Star Odyssey

Chapter 3026 Pressure

The former ancestor stood with his sword in hand, turned back and looked at Lu Tianyi: "Will this battle continue?"

Lu Tian's expression was solemn. He was the most powerful person in the Tianshang Sect era, and he did not expect this person to appear suddenly.

This battle is difficult.

Over the land of Eru, the ancient god stood condescendingly, looking down at the entire battlefield, then looking up into the distance. Star Toad's huge body continued to vibrate, his eyes dropped again, and his body suddenly disappeared.

Lu Yin's expression changed drastically: "Be careful."

Before he could finish his words, three heads flew up. It was Gan, Chen Le and Shan Pu who were closest to him below the ancient god.

Three Ancestral Realm experts were killed without even seeing who made the move.

The splattered blood dyed the ground red, and the three pairs of eyes were still alert even before death. They were alert to the sudden appearance of the ancient god, but they did not expect that he would be dead the next moment.

White ice and snow covered the earth, and the Ice Lord took action, wanting to freeze the ancient god using the rules of the freezing sequence.

The ancient god raised his hand, the black-purple substance spread, and pushed the ice and snow horizontally with one palm. In Lu Yin's shocked eyes, he scattered the frozen sequence particles with one palm. At the same time, he grasped the fist and punched the ice master from a distance. With a bang, the ice The main body was knocked away, and the freezing sequence particles were unable to protect him.

The gap is too big, really too big, they are not on the same level at all.

The Ancient God took action twice, killing three ancestral realms and injuring the Ice Lord. Whether they were ordinary ancestral realms or those with strong sequence rules, there seemed to be no difference to him.

The earth twisted, and the leader of the Tuling tribe took action. The sequence particles spread from bottom to top, dragging the ancient god underground. At the same time, Lei Tian took the opportunity to take action, ignoring the impact of the tengu, and bombarded the ancient god from top to bottom with thunder. god.

Two sequence rules, one bottom-up and one top-down, overwhelmed the ancient god.

The ancient god raised his eyes, and his entire body was covered with a black-purple substance, allowing the two sequence rules to be submerged. His legs were bent, and the two sequence rules were directly shattered.

Seeing this scene, Hou Master and Lei Tian were dumbfounded. How could they break their sequence rules so easily?

The Ancient God ignored the Hou Master and Lei Tian and suddenly rushed in a direction. There, there was another figure rushing over, and it was Lu Tianyi.

Lu Tianyi, who was supposed to fight his ancestors, had to give up his ancestors and face the ancient gods.

If the ancient gods were allowed to dominate the battlefield, how many times could these people kill him?

The former ancestor's opponent was replaced by the eldest sister, and Xu Wuwei approached the Zihuang.

The Ancient God and Lu Tianyi identified each other as rivals as soon as they were far apart. On this battlefield, there were too few people who could truly become the Ancient God's opponents, and the only one who could spare his hands was Lu Tianyi.

The two figures were getting closer and closer at a slow speed.

The ancient god raised his hand and punched out. He created the palm realm's fighting spirit and cultivated a line of giants. He was the first person in human history who truly wanted to become invincible on his own. He was perhaps the most physically powerful among the Eternals. The presence.

Lu Tian pointed out one by one, breaking the rules and joining forces with Tianyi's way, which once severely damaged the immortal god, and at this moment, he defeated the ancient god.

As the two collided, there was no sound, and it seemed that the sound was so loud that it overwhelmed everyone's hearing.

With the two people at the center, the terrifying aftermath swept all directions, and even the ancestral realm couldn't bear it and was thrown away.

Viewed from a high altitude, the land of Era is centered on one point and spreads in all directions. The earth, the divine river, the sky, everything is pushed away, forming a world of nothingness, swallowing up all directions.

Lu Yin kept retreating, waving his hands to push away the rubble. Under the sky, there was nothing in that space, only the invisible world of nothingness. Even in the ancestral realm, it was difficult to walk safely in the world of nothingness. How is the ancestor?

Ancestor Tianyi’s fight against the Ancient God is like fighting Ancestor Lu Yuan. The Ancient God and Ancestor Lu Yuan are on the same level.

Although the ancient gods also visited the Fifth Continent, at that time, due to the rejection of the Fifth Continent, Ancestor Tianyi was able to block the Seven Gods by himself. Now the situation is just the opposite. Ancestor Tianyi's power is limited. Facing an ancient god again made Lu Yin uneasy.

With a roar, a strong wind swept by. Everyone looked, even the Star Toad who was fighting with the Void Lord high in the sky looked down.

The golden light broke through the darkness and turned into beams of light that pierced the sky, and the catalog of gods appeared.

Lu Yin breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the Conferred Gods Picture Book appeared, Ancestor Tianyi would be fine.

Suddenly, a transparent light mask swept across, and the Illustrated Book of Gods disappeared.

Lu Yin was furious and turned into a pure energy body again.

His heavenly eyes scanned around to find a pure energy body.

Here, Lu Tianyi's catalog of gods was wiped out by the absolute energy field. His body suffered a heavy blow from the ancient god and he was knocked back. There was blood at the corner of his mouth. The ancient god jumped out and appeared above Lu Tianyi, holding a single palm. push down.

Lu Tianyi hurriedly avoided it. With Tianyi's way, he had the ability to fight back even if he was at a disadvantage.

However, he still underestimated the ancient god. No matter where Lu Tian fled, the ancient god followed him, not only with speed, but also with anticipation.

"Chasing time?" Lu Tian was shocked.

The ancient gods created two powers, one is the battle energy of the palm realm, which can achieve invincibility with the human body, and the other is the palm.Void realm, which is the completion of the field and the pursuit of time.

