Star Odyssey

Chapter 2638 Found it

Listening to You Fang's words, Lu Yin was surprised, so confident, "Is that why senior is willing to give me the authority to monitor the super dimension?".

You Fang praised, "You responded quickly, but you guessed wrong. From the beginning, I was willing to give you permission for no other reason." He looked solemn, "Only by giving you what you want can you do what I want." watch".

The hyperspace of the night is no different from that of the Fifth Continent. In the night sky of Youjia's home star, a carrier of the art of feeding made by Yule hangs, shrouding the home star with a faint light, illuminating the way for hundreds of millions of people on the home star.

Lu Yin looked at the rabbit-shaped carrier of the art of feeding in the night sky. It was really a bad idea to have hundreds of millions of people on the home planet look at this kind of moon.

At the end of the day, whether they were traveling or having fun, Lu Yin felt that they were cynical and didn't care about anything, but their strong self-confidence was reflected in every aspect, so confident that Lu Yin felt that they were the masters of time and space.

How many black energy sources does this Youjia have collected? This is what Lu Yin is interested in. How far can they use the technique of feeding?

"What I did is cute, isn't it?" Yu Le appeared outside the yard where Lu Yin lived, pointing at the sky and cheering.

Xu Yue came, "Lele, you are so shameless, how cute is that pig?".

"Dead Yueyue, it's obviously a rabbit." Yu Lele chased after him fiercely.

Lu Yin closed the window, Yu Le was so jealous, and really stared at him. Youjiamou was sure that he had other purposes, so he just stared at him openly. This was the first time for Lu Yin to experience this.

In other words, people who are overly smart and confident are quite troublesome because their guesses are correct.

Under normal circumstances, Lu Yin and others would need to read through the Chaotic Sky Sky Mirror Mansion information before they could determine which direction to start from.

Lu Yin found You Fang, hoping to give him permission to travel beyond time and space.

You Fang did not refuse and took Lu Yin to find the coordinates of time and space, allowing Lu Yin to leave his breath on them.

In the Six-Party Society, every time and space has coordinates for outsiders to travel back and forth. Once, Lu Yin was not qualified, but now, he is.

Now, he has left his mark in the Void God Time and Space, Super Time and Space, and the Three Monarchs Time and Space can also be entered through the Sealing Thunder Clan, leaving only the Wood Time and Space, the Lost Clan, and the Reincarnation Time and Space.

In the next few days, You Le squatted outside Lu Yin's residence as usual. She didn't care about her image, and no one in the You family asked her to care about her image. She just stared at Lu Yin, making Lu Yin lose his temper.

Tearing the void apart, Lu Yin returned directly to the eternal kingdom.

Youjiamou is sure that he has other purposes, so there is no need to hide them. If they have the ability, they will find out.

Arriving in the eternal kingdom, Lu Yin found Luo Laoer and took him back to the super time and space.

"Brother-in-law, can you directly enter super time? I can't even", Luo Laoer exclaimed.

The purpose of Lu Yin bringing Luo Laoer here was to trade with that mysterious man. When he first came to the hyperspace, he could either use six points of the dice to consume the hyperspace resources to merge into someone else's body, or this method. Lu Yin really didn't have the hyperspace resources at the moment. I hope Can obtain secret clues through transactions.

"Yes," Luo Laoer exclaimed, looking at the information in the dark green frame.

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows. He could really buy it. Even Anzi knew, "I can't find out who this person is at all?".

"Can't find it," Luo Laoer said helplessly.

Lu Yin's eyes flickered. It seemed that he had to first acquire a resource in super time and space, and the most reliable way was to read other people's memories by himself. This person could trade secret clues, so he might not be able to determine Luo Laoer's identity through this.

Get closer and find your own clues.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly sent Luo Laoer back to the eternal kingdom.

At the same time, under the dim firelight, a person was surprised and asked, "Luo Ren? What did he do to buy the secret information? Is he back?".

"He shouldn't buy Anzi's information. If he didn't buy it, who would it be? Youjia? Or who else?"

"Mu Jun disappeared, the Feng Lei Clan and Luo Qi all disappeared. Now he appears and purchased the dark information. This is interesting. Could it be that the person behind him is - You Jia?"

"The cooperation between the Three Monarchs and Super Time and Space is actually cooperating with He Ran, so it is not impossible that the person behind him dealing with the Three Monarchs is You Jia."

On the fifth day after arriving in Super Dimension, Lu Yin made a decision to investigate the recent destruction of data.

The information was destroyed by An Zi, causing Xie Wu, Zuo Yu and others to be punished. If it weren't for Lu Yin and Zuo Yu's guild leaving the decision-making meeting, Xie Wu would also be dead.

"This matter is related to me. I am a person who believes in fate." Lu Yin and his group, led by Zuo Yu, headed towards the place where the destroyed data was.

Since we want to investigate the destruction of data, we naturally have to find the person involved.

"Where's Xie Wu?" Lu Yin asked.

Zuoyu looked unhappy, "He went to be He Shu's dog again."

"He Shu still wants him?" Lu Yin was surprised.

Zuoyu said, "Xie Wu has followed He Shu for many years and knows He Shu very well. It doesn't matter to He Shu if he dies, but if he is alive, He Shu will definitely take him with him." After speaking, she whispered, "Let him down." Thank you for your kindness."

