Star Odyssey

Chapter 2990 The Wish of the Kuzu

Seeing that the eldest sister agreed, Lu Yin breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't want to be targeted by the eldest sister.

But since the eldest sister’s Bianhua had tricked Qishentian to death, why was she so weak now? Is it because the power lost over time has not fully returned? Or is it consumed?

Jingzhe has been listening to the conversation of several people. It doesn't know what point generals or flowers of the other side, it only knows that it is dangerous: "Human, I know the secrets of the Eternals. I have been to other evil realms. Let me go, and I will cooperate with you to deal with the Eternals." , humans, do you hear that?”

The eldest sister glanced at Lu Yin and saw that he didn't stop her. Knowing that there was no need to talk nonsense, the flowers on the other side quickly closed.

Jingzhe's screams became louder and louder. It hit the Bana Flower crazily and kept spitting out soil in an attempt to consume the sequence particles of the Bana Flower. However, whenever it wanted to consume the sequence particles of the Bana Flower, its mouth would be clogged with empty five flavors from time to time. It was extremely uncomfortable and looked like a The earthworm caught in the fishing line is twisting and struggling.

Finally, the other shore flower closed, and inside, Jingzhe's body paused, and the body that was divided into two stopped. The purple brilliance flowed, wrapping around Jingzhe. Under the shocked eyes of Lu Yin and others, the purple brilliance absorbed all the blood in Jingzhe's body. , and Jingzhe's body is visibly shriveled to the naked eye.

This scene is quite eye-catching, but due to the beauty of the other shore flower and the flowing purple brilliance, it does not appear bloody.

Jingzhe likes to turn flesh and blood creatures into dust, leaving only blood to warn others. Now, its blood has been absorbed by the Biangan flower, which can be said to be tit for tat.

Jingzhe's screams completely disappeared, her pupils turned white, and then turned gray, completely losing her vitality. Her whole body fell, penetrated the Bianhuahua, and fell into the lake.

The other shore flower blooms, and the purple light spreads to the entire virtual god time and space, beautiful and flawless.

Bing Xin is the most beautiful flower Lu Yin has ever seen, but the flower on the other side at this moment is not inferior to Bing Xin in the slightest.

Lu Yin opened his eyes and stared at Bianhua.

Until now, he didn't know what the sequence rules that Sister Tou mastered were. He had never asked. He only saw that the flowers on the other side were covered with sequence particles. Those beautiful purple brilliance and flowing light were both beautiful and dangerous. .

This is the true ancestor of Netherworld.

The flower of the other side slowly disappeared, and the eldest sister breathed a sigh of relief: "I finally started to recover."

The five senses of Xu were shocked. He asked himself that once he fell into the Flower of the Other Shore, he would never be able to escape. This was the ancestor of Netherworld. In the days of the Tianshang Sect, powerful men came out in large numbers and thousands of races came to court. The time and space of reincarnation and the time and space of wood were not in the eyes of the Tianshang Sect. , Three Realms and Six Paths, Nine Mountains and Eight Seas, all strong people outside the territory respect it.

Even in such a heavenly sect, the ancestors of Netherworld are very powerful and can be respected by Tao masters. You can imagine how strong the ancestors of Netherworld were at their peak, even the virtual masters were afraid of him. This is a powerful person who is both beautiful and dangerous. By.

Zhixingjian was completely destroyed.

Jingzhe's corpse was floating on the lake and was completely shriveled. However, because of its strong strength, even the shriveled body was difficult to cut, so it would probably be of great use as a material.

As the war came to an end, practitioners of False God Time and Space dared to approach one by one.

Xu Heng, Xu Leng, and Xu Wuji all came, looking at Jingzhe's body in silence for a long time.

Many people in the Six Directions Association are unfamiliar with the powerful people from outside the territory, including the powerful people from the ancestral realm.

The enemies of the Six Sides Association are the Eternals. There are enemies from outside the territory, and they have little to do with each other. Just like the Six Sides Association has little time to intervene in the grievances of strong people from outside the territory.

Now, a powerful outsider died in the virtual god's time and space.

This matter is not trivial to both the Six Directions Association and the Eternal Clan.

In fact, from the moment the Eternals invited powerful people from outside the territory to support the Eternal Territory, the word "outside the territory" has become history. There is no such thing as "outside the territory". Since you intervene, you must be prepared to die. This is true for Jingzhe, and the same is true for the Liufang Hui.

Lu Yin believed that there must be strong people from outside the area staring at his head at this moment.

Let's see who is more powerful.

A battle in Zhixingjian completely shocked the outside world. Before this battle, Samsara Time and Space could still find strong outsiders to help the Eternals to fight. After this battle, all those strong outsiders disappeared, and none of them could be found. It’s not that I’m afraid anymore. But they were worried about being surrounded and killed.

Jingzhe's fate frightened them.

But the hatred towards Tianshang Sect is also increasing.

Lu Yin knew very well what impact this battle would have. He had no choice but to suppress the situation without shocking the outside world and killing those strong outsiders. Whenever there was a decisive battle with the Eternals, they all intervened. No matter how many masters from the six parties were there, it would not be enough. use.

Outside the territory must be eyeing him, and similarly, he is also eyeing outside the territory.

In the Heavenly Sect Back Mountain, Lu Yin held the compass and slowly tore the void apart. The compass needle kept shaking and failed again.

Three months had passed since the battle with Jingzhe. He had been trying to match the power of the compass to tear the void, but as Jiang Chen said, it was really not easy.

Fortunately, progress has been made. When I first started using it, there was no possibility of the pointer stopping. It would shake as long as it moved. Now it can stay still for an instant. According to this time calculation, if you want to keep the pointer completely still, at least Over the past few years, in Jiang Chen's words, the speed has been much faster than when his father used it, which is worthy of praise.

