Star Odyssey

Chapter 2675 Impact

"It doesn't matter whether you believe me or not. I will take you to meet those people from the Flowing Cloud Space and help you attack the forbidden area. I might as well tell you that I just want to use you to attract the attention of the super-dimensional space and achieve my goal," Lu Yin said bluntly.

The woman stared at Lu Yin, "Where is the thing you are looking for?"

Lu Yin nodded, "Yes, I can rush in alone, but it will attract the attention of Chaotic, so someone has to share the line of sight. And if you want to save Liu Yun, you only have this chance. I know that forbidden area very well, and at least I can help you." When you see Liuyun, it’s up to you whether you cooperate or not.”

The woman thought for a while and said, "I want to see my companion first."

Companion? Lu Yin looked at the woman. This title was rare.

Lu Yin put his hand on the woman's shoulder again and took her to the super dimension.

As for the whereabouts of those people in Liuyun Space, You Fang naturally knows.

Those people thought they were hiding, but in fact they were test subjects. They were data that Zijing’s teacher wanted to observe. For this reason, a strong man from Liuyun Space was specially asked to imprint the space-time coordinates, so that he could take them back and forth between Liuyun Space and Super Spacetime. He deliberately pretended to be deaf and mute so that they could rush into the forbidden area every time and even see Liuyun.

This is torture for these cultivators, and even more torture for Liu Yun, and what Chronospace obtains is perfect data.

When the data is no longer needed, these Flowing Cloud Space practitioners will all perish.

They have no other way to go, not from the moment Flowing Cloud Space was conquered by Super Time and Space. They are all demi-humans.

This is the tragedy of the weak.

Every time he saw the practitioners of Liuyun Space, Lu Yin wanted to start the Space. He would never want the Start Space to be conquered, and he would never let his relatives and friends around him become sub-humans. This was absolutely not possible.

On the way to find the group of Liuyun space cultivators, Lu Yin asked the first question they had just met, "Why don't you help them?".

The woman's years of experience fighting on the carrier of the art of feeding can help some people.

The woman calmly replied, "I will die anyway. Helping them will only make them suffer longer."

The resigned answer reflects the woman's helplessness.

Lu Yin said nothing and took her to find the practitioners of Liuyun Space.

Those practitioners who think they are hiding are as bright as bright lights, and their every move is watched by time and space. How sad.

Not long after, Lu Yin led the woman to find the group of Liuyun Space practitioners.

At first they were unwilling to cooperate, but after Lu Yin revealed his understanding of super time and space and told them to determine the direction of Liu Yun, they believed it.

They believe that Lu Yin has unlocked the forbidden area, but they will never trust Lu Yin. Although Lu Yin does not belong to super time and space, he does not belong to Liuyun space either.

After so many years of desperate struggle, the practitioners of Liuyun Space have lost their trust, and the only thing left is to use them.

They want to use Lu Yin to find Liu Yun, which is why Lu Yin clearly told them that he is using him. For them, any trust or sympathy is nonsense.

After discussing for several days, we decided to attack the forbidden area tomorrow.

At this time, Lu Yin also knew the woman's name - Amei, which was very ordinary.

That night, Amei found Lu Yin and took off her clothes. Lu Yin was stunned and he quickly stopped her.

Ah Mei was disappointed, "Don't you like me? Then I'll find someone else."

"Wait a minute, what do you want to do?" Lu Yin asked. To be honest, although Ah Mei is not beautiful, she is not ugly either. She is attractive and very delicate. Especially after struggling on the battlefield for several years, she has a certain A kind of resilience that is very different from other women.

Amei said calmly, "I am dedicated to you. I hope you can be of some help to us at the critical moment."

Lu Yin said, "I said we are using each other. Without you, I won't get what I want. Don't worry."

Amei looked at Lu Yin and said, "You should be a very capable person. By doing this, I hope to release a little bit of your kindness. Even if Master Liuyun cannot be saved in the end, more people can survive. Don't worry, I am very clean." ".

Lu Yin stopped again, "Go back, I won't accept it."

Amei said, "I'm looking for someone else, someone beautiful."

"Go back," Lu Yin shouted.

Amei was startled, then straightened her hair and said, "I'm sorry."

Looking at her leaving figure, Lu Yin felt as if something was blocking his heart. This woman sacrificed her innocence just to get a little kindness.

Lu Yin saw their sorrow, but he couldn't see how deep the abyss of sorrow was. His heart was depressed and he could no longer rest.

Pieces of dim color spread across the starry sky like a swamp. This is a forbidden area beyond time and space that no one has set foot on. Anyone who sees it from the outside will unconsciously step away, lest they touch the swamp.

The quagmire is spread across the starry sky, almost encompassing a galaxy. However, in the deepest part of the quagmire, it is completely the opposite. Countless humanoid machines are walking back and forth, full of a sense of cultivation. It is clearly a research base, and invisible detection instruments are scattered around the entire base. It's just an appearance, for those in Liuyun Space to see. What is really being detected is the hyper-analytic mode. No one can see that mode. Only the higher-ups of hyperspace know where it is arranged.

