Star Odyssey

Chapter 2602 The Bone Spur Shows Its Power

Lu Yin said again, "Brother, you should know that although I, Xuan Qi, come from Super Time and Space, I am not a person from Super Time and Space. I have no special relationship with Super Time and Space. If you buy the two-color soil, it will affect the Xu Yang Clan and the Xu Yin Clan. , then just pretend that I didn’t say anything. If it doesn’t affect the transaction, you can trade normally. I’ll just pretend that I’m selling favors to Super Time. As for the Xu Yang clan and the Xu Yin clan, if you can make a profit, I’ll give you some more drinks. I’m grateful. Endless."

Xu Heng laughed, "I understand, I know how to do it."

In front of Lu Yin, the two of them decided that they could trade the two-color soil to Super Time and Space. However, after Lu Yin went to rest, they faced some troubles. The root cause was that when Super Time and Space purchased the two-color soil, it caused a lot of trouble. There is a contradiction. The Xuyang clan agrees to sell, but the Xuyin clan makes trouble. The Xuyin clan agrees to sell, but the Xuyang clan is also dissatisfied. In the end, Super Dimension cannot buy the two-color soil.

Now it suddenly has to be sold to them again. The conflicts that arose due to this matter have not yet been resolved, but were temporarily suppressed. Now they are erupting with many problems.

Xu Heng was okay, the clan was more convinced of him, and after weighing the pros and cons, there wouldn't be any trouble, but the Xu Yin clan completely broke out into conflicts.

"Clan leader, our two clans promised not to sell them two-color soil at the beginning, but now they have sold it again. Where can I put my face? Who will care about what our two clans say in the future?", a member of the Xuyin clan The old woman with a vicissitudes of expression said in a serious tone.

Then someone else said, "Because of the two-color soil, we fought with the Xuyang clan several times, and my grandson was seriously injured and found it difficult to practice. Now that the two-color soil is suddenly sold to Super Time, what's the point of everything we do?" ?".

"Yes, patriarch, we don't agree with this matter."

"There is also the matter of joining forces with the Xu Yang clan...".

Xu Leng looked indifferent and glanced at the crowd. The power of the False God suddenly released, forming a power that only those who cultivated the False God civilization could see. It was like the sky falling and the earth collapsing, pressing on everyone.

In an instant, the sky of the Xuyin clan changed.

On the other side of Liangse Mountain, Lu Yin, who was talking to Xu Heng, suddenly looked at him, "What is this?"

Xu Heng sighed, "Here we go again. If she keeps pressing like this, something will happen sooner or later."

Lu Yin looked at Xu Heng, "Is this Sister Xu Leng?".

Xu Heng said, "Leng'er has a hot temper. The person who knows her best is her mother, so she can create misunderstandings for us one after another, which makes me unable to even explain. Now, the members of the Xuyin clan object to certain decisions, and she also I won’t listen to their explanations and insist on going my own way.”

"Is it because of the two-color soil?" Lu Yin asked.

Xu Heng smiled and said, "This is a trivial matter. It is mainly the trouble caused by the fusion of the two races. Although merging with each other can improve combat power and expand influence, feuding is not that easy to resolve and has nothing to do with you."

Lu Yin's eyes were heavy, "Two-color soil is a trivial matter, but if it is an introduction, it is not a trivial matter. Brother, let me handle this matter."

Xu Heng was surprised, "You handle it?"

Lu Yin said, "Since my brother and eldest sister recognized me as their brother, I, Xuan Qi, am a member of the Xuyang and Xuyin clans, and I am qualified to intervene in the affairs of the clan. Besides, the two-color soil transaction was also because of me, so leave it to me. ".

What Xu Heng wanted to say, Lu Yin smiled and said, "If you can get through the Xu Pass, do you still have to worry about me?".

Xu Heng's eyes flashed, "Okay, what do you want to do, brother?".

"Take me to the Xuyin Clan," Lu Yin said.

Soon after, Xu Leng's power disappeared

, the Xuyin clan was once again subdued by her, but the resentment within the clan continued to accumulate. Once someone broke through the Xubian realm, it was very likely that they would turn against Xu Leng.

Xu Heng knows this, and Xu Leng himself knows this.

From the very beginning, when she couldn't be with Xu Heng because of the opposition within the Xuyin clan, she had hatred towards the Xuyang clan. Similarly, she also had hatred towards her own clan, so she did whatever she wanted and didn't care what her clan members thought. , gradually, she has become accustomed to this. Even if she is with Xu Heng again and no one can object, she is still like this, forcibly subjugating the tribe.

Many people in the Xuyin clan have ideas. Just waiting for someone to break through the Xubian realm and be on an equal footing with Xuling, the grievances accumulated over the years will be vented.

"Back off," Xu Leng's voice was cold.

In front, a group of Xuyin clan members saluted and exited.

At this time, Xu Heng arrived with Lu Yin.

"Wait a minute," came Lu Yin's voice.

Xu Leng looked over, "Why are you here?".

Xu Heng said, "Brother Xuan Qi wants to handle this matter by himself."

Xu Leng said, "I have already taken care of it."

Xu Heng frowned and said, "How many times have I told you that your method of handling this can easily lead to hidden dangers?"

Xu Leng said, "There are no hidden dangers, as long as I make sure I am the strongest."

Xu Heng was helpless, no one could do anything about this temper.

At this moment, many members of the Xuyin clan were staring at Lu Yin with coldness and dissatisfaction in their eyes. In short, no one liked him.

Not the entire Xuyin clan is opposed to the integration with the Xuyang clan, but those who come now are opposed to it, and those clansmen who are in favor of integration and support Xuleng have not appeared.

Lu Yin looked at these tribesmen and said, "I facilitated the sale of the two-color soil. If you have any opinions, you can come to me."

