Star Odyssey

Chapter 3027 Application

Wuzu's sudden appearance saved the eldest sister's life, and also suppressed the crazy killing emotions in Lu Yin's mind.

"Xiaowei?" Xi Zu was surprised.

Wuzu looked at Xizu blankly: "Master?"

Here, Lu Yin's crisis has not yet been resolved. The eldest sister has been seriously injured. It can be solved by leaving it to the ancestors. The ancient god looked at Lu Yin again: "Your Lu family does have talents, Lu Yuan, Lu Tianyi, Lu Feng, Lu Qi, it's you now, but unfortunately, your Lu family is destined to be lost in the long river of time."

Lu Yin stared at the ancient god: "The god of death is called Chu Heizi, Wu Tian is called Wu Da, what is your name?"

This question made the ancient god stunned. Chu Heizi, Wu Da, these familiar names suddenly brought him to that ancient era, when they could have fun with each other, when they were so naive that they wanted to knock Taihong's sap, and his eyes suddenly became complicated.

Behind him, Lu Tianyi didn't know when he broke the prison platform and pointed at the ancient god.

The ancient god stood there without moving. On the surface of his body, the black-purple substance spread again, forming a series of black beams of light on the body. His head grew wildly and dropped to the ground. His forehead and face were covered with black-purple substance. Behind his back, there was a deeper black-purple substance. An inexplicable pattern was formed covering the back.

This scene was familiar to Lu Yin. He had undergone similar changes in his Death God Transformation, and the Ancient God's strength had also undergone transformation. Just now, he didn't use all his strength. By the way, he hadn't used the sequence rules yet.

Lu Tian hit the Ancient God's back one by one with his fingers, and there was a click. There were cracks in the black-purple substance on the Ancient God's back, but it did not hurt him.

The ancient god turned his head and looked at Lu Tianyi behind him: "I didn't expect that you could break the prison platform. It seems that I underestimated you. Even though you are excluded in this evil realm, you can still use this ability. The strength is not far away from us."

Lu Tian stepped back and stared at the ancient god: "You are worthy of being at the same level as our ancestors. Gu Yizhi, no one here can beat you."

The ancient god turned around and faced Lu Tianyi: "Today, if Lu Yuan does not come out, your Lu family bloodline will end."

Lu Tian raised his head, and a catalog of gods appeared: "The era of Tianshang Sect was brilliant and glorious, and the Three Realms and Six Paths were regarded as invincible strong men. However, in the following eras, wizards were also born. The era cannot bury the heroes, and you cannot beat an era."

After the words fell, one after another figures came out of the catalog of gods. Chen Zu, Ku Zu, and Lu Tianyi were the three figures.

In the distance, Bai Wangyuan and Wang Fan were fighting fiercely with the Zombie King of the Ancestral Realm. They looked at each other. Their strength didn't show up. Didn't Lu Tian look down on them?

Three figures surrounded the ancient god.

Lu Yin took a deep breath. No one could underestimate the Nine Mountains and Eight Seas in the Daoyuan Sect era. Maybe Bai Wangyuan and the others did not reach that height, but Chen Zu and Ku Zu had strength that ordinary people could not imagine. The ancient gods should understand. The war between the Eternals and the Fifth Continent has never stopped.

"Xiao Qi, do your thing." Lu Tianyi reminded.

Lu Yin nodded, glanced at the ancient god, and slowly backed away. He wanted to find a pure energy body, otherwise the catalog of gods would disappear once it was touched by the absolute energy field.

He has always been the nemesis of others, but he never thought that one day he would also meet his nemesis.

And the eldest sister, how is the eldest sister?

Lu Yin looked into the distance and breathed a sigh of relief. The queen dragged the eldest sister away, but Xi Zu and Wu Zu did not take action. They were talking about something. Lu Yin had long felt that Xi Zu and Wu Zu had similar names. Now it seems that the two of them are indeed the same. know.


The void exploded and swept around again.

Lu Yin looked back, and the void was annihilated in the bombardment.

Ancestor Chen, Ancestor Ku, and Ancestor Tianyi are enough for the Ancient God to drink from a pot.

He looked around with his heavenly eyes, looking for a pure energy body, and found it.

Far away, the Food Saint restored the Taotie body and kept approaching the pure energy body. He was assisted by the Bow Saint. From the beginning of the war to the present, they should have suppressed the pure energy body, but at critical moments, the pure energy body can Take action.

It's the same today.

The pure energy body releases the absolute energy field, which is completely unhindered by the Food Saint and the Bow Saint.

Seeing this, Lu Yin called the seven-star mantis, spread its six wings, and flew.

The speed comparable to time made everything around him stand still. Lu Yin rode the Seven-Star Mantis and arrived at the pure energy body in an instant. Just as he was about to take action, the pure energy body retreated away at a speed no slower than the Seven-Star Mantis.

how come? Lu Yin was shocked. This pure energy body also had a speed comparable to time?

Although the pure energy body avoided Lu Yin's attack, the absolute energy field had to disappear.

Lu Yin stared at the pure energy body. It shouldn't be. If it really had a speed comparable to time, the previous siege of Dou Sheng Tianzun wouldn't have failed. If the Eternals hadn't taken action, it wouldn't have even been able to escape.

why is that?

Taotie jumped up suddenly and slammed into the pure energy body.

In the distance, arrows were shot, and the bow saint took action.

The pure energy body stood still and the arrow passed by. It waved for a moment, and the force turned into an arrow-like pattern and shot towards the bow saint. When Taotie was about to hit it, it raised its hand, and with a bang, Taotie Being held back.

