Star Odyssey

Chapter 2989: Loopholes in the Rules

Jingzhe jumped out of the lake and headed towards the starry sky. At the same time, the surface of the body was as smooth as a mirror, which was a sign of hardening. This insect was too afraid of death to dare to fight back, and it immediately hardened when it ran away.

Lu Yin tried to punch it, hitting its surface, but it was useless.

At this time, it is very suitable for Brother Woodcarving's breaking sequence rules, but it is the same with Brother Qingping here.

Lu Yin had thought very carefully about this siege and it was impossible for Jingzhe to escape.

In the sky, flowers on the other side are blooming in all directions, and Sister's attack cannot destroy Jingzhe's defense.

Seeing Jingzhe frantically attacking Bianhua, Xu Wuwei waved his hand and continued to block it.

He blocked wherever Jingzhe rushed towards, causing Jingzhe's anger to rise: "Humans, you are seeking death."

At this time, a scale appeared in the void, with one side at Qingping's feet and the other extending toward Jingzhe.

Jingzhe's body suddenly curled up. It didn't want to touch this thing, so it opened its mouth and spat out dirt, flooding the scales.

Lu Yin frowned. This was the rule of sequence. He had never seen his senior brother's Libra Trial and he couldn't even touch his opponent.

Jingzhe rushed towards Xu Wuwei. It could not escape several times because Xu Wuwei was blocking it. This guy did not have many sequence particles, but its characteristics were disgusting. He blocked it directly in front. It was not impossible to knock him away, but his own sequence The particles only consume more.

Xu Wuwei raised his hand and kept blocking Jingzhe's direction.

The eldest sister used Bianhua flowers to slow down the awakening of insects.

Jingzhe is like being stuck in a swamp, unable to move and completely trapped.

At this time, the sky changed, and the airflow rotated, surrounded, and entangled, forming a series of storms.

Jingzhe panic, unknown changes are always scary, especially if the movement is a bit loud.

Lu Yin looked at Qingping. This news was brought by senior brother Qingping.

All I saw was the sky, and the air flow turned and turned into an ancient steelyard. The scales were parallel to the sky, and the hanging rod lines stretched towards Jingzhe like fishing. Jingzhe screamed and vomited soil crazily, wanting to submerge the steelyard like the scales, but this time But it failed. Jingzhe's sequence rules could not overwhelm the steelyard.

The pole and wire were wrapped around Jingzhe's body. Jingzhe whipped and twisted like crazy, but was still dragged under the scale by the pole and wire.

Lu Yin looked at this scene in shock. There were no sequence particles. His senior brother was not a strong master of sequence rules, but what was going on? Why can the ancestral world ignore the sequence rules?

The eldest sister was shocked: "Use the rules and judge by the rules."

"Sister, what do you mean?" Lu Yin was confused.

The eldest sister said in a deep voice: "Absolute perfection does not exist in the universe, and the same goes for rules. Most people practice rules and use them to act. However, there are also people who do not practice rules, but exploit loopholes in the rules and use these boundless rules to complete something. Such behavior, your senior brother is this kind of person, he borrowed the vast and endless rules of this time and space to complete a trial."

"This has nothing to do with whether he is a strong player in sequence rules. What he has to do is to evade the rules and borrow them at the same time. Very few people have been able to do this since ancient times."

"What a madman. When he broke the ancestors, he just said his existence was reasonable and let the rules judge Lang Lang Tiantian. He himself became the messenger. In the end, he succeeded in breaking the ancestors and completed the highest level of shamelessness. Now, he is more and more skilled at this kind of thing. Oh, Xiao Qi, your senior brother is the most shameless person I have ever seen."

Lu Yin looked at Qingping blankly, are you shameless? People who have a good reputation are actually the most shameless people. Those who care about face have no shame. This is also a rule.

The most fearful thing now is Jingzhe. It is confused and does not understand what is happening. It always feels that it is suppressed by a force that it cannot resist, but the opponent is clearly not even a strong person in the sequence rules. What the hell?

"Judgment, Guts."

Qingping’s voice resounded throughout the world.

Lu Yin, the eldest sister, and Xu Wuwei were speechless. Isn't this bullying? No, it's a bully.

Jingzhe was also stunned. How dare you? This word is its taboo. No creature dares to mention this word in front of it. Is this a mockery of its timidity?

No, trial?

Jingzhe stared at Qingping.

Qingping looked at it quietly.

Then, there was a change in the scale, and Jingzhe was slowly lifted up. It was uneasy, getting more and more uneasy, and it always felt like something was wrong.

When Jingzhe was raised to the highest level, Lu Yin knew that it had lost in this trial, but at what cost?

With a breath, the airflow completely disappeared, and the scale also disappeared.

Jingzhe left the place immediately, but a crack appeared on the surface of his body at some point. It was not caused by Lu Yin and the others. It was not there before the trial, but it was there after the trial.

In the distance, Qingping spit out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

Lu Yin quickly rushed over to support him.

The eldest sister sighed: "Loopholes in the rules are not easy to exploit, and you have to pay the price."

"Sister, it has scars on its body."

"I know she can't run away."

Jingzhe wanted to escape, but Xu Wuwei still blocked its way. The eldest sister raised her head and used dark purple power to bombard Jingzhe.

Jingzhe was completely angry. He opened his mouth and spat out dirt, trying to bury the starry sky, otherwise he knew he would not be able to escape.

