Star Odyssey

Chapter 2639 The Prodigal Son

"Hey, what's your route?" You Le was puzzled.

Lu Yin said in a deep voice, "Anzi's route forward."

You Le stopped talking. He didn't believe that Lu Yin could find out the hidden secrets just by relying on Taixuan Domain.

Xu Ji was excited, could Taixuan Realm really detect the traces left by the space? Xuan Qi used this method to find out Yun Wu, and it was said that he had escaped the pursuit of the powerful Corpse King. He didn't believe it before, but now, if he can really find the secret, he has to believe it.

Lu Yin didn't know if the information from An Zi was true. If he found out it wasn't true, he would probably say that An Zi had lured them here on purpose. Anyway, he was the one who said it, and no one could reveal it unless Xu Wuwei arrived.

The final result did not disappoint Lu Yin. The information they purchased was true.

When Lu Yin led a group of people to a woman, the woman was stunned.

Yu Pi directly took the person down, but the woman tried to resist and used her strange talent to turn her body into gravel and move it around, scattering it over a large area and making it impossible to detect it.

She wanted to escape through this, but she didn't bring it upon herself.

Seeing the woman's talent, all the monitoring before the comparison data was destroyed directly confirmed that the woman was an assassin.

This was the fifth day after Lu Yin arrived in Super Dimension. In just five days, he had discovered the secret, and his efficiency shocked Super Dimension.

The decision-making team all looked at Lu Yin.

He Ran sat up straighter, "Did he catch the secret?".

Ke Jian respectfully reported, "Yes, the evidence is sufficient."

He Ran was surprised, "How did you do it?".

Ke Jian said, "It is said that he used a combat skill called Taixuan Domain. Master Wenshi should know better."

Soon, Wen Shi arrived and was very respectful to He Ran, but not as groveling as Ke Jian.

He Ran was not so casual when facing Wen Shi, "Mr. Wen, what is Taixuan Domain?".

Wen Shi exclaimed, "That is an incomprehensible power, related to space. It is a combat skill unique to Senior Kong Wuwei of Xu Shen Shi. When the Taixuan Domain came out in the boundless battlefield, even the Seven Gods were amazed. , called it the power to control space, Senior Xu Wuwei uses this...".

Wen Shi said a lot. In short, in one sentence, Taixuan Domain is quite powerful.

He Ran frowned. She knew everything about Xuan Qi very well, and she also knew that Xuan Qi seemed to have mastered incredible combat skills. But unlike Bai Qian, she didn't care about personal power and only pursued perfection. Therefore, for the Taixuan Domain, originally I just brushed it off casually, but I didn't expect that this combat skill could actually amaze someone like Wen Shi.

"Uncle Mo should have seen it too," Wen Shi said, looking in one direction.

Uncle Mo walked out, with his hands behind his back, and recalled, "I have seen that Senior Xu Wuwei's Taixuan Domain is at a level that we cannot understand, especially for people like me who use energy beyond time and space. It is said that Xuan Qi relies on Did you find the traces left behind in the space seen in Taixuan's domain?".

Wen Shi nodded, "Although it's unbelievable, it's not impossible."

He Ran was surprised, "This is really the case."

Uncle Mo smiled bitterly, "We have used the black energy source to reach a height that countless people dream of. But this kind of trickery comes at a price. In fact, we can only be regarded as users of the power of the strongest, not controllers."

He Ran looked away, and Lu Yin's figure appeared in her mind. This Xuan Qi was becoming more and more valuable, but she still underestimated him.

It's time to talk to this brother again.

"Uncle Mo, please bring Xuan Qi," He Ran said.

Wen Shi frowned and said, "Lord He Ran, Xuan Qi captured Anzi and made great contributions to my time and space and to mankind. I hope Lord He Ran will treat him kindly."

He Ran smiled and said, "Mr. Wen doesn't know that Xuan Qi is my recognized younger brother."

Wen Shi was surprised, "So that's it, I'm talking too much."

"Mr. Wen, I would like to thank you for caring so much about my little brother," He Ran said with a smile.

Uncle Mo nodded and left.

Wen Shi also left.

Here, the woman has just been caught and is on her way to Youjia. On the other side, Youjia also picked out someone who was no slower than Lu Yin in finding the secret. It was the person he asked Youle to find out who wanted to kill him. The target of destroying data is the people in Liuyun Space.

Once found, it is difficult to arrest, because that person is a member of the decision-making group, and the first time the proposal to target Liuyun Space was at the meeting of the decision-making group.

When Lu Yin learned the news, he became more and more certain that there was something wrong with this person.

Liuyun was imprisoned, and the super-dimensional analysis of Liuyun Space was thorough. Under such circumstances, this person still targeted Liuyun Space, and spread the news in a short period of time. It was impossible to say that there was no problem.

It is impossible for this person not to know that Liu Yun is being imprisoned. Everyone knows how much black energy source is hidden in the super dimension. It is not too secret that Liu Yun is being imprisoned. People in Liu Yun Space can know it, and people in the decision-making group should know it. .

This is a deliberate deflection.

"What should we do about this person?" Lu Yin asked. Although this person has problems, after all, he is obviously the person in charge of time and space, and he cannot arrest him.

You Lele said nonchalantly, "Father is going to take care of it. When you return to our house, I promise to arrive early."

Lu Yin nodded. Sure enough, the decision-making team was not taken seriously by You Fang at all. It seemed that the members of the decision-making team were secret agents, but in fact it didn't mean much. It was just a name.