The news that Lu Yin has been getting is that the Ancient God has not yet mastered the field and cannot chase time with the field, so that he was proud that he could chase time with space for a while, but the Ancient God has actually mastered the field of palm realm long ago. Palm. In the realm of the void, chasing time with fields is the same as chasing time with space, but the difference is in the form of expression.

Lu Yin's is the flowing light, but the Ancient God is invisible. The invisible power can chase time, and even Lu Tianyi cannot escape.

The ancient god pressed down completely with one palm. Under the palm, a black-purple substance formed a large seal, which severely suppressed Lu Tianyi: "Prison Suppression Platform".

Lu Tianyi was pressed into the ground by the big seal, and he raised his hands high to hold on to the big seal.

The big seal formed by releasing the fighting energy from the palm realm is called the prison tower. Even if Lu Tian wants to push it away, it is extremely difficult to break the rules and it is difficult to shake.

"This is not the fifth continent, otherwise you may not be able to break through this prison platform. Lu Tianyi, you are one of the most talented people I have ever seen." With that, the ancient god swept into the distance, took one step, and then Appeared and passed by Chu Jian. Chu Jian’s opponents were three Ancestral Realm Corpse Kings. He had already killed one of them. He was about to kill the second Ancestral Realm Corpse King. As the ancient god passed by, his body suddenly Stay and fall slowly.

The ancient god didn't squint his eyes, staring further into the distance, where were the eldest sister and the ancestors.

On the other side, Lu Yin's eyes narrowed sharply, he stepped backwards and chased, the ancient god wanted to attack his eldest sister on the head.

The ancient god is fast and can chase time in the realm of palm. Lu Yin is not slow either. He goes backwards and parallels time. In his sight at this moment, only the ancient god is moving.

The ancient god suddenly turned around and looked at Lu Yin in surprise: "You have made rapid progress indeed."

Lu Yin stared at the ancient god, with strong murderous intent deep in his eyes.

"Since you want to die, let me help you." After saying that, the ancient god turned towards Lu Yin and raised his hand to press it down.

For a moment, terrifying pressure filled the air. Lu Yin's face changed drastically and he couldn't breathe. The heavy air felt like his internal organs were being burned. He was surrounded by iron walls, making it difficult to move. All he could see in front of him was that hand, only that palm. .

The ancient god pressed down with one hand.

Lu Yin gritted his teeth and moved, move, move for me.

I don’t know what the ancient god did, but he just couldn’t move.

Seeing the palm getting closer and closer, suddenly, a small knife flew out from the heart, slashing eighty-one times at the ancient god. This was given to him by his wood carving brother before this battle, saying it was just in case.

Lu Yin originally thought that the reverse parallel time would not be used, but he did not expect that it would be used.

Eighty-one slashes struck the Ancient God's palm, but were crushed by his palm.

There is a huge gap between Brother Woodcarving and the Ancient God. It is impossible to make up for it, and it is even difficult to force the Ancient God to take back this palm.

But it was enough. The eighty-one sword bought Lu Yin some time to breathe. He released the starry sky in his heart and isolated time and space. The ancient god stepped in with a palm. He was surprised, was he cut by the world of nothing? However, it is not enough.

His palm still slapped Lu Yin.

The moment the starry sky appeared in his heart, Lu Yin was able to move. He stepped back in reverse steps.

To Lu Yin, a lot of things had just happened, but to others it was just a moment.

As Lu Yin stopped walking backwards, the surroundings returned to normal.

The ancient god failed and took action again.

At this time, Chu Jian, who had fallen down, slowly got up, looking at the ancient god chasing Lu Yin in the distance, gritting his teeth, spitting out a mouthful of blood, golden blood flowing, winning the battle, raising his hand, and destroying Tianfeng.

The Nirvana Sky Phoenix crashed towards the ancient god.

The ancient god turned a blind eye and allowed the Nirvana Sky Phoenix to hit him without even a scratch.

It was bitter at first sight, the gap was too big.

The pressure Lu Yin faced was beyond anyone's imagination. The Ancient God was serious about taking action against him. Even if he escaped once, it would not be easy to escape a second time.

"Gu Yizhi--" With a shout, the huge Pluto appeared, raised his hand, and a huge flower of the other side appeared between heaven and earth. The flower of the underworld bloomed and transcended to the other side.

The ancient god turned back: "You Ming, I originally planned to kill you, but this son stopped me. Now that I want to kill this kid, and you come to stop me, then you two will die together."

"Gu Yizhi, I should have killed you in the first place." The eldest sister's eyes were filled with tears. The ancient god violated her taboo by wanting to kill Lu Yin.

The ancient god was indifferent: "You have no chance. The flower from the other side is gone long ago."

After saying that, he raised his other hand and pointed at the eldest sister's head. At the same time, the sword edge of the ancestor came and slashed at the eldest sister's head.

Lu Yin was shocked: "Sister--"

The huge Netherworld ancestral world on the head of the eldest sister was cut off by the sword of the former ancestor, and she herself did not know what kind of attack she had endured from Gu Yizhi, her face turned pale and she fell down.

Xi Zu raised his long sword and slashed it down again, intending to kill the eldest sister's head.

Lu Yin's pupils shrank sharply, his heart beat, and blood slowly filled his eyes. He couldn't hear any sound, and all he saw was the scene of his eldest sister on the verge of death. An extremely crazy and uncontrollable killing emotion spread.

At this time, white mist appeared on the ground, wrapping around the ancestor, and at the same time dragged the eldest sister's head out.

Xi Zu slashed the air with his sword, frowned, and looked in one direction, where Wu Zu stood.


Thanks to qzq4418 @Baidu brother for the reward, more will be added! ! If you don’t go out on weekends, just stay at home and code. I can’t hold it any longer! ! Thanks! !

Thank you brothers for your support, thank you! !

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