Star Odyssey

Chapter 3025 Strong Enemy

The Tengu appeared and slammed into Lei Tian. Lei Tian gave up chasing the two ancestral realms and directly bombarded the Tengu.

The Tengu didn't dare to approach Lu Yin now, as the stench had a psychological shadow on it.

The Eternals have no control over the crazy zombies that are wandering around and destroying everything they see. In fact, they can ignore them, but Lu Yin still has to deal with the crazy zombies to prevent them from running to the Six Directions Association.

When Xizu faced off against Lu Tianyi, his sword swept away, breaking the rules and beating him, which made Xizu afraid.

The land of the E Domain was shattered into pieces, and zombie kings kept falling from the stars in the sky, killing the cultivators of the Six Directions Society like raindrops regardless of life and death.

The wood carving raised the sword, slashed upward, and cut through the void with one sword, separating the sky from the earth of the Era.

Chen Le shot out an arrow and faced the Corpse King of the Ancestral Realm.

There are currently no less than forty Ancestral Realm Corpse Kings, and the opponents of these Ancestral Realm Corpse Kings are Bow Saint, Food Saint, Gan, Xu Heng and others. In this battle, Lu Yin wants to completely lose the First Era Territory and start a war. Ability.

Movement appeared again in the beam of light, first a lotus leaf, then a round golden belly, and the Star Toad appeared.

"Hey, this is a rare battle. The price needs to be discussed. Eternal, double it." Xing Toad took advantage of the situation.

Lu Yin's face darkened: "Senior Xu Lord, I leave it to you."

The Xu Lord is unprecedentedly serious. Xing Toad, a strong man who can survive hardships, is theoretically on the same level as the Great Heavenly Lord, the only true god. To be honest, he has not yet reached it: "Remember, once I can't hold on, find someone to support me. I may not be this star toad’s opponent.”

"I know." Lu Yin said solemnly.

Star Toad has appeared several times, but has never taken action. Every time it appears, it can resolve the crisis of the Eternals. The extraterritorial powerhouse that Lu Yin wants to destroy most is Star Toad. Now, he can finally see it taking action.

"Refreshing, it seems that you still have a lot of stock, wait for it to be given later, humans seem to be getting more and more powerful, hahahaha." Star Toad laughed, raised his paw to hold down the straw hat, in front of him, the majestic Void God's The power whizzed past, and Xing Toad lifted the lotus leaf: "Go."

With a roar, a strong wind blew up, and the power of the virtual god was blown away by the lotus leaf. The star toad raised its claws and slapped the turtle shell in front of him. With a bang, the turtle shell flew backwards.

The virtual master's gaze was sharp, and the power of the virtual god spread around the star toad, trying to form a thermometer of life.

Xing Toad shouted: "Xu Jia, stop playing this trick."

He raised his leg and kicked out, forcefully kicking out the gap with the power of the virtual god that had been closed.

The virtual master took a deep breath, it was strong enough.

Above the sky, the power of the Void God formed a tidal wave, and it shot at the Star Toad. The Star Toad slapped it one after another, but did not let the thermometer of life take shape.

Despite Star Toad's intervention, the Eternals still failed to reverse their decline.

All five crazy zombies were eliminated by Lu Yin. The Zombie Kings of the Ancestral Realm were killed one by one. The three human traitors from the Ancestral Realm were all dead. Marquis Wu coughed up blood. Mu Ji was forced out but did not dare to show his face. The Eternal Clan was completely destroyed. Press down.

After Lu Yin, the middle game appeared. His pupils kept changing, jumping directly to the ghost pupil transformation. His physical body increased to the limit, and he punched Lu Yin.

Lu Yin turned around and said, "You're good to go." He stepped backwards, paralleling time, avoiding a punch in the middle, raising his hand, merging the infinite inner worlds, and the extremes of things must be reversed, visualizing the immovable king of heaven, imprisoning - a hundred punches.


There was a loud noise, and he was knocked out in the middle. His punch was extremely powerful and could compete with Lu Yin's hundreds of fists, but he couldn't hit Lu Yin, and Lu Yin didn't give him a chance to fight.