Lu Yin took a step forward, and the light reversed for a second. The dirt that Jingzhe had spat out disappeared instantly. Taking this opportunity, he raised his hand and pulled the slipper directly over, hitting the open wound on its body.

With a scream, Jingzhe curled up and fell back, purple blood flowing from the scar.

This sudden convulsion frightened Jingzhe and made it go completely crazy. It spit out soil again, but failed. Its mouth was blocked, coming from the empty five flavors.

Jingzhe roared, and the sequence particles rushed to his mouth crazily, competing with the virtual five flavors.

Xu Wuwei's face turned pale. His sequence particles were far inferior to Jingzhe: "I can't hold on anymore."

Lu Yin appeared at Jingzhe's wound and lifted his slippers for a moment.

Jingzhe wailed again, his hardened body was broken open by the scars, and he kept twisting. He wanted to escape, but Lu Yin stepped backwards, reversing time and space, and could not allow Jingzhe to escape.

Jingzhe is not weak in strength. The hardened body makes several people helpless. The sequence rules make them dare not touch them. Two sequence rule masters join forces with Lu Yin and Qingping to surround and kill them. However, the attack method is too simple. Once he is contained, Either run away or fight to the death.

Perhaps this is also the reason for its timidity. Its body is destined not to have many ways to attack.

Human beings have infinite possibilities. Creatures like Jingzhe seem to be very powerful, but the possibilities are too small and completely limited.

If it weren't for the hardening ability, even the Eternals might not value it.

Now that the hardening is broken, it can only wait to die.

Can't even run away.

The wailing sounds continued, and the surrounding flowers were blooming. Lu Yin beat Jingzhe crazily, causing her body to shrink and the scars to become bigger and bigger.

Suddenly, Jingzhe's body broke and split into two, with one half fleeing to the south and the other half to the north.

This was beyond Lu Yin's expectation. Jiang Chen never said it had this ability. It should be said that no one could force Jingzhe to split its body and escape.

Behind the eldest sister's head, Pluto appeared. The huge Flower of the Other Side bloomed from bottom to top, forming a blockade that spread across the surrounding starry sky. Jingzhe was shocked. The sequence particles contained in the Flower of the Other Side were by no means below it. No, even beyond it. If It doesn't need to worry about this alone, because Hibiscus flower has not broken its ability to harden.

But at this moment, its hardened body was broken, and it did not hesitate to split into two to escape. Now it is very dangerous to be blocked by Bianhua.

"Humans, let's make peace and stop fighting." Jingzhe screamed.

Lu Yin sneered.

The flowers of the other side are gathered together. This is a power that can trap even the immortal god. How can a Jingzhe escape from it?

Jingzhe's body, which was split into two, was pulled towards the middle by Bianhua. Jingzhe kept twisting her body: "Humans, I will help you. I will help you fight the Eternals. I will join you in the Six Directions Association."

Lu Yin was unmoved. He was now thinking about the general.

This insect has brought a lot of blood debt to mankind. The Canghai area has been washed with blood, and it is difficult to take it for one's own use. Even if he can become a god, Lu Yin cannot, otherwise he will not be able to explain to the virtual god time and space.

Looking at the overall situation, the more such strong people the better, but human feelings are selfish, and it is not worth offending the Space and Time of the Void God for this bug.

Virtual God Spacetime has always been very good to Lu Yin.

Moreover, this insect threatened the Six Directions Association, which can be used as a god, but cannot act as a deterrent to strong people outside the territory.

Since conferring the title of God is not possible, then order the general.

The flowers on the other side kept closing in. Lu Yin had never seen the eldest sister actually take action with the flowers on the other side. He was also very curious, but Jingzhe could not die at the hands of the eldest sister.

"Sister, I want a general."

The eldest sister was unhappy: "It's not easy to nourish the other side flower. Forget it, I'll give it to you."

Lu Yin was puzzled: "Sister, what nourishes the other side flower?"

"Nothing." The eldest sister said.

Xu Wuwei interjected: "Xu Lord once said that there is a netherworld in the heavenly sect. The flowers of the underworld bloom and transcend to the other side. They are nourished by the blood of the strong. Immortals and gods cannot save them."

Lu Yin was confused.

"When the Flower of the Other Side is completely closed, no one can save the strong man trapped inside. The Flower of the Other Side is nourished by the blood of the strong and can continue to strengthen. The Master of the Netherworld said that the Lord of the Netherworld used the Flower of the Other Side to trap one of the Seven Gods of the Eternal Clan to death." Xu Wuwei continued.

Lu Yin was surprised: "Sister, can your Bianhua flower be strengthened?"

The eldest sister raised her eyebrows: "You think you have all my strength now, don't you?"

Lu Yin's expression changed and he quickly apologized: "Of course not."

"Why, after several attempts, I couldn't do anything to help. Are you disappointed?" The eldest sister's tone became increasingly unhappy.

Lu Yin quickly assured: "Absolutely not, that, sister, it's for you."

The eldest sister snorted coldly: "Please order general."

Lu Yin shook his head: "I have a lot of ancestral realms, so this may not be possible, so I'd better do it, sister."

The eldest sister looked at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin quickly took out the general station: "Look, there are so many."

Looking at Lu Yin's mark on the stage, the eldest sister frowned: "Are they all in the ancestral realm?"

"More than ten." Lu Yin was a little proud. Throughout the history of the Lu family, no one had chosen so many ancestral realms.

Xu Wuwei was amazed, it was too cruel to use more than ten ancestral realms for himself.

The eldest sister looked away: "Okay, then I won't be so polite to you. Give this to me."

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