Star Odyssey

Chapter 2674 Proposal

The grand voice did not speak immediately, but waited for a while, "Do you want the beginning of space to become one of the boundless battlefields?".

"Shouldn't it be right? They defeated the Eternals, but they want to protect themselves and let us, the Six Directions Council, bear all the pressure of the Eternals. It's simply ridiculous. If it weren't for us, how could they have exiled the Lu family? Where would the Four Directions Balance come from?" , Shaoyin Shenzun is disdainful.

"I heard that the one who doesn't want to take over the Eternal Clan's war is the Lu family."

Shaoyin God said, "It's just an excuse. If possible, how can Sifang Tianping be willing to let the war rekindle in Shi Space? They just used Lu Jiazi's mouth to refuse, and they don't know how to praise. Yuan Sheng has told me that Sifang Tianping and Lu Jiazi maintain the so-called The balance, but let the six parties bear the pressure of the Eternals, ridiculous, when will it be their turn to make the decision?"

"It is to make the beginning space one of the boundless battlefields, and even the main battlefield against the Eternals."

"Okay, I can agree."

Shaoyin Shenzun was satisfied, "That's okay. The death of my disciple will not implicate anyone from beyond time and space, but the murderer must be found. It's not easy for you to come out. Go back, I won't do anything to them."

After a while, Uncle Mo woke up and looked up to see the man wearing a golden robe with his back to them, none other than the Shaoyin God.

His expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly saluted, "See you, Senior God."

"Wake them up," Lord Shaoyin said calmly.

Uncle Mo hurriedly woke up He Ran and He Shu.

He Ran opened her eyes and saw Lord Shaoyin, with fear deep in his eyes. This man could just kill her.

In super time and space, she experienced the danger of life for the first time, and in an instant she was knocked down from the high place to the mortal world. Only then did she realize that she would die, even in this super time and space.

Lord Shaoyin turned around and faced He Ran, "How did Qingfeng die?".

He Ran's face was pale and she was "checking".

Lord Shaoyin frowned and looked at He Shu.

He Shu bowed respectfully and told what happened, "If Xie Wu hadn't brought his own lotus treasure, and the lotus treasure activated and took us to the Six Directions Dojo, I would have been involved in the Lost Clan Card."

Shaoyin Shenzun was in a trance, and the lost clan was actually related to the lost clan? Not necessarily. In fact, over the years, many people have owned Lost Tribe cards, which are really useful. Many people collected them before the Six Directions Dojo was established. Just one Lost Tribe card cannot mean anything.

The white energy source and the Lost Cards are all powers known to everyone. Based on this, it is impossible to tell who took action.

The person who made the move acted cleanly. Shaoyin Shenzun checked the place where he was attacked, but there were no clues.

He knew He Shu and the others' plan, and pointed the finger at Youjia. However, even if Youjia wanted to destroy the plan, they would still kill Heshu and Tuke, which had nothing to do with Shao Qingfeng. They had already attracted a Luo Jun, and they should not do it again. Attracting the Shaoyin God.

The Lord Shaoyin is gone, and the death of Shao Qingfeng has brought benefits to him. As for who the murderer is, he will continue to investigate, but it is not important. He does not care about the death of Shao Qingfeng at all.

Although Lord Shaoyin didn't care, He Ran did. She was almost scared to death by Lord Shaoyin. How could she give up this hatred?

He Ran used his influence to start investigating, and for a while, Chaos Dimension became noisy.

The three-way cooperation between You Fang, Lu Yin and Bai Qian has been confirmed. The first thing is that You Fang wants to know what cultivation skills Zijing is studying.

The research on Xiu Technique has always been kept secret, and even if You Jia tried his best to investigate, he could not find anything.

If you don't even know what skills the other party is studying, how to deal with it? This is what You Fang said to Lu Yin. It was these words that made Lu Yin sure that the person You Fang wanted to deal with was not He Ran, but the master.

Zijing's research has been assigned to that master. How can Ping Heran lead the research on sequence particles?

In this case, Yu Fang's intention is obvious.

He was not afraid to tell Lu Yin. After all, Lu Yin had the handle to kill Shao Qingfeng.

Lu Yin wanted to make You Fang think so, so that they could truly cooperate. After all, his target was also the master.

"If you want to know what cultivation techniques you are studying, you can only go to the place where Zijing stayed to check," Lu Yin said to You Fang.

You Fang frowned, "There is a super analysis mode there. Even the most powerful people can't get in. I can turn off that mode, but that would be like telling He Ran that I did it."

"I hope you know through Zijing, didn't Zijing tell you?".

Lu Yin shook his head, "People have always watched our meetings. The only time we met was at the Liufang Dojo. Senior You Teng brought her here. You can ask Senior You Teng if he heard her talk about practicing skills." He How could it be possible to tell You Fang that he knew about sequence particle research, and he still had to rely on You Jia to do things.

You Fang was helpless. He knew You Teng too well and would never eavesdrop on others. However, when Xuan Qi said this, he probably didn't mention practicing skills.

"Create an opportunity for you to make a contribution in front of He Ran, and find a way to see Zi Jing again."

Lu Yin said, "It's useless. Uncle Mo was watching me last time we met."

You Fang pondered.