Lu Yin laughed, "I don't care, we're not friends in the first place."

"It is actually unnecessary for the investigation data to be destroyed. There are no clues. That Anzi has a unique talent for hiding. Some people suspect that it is related to the people in Liuyun Space." Zuoyu told Lu Yin everything he knew. Lu Yin thought of the people in Liuyun Space. The power is indeed suitable for concealment, but Zijing also said that everyone in Liuyun Space is being monitored by Super Time and Space, and they don't know it.

The super space-time research has thoroughly penetrated the flowing cloud space, and the flowing cloud space cannot be hidden at all.

Then who told the outside world that the person who destroyed the data might be someone from Liuyun Space? That person doesn’t know about time and space? Or do you want to help hide the real Yinzi?

"Who said it was done by people from Liuyun Space?" Lu Yin asked.

Zuoyu said, "Many people have said that it has been spread for a long time."

Lu Yin looked at You Le, "Help me find out who was the first person whose data was destroyed by people from Liuyun Space. With your Youjia's strength, if this person has a high status, there may be something wrong."

You Lele's eyes lit up, "I didn't even expect that you do have some talent in searching for hidden objects."

Lu Yin shook his head, not because of talent, but because of the amount of information.

If you don't know that the power of Liuyun Space has been thoroughly analyzed through time and space, then there is nothing wrong with saying that the people in Liuyun Space did it.

This is called intelligence as a weapon.

Zuoyu couldn't understand it. It was just a rumor. Why did he say that there was something wrong with that person? But she didn't ask any more questions.

She finally figured it out. You must be careful when speaking in front of this Xuan Qi. He can analyze your every word.

Arriving at the place where the information was destroyed, Lu Yin pretended to search it and asked Boss Guan and the others to take a look. Boss Guan and the others walked around in confusion, not knowing what they were looking at.

You Le blinked and said, "This place has been inspected many times. Do you think you are smarter?"

Xu Yue glared at her and said, "Shut up."

You Le rolled his eyes and muttered that he wanted to feed Xu Yue dandruff.

At this time, lines passed side by side, drawing a grid of voids.

You Le's pupils narrowed sharply and he looked at the lines beside him. This feeling?

Not only her, but everyone included in the square painting felt a sense of illusion and unreality at this moment.

Lu Yin embellishes the lines of the void with the power of the Void God, making the lines of space material. It is like showing another world in front of everyone. For people who cannot understand, this feeling is both strange and brings an indescribable sense of crisis. .

People are always afraid of unknown things.

Even a smart person like You Le, who likes to explore the unknown, is too intimidated by the lines to move at this moment.

The frame on his right eye kept flashing red, which was a sign of danger.

At the same time, various super-time and space detection forces sounded in the surrounding area, and as Taixuan Domain came out, the area boiled.

Super Dimension detected a power that was not part of their cognition, and immediately reported it to the decision-making team and the extremely powerful person with the black energy source.

Within a few breaths, a figure arrived, pressing with black energy and distorting the void.

Lu Yin discovered that although the super-dimensional energy source has disadvantages, its greatest advantage is that it is hidden. If you don't use this power, you will never know that there is an extremely powerful person so close, even though it is only the extremely powerful person who uses the black energy source. By.

"Senior, junior Xuan Qi, I have been ordered to track down An Zi." Lu Yin saluted.

The person who came was a man who looked a bit fierce. His face was full of flesh and his exposed arms were covered with scars. He looked at the grid painting and asked, "This is the Taixuan Domain?"

"Senior knows?" Lu Yin asked.

The man nodded, "How many times have I seen Boundless Battlefield? Are you Xuan Qi, the acting master of Tianjian Mansion who inherited the Taixuan Domain from Senior Xu Wuwei?"

"It's this junior," Lu Yin replied.

The man praised, "I heard that you have mastered the Taixuan field, and you have only studied it for less than a year. I can't believe it. I didn't expect that there is such a wizard as you. My name is Wen Shi, and I am responsible for guarding the super space. What can I do? You can come to me directly, those hidden people are as annoying as mice, if you can find them out, I will be very grateful."

Lu Yin said solemnly, "The younger generation will definitely live up to the expectations of the seniors."

Wen Shi nodded, glanced at You Le, and then left.

Lu Yin calculated silently, five breaths, just five breaths. From the appearance of Taixuan domain to the appearance of Wenshi, it took five breaths to arrive. How did Anzi destroy the information before? Unless Wenshi was not nearby at the beginning, he only came after Anzi destroyed the information.

It is not impossible, even a strong person in the ancestral realm cannot cross time and space in such a short time.

The grid painting disappears.

Others breathed a sigh of relief.

You Le approached Lu Yin, his eyes shining, "What kind of power is this? Unknown fear, this is the power I don't know."

Lu Yin casually pulled her away and said, "Follow me."

"Acting Palace Master, where are we going?" Boss Guan asked.

Lu Yin raised his head and said, "We found the trace."

Everyone was surprised, so fast?

You Le doesn’t believe it, how could it be so fast?

Believe it or not, Lu Yin took them in one direction with a strange trajectory. This trajectory was intentional on his part. Since the Aether Xuan Domain has found traces left in space, of course it must be like a dot.

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