"Your Excellency is not a member of my Xuyin clan, so what qualifications do you have to interfere in the affairs of our clan?" the old woman said with a cold gaze.

Lu Yin looked at her, "I helped Chaojiong purchase the two-color soil. What does it have to do with whether I am a member of the Xuyin clan? As long as you get rid of me, the two-color soil transaction will naturally not be established. This is the simplest and easiest The quickest way."

"Brother, you", Xu Leng's expression changed and he was about to stop him. Lu Yin looked over and said, "Sister Leng, the simplest solution for a cultivator is strength, isn't it?"

"Well said," a man shouted, staring at Lu Yin, "Boy, I don't care what your relationship is with the clan leader. If you dare to say such things, you must bear the consequences."

The best way to vent their grievances is of course to hit them. It is better to let them vent their grievances on themselves than to save them and leave them to Xu Leng, which will only cause trouble in the future.

The man walked out and glared at Lu Yin, "Boy, what level are you in?".

The corners of Lu Yin's mouth curled up, "Void Hao Realm".

Xu Heng and Xu Leng were surprised. When they first met Lu Yin, Lu Yin's power was only at the Xu Shang Realm, and definitely not at the Xu Hao Realm. But now, in less than half a year, he has actually reached the Xu Hao Realm? how come?

"I am also in the Xu Hao realm, but the power of the Xu God is definitely stronger than yours. Are you sure you want to use your strength to solve it?" the man said.

Lu Yin nodded, "If I can't win you, the two-color soil deal will be cancelled."

The man sneered, "What a loud tone." After speaking, he looked at Xu Leng and said, "Clan leader, you won't stop it."

Xu Leng stared at the man and said, "Stop."

The man raised his head and said, "Okay." After saying that, he said to Lu Yin, "You take action first."

Neither does Lu Yin

Be polite, raise your hand, and the bone spurs appear. These people simply cannot see how powerful the bone spurs are, including the virtual balance and the virtual edge.

As Lu Yin waved his hand, the bone spurs penetrated the void and landed directly on the man's eyebrows, almost touching him. The man froze on the spot and didn't move. It wasn't that he didn't want to hide, but that he didn't react. Why so fast?

Lu Yin's eyes were bright. This bone spur was indeed a rare treasure left by Wu Tian. It ignored the defensive distance and directly hit the enemy. It was so useful.

The bone spurs were retracted, and Lu Yin looked at the other party, "How?".

The man was stunned. He didn't show his strength at all and was defeated in one move. "You".

Xu Leng looked at the bone spur in Lu Yin's hand. No wonder he dared to say that. This should be a rare treasure. She didn't even see how it appeared. It should have been given to Xuan Qi by senior Xu Wuwei. Xu Heng also thought so, but Only with the virtual five flavors can such good things be given.

The man gritted his teeth and his face turned green and white. He was unwilling to give in. He clearly didn't take action and was defeated without even releasing the power of the Void God. It was so frustrating.

"I know you are not willing to give in. The game just now is cancelled. Let's continue," Lu Yin said.

The man sneered, "So what if you don't give in, defeat is defeat." After saying that, he turned around and went back.

Lu Yin was surprised that this person was straightforward.

Another person walked out and said, "Then let me do it." She was a woman, with a delicate appearance, and a large scar on her face that had not yet healed. She must have just experienced a battle and had not yet healed.

"Xuan Qi, right? I've heard of you. You are a top prodigy in the Six Directions Dojo. You have just passed through the Void Pass. No wonder you dare to talk wildly to us," the woman said.

Someone behind him exclaimed, "Is he the one who passed the virtual barrier?"

"It's actually him."

"No wonder he was treated politely by the clan leader."

"It is said that this son invited Senior Xu Wuwei to be his guide and did not become a disciple of Lord Xu. What did he think?"

"I know you are talented, but unfortunately, you have found the wrong opponent. I am also in the Xu Hao realm, but the gap between you and me is too big." The woman stared at Lu Yin coldly, "You can still make the first move." After the words fell, her surroundings The power of the virtual god filled the air, and then, a sharp claw came out of the void, sweeping around with a bloodthirsty and brutal aura. This was her native virtual god.

Xu Leng frowned. This woman's name is Xu Lie. She is a rare prodigy of the Xu Yin clan. She was once famous in the time and space of the Xu God. Just like Xu Ji today, she is confirmed to be a prodigy who can definitely break through the Xu Transformation realm. If it weren't for the Xu Yin clan and Xu Yin clan, The Yang clan has special cultivation, and it is impossible to break through the Xutai realm without retrieving the Yin-Yang sword. This woman will definitely be considered a prodigy who can achieve the Xutai realm, not inferior to her at the beginning.

The reason why these people are becoming more and more bold and dare to openly oppose is because of the existence of this woman.

Now this woman is close to the peak of the Xu Hao Realm. If she is given a few more years, she will definitely reach the Virtual Transformation Realm.

This is also the reason why Xu Heng is worried. Once Xu Lie reaches the Xu Bian realm, chaos awaits the Xu Yin clan.

Lu Yin was surprised when he saw the insubstantial natal virtual god walking out, White Tiger?

With the appearance of the white tiger, the terrifying power of the False God filled the air. It was almost no worse than the power of the False God that Xu Leng had just suppressed everyone. It also carried indescribable killing power. People who had never experienced killing could not persist at all. .

Behind Xu Lie, the old woman and others were satisfied. This time's opposition was just a test. Xu Leng still wanted to forcefully convince them as before. The more she did this, the louder the Xu Yin clan's opposition would be, and the higher Xu Lie's influence would be. , this moment is just the right time to exert his power to intimidate the clan members, plus he has just come off the battlefield, this power is enough to give many people confidence.

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