There are seventeen floors inside the Xiuji Research Base. At this moment, on the sixteenth floor, dozens of people wearing research uniforms are busy. In the corner, Xiao Hai has a serious expression, and even some dull eyes are staring at the light screen.

He is the most serious person in this base. Although he does not have outstanding research talent, because of his seriousness, he was accepted as a student by the leader of the research team, and he is regarded as Zijing's senior.

"Xiaohai, how are you?" Someone came over and looked at the light curtain and asked.

Xiaohai snorted and replied seriously, "Not here yet, but it should be soon."

The visitor laughed, "How many levels do you think these Liuyun Space cultivators can reach?"

Xiaohai raised his hand and pressed it on the light screen to start analysis.

The visitor was helpless and said, "Let's just take a guess. There's no need to be so serious."

Someone heard this, was interested, and came over, "I guess it's the eleventh floor. Last time they attacked the eleventh floor. Last time they attacked directly to the bottom. All the elites were lost. They will attack again this time." , will never go beyond the eleventh floor.”

"I guess there are so many powerful practitioners in the Liuyun Space on the ninth level."

"I guess the tenth floor, pick a middle value."

"Haha, I guess on the fifteenth floor, people won't die."

"Xiaohai, what about you?".

Xiao Hai took back his hand and said seriously, "According to their current combat strength analysis, they are at most the eighth level."

"What, it's only the eighth floor? Are you really going to die?".

Xiao Hai murmured to himself, "It's strange. They have so few masters now. Why are they preparing to attack here? It's strange."

"Okay Xiaohai, don't be too serious. If you want to die, just let them do it. How much data has been filled in?"

Xiaohai said, "This is the teacher's secret, we can't tell it."

"Okay, you can play by yourself and call us if you see something fun."

Xiaohai nodded and stared at the light screen, "Are there people with extraordinary talents?" After saying that, the corners of his mouth curved inexplicably. No one saw this scene, let alone the joking in his eyes at this moment. It's a side of him that no one knows, even the teacher doesn't know, and the look in his eyes at this moment is exactly the same as the look in the eyes of the man who sold the information to Luo Laoer.

With a loud bang, the attack began.

In the entire hyperspace, only the practitioners of Liuyun Space know that there is a base here, and no one else knows.

They are like mice being toyed with. The base can prepare everything before they attack, setting up obstacles, resistance, etc., just to fill in the data perfectly.

The practitioners in Liuyun Space don't know these, and the woman named Amei is even less likely to know. Only Lu Yin knows.

Seeing those cultivators rushing into the base, Lu Yin was disappointed. Didn't these people ever think of publicizing this base? Although they couldn't do it, as long as they had this idea, the experiment could only be terminated. There was no way He Ran and those people would risk letting the information about this base be leaked.

If he were a person from Liuyun Space, he would definitely test it out to see the reaction of Chaotic Spacetime. Unfortunately, these people have never thought about it this way. They only focus on saving Liuyun, regardless of danger or anything else.

Looking around, Lu Yin raised his hand and touched the horn on his forehead. This was the sign of a practitioner in the Liuyun Space. As soon as he stepped in front, he would soon be noticed by the super analysis mode as someone who did not belong to the Liuyun Space. The time left for yourself is extremely short.

Ah Mei kept staring at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin looked at her and said, "Let's go." After saying that, he raised his feet and stepped out. Power like flowing clouds appeared on his body. This was something he practiced to confuse the super-analytic mode, but it could only confuse him for a very short time. It is necessary to find the direction of the hyper-analysis mode in such a short period of time and disable it, otherwise it will be easily exposed.

On the sixteenth floor underground, Xiao Hai watched the attack outside with interest and was a little disappointed, "There's no surprise at all. Can't these wastes find a useful master? It's better to give them a surprise. It's best to hit the seventeenth floor." , look at Liu Yun’s sad and desperate eyes, and listen to his roar, that’s interesting.”

Suddenly, the light screen appeared abnormal, and Xiaohai's eyes changed. Is there an outsider?

At this time, a terrifying force descended from top to bottom, across the fifteenth floor of the earth, splitting the base into two. Lu Yin found it. Thanks to You Fang, he was the one who told Lu Yin the characteristics and approximate location of Chao's analysis model, otherwise he would Impossible to find in such a short time.

Xiaohai's scalp was numb. It was not good. He hurriedly asked for help. Someone who did not belong to Liuyun Space arrived.

The researchers around were either dead or injured, and only a few were awake.

Lu Yin's field suddenly suppressed, and everyone was stunned, including Xiao Hai.

The super analysis mode disappeared, and Lu Yin breathed a sigh of relief.

But those people in Liuyun Space were sluggish, and Lu Yin shot through the fifteenth floor of the ground. This was something they had never done before. How could they be so strong?

"What are you doing standing still? Keep going. Do you want me to lead you?" Lu Yin reminded.

The people in Liuyun Space reacted and hurriedly entered the 16th floor through the ground that Lu Yin had penetrated. Their efforts over the years were not in vain. They knew that there was a 17th floor, and Liuyun was imprisoned on the 17th floor. .

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