The middle plate hit the river of divine power hard, shattering the earth.

Lu Yin takes one step forward, steps backwards, parallel time, surroundings

Everything is still.

Suddenly, a crisis emerged: "Junior brother, be careful."

Lu Yin narrowly avoided the spot, and the reverse step of parallel time was broken. From the sequence particles, a ray of light swept across, it was the Shaoyin God.

Shaoyin Shenzun gave Lu Yin a kiss from a distance.

Lu Yin looked around and saw the cold gaze of Lord Shaoyin.

Almost got hit.

Mu Ke's face was gloomy. He had been negligent and failed to stop Lord Shaoyin from attacking Lu Yin. He had underestimated Lord Shaoyin, and his strength had soared.

"Senior brother, the Shaoyin God has integrated the rules of the Taiyin and Sun sequences, and his strength is close to that of the Seven Gods." Lu Yin reminded.

Mu Ke took a deep breath: "Leave it to me."

In front of Lu Yin, Zhongpan rushed out of the ground and attacked Lu Yin again. Although he received Lu Yin's punch, he was not injured at all. His physical strength was extremely terrifying.

In the middle of the game, Lu Yin could not breathe due to physical strength alone. Now, even if he competed with physical strength, Lu Yin would not be worse than him. And on this battlefield, there was no need to waste time competing with physical strength.

Facing the attack in the middle of the game, Lu Yin easily avoided it as if taking a walk, and once again bombarded him with a hundred fists. If one punch didn't work, he would use two punches. If two punches didn't work, he would punch twenty. No matter how strong his physical strength was, there would be a moment when it reached its limit.




The sound of impact shook the void. Lu Yin punched the same spot on Zhongpan's chest five times. It finally cracked and punch marks appeared on his back.

But he is the Corpse King, he has no fear of life or death, no pain, and takes action again.

Lu Yin clenched his fist, watching out for other enemies while preparing to give Zhongpan the last punch. This punch was enough to knock him to pieces.

Zhongpan jumped towards Lu Yin, and suddenly, divine power surged out of his body, covering his entire body.

Lu Yin had forgotten that the captain of the True God Guards had cultivated his divine power, and with the blessing of divine power, it was not that easy to kill Zhongpan.

The only option is to take out the slippers and solve the problem as soon as possible.

On the surface of the middle body, divine power boiled with no reservation at all. At first glance, the whole person looked similar to a crazy corpse. The original ghost pupil pupils suddenly disappeared and turned into the last stage of the corpse king transformation - no pupil transformation.

With a click, the surrounding void cracked, unable to withstand the pressure of the middle plate. He suppressed the void just by breathing. He raised his hand, leaving an afterimage in the void, and then pressed down layer by layer.

Lu Yin's expression changed. It would not be a joke if he punched him in the middle of the game at this moment.

Zhongpan breathed out, like a dragon, causing the void to collapse. He rushed out suddenly, directly hitting the crack in space, and punched Lu Yin. The attack method was single, but this punch made Lu Yin feel helpless. A feeling that could be avoided, because this punch was not just aimed at Lu Yin, but at the entire direction he was coming from. He wanted to destroy everything he saw in front of him.

Regardless of whether it was Lu Yin or a master of sequence rules, he could not ignore the punch in the middle of the game at this moment.

Every time Lu Yin avoids the middle plate, the distance is never too far, and this distance is also achieved by the middle plate's punch attack.

The punch in the middle game was extremely terrifying.

But he was the Corpse King after all, and he never expected that since Lu Yin could avoid his attacks in parallel time, he could also do other things in parallel time.

With a snap, Zhongpan had just punched, which shocked people in one direction. Lu Yin had already come to his side, and slapped his slippers directly on Zhongpan's arm. Not only did he contain the punch that he had not yet completely punched, but he also stopped him. Broken arm.

In the middle of the game, due to being restrained by a punch, Lu Yin was unable to control his body's strength and slammed forward. Lu Yin returned.

