Star Odyssey

Chapter 2629 The disgusting place

Lu Yin sat down and looked ahead. This was the place where he was sent to fight to the death. But at that time, he was fighting inside, and now, he was watching from the beast platform.

There were crowds of people all around, and there were cheers and noises everywhere.

The more civilized people are, the more they need barbaric ways of catharsis, which not only vent their pressure, but also reflect their superiority. This is barbaric civilization.

For a cultivating civilization, this kind of beast farm is meaningless. They may be fighting creatures every day, but in super time and space, they can only see it here.

"How long has it been since I was fighting inside?" Lu Yin asked. Beside him, a stunningly beautiful woman in scantily clad clothes was serving her. After hearing Lu Yin's words, the drink he originally poured almost spilled out.

Mirror God and Taiyi God were horrified. Where did the Taoist Master fight?

Ke Jiandao, "more than three years."

Lu Yin misses, "More than three years, it doesn't seem like a long time, but it feels like a world away."

Ke Jian smiled and said, "It took only three years for the Dai Palace Master to achieve his current status. Anyone who knows him would find it incredible."

Lu Yin laughed and said, "It doesn't even feel real to me."

In the animal farm, a man and a beast were fighting bloody battles. Lu Yin could clearly see the fear and despair in the man's eyes. Once upon a time, he had it too, but he fought his way out. From the Tofu Star, from the bottom, this man was not so lucky. .

The roars of wild beasts and the wails and shouts of people were quickly suppressed by the endless cheers. Countless people were noisy, noisy, excited, and excited.

Ke Jian had been observing Lu Yin and saw that his face was calm and he couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"Why is that person fighting?" Lu Yin suddenly asked.

Ke Jian said, "There are many reasons, including punishment and voluntary action. If the acting master wants to know, I will ask someone to ask."

Lu Yin waved his hand, "No need." After saying that, he paused and curled up the corners of his mouth, "Master Heran, do you like watching this kind of show?".

Ke Jian didn't expect Lu Yin to ask this, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

Lu Yin smiled and said, "Forget it if you don't know."

The final result was unexpected. The man actually survived. Although it was miserable and two of his limbs were eaten, he still survived. The moment he was lifted off, the man's eyes burst with hope. He was not being punished, he should be. Volunteer.

This victory should be in exchange for something that would change his life.

Everyone has their own path, and Lu Yin will not interfere with other people's choices, even if he can change that person's fate with just one sentence.

Looking up and looking at the sky, is there really someone controlling all of this? Will that person feel pity when he sees this scene?

At this time, the cheers boiled again, and someone entered the field again, and that person's opponent was a huge bat-like creature, occupying one third of the animal field, leaving that person with no way to escape.

Lu Yin looked at it, surprised, "Xie Wu?".

"Know?" Zijing asked.

Lu Yin nodded, "Ke Jian, isn't he Xie Wu? He is from Heshu, how could he enter the animal farm?".

At this moment, in the animal farm, Xie Wu was trembling, looking fearfully at the giant beast that was tied up with iron chains and struggling crazily in front of him, his eyes full of despair.

Ke Jiandao, "The first batch of people who joined the Six Directions Dojo have come out, and everyone has a position. Xie Wu and others were assigned to guard the research materials. It was originally a very leisure position, and they were given preferential treatment, but they were taken advantage of. Destroying the data caused the research progress to slow down and waste at least several years. Master Heran ordered him to be thrown into the animal farm and survived for three games.

Don't blame anyone if you come down, and don't blame anyone if you die."

Lu Yin looked at Zijing.

Zijing said, "Those data were researched and recorded decades ago, and we need to re-test them now."

Lu Yin understood.

"Does the acting palace master know this Xie Wu?" Ke Jian asked.

Lu Yin said, "I've met him once."

"Then, what do you mean by acting as Palace Master?" Ke Jian asked.

Lu Yin said, "This is Master Heran's will, what can I mean?"

Ke Jian said, "If the acting master doesn't want Xie Wu to die here, just say one word and Sir He Ran will give the acting master face."

Lu Yin smiled and didn't say, Xie Wu was dead. He couldn't deal with that giant bat beast. Although this person had mastered combat skills and maybe had wood talent, what the Chronos relied on most was the energy source. Losing Energy source, his combat power has been greatly reduced, and he will be a ghost only if he survives."

He Shu didn't protect him.

Xie Wu's fight was much more exciting than the previous one. He used the Eight Arms of the Stone Gate, the power of the Void God, and even used a sneak attack to break a tooth of the giant bat beast, and used the teeth to use the Stone Mace and the Flash of the Dragon. However, nothing happened He was still bitten through the body by the giant bat beast and struggled to death.

His death was only a matter of time.

Someone outside the field obviously didn't want him to die so quickly. Whenever the giant bat beast tried to eat him, he would be dragged away. This kind of struggle on the edge of life and death was the most desperate.

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes, "Why didn't those people just let Xie Wu die?".

Ke Jian said, "This is the rule of the zoo. Once the cheers caused by a certain fight reach a certain level, that fight will continue until the cheers subside."

"It is to make the viewers excited and excited, and to stimulate the emotions of the entire zoo."

Lu Yin looked down. There were too many people cheering. The harder Xie Wu struggled, the happier they were.

