Star Odyssey

Chapter 3039 Self-destruction

The child turned to look at the Corpse God: "Is what he said true?"

The Corpse God spoke in a low tone: "Giant Hell was created by you. Ask yourself whether it is true."

The child shouted angrily: "The Cyclops King is inspired by his talent, which is equivalent to living in another form. I am always sleeping and will not enter the giant hell. How do I know?"

The corpse god didn't answer.

The child's words made Lu Yin's heart move. What do they mean? The basis for this person to determine whether the Giant Hell exists is that the Mountain-backed Giant King or the Cyclops King is alive? How can he be sure? Moreover, the rule of the Giant Hell is that if one party kills the other, the Giant Hell can be broken. Wait, could this rule be false?

Lu Yin looked at the child: "What are the rules for breaking the giant hell?"

The child and Lu Yin looked at each other: "One will completely kill the other."

"So, the other side can live?"

"If they can't survive, what I give them is false hope."

So, Lu Yin understood. No wonder the Cyclops King was ordered by him, but he had no way of knowing that the giant hell was broken, but the general was not alive. What was the other form he was talking about?

Lu Yin recalled the scenes after the death of the giant king on the back of the giant hell mountain. It was obviously flesh and could bleed, but it turned into light spots and dissipated. Those super giants would be resurrected after death. Even the strong people in the misery realm should not be able to do this. , otherwise how could the Seven Gods die? The only true god can completely resurrect them. Since they can't do it in the misery, why can they do it?

Unless, they are not what they and others see.

Lu Yin always felt that he had caught something, but he couldn't remember it.

"Karma, what are you waiting for? My promise to you remains unchanged. From now on, I will not come here again. The premise is that you help me eradicate them." The Corpse God said in a deep voice.

The child was indifferent: "You lied to me and you still want me to help you?"

"If you don't help me, you should know your fate." The Corpse God shouted.

The child smiled very happily: "Why do you think a person with my level of strength is willing to sleep here for countless years? Why did he create a giant hell to take revenge? What do you think is different between me and other people?"

These questions are also what Xu Zhu and the others want to know. Such a powerful person is sleeping here. He must either heal his injuries or, what other explanation can there be?

"Overcome the hardship." Wood God said.

The obsessions in the hearts of those who are strong in suffering will be infinitely magnified. What this person cares about most is his hometown. In order to get revenge, but also to survive the suffering and resolve his obsessions, it is not impossible to sleep here, and it is possible. Very big.

Lu Yin's eyes flashed, would he survive the hardship? The Great Heavenly Lord can sacrifice everything just to overcome the suffering. What is the suffering of the only true God? What is the misfortune of Star Toad? There is also the legendary Maiden, who is definitely a strong person who can survive hardships. After all, she has survived for too long, and Mr. Mu has definitely reached this level.

What is their misery? What will be my suffering in the future?

The child laughed: "It is indeed a very reasonable explanation to overcome the hardships. It is a pity that people like us will never be able to survive the hardships and will never have the chance to survive the hardships."

Everyone was confused, what did this mean?

"My existence is for my hometown, to take revenge on those two giants, and for my childhood dream. These are obsessions and what I want to do for the rest of my life. I want to watch the sun rise and set in my hometown, and watch my grandfather planting flowers and grass. , to see that the mountains, rivers and land are in good condition, to see the years pass peacefully, is such a simple wish."

"Those two super giants are dead, and I have experienced sunrise and sunset for countless years. Haha, I have done a lot of homework for a person like me." He looked at the Corpse God: "Are you afraid of death?"

The Corpse God's eyes were stern.

The child sneered: "A person like me wants to die. There is nothing I pursue in this world. Maybe there really is an afterlife in the universe. Maybe the civilization I hope for is in that world. Or maybe, reincarnation is possible." , born into the civilization of hope, can you threaten someone like me?"

The Corpse God suddenly took action, tearing the void apart to escape.

Lu Yin kept staring at him, and when he saw that he was about to escape, the seven-star mantis suddenly flew away, making everything around him stand still at a speed comparable to time. Only the Corpse God turned his head slowly, but it was still too slow, and was struck by Lu Yin. With the palm of his hand repulsed, the Seven-Star Mantis raised its arm and slashed it down with its sword. At the same time, Kong Jie and the Cyclops King all took action.

On the other side, two figures walked out of the void. They were the Moon God and Moon Immortal of the March Alliance. How could they not be fully prepared to ambush the Seven Gods? Lu Yin specially invited the March Alliance to take action. Now, he can only invite March. alliance.

Fortunately, the March Alliance came to help in memory of his kindness in dealing with the mad zombie.

Both Moon God and Moon Immortal are strong in sequence rules, and they all took action to continuously consume the sequence particles on the corpse god's body.

The child did not take action against Lu Yin and the others. The Wood God and the others looked at each other and rushed towards the Corpse God.

The Corpse God growled: "Karma, if you don't take action, I will kill you."

The child looked around, just looking at the desolate land, not caring.

