Star Odyssey

Chapter 2601 Two Clans

Lu Yin was surprised. It was a white energy source? It seems that two-color soil is really important.

"As long as you can help us get five tons of two-color soil, this white energy source is yours. You know its value very well. Once you use it, you are enough to fight me," Ke Jian said hotly.

Lu Yin smiled bitterly, "I want to use the white energy source, I don't know what time it is, and I can help Master Heran. I can't ask for it without any reward."

Ke Jian handed the white energy source to Lu Yin, "This is Lord Heran's request. You must accept this white energy source."

Lu Yin knew that if he didn't accept it, they wouldn't feel at ease.

Of course he is willing to have one more white energy source. Even if he doesn't use it, he can give it to others. "Then thank you, senior. Thank you Lord Heran for me."

Ke Jian nodded, "When will you go to Virtual God Time and Space?".

"Soon", Lu Yin replied.

Ke Jian reminded, "In this time and space, you have Lu Yin as your enemy, so try not to be too conspicuous."

Lu Yin nodded, "Junior knows, senior, don't worry."

Ke Jian hummed and patted Lu Yin's shoulder, "Don't worry, Master Heran said that as long as possible in the future, she will help you deal with that Lu Yin and help you get back everything that belongs to you. With the influence of God’s time and space, coupled with the support of Master Heran, maybe the future of this space is yours.”

Lu Yin was speechless, it was originally his, "Junior knows, thank you Lord He Ran."

Ke Jian left, thinking that the conditions he proposed would definitely make Lu Yin's heart flutter.

Taiyi Shen is looking forward to the future when he knows that Xuan Qi is Lu Yin. His expression will be wonderful.

Lu Yin returned to the Tianshang Sect. After knowing what happened in the past six months, he left and went to the Void God Time and Space.

He doesn't need to go to the Liufang Dojo.

Arriving at the time and space of Xushen, Lu Yin found a cultivator to confirm the directions of the Xuyang and Xuyin clans, and went directly.

The space and time of the Void God is very large. The two clans of Xu Yang and Vu Yin are close to each other. They are obviously in great conflict with each other, but they insist on being connected. They are still very famous in the time and space of the Void God.

What's even more strange is that due to their cultivation, the celestial phenomena of the two tribes are completely different.

The Xuyang clan is as hot as fire, even the starry sky is distorted by the high temperature, and huge fiery red planets spread, which will sting the eyes of ordinary people just looking at it.

The Xuyin clan is spread all over the darkness, and the starry sky is blowing with icy cold power, like wind but not wind, which can cut the void when swept.

From a distance, the two races appear to be completely opposite, separated by a line in the middle, completely isolating the scorching heat from the cold.

Lu Yin looked ahead. The resources needed by Chaos should be on the line that completely separated the two races.

It seems to be a line, but the closer you get, you will find that it is also a majestic mountainous area. The mountains are located in the starry sky. The color of the mountains is strange dark red and slightly off-white, which should be two-color soil.

Lu Yin approached, but was stopped, "No one is allowed to approach the Xuyang Clan's territory without permission." The voice he spoke was low, coming from a fiery red planet not far away. As the words approached, ripples appeared. Spreading, burning the void.

Lu Yin stepped back and said, "Junior Xuan Qi, I would like to see the leader of the Xuheng clan."

"Xuan Qi?", opened his eyes on the fiery red planet, it was a man, stepped out, and came to Lu Yin with scorching heat, "Are you Xuan Qi?".

Lu Yin looked at the person who came. This person was in the Xu Hao realm. Compared with the power of the Xu God in the Fifth Continent, he should have been in the Sixth Origin Tribulation. The Xu Yang clan was quite strong, and such a strong person would be the gatekeeper.

"This junior is Xuan Qi," Lu Yin said politely.

The man smiled quickly and said, "You are not a junior, you are the brother of the clan leader, and a guest of my Xuyang clan. I am Xu Zhi, Lord Xuan Qi, please."

Lu Yin was flattered and said, "Senior, don't call me that. I don't dare call you that."

Xu Zhi said, "You're welcome, sir. Don't call me any senior, just call me Xu Zhi."

While talking, Xu Zhi introduced Lu Yin to the Xu Yang clan with a very enthusiastic attitude.

Entering the realm of the Xuyang clan, the light became more and more dazzling, coming from the high temperature of the stars, and it was all fiery red.

Xu Zhi waved his hand and used the power of Xu Zhi to block the high temperature, "Master Xuan Qi, the clan leader is studying the matter of joining forces with the Xu Yin clan in Liangse Mountain. Please come with me."

Lu Yin was curious, "joining forces?".

"Yes, my Xu Yang clan and Xu Yin clan have been inherited by Master Xu Yi since ancient times. However, they split due to some reasons. Half a year ago, the two clan leaders returned and suddenly joined forces to reunite the Xu Yang clan and Xu Yin clan." Zhidao.

Lu Yin was curious, "I've heard about this. There are rumors everywhere in False God's Space and Time. Once they join forces, the two races will be very powerful."

Xu Zhi smiled and said, "It's not that easy. I, the Xuyang clan, do listen to the clan leader, but there are some guys in the Xuyin clan who work against the will. On the surface, they are willing, but in fact, they are wreaking havoc everywhere behind the scenes, which is a headache."

While talking, Lu Yin followed Xu Zhi on the mountain that separated the Xuyang clan and the Xuyin clan. It was called Liangse Mountain. The name was simple and easy to understand, Liangseshan, Liangsetu.