If you want speed and speed, and if you want power and strength, you are basically a replica of Lu Yin.

Lu Yin stared at the pure energy body. It was impossible. It shouldn't have such strength. There must be something wrong.

"Master Lu, we have been fighting with it for a long time, and found that it is always slow in taking action. The only thing that can take the initiative is the transparent light shield." Gong Sheng's voice came.

An idea flashed in Lu Yin's mind. He understood. No wonder he was always slow.

What a pure energy body uses is not its own strength, but the use of energy.

The so-called use of energy is not just the energy in the cultivator's body, but also all external energy, such as wind, landslides and tsunamis. A person's movement can have an effect on the outside. This effect is also a kind of energy, and pure The energy body can use this energy to take action.

Therefore, when the bow saint's arrow is shot, it uses the power of the arrow to turn around and shoot another arrow. The power is the same, but it does not have the effect of the bow saint's killing of the seven emotions and six desires.

Since the Seven-Star Mantis moves at a speed comparable to time, it has the impact of this speed on space. This impact is also energy, and when used by a pure energy body, it can also have a similar speed.

I see.

It has been passively using energy and seems to be omnipotent. In fact, once you see through it, it has nothing to care about.

A pure energy body can use the energy generated by external forces to affect things. Lu Yin also has a similar method, which is the rune number. Thinking of this, his pupils turned into runes, and the Candle God villain appeared on his shoulder, spreading the rune number. Zhou Yan Zhen Jing - Infinite Realm.

Taotie rushed towards the pure energy body crazily, and the pure energy body blocked Taotie with almost the same force, making a violent roar.

Lu Yin rode the seven-star mantis and charged.

The seven-star mantis approached the pure energy body in an instant, and everything around it was still. Lu Yin slapped the pure energy body on the back with a palm, which was warm and moist. There was no strong defense. Lu Yin could easily feel the fragility of its body being torn apart. With one palm strike, , the pure energy body was blown away.

Taotie was pressing down on the pure energy body. When the pure energy body was blown away, it almost stopped and pressed towards Lu Yin.

Lu Yin rode on the back of the Seven-Star Praying Mantis and looked into the distance. His guess was correct. This pure energy body used the energy generated from the outside. He first used the rune number to move the seven-star mantis and transferred the energy generated by the rune number. This energy has been transferred by itself, and a pure energy body cannot naturally use it. It is normal for it to be unable to keep up with the speed of the Seven-Star Praying Mantis.

In the distance, the pure energy body stood up slowly, expressionless, but Lu Yin could clearly see its confusion and fear. It was scared.

"Continue." Lu Yin rode the seven-star mantis and instantly arrived in front of the pure energy body. He landed a palm on its forehead, killed it directly, and then clicked.

This pure energy body is still very useful. Although it has lost the absolute energy field of sequence rules, as long as the use of energy is not seen through, it can fight against anyone.

Suddenly, the sword light swept across, and Lu Yin slapped the pure energy body on the forehead with a palm. However, this palm failed to kill the pure energy body, because before the palm fell, the pure energy body had already died. died.

Lu Yin turned his head and looked into the distance. His ancestor put down his sword and looked at Lu Yin: "The generals of the Lu family are a headache."

"So you kill it first." Lu Yin said in a low tone.

Xizu faced Lu Yin directly, followed by Wuzu Xiwei. Xiwei was at a loss. She could not stop Xizu from taking action, and she did not expect that Xizu would suddenly take action.

"In this land of calamity, we, the Eternals, will not lose this battle. It depends on what price you have to pay to leave. Gu Yizhi is one of the three heroes of our Eternals. His true combat power has not yet been displayed. Now retreat. , it’s still too late.” Xizu threatened.

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes: "We might as well call out all the San Qing and Liu Hao, and see if we can stop me from destroying your land of calamity."

Xizu said no more, but from behind, Wuzu took action, and Wusuo disappeared.

Lu Yin had no intention of taking action against his ancestor. He couldn't see through this woman. The ancient god's action just now had already made him fearful. In his opinion, the ancestor who knew both Xing Chan and the Great Heavenly Lord was the most hidden. Yes, just like Bai Wushen in the Seven Gods Heaven, he has not yet reached the strength to fight with them.

He could only remind Wu Zu to be careful.

Speaking of which, Bai Wushen was not in the first calamity realm.

It's a pity that he is a pure energy body. The ancestors have already begun to guard against his generals. It is probably not easy to find a master of generals in the future.

She was indeed cruel enough. Seeing that the pure energy body was no match for her, she killed her directly. She was an accomplice. If she had not used the runes to isolate the pure energy body from using the surrounding energy, the sword of the ancestor might not have been able to do anything to it. Pity.

A strong aftermath swept over.

Lu Yin looked up. In the distance, the ancient gods were fighting fiercely against the ancestors of Tianyi, Chenzu and Kuzu. Even under normal circumstances, he could not see the battle clearly. He could only see clearly with his heavenly eyes.

Chen Zu's strength and fighting talent make Ku Zu almost unbeatable, and he can also absorb the opponent's power to fight back with the ultimate counterattack of objects. Tian Yi's ancestor's broken rules and Tian Yi's way make the ancient gods fearful, and he has the ability to injure the ancient gods. The ancient god himself was invincible and powerful, and he could resist the attacks of three people with his palm-level fighting spirit.


Thanks to book friend 4689933 Zonghengzhisuifeng brother for the reward, I will give you more! !

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