Star Odyssey

Chapter 3040: The Word of Heaven

"Where is he now?" The virtual master asked hurriedly. It was so difficult to fight like this. If it weren't for this person, they wouldn't even be able to force the corpse god to explode. In this case, if he doesn't die, how can he kill him in the future?

The child said: "I don't know, he stayed in the illusory civilization I created for many years just to leave divine power in my body. Divine power is the power of the strong in the misery. In that kind of civilization, I have no resistance. consciousness."

"It was with this power that he was able to hit you hard?" Yuexian asked.

The child coughed up blood: "Kill me."

Lu Yin looked at the child: "I guessed it right, you have another kind of power, related to illusion."

Mu Shen and others were not surprised. They all guessed it. The meaning of the zombie myth was very obvious. If you don't believe it, you can't be hurt. This also explains why Karma could easily save the walking zombie god before. His power was fake.

The child looked at Lu Yin and admired: "You are not even a strong person if you don't follow the rules of the sequence, but you have this kind of strength. You are the future master of this universe. I hope you won't be like me." At this point, He suddenly stopped, his face changed, and then he suddenly stared at Lu Yin again: "The Cyclops King was really tortured by you?"

Lu Yin thought for a while and shook his head: "The general is only about his strength and has nothing to do with me."

The child exhaled: "I guessed it, otherwise the Lu family you mentioned would have ceased to exist. Human beings should not have this kind of power."

After speaking, he said: "Point me."

Lu Yin was surprised.

The child was very serious: "I am bound to die. In that case, I might as well leave my power to you."

Lu Yin hesitated: "If I want a general, I must kill you with my own hands."

Children don't care: "You're going to die anyway, so why bother."

Lu Yin looked at Mu Shen and the others. It was not easy for him to kill someone who had no grievances and no grudges. He was not a murderer.

Mu Shen and the others nodded to Lu Yin. If they could possess the power of karma, it would definitely be a big help. Whether it was an illusory power that could bluff people or a strange power that severely damaged the Corpse God, they were all very strong.

Lu Yin took a deep breath: "Well, thank you, senior."

Mu Shen and others slowly retreated, calling generals and ordering generals. This is the power of the Lu family. It is not good for them to watch. After all, they are all strong in sequence rules, so there is no guarantee that they will not discover anything.

Lu Yin didn't mind being watched, but he didn't stop them when they retreated.

The child's life continues to pass: "I have two kinds of power. One is sin. I imprison myself with my own sin and penetrate the sky. This is the killing move formed by this. People who feel that their sins are more serious are more likely to be hurt."

"The second is fantasy. This is also my sequence rule. Under fantasy, if you believe it, there will be something, if you don't believe it, there will be nothing."

He looked at the Wood God and others in the distance: "The Corpse God was surrounded and killed, and asked me for help. You thought I had the strength to save him, so I took action. Of course you would believe anything, and you would be easily controlled by my fantasy rules. The same is true for this Giant Hell. The Mountain-backed Giant King and the Cyclops King all believe in the rules here, so they will not even die. As long as they believe, they will continue to exist."

"That's the power of fantasy."

Lu Yin was shocked. The power of fantasy is so terrifying. It seems that the solution is simple. If you believe it, you will have it, if you don't believe it, you will have it. But how can people not believe it?

If karma forms a cage with the power of illusion, everyone who sees it will believe that it is the cage. Once they believe it, they will fall into the rules of the illusion. No matter what the cage itself is, they cannot break it.

If karma uses the power of fantasy to form the doomsday, everyone who sees this scene will naturally believe it, and then the doomsday has really come.

The power that seems simple and false is the most difficult to deal with.

People are often lost in illusions and cannot extricate themselves. As long as they are not spoken out, this is an unsolvable power.

Lu Yin exhaled deeply: "Senior's strength is admirable."

The child smiled bitterly: "This power was also taught to me by others, and I eventually cultivated it to the level of sequence rules."

"Senior's master?" Lu Yin's heart stirred. He had the power to create illusions. How could such a person be astonishingly talented?

The child shook his head and coughed up blood again: "He didn't let me call him Master."

"Then, who is the senior?"

"He must have died a long time ago."

Lu Yin nodded, and for