Not long after, Lu Yin saw many people from the two tribes gathering together in Liangse Mountain. They seemed to be fighting fiercely, but they also seemed to be discussing with each other. It was very lively.

"Haha, brother Xuan Qi, you are finally here." Xu Heng came over with a loud smile, attracting the attention of many people.

Lu Yin stepped forward with a smile, "Eldest brother invited me, how dare I not come?"

"Just come, brother, I've been looking forward to it for a long time, but brother, you are practicing at Senior Xu Wuwei's place, so it's not easy to disturb him, and you actually forgot to leave your contact information at that time."

"The Xuyang clan is so famous in Xushen's time and space, you can find out just by asking around."

On the other side, Xu Leng also came. When he saw Lu Yin, he blamed him, "Brother Xuan Qi, why don't you leave my Xu Yin clan and come over? It seems that in the hearts of the brothers, they still favor Xu Heng, the eldest brother."

Lu Yin smiled bitterly, "Sister, please don't make fun of me. My brother just happened to come to the Xuyang clan."

"You can enter from the Xuyang clan, but you have to go to my Xuyin clan first to visit, otherwise it will be biased."

"Leng'er, do you want to fight for this too?".


"Haha, brother, if I won't embarrass you, just visit the Xuyin clan first."

Lu Yin laughed and said, "Arrange it however you like. Anyway, I'm already here and I can't escape."

"Ha ha".

In the distance, someone was talking, "Who is that kid? He was received by the two patriarchs as soon as he arrived. I have never seen the patriarchs so enthusiastic."

"You guessed it right, the changes in the two clan leaders should be related to that boy."

"You mean the kid who broke through the virtual barrier?".

"it's him".

Some people stared at Lu Yin with cold eyes. The conflict between the two clans was bad for some people, but it benefited some people. Now that they were all destroyed by Lu Yin, naturally some people were dissatisfied.

Soon, Lu Yin was led by Xu Leng to visit the Xu Yin clan, followed closely by the Xu Yang clan. This visit lasted several days.

Lu Yin also felt the atmosphere between the two clans.

The Xu Yang clan is harmonious. Although Xu Heng is restricted by the clan in many aspects, his management style can be recognized by the clan. On the contrary, Xu Leng is cold and cruel, suppressing the Xu Yin clan and dare not speak out. Even Xu Shen They all dare to give it away at will, but there is an undercurrent within the clan.

Lu Yin has already felt a lot of malicious looks.

I guess many people are dissatisfied with themselves!

"Come, brother, try the unique delicacies of our two tribes." Xu Heng handed Lu Yin a corn-like food that was three meters high. It looked like corn, and the seeds were golden yellow, but if you look closely, You will find that the inside is dark red with a bit of grayish white, just like the colors of these two-color mountains.

Lu Yin was surprised. He took the seeds and took a bite. The explosive taste spread in his mouth, full of rich aroma, with a smoky and burning feeling, but it was ice cold in the stomach. "Yummy" .

"Haha", Xu Heng laughed.

Xu Leng said, "This is a delicacy only produced in Liangse Mountain. You can't eat it anywhere. If I like it, we will send you a batch to make sure you have enough."

Lu Yin held the corn in his arms and gnawed it, "Then I will be disrespectful. You can get as much as you want."

"Hahahaha, as long as I like it, brother," Xu Heng said with a smile. It could be seen that they were really happy.

In addition to that kind of corn, the two ethnic groups also have other special delicacies, as well as drinks brewed from that kind of corn, which have an even richer taste. With other ingredients added, Lu Yin immediately asked for a batch to take away.

"Brother, I heard that the union between the two clans is not going very well?" Lu Yin asked after he had had enough wine and food.

Xu Heng and Xu Leng looked at each other and looked at Lu Yin, "It's a bit troublesome, but it can be solved. It's just a matter of time."

Lu Yin nodded and said nothing more.

"You guessed it right, brother, do you have something to do here this time?" Xu Heng asked, staring at Lu Yin.

Xu Leng said, "If you have anything to say, let me know. If we can help, our two tribes will do our best. All I need is a word from you, brother."

Lu Yin smiled and said, "Two-color soil, can it be sold?"

The two were surprised, "What do you want Liisetu for?".

Lu Yin did not hide anything, "Besides me, there should be others who want to buy Liangsetu."

Xu Heng's eyes flashed, "There is a group of people who deliberately hide their identities, but we found out that they come from beyond time and space."

Lu Yin bluntly said, "I just want to buy two colors of soil from time and space."

Xu Heng waved his hand and said, "Take whatever you want."

Generally speaking, Lu Yin met them when he broke into the Void Pass, helped them, and now he helped Chaojiao buy two-color soil. It is easy to think that he approached the two tribes under the instruction of Chaozhou, but Lu Yinchuang After passing the virtual pass, it is different. This shows that Lu Yin's real purpose in breaking through the virtual pass is not to get closer to the two tribes, otherwise he will be able to break through the virtual pass unintentionally. How can this virtual pass block various cultivators for countless years? , how even the extremely powerful are blocked out.

Xu Leng said, "Generally speaking, we don't sell much of the two-color soil, but if you want it, brother, just take it. There's no need to buy it. You can take as much as you want."

Lu Yin smiled and said, "That's not possible. This is a business, and I'm just a matchmaker. What I really want to buy is Super Dimension." At this point, Lu Yin looked solemn, "Don't worry about my face, just sell it how you want." ".

Xu Heng and Xu Leng were a little confused, not knowing what Lu Yin meant.


Here’s an extra update, thank you brothers for your support. In the new year, brothers must make a fortune, make a fortune, and let Sui Feng take advantage of it. Thank you! !

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