Lu Yin said, "I have a way to get into that place."

You Fang was surprised, "What can I do?".

"There is a group of cultivators in Liuyun Space who have been trying to save Liuyun, do you know?" Lu Yin asked.

You Fang said, "I know that those people are always being watched by the super-analytic mode, and their every move cannot escape surveillance."

Lu Yin said, "We can use them to rush into that place. Anyway, everyone in Super Dimension knows that they did it, so we let them rush in. No one will know if I sneak in. If I destroy the super analysis mode as soon as I enter, even if someone else is found, If you enter, you will only think that it is a secret, it is impossible to guess me, and there is no evidence to point to Youjia."

You Fang's eyes lit up, "How do you want to use them? They are not stupid either."

Lu Yin raised his eyes and said, "Send me to Liuyun Space."

Lu Yin's first stop when he entered the Liufanghui civilization was beyond time and space, and his second stop was the Flowing Cloud Space.

He entered Super Time and Space, and after Zijing agreed to study it, he was taken to the Liuyun Space. There, he saw the carrier of the Art of Feeding, was shocked by the power of Super Time and Space, and also saw the cruel side of Super Time and Space.

On the carrier of the Feeding Technique, he had met a woman from Liuyun Space. Through that woman, he knew what Super Time and Space was doing to Liuyun Space. At this moment, he came to Liuyun Space just to find this woman.

How he can let the cultivators of Liuyun Space break into the research area, only Liuyun Space's own people can do it.

Before coming, he asked You Fang to check the practitioners who were fighting on the carrier of the Feeding Technique in Liuyun Space. Fortunately, the woman was not dead yet.

Liuyun space practitioners always rush to the front. Death is too normal. It is rare for her to last for several years. It should be related to her talent.

The black beam tore through the void, and the water-like power was turned upside down. Against the backdrop of the flowing cloud space, a group of cultivators died in despair.

With the help of You Jia, Lu Yin boarded the carrier of the Art of Feeding and came to the area of ​​practitioners in Liuyun Space.

Here, although there are many practitioners in Liuyun Space, they are all silent, no one speaks, and there is an atmosphere of despair.

People here keep dying and being replaced, day after day.

Soon after, the war gradually slowed down, and a group of Liuyun Space cultivators returned, most of them injured.

Lu Yin saw the woman. Compared to the first time they met, she had become much stronger and her eyes were more indifferent. She was sitting alone in a corner in a daze.

"Why don't you help them?" Lu Yin asked sitting next to her.

The woman was startled and subconsciously stepped back, staring at Lu Yin warily.

The people around him didn't seem to see Lu Yin, and they all sat silently.

The woman looked at Lu Yin blankly, "Is that you?".

Lu Yin smiled at her and said, "Long time no see."

The woman was stunned, "Why are you here?".

"Coming to find you," Lu Yin said.

"Looking for me?", the woman was puzzled.

Lu Yin raised his hand and pressed it on her shoulder for a moment. The woman clearly had the enlightenment realm, but she had no ability to resist. Seeing the void tearing apart, she was taken away by Lu Yin to the eternal kingdom.

Letting go of her hand, the woman kept retreating, looking at Lu Yin in fear, her whole body was cold and there were light spots wandering around.

"Have you forgotten the first time you met me?" Lu Yin teased.

The woman was startled, and the light dissipated. Yes, it was useless for her to attack. She was no match for this man.

"Who are you? Why are you looking for me?".

Lu Yin said, "Looking for your cooperation."

"Cooperation?" The woman was confused.

Lu Yin clasped his hands behind his back and said calmly, "There is a forbidden place in super time and space. Due to mistakes in resource mining, no living things can survive in that place. It is a veritable place of death. However, there is a research base in that place. I want to enter that research The foundation is looking for something”.

"What does that have to do with me?" The woman was even more confused.

Lu Yin smiled and said, "I can't rush in by myself. I accidentally learned that there is a group of Liuyun space practitioners hiding in the super space, and they will attack the forbidden area every once in a while. The purpose is to save Liuyun."

The woman's pupils shrank sharply, and she stared at Lu Yin before stepping forward, "Lord Liuyun?".

Lu Yin nodded, "That's what they called him, Master Liuyun. He should be an extremely powerful person who was imprisoned in that forbidden area by Chaotic Space. Unfortunately, they never succeeded."

The woman was excited, "Where is Mr. Liuyun being imprisoned? Is it true?"

"If you don't believe it, I can take you to find those people from Liuyun Space. They fail every time they attack, but practitioners from Liuyun Space continue to join. I think you should know this kind of thing. After all, they join Liuyun Space. Cultivators come from the Liuyun Space," Lu Yin said with a smile.

The woman did not answer. She did not know whether what Lu Yin said was true or false. Before arriving on the carrier of the Art of Feedback, the practitioners of Liuyun Space were indeed divided into two groups internally, one group obeyed the instructions of the time-limited air conditioner, and the other group hid. The purpose is to enter super time and space to rescue Lord Liuyun.

They have strong people who can freely enter and exit hyperspace. This is top secret.

And she could have gone to time and space, but because she wanted to protect her relatives, she could only hide her talent and put it on the carrier of the technique of feeding. However, her relatives were all dead and she couldn't save them.

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