Star Odyssey

Chapter 2630 Perfection and Hiddenness

"You just said that the decision-making committee cannot blame Tianjian Mansion?" Lu Yin remembered and asked.

Zuoyu replied, "Our time and space is very special, because we think that we can analyze the entire time and space, and any intrusion by external forces will be detected, so whether it is combat or investigation, we all rely on cultivation skills, coupled with the Tianjian Mansion The leader is You Fang, the leader of the Youjia family. The Youjia directly delegates the task of searching for hidden objects in Tianjian Mansion to all the carriers of the art of feeding and the monitoring system. This also leads to the fact that although Tianjian Mansion exists, it is equivalent to non-existence. Because the monitoring system spreads across time and space, it is equivalent to being everywhere."

"Relying on the monitoring system, many of the corpse kings who infiltrated have been captured, which is worthy of the name of Tianjian Mansion, but it is difficult to catch the dark ones, because the developed dark ones are all our own, no matter how powerful the monitoring system is, it is impossible Identify one's own secrets."

"Youjia is in charge of Tianjian Mansion? No wonder the decision-making team dare not blame." Lu Yin understood. Youjia is a giant in time and space. The ancestor of Youjia is the one who developed the technique of feeding. The technique of feeding can push the universe beyond time and space. One of the most powerful cultivation skills at the current position. Even now, the one who knows the most about the Feeding Technique is Youjia. Although Youjia only has one seat on the decision-making committee, they don’t need a seat on the decision-making group at all. The decision-making group cannot control them. .

Lu Yin knew a long time ago that the decision-making group seemed to be in charge of the entire super time and space, but in fact it was just a tool to help determine who would win between He Ran and Bai Qian. Before He Ran and Bai Qian, the decision-making group had always been This kind of role only has great power on the surface.

Let them blame Youjia, even if they have ten courages.

And since the master of Tianjian Mansion is You Fang, it means that You Fang must be able to use the black energy source, that is, the Ancestral Realm powerhouse. Such powerhouses are extremely rare in super time and space.

Lu Yin did not expect that Tianjian Mansion would be in this form in super time and space. So, what form would it be in wood time and space, reincarnation time and space, etc.?

Compared to Super Dimension, Tianjian Mansion in Xushen Dimension is much more normal.

Soon after, Ke Jian came back.

Lu Yin asked him to lead the way and wanted to see He Ran.

It's still the same staircase with flowers blooming just to highlight the most beautiful woman.

He Ran looked down at Lu Yin's arrival.

Lu Yin saluted respectfully, "Lord Heran."

He Ran smiled, "Xuan Qi, as I said, you don't need to salute when you see me. You are about the same age as my brother He Shu, so you can just call me Sister Ran."

Zijing quickly stopped, "No, how can this be done? It's too offensive."

He Ran said, "It's okay if I say yes."

Lu Yin smiled and said, "In that case, I will call Sister Ran from now on. In fact, I have wanted to call her that way for a long time, but I am just afraid that Sister Ran will be angry."

"How could it be? Having a younger brother like you brings light to my face," He Ran said with a smile.

Lu Yin raised his head and looked at He Ran openly. When they first met, he did so which aroused He Ran's anger and made him kneel down. Now, facing Lu Yin's eyes again, He Ran smiled lightly, untainted. Chen Chen's beautiful face impressed Lu Yin's eyes.

Even though Lu Yin had seen too many beauties, He Ran still amazed him.

When he looked up for the first time, what he saw were extremely perfect legs, dazzlingly white. What impressed him most was the eyes shining like stars. They were so beautiful and flawless that he forgot to look at the face, and only had those eyes in his mind. His eyes were dazed under the melodious scolding.

Now looking again, Lu Yin looked at He Ran's face hidden in the airflow, and an inexplicable sentence appeared in his mind, 'That face satisfies all human fantasies.'


He Ran is a perfect woman. She displays everything a woman should have so perfectly. Perfection should not exist. It is as if the word woman was born for her. If there is a Creator who created human beings, maybe she is the most beautiful one under the Creator. A perfect masterpiece.

Bai Qian is beautiful, but her heroic spirit is completely different from hers.

One is the beauty of being a woman, which can turn everything into softness, and the other is the beauty of self-improvement, which can control everything.

If the two of them were placed on the battlefield, He Ran would definitely not survive for a second, but Bai Qian might be able to dominate the battlefield.

But if we compare purely as women, Bai Qian is far inferior to He Ran.

She is just a woman, a perfect woman. She doesn’t need too much modification or adding anything. She is just a woman, just a woman.

Human beings seem complex. They can cultivate, develop technology, practice skills, mythology, civilization, etc., but in the final analysis, they are only divided into two types, men and women. Whether it is business, cultivation, war, or lies, it is all between people. The struggle to show women to the ultimate perfection is He Ran.

Lu Yin's reaction made He Ran very satisfied. Very few people could look directly at her, not only because of her status, but also because she hated the eyes of those people. Why should they look at her? She was a low-class waste. Even one more glance made her feel like blasphemy against oneself.

Lu Yin was different. He was extremely talented, apprenticed to a very powerful person, and was in charge of the Void God Time and Space Tianjian Mansion. His deeds and abilities qualified He Rangao to take a look. This glance gave Lu Yin the qualification to raise his head.

Look, if you look at yourself, any woman will pale in your eyes.

He Ran curled up the corners of her mouth and looked at Lu Yin, her shining eyes were extremely bright. You should be ashamed of yourself!