Lu Yin didn't have time to waste on this.

So he decided to roll the dice and practice in a space where time stood still.

There is no need to tear the void apart. As long as you can control the strength of the compass at will, you can save most of your time. Finally, just cooperate with the tearing void.

Thinking about it, Lu Yin announced that he was going into seclusion.

Many people were speechless for a while when they heard that Lu Yin was in retreat. There was nothing worth announcing. Others took a break longer than he did in retreat.

Raising his hand, the dice slowly rotated. He pointed out with one finger and watched the dice stop. At three o'clock, the upper and lower light curtains appeared.

Three o'clock? Lu Yin looked at the Ning Kong Ring. Is there anything worth improving?

He thought for a moment and took out the slippers.

Ever since he got the slippers, they had helped Lu Yin so much that he didn't even have a decent weapon and had to rely on the slippers.

It's a bit embarrassing, but very durable.

When he upgraded his slippers, he didn't reach the peak. He really didn't have the money at that time, but things are different now. Lu Yin wanted to try upgrading his slippers again to see if he could still improve.

A slipper can threaten the Seven Gods and break up sequence particles. Lu Yin can't figure out what it is, but it does not prevent him from using it.

Throwing the slippers to the upper light curtain, Lu Yin began to throw star energy crystal marrow.

He first needs to consume the star energy crystal marrow of the reincarnation time and space, and there are still seven trillion left.

Two trillion, the slipper falls off, and nothing seems to change. Four trillion, the slipper falls off, and nothing seems to change. And again, the slipper doesn't move.

Lu Yin continued to throw the star energy crystal marrow. The star energy crystal marrow was not consumed. Lu Yin blinked. This was the highest level of improvement.

Six trillion, the Book of Destiny is also six trillion. It seems that for many foreign objects, six trillion is the limit.

The repair of the Sword of the Ancestor cost 12 trillion, which is still unsurpassed.

Picking up the slippers, Lu Yin waved them around casually. There was no difference. He needed to find an experimental subject to see the power.

The first thing he thought of was the Hell Dragon. After thinking about it, he decided to forget it. Even the Immortal God was afraid of his previous slippers, but now they have improved a few times. He estimated that he could beat the Hell Dragon half to death in one go.

When you go outside the territory, try finding an enemy.

Putting away his slippers, Lu Yin continued to roll the dice, six o'clock, which was quite surprising. He didn't really want to roll the dice to six o'clock in the original space now, because at least the people who could be integrated into him were the strong ones in the ancestral realm.

At present, he is the dominant one in the Beginning Space. The strong ones in the Ancestral Realm are either his elders or subordinates. There is no point in blending into them. Especially for someone like Sister Tou, blending into her body would be very embarrassing.

But since it was moved to six o'clock, Lu Yin didn't want to waste it.

The worst thing is that once you integrate into a familiar person, you will withdraw.

He is not the kind of person who needs to completely control the thoughts of his subordinates. If Lu Yin trusts people like Mr. Chan, he will not doubt him. He has never trusted people like Chen Le. There is no need to know what he is thinking, as long as he can control it. , so the meaning of their thoughts is not known.

His consciousness entered the dark space, and soon, Lu Yin saw a dazzling light ball in the distance, which represented the ancestral realm.

Now that I am in Tianshang Sect, who does this ball of light represent? Zen Lao? Xingjun? Or who?

Forget it, try integrating it.

Rush towards the ball of light and blend in.

Open your eyes, this is - death energy?

Memories flooded in, and Lu Yin laughed. He had actually integrated into the body of the Thousand-faced Man. The Man in the Thousand-faced Game was in the parallel time and space of the Eternal Kingdom, but this parallel time and space was always connected to the original space. It was not impossible that he could integrate into his body. .

Six o'clock on the die can allow him to integrate into the body of a cultivator of the Tree Starry Sky. Naturally, he can also integrate into the body of a human being in the time and space of the eternal kingdom.

It’s worth it. The person in Thousand Faces Game is the captain of the True God Guards, and he should know a lot about the Eternals.

Lu Yin quickly looked at his memory.

In the death aura, the face of the Thousand-faced Player kept changing. In fact, it was Lu Yin who kept changing his expression. He confirmed what Yu Huo said about the bone boat, and also saw the past of the Eternals through the Thousand-faced Player. The mission of the True God Guard is roughly the same as what he knows. The captain of the True God Guards has a high or low status in the Eternal Clan. It is impossible to know too deep secrets, but the secrets he knows are enough to bring Lu Yin some value.

The experience of the man in the Thousand Faces Game is not much different from his own experience of pretending to stay in the Eternals at night. They are all tasks, tasks, endless tasks. These tasks are to destroy time and space, in fact, they are to destroy the string of sequence.

Suddenly, the expression of the person in the game changed, and his eyes suddenly opened with shock.

Lu Yin saw Ku Zu. Ku Zu really entered the Era Realm alone. Relying on the near-immortal nature of the extremes of things, he withstood several attacks from the Seven Gods, as well as attacks from other Era Realms. He attacked the Black Mother Tree and had a duel. The only true God.

It's a pity that what the person in the Qianmian Game saw was just a glimpse. This duel had nothing to do with him, and he couldn't get involved and went directly to perform the task.

Lu Yin's eyes were complicated. Although not many people in the Thousand Faces Game saw it, the scene of Kuzu enduring the attack of the Seven Gods and fighting to the death against the only true god left a deep impression on him. That kind of tragedy and the determination to die. His killing spree shocked thousands of people in the situation.

From the beginning to the end, Ku Zu only had one sentence - 'Human beings can eventually pave a bloody road to kill you. I am willing to turn into a stone and be trampled by future generations. I will send him away and kill you. ’

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