In the animal farm, Xie Wu coughed up blood and hit the ground hard. The shadow was shrouded in shadow. The giant bat beast opened its mouth and bit him. His body was dragged out. The giant bat beast bit him on the ground without getting any food. It went even more crazy, which also caused More cheers.

The same scene kept playing out, and Xie Wu gradually gave up struggling. He wanted to die, and would rather die than endure this kind of torture.

With a bang, the ground shook, and Xie Wu was dragged out again. He had given up struggling, and the cheers decreased. If he didn't struggle, where would the fun come from?

But then, Xie Wu began to struggle again, and the cheers gradually grew louder.

Lu Yin looked outside the zoo. Someone was threatening Xie Wu. If he gave up his struggle, he would throw his sister into the zoo. This sentence made Xie Wu go crazy. He vented his anger on the bat beast. The two fought again, cheering. The sound is getting louder and louder.

How cruel!

At this time, there was a noise from behind.

Lu Yin looked around and saw that it was actually a fish.

Zuoyu didn't expect to see Lu Yin here, and her surprise was only momentary. It was Zijing she was looking for.

"Get out," Ke Jian shouted.

Zuoyu shouted, "Please let my grandfather go. I am willing to go to the animal farm and fight. The responsibility is mine and has nothing to do with my grandfather."

Ke Jian's eyes widened suddenly, and just as he was about to say something, Lu Yin said, "Let her come."

Ke Jian was stunned for a moment, did not object, and waved.

Zuoyu hurriedly came in and knelt down in front of Zijing, "Master Zijing, it is my fault that the data was damaged. I am willing to go into the animal farm and fight. Please don't implicate my grandfather. My grandfather cannot leave the decision-making group. Please." .


, "This matter is not my decision."

Zuoyu continued to beg, "Please, those materials can be retested. As long as you say a word, my grandfather will not have to leave the decision-making group, please."

Ke Jian said coldly, "I've said what needs to be said, get out and don't disturb the guests."

"Zuoyu, what's going on? When did you come out of Liufang Dojo?" Lu Yin asked.

Zuoyu's body was shocked and he didn't raise his head. He just knelt on the ground and said, "I am guarding the information, Xie Wu, and several people who came out of Liufang Dojo. We are guilty and are willing to admit punishment, but we must not implicate my grandfather. "My grandfather cannot leave the decision-making group. Once he leaves, the family will be finished. I can die, but nothing can happen to my grandfather. Please, Lord Zijing, please."

Zijing asked Lu Yin, "We also met at Liufang Dojo?".

Lu Yin nodded, "The relationship is not bad."

Zijing looked at Ke Jian and said, "If I test it myself, it won't waste much time. Can you help her?"

Ke Jian said, "I can apply to Lord Heran."

Zuoyu was overjoyed, "Thank you Lord Zijing, thank you Lord Xuanqi, thank you Lord Ke Jian, thank you, thank you."

Lu Yin looked at the animal farm and said, "Let that one go too."

With a casual wave of Ke Jian's hand, the giant bat beast was crushed into pieces, and its blood spread across the battlefield, dyeing Xie Wu's whole body red.

Xie Wu fell to the ground, looked in the direction of Ke Jian, and saw Lu Yin.

Lu Yin smiled at him and left. This place is disgusting.

"Thank you to Master Xuan Qi. Without him, you would be dead today," Ke Jian scolded Xie Wu.

Seeing Lu Yin's leaving figure, Xie Wu slowly knelt down and lay on the ground, "Thank you."

The cheers in the zoo stopped, and many people were dissatisfied and yelled, hoping that Xie Wu would continue to fight. However, as Ke Jian's white energy rose into the sky, no one dared to talk nonsense.

After walking out of the zoo, Lu Yin took a deep breath. The air outside was better.

"Mirror God, Taiyi God, and Super Dimension, you have also visited, so go back first," Lu Yin said.

The two said goodbye to Ke Jian, who personally sent them back to the Home of the Gods.

Zuoyu chased him out of the zoo and thanked Lu Yin again.

Lu Yin was curious. He knew through Zijing that Super Spacetime had a thorough analysis of the entire space-time material. The practitioners of Liuyun Space hid themselves and tried to rescue Liuyun, but they were all seen by Super Spacetime. How was the data destroyed?

"Anzi", Zuoyu gave the answer.

Lu Yin understood that there are hidden elements in any time and space of the Six Directions Society, even Super Time and Space, which thinks it has thoroughly analyzed its own time and space, is no exception.

With the methods of the Eternals, no matter how much Chaos looks for them, there will be a lot of shadows.

In Lu Yin's view, the number of dark particles in the Star Sky of the Tree is far lower than that of the Liufang Hui Spacetime, all because the Hanmen is far more efficient than the Tianjian Mansion.

"Since Anzi did it, of course it was handed over to Tianjian Mansion. Why should you be held responsible?" Lu Yin asked.

Zuoyu said solemnly, "The decision-making team cannot blame Tianjian Mansion, it can only punish us. In order to prevent me from being punished, grandpa was willing to leave the decision-making team and free up a spot for the decision-making team."

"Where's Xie Wu? Isn't he from He Shu? Why is he so miserable?" Lu Yin asked again.

Zuoyu glanced at Lu Yin and said, "In addition to us, there are also He Shu who are guarding the information."

Lu Yin's eyes flashed and he laughed. This Xie Wu took all the blame for He Shu. No wonder he was so miserable. But he definitely didn't do it voluntarily. No wonder he was so resentful.

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