Before returning to Ziyou Realm, the group was stopped by Uncle Mo, "Xuan Qi, Master He Ran wants to see you."

You Le raised his eyebrows and stepped forward, "Xuan Qi is going to visit my house."

Uncle Mo smiled and said, "Just meet for a while, don't delay anything."

Lu Yin said, "I originally wanted to wait until the secret investigation is over to see Sister Ran again. Now that Uncle Mo is here, let's go say hello to Sister Ran first."

You Le looked at Lu Yin strangely, "Sister Ran?".

"Yes, Sister Ran, what's wrong?" Lu Yin asked.

You Le bared his teeth and tugged his hair hard, causing a lot of white dandruff to fly. Lu Yin hurriedly backed away. Xu Yue, Xu Ji and others also quickly backed away, "It's so disgusting, Xuan Qi, you are so disgusting." After saying that, he left in disgust.

Lu Yin was speechless, he didn't dislike it yet.

Uncle Mo's eyes turned cold. Although he was talking about Lu Yin, he also included He Ran, which was a bit too much. If it weren't for the little princess of the You family, he would have slapped her.

"Uncle Mo, please don't be offended, let's go," Lu Yin said politely.

Uncle Mo nodded and took Lu Yin away. The others naturally went to Ziyoujie first.

When they reached the bottom of the stairs, Lu Yin smiled brightly and said, "Sister Ran, I'm here to say hello to you."

He Ran smiled tenderly, "I've been coming to Super Dimension for several days, but you haven't even thought of coming to see me?"

Lu Yin was helpless, "There are so many things going on. I don't know why You Jia went crazy. He suddenly invited me to come to Super Dimension to help capture Anzi. Sister, you said I was in Xushen."

Time and space has cleared away so many hidden objects. When we come to Super Dimension, we can’t lose face, let alone your face. So I haven’t rested at all in the past few days. I have been thinking of ways to find out the hidden objects. Fortunately, I finally found them.” .

"But I heard that you just used Taixuan to find the hidden object from the void traces. It's not that troublesome." He Ran was curious.

Uncle Mo looked at Lu Yin and found it unbelievable that he had learned Taixuan in just half a year.

Lu Yin complained, "It's as simple as that, sister, do you know how many people can leave traces in the void, and how to distinguish those traces? This is a university question, but I finally managed to analyze all the people who have been to the information office. People's behavioral habits can only be distinguished by the people's behavior and habits."

"So troublesome? Thank you for your hard work, little brother," He Ran comforted softly.

Lu Yin smiled and said, "It's hard work, just don't embarrass yourself. The most important thing is not to embarrass you, Sister Ran. Outsiders now know that I call you Sister Ran."

He Ran was surprised, "Do you all know?"

Uncle Mo replied, "Xuan Qi said it in front of outsiders, so it should be spread."

Lu Yin said carefully, "Sister Ran, there won't be any problem."

The corners of He Ran's lips raised, "Of course it's no problem. I'm very happy if you do this, it means you really recognize me as your sister."

"Of course", Lu Yin puffed up his chest.

He Ran smiled and said, "I didn't give you a greeting gift last time, so I'll make it up to you this time." As he said that, a white energy source flew down and hovered in front of Lu Yin's eyes.

Lu Yin breathed rapidly, "This is the white energy source second only to the extremely powerful? Sister, this is too precious."

He Ran laughed and said, "You already have one of whatever is valuable. If you don't use it anymore, just sell it. You can also buy what you need. In fact, I don't know what I should give you."

Just give yourself to me and take it back to the Tianshang Sect as a mascot, Lu Yin thought to himself, and on the surface it is natural to be grateful.

"Little brother, I asked Uncle Mo to bring you here this time because I have something to remind you." He Ran looked at Uncle Mo.

Lu Yin looked solemn and said, "What's the matter?".

Uncle Mo said seriously, "Xuan Qi, why did the You family invite you to come to the Chaos Tianjian Mansion to help capture An Zi? Do you know this?"

Lu Yin said, "I don't know, I'm also surprised that for so many years, Youjia didn't seem to care much about Tianjian Mansion, but now it seems that he suddenly cares."

"You are wrong. Youjia cares about Tianjian Mansion very much, but something happened once that made Youjia have a negative attitude towards Tianjian Mansion, leading to the current situation," Uncle Mo said.

"The You family had a prodigal son named You Xian...".

Lu Yin listened quietly to Uncle Mo's words. Before that, he didn't know about it at all. He only knew that Tianjian Mansion was a way for the decision-making team to share the rights of the You family. Now Uncle Mo said another version.

You Xian is a well-known prodigal son of the You family. He has a very bad reputation in the outside world. In Super Dimension, he is almost a model of a playboy. The reason for this is that You Xian squandered all the wealth of the You family just to integrate Tianjian Mansion.

Youxian is a prodigal, but he is a prodigal with ideals and pursuits.

This person’s life goal is to integrate the Tianjian Mansion of the Liufanghui, making Tianjianfu a behemoth that is different from the Liufanghui, but also enjoys the privilege of catching Anzi from the Liufanghui. In order to achieve this goal, this person used the endless wealth of the You Family to spread the wealth. He went to the Six-Party Society to make friends and win over people from all walks of life, but the end result was that he became a prodigal son who was ridiculed by everyone. Things did not work out, but instead made the You family depressed for a generation.

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