The Corpse God was punched into the ground by the Cyclops King. Kongji raised his palm and kept pressing down. The King's arrows, the power of the Void God, and the wood all pressed down, causing the Corpse God to cough up blood.

The Corpse God finally couldn't help it, and his body recovered, becoming extremely huge.

The child was surprised and his eyes flashed coldly: "Are you actually a giant too?"

The Corpse God has never recovered his true form in this illusory civilization, and has always appeared at the height of an ordinary person.

"Karma, do you really want to die?" The corpse god's voice was shocking. The branch-like texture on the body surface appeared again. Although blood was constantly seeping, there was another kind of red flowing inside, which was divine power.

The child stared at the Corpse God with murderous intent: "If I had known you were a giant, I would not have let you stay here."

"In that case, why don't you help us eradicate him together." Lord Xu shouted.

The child did not move.

Within the corpse god, divine power surged out, covering the branch-like texture. The next moment, the divine power spread toward the surroundings in the shape of texture, just like a tree growing out of the corpse god's back. It was the Mebis Sacred Tree.

Wood God warned: "Be careful, the Mebis Sacred Tree has infinite power, and being hit is no joke."

Lu Yin felt deeply. He had known Mebis for too long, especially the battle with Helo Mebis. The rhythm of life, the wheel of life, the heart of the tree, and the fruits he swallowed were so important to him. , and the Mebis people called Achi, everyone was shocked by their power.

Why does the Corpse God have the mark of the Mavis Sacred Tree?

The huge Mebis sacred tree was simulated with divine power and grew behind the Corpse God. The Moon Immortal struck down with the Moon Flower Slash. He could not even get close to the Corpse God and was blocked by the divine power. Luo Shan shot the king's arrow, and Lu Yin let go. The Cyclops King's bombardment was also blocked by the sacred tree.

"External forces can no longer hurt him. If he wants to leave, he can leave at any time." Mu Shen looked ugly.

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes and stared at the Corpse God. This was what gave him confidence. The Corpse God was already huge, and the divine power he absorbed far exceeded that of the other Seven Gods. By using his divine power in this way, he could not even attack. I thought about it, just to leave.

The child raised his head and stared at the Corpse God: "How painful it is for my civilization to be destroyed. I know very well that what you are doing now is also destroying their civilization. This is a sin. Self-destruction."

As soon as the words fell, invisible power appeared in the corpse god's body, turning into a cage to trap him.

Lu Yin and others were surprised, what kind of power is this?

The Corpse God suddenly opened his eyes: "This is not a power that I understand. Your power should not pose a threat to me."

"How much do you understand my power?" The child looked calm.

"Seeking death." The Corpse God said, but he didn't do anything. The child suddenly coughed up blood, and the same branch texture appeared intermittently on the body surface, and there was a faint flow of divine power.

This force kept pulling on his body, causing his body to crack.

Mu Shen and others were puzzled. How could a master who could save the walking zombie god with just a wave of his hand, a master who could survive hardships, be so easily injured?

The child coughed up blood and still stared at the Corpse God: "Through the Qiong."

The cage formed by inexplicable power on the corpse god's body suddenly closed in, as if it ignored the body and entered directly into the body.

The corpse god's face changed drastically, he opened his mouth suddenly, vomited out blood, mixed with internal organ fragments, and his originally strong body continued to crack. He roared: "If you don't believe me, you shouldn't hurt me, Karma, you have hidden your power." .”

The child smiled miserably, just like the corpse god, whose body was constantly cracking and on the verge of death: "Although I don't care about race, I still want to put an end to my body. After all, after all, the body is the carrier of memory. I think humans and human civilization are pretty good and should not be destroyed."

"Go to hell--" The Corpse God growled, and his body kept cracking, and the child's body also kept cracking, and the blood dyed the ground red, which was particularly tragic.

Outside the corpse god's body, the branch of divine power is already unstable.

Lu Yin shouted: "Take action."

Before they could take action, the corpse god's body suddenly exploded. For a moment, the void twisted and then exploded, turning into a huge world of nothingness that swallowed up this piece of time and space.

Lu Yin hurriedly let the seven-star mantis fly to the child, grabbed him and left.

Wood God, Void Lord, and Moon God all left.

After returning to the Giant Hell, under the planet, the stone slab shattered and turned into powder.

Lu Yin and others have appeared in the starry sky of Giant Hell.

The child rides on the back of the seven-star mantis and looks at the familiar starry sky. This is his hometown: "Everything is gone, not even a living planet."

Lu Yin looked at the child: "What's your name? I'll take you to heal."

The child smiled and shook his head: "He will definitely die, so don't waste time. By the way, let me remind you, he is not dead."

Lu Yin's expression changed: "Corpse God?"

The child nodded.

Mu Shen and others gathered around: "You said the Corpse God is not dead?"

The child said: "His sequence rules are very strong. He is integrated into the body and is immortal. He just decisively self-destructed and is definitely not dead. Even if there is only a drop of blood, he can survive."

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