Lu Yin lowered his head.

He Ran is even more satisfied. No one can face her without bowing. Therefore, she is the master of the future of time and space. How can Bai Qian compete with her?

Lu Yin did lower his head, but it was not because he was ashamed, but because he was afraid that he could not help but take this woman away. Such a beautiful woman gave him an idea. If the Tianshang Sect had such a perfect person as its image, how many people would there be? Want to join?

This kind of woman is eye-catching to look at every day.

"Sister Ran, I'm here to apologize," Lu Yin said.

He Ran was puzzled, "Please forgive me?".

Lu Yin said, "My younger brother secretly intervened and released Zuo Yu and Xie Wu, so that they could avoid the punishment of the data being destroyed."

Ke Jian stepped forward and said respectfully, "Sir, this subordinate agreed without authorization."

Zijing said, "Sir, I am willing to try again and restore the data."

He Ran laughed and said, "What do I think? You don't need to tell me about such small things, just let Ke Jian do it. Xuan Qi, you and He Shu are both younger brothers in my heart. You don't have to be cautious in super time and space in the future. I want to Just do whatever you want."

Lu Yin smiled and said, "Thank you, Sister Ran." After saying that, he asked, "I wonder if the resources of Liangsetu are enough? If not, I will get some more."

Zijing said, "It's not enough. Keep trading and get as much as you can."

"Okay, I get it." Lu Yin took care of everything.

He Ran smiled lightly, very satisfied with Lu Yin's attitude. It was like this. It could be seen that this person was very excited. Being able to call her sister was something no one could ask for. Even if some people were older than her, so what. Call yourself sister, those people can be considered to be tainted with a hint of perfection, just work hard, those people will try their best to gain their own recognition and praise, and Xuan Qi is no exception.

Lu Yin didn't stay at Heran's place for long, and this wasn't a place where he could talk about his family life.

Ke Jian took him away.

So far, Lu Yin doesn't know the direction of the stairs where He Ran is. He always teleports because Uncle Mo is there and he doesn't use the field to detect it, but he will know one day.

Sister Ran? Lu Yin looked back, it was interesting, one day I will let you call me Seventh Brother.

Lu Yin originally wanted to go directly to the Xushen Spacetime, but he received an invitation from the Zuoyu Family to be their guest.

"Zuoyu's grandfather, Zuo Gong, is a very capable person. Their family is not a big family. Zuo Gong climbed up the ladder from an ordinary person to finally entering the decision-making group. He is one of the few people who entered the decision-making group as a civilian. ", Ke Jian told Lu Yin, and the implication was that he could go or not with this invitation. Zuogong was just an ordinary person.

Time and space separate nobles and commoners. Zuoyu is a noble because her grandfather Zuo Gong is a member of the decision-making team. If not, she would not have become a noble.

"It would be rude not to go when someone invites you. Please Ke Jian, please take me to their house," Lu Yin said.

Ke Jian nodded, without saying anything else, and took Lu Yin to Zuoyu's family.

Dalu Yin didn't know how vast the super-time and space area was. He only knew that in super-time and space, most of the time was teleportation, and there were teleportations everywhere. They really analyzed their own time and space thoroughly.

There is no way to arrange so many teleportation devices in the original space, so only the Starry Sky War Academy has some.

Zuo's mansion was not big, so only Zuo Yu and her grandfather Zuo Gong greeted Lu Yin.

"Our grandfather and grandson live in our residence all year round. Her parents died on the battlefield and the rest were separated. Mr. Xuan Qi, don't be surprised," Mr. Zuo said politely.

Lu Yin said, "It's very polite of me to be a businessman. Xuan Qi is grateful for the invitation."

Zuo Gong solemnly said, "I am grateful to Young Master Xuan Qi. If it were not for Young Master Xuan Qi, I would have left the decision-making group. It is not because I am an old man who is attached to the seat of the decision-making group, but because I have offended too many people. Once I leave the decision-making group, Zuoyu, There are others who will face a desperate situation, thank you again, Mr. Xuan Qi."

Zuoyu followed and saluted, "Thank you, Brother Xuanqi."

Lu Yin asked Zuo Gong, "Zuo Yu and I can be considered friends just because we met each other. It doesn't have to be like this."

Zuogong sighed, "I'm afraid I, an old man like me, can't repay your kindness, and I feel guilty."

Lu Yin smiled and said, "It's just a little effort. If you are so polite again, I will leave. I'm not used to it."

"Haha, I'm talking about Mr. Xuan Qi's invitation," Zuo Gong said with a smile.

Zuoyu smiled and looked at Lu Yin, thinking that the acquaintance back then was still like a dream. Who would have thought that the person who was accepted as the younger brother by Mu Ta would now stand at this height. If she had known this, she blushed slightly and hurriedly followed him. .

Zuogong is a cheerful person, outspoken, and often laments injustices in his words. It is not surprising that such a person would not offend others.

The reason why Lu Yin came here was because he wanted to learn about super time and space through Zuo Gong.

Zuogong told a lot about his understanding of Chrono-Space, maybe because he was drunk, and told many things that were considered confidential. For example, on the surface, there were thirty white energy sources stored in Chrono-Space, but in fact there were seven. Ten pieces.

The white energy source is equivalent to the power of the half-ancestor, which means that the super time and space can create seventy half-ancestor masters in the shortest time.

This number shocked Lu Yin.


Extra updates for the Lantern Festival, thank you brothers for your support, thank you! !

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