His body was shaken again, and his slippers slapped Zhongpan on the back, knocking him to the ground.

The slippers have been upgraded many times, and the last upgrade cost six trillion cubic star energy crystal marrow, which is similar to the Book of Destiny. Although it may not mean that the slippers have reached the level of the Book of Destiny, in Lu Yin's opinion, it is not much different.

In other words, the Book of Destiny represents destiny, so the upgraded slippers are equivalent to possessing the power of the destiny level. That is the power of the Three Realms and Six Paths. How can a middle player be able to resist it.

Although divine power blessed him, it was not his own power after all.

If he was facing the one true god, Lu Yin wouldn't use slippers to attack him at all. That would be courting death.

The ground was shattered, and Zhongpan was lying on the ground, unable to move. His body was torn apart by a slipper, and he could not even stand up. He was completely disabled.

Lu Yin breathed out: "You and I have fought several times. In the beginning, I was suppressed by you throughout the whole process. Now, although I borrowed foreign objects, you are still no match for me in terms of strength. It's over." After that, he waved his hand, A palm hit Zhong Pan on the head, killing him.

Another captain of the True God Guards was eliminated. Even with the background of the Eternals, this captain of the True God Guards has not been able to make up for it since the heavy ghosts and others were captured, and now there are even fewer.

Looking up, the Void Lord blocked the Star Toad. He wanted to kill the Star Toad with the thermometer of life, but he couldn't do it. He could barely block it.

The battle between the ancestors of Tianyi and the ancestors of the past, the fight between Brother Wood Carving and the Shaoyin God, the fierce battle between the Fire Lord and the Wood Lord to deal with the Star Devourer are all continuing. The entire battle situation in the Eternal Territory is completely tilted towards the human side, and there is After a period of time, the land of this calamity will be destroyed.

Lu Yin looked at the black mother tree again. The only true god, can you sit still?

Those zombie kings in the ancestral realm are constantly losing money. In this battle, the First Disaster Realm will suffer huge losses.

Lu Yin suddenly looked in one direction. There, there were high towers representing the captains of the True God Guards. Now those towers were shattered, but there was one captain of the True God Guards who did not appear, it was Mu Ji.

The Eternals have opened the Eternal Realm formation, which can only be entered but not exited, so Mu Ji should also be here.

He scanned the distance with his heavenly eyes and found it.

The direction Lu Yin was looking was behind the ruins of the tower. Mu Ji felt a panic, as if he was being stared at by something. He looked into the distance through the tower, and suddenly looked at Lu Yin. His expression changed drastically, and he looked bad.

Lu Yin took one step forward and was about to hunt down Mu Ji. This man actually escaped from the hands of his fellow wood carvers and had a strange talent, so he had to kill him.

Suddenly, the air in the entire battlefield was depressed, and everyone felt their hearts sink. Was the sky falling?

Many people looked up and saw a figure walking out of nothingness and appearing in the sky above the land of disaster.

The visitor stood quietly at high altitude, which changed the atmosphere of the battlefield. Looking down, the hearts of all those who looked at him could not suppress the trembling.

"Ancient God?" someone exclaimed.

"Gu Yi Zhi?"

What appeared was the leader of the Seven Gods, the Ancient God, and the former Third Dao Master of the Tianshang Sect - Gu Yizhi, one of the true Three Realms and Six Paths.

Lu Yin's pupils shrank sharply, Gu Yizhi, he actually came.

Although Lu Yin wanted to draw out the Seven Gods to kill him as much as possible in this battle, he never wanted it to be Gu Yizhi. Gu Yizhi was at the same level as Ancestor Lu Yuan. His appearance, regardless of whether he had been seriously injured before, was not something he could do in this war. What you win can even change the situation of the battle.


Thanks to qzq4418 @Baidu brother for the reward, more updates will be added, thank you! !

I drink tea at night to clear my mind and write some words. I feel sleepy and tired during the day, but I am happy at the same time. Thank you brothers for your support, thank you! !

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