole person had changed, becoming much softer, as if the edges had been worn away.

At this moment, Lu Yin was quite far away from them, but for people with their level of cultivation, this distance was not too far.

They've been talking for days.

Xu Heng saluted Lu Yin from a distance.

Lu Yin hurriedly stopped him, "Senior, it doesn't have to be like this."

Xu Heng solemnly said, "It's necessary. My little brother's kindness to me cannot be explained clearly in a few words, not just to me." As he said that, he looked at Xu Leng.

Xu Leng also saluted Lu Yin from afar, "There's still me."

"It's our two tribes," Xu Heng said, looking at Lu Yin, "little brother's help can be regarded as saving our two tribes to a certain extent. The two of us solemnly thank you again. If little brother has anything to help with in the future, , we must find the Xu Yang clan and the Xu Yin clan, and our two clans will do our best to help."

Lu Yin smiled and said, "You two seniors don't need to pay too much attention."

Xu Leng smiled for the first time, "Brother Xuan Qi, if you don't dislike me, you are my younger brother, Xu Leng, and Xu Heng is your elder brother. If you need anything, you must remember to come to us. No matter what, we are not ungrateful." generation".

Lu Yin felt their sincerity, but it also made him more and more uneasy. The cultivation path was full of intrigues and fighting everywhere. He even experienced the struggle for power and profit in the Fifth Continent. Such pure emotions are too rare, Ming Yan, Shang Shengren, eldest sister, Wendy Yushan, Brother Huikong, the mentor of Xingkong Battle Academy, as well as Elder Zen, Senior Brother Qingping, Senior Brother Mu Xie, they are Xu Xiangyin in the Six Directions Association, and now, there are more Two people.

Although they didn't get along for long and it was just a one-time relationship, Lu Yin could feel the gratitude and commitment from their hearts.

He wanted to take out the Yin Yang Sword and give it to them, but he couldn't do it. Once he took out the Yin Yang Sword, it would only make them doubt the purpose of his appearance and cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

"I understand. Brother Xu Heng and Sister Xu Leng. If possible, I will also help find the Yin Yang Sword and give it to you. Although my cultivation level is low, I know a lot of people," Lu Yin said loudly.

Xu Heng laughed and said, "Thank you very much, Brother Xuan Qi. I would like to wish you good luck in passing the Xu Pass."

Xu Leng rolled her eyes at him, "Don't say such lies, it's impossible to break through the Xu Pass." As she said that, she looked at Lu Yin and smiled, "Brother, don't be persistent, no one has been able to break through the Xu Pass for so many years. I won’t pretend to wish you any more.”

Xu Heng smiled bitterly.

"If possible, I hope to invite brothers to be guests of my Xuyin clan."

Xu Heng's eyes lit up, "I will definitely invite brothers to be guests of my Xu Yang clan."

Lu Yin smiled and said, "Okay, I will definitely go when I have time."

"Brother, have a good journey. Although it is impossible, I still hope that brother can pass the virtual barrier and achieve this unparalleled miracle," Xu Heng shouted.

With his blessing, Lu Yin continued to move forward, feeling very comfortable.

It's not bad to meet these two people.

Seeing Lu Yin's leaving figure, Xu Heng sighed, "The younger generation is gradually catching up, Leng'er, we have to work hard too."

Xu Leng rolled his eyes,

"What's the use of trying hard? What we have learned is Master Xu Yi's unique skills. Now we have reached the top. If we can't find the Yin and Yang Sword, we will never be able to break through the Xu Tai Realm."

Xu Heng had a headache, "Yes, now that the misunderstanding between you and me has been resolved, let's join forces and mobilize the two clans to search for the Yin Yang Sword. Once we have the Yin Yang Sword, we may both be able to break through the Void Realm and shock the space and time of the Void God."

"Whoever follows you is shameless." Xu Leng's face turned red.

Xu Heng laughed, "It's time for Xu Yang and Xu Yin to join forces to bring a shock to Xu Shen's time and space. They may have forgotten the fear of being dominated by Master Xu Yi."

Xu Heng and Xu Leng will not move forward. Lu Yin moves forward alone, heading towards the center of Xu Guan.

In fact, this place is not far from the center of Xuguan. Not everyone can come to this location.

A few days later, Lu Yin saw someone lying face up on the tide in front of him, with his head resting on his arms and a cup of drink on his body. He was leisurely following the thrust of the tide and going out, humming an unknown tune. With a pleasant appearance, this is a man who looks very ordinary, with dark skin and wearing something similar to sunglasses.

When this person passed by Lu Yin, he took out a drink and handed it to Lu Yin, "Do you want it?"

"No, thank you," Lu Yin said, silently, and walked forward. A huge wave surged in his heart. A strong man in the ancestral realm was actually a strong man in the ancestral realm. Damn it, he actually saw a strong ancestral realm again in this virtual pass. Or, did this person see what he was hiding?

The death mask is very powerful, at least Bai Sheng couldn't see it at first, but Xu Wuwei could see it, and Lu Yin didn't know what happened to this person, and he didn't intend to speak.

Seeing Lu Yin moving forward, the man took a sip of his drink, pushed up his sunglasses, and said, "Interesting." After saying that, he continued to lie on the tide, flowing out with the tide, which was quite comfortable.

After several days, Lu Yin breathed a sigh of relief. The ancestral realm was not so easy to encounter, but he did. He didn't know whether he was unlucky or lucky.

I looked up and saw a vortex, which was in the center of Xuguan. Xu Xiangyin said that in every era, people rushed into the vortex, but were quickly thrown out again. No one can really enter. Only by entering, then... Only by attracting the light from the sky can one pass through the virtual barrier.

However, this light in the sky, according to Xu Xiangyin's meaning, will never be seen in this life.

Lu Yin was the only one around the vortex. He saw through the power of the Void God and kept pushing forward. Finally, he came to the entrance of the vortex and squeezed in.

After fighting against the tide for such a long time, he thought that he would face a greater thrust after entering the vortex, but he didn't expect that the whole person would crash into it. There was no thrust from the tide, and everything was dark. Lu Yin subconsciously wanted to release the field and feel it. The next moment , a familiar force comes from all directions, that is - Star Source.

Lu Yin's expression changed drastically, Xingyuan? Why is there the power of Star Source here?

This star power came suddenly, was magnificent and majestic, and was full of oppressive force. However, it suddenly disappeared when it arrived. The star source vortex in Lu Yin's body continued to rotate, absorbing the surrounding star sources.

This is either the star source power of reincarnation time and space, or it is from the fifth continent, or in other words, from the beginning space.

Two words suddenly appeared in Lu Yin's mind - Wu Tian.

Could this power come from Wu Tian?

Suddenly, his body fell, and Lu Yin couldn't control it. The pressure generated by the surrounding star source power reached the level of the ancestral realm. Unless he released the Catalog of the Gods and relied on the power of the ancestral realm to resist, he would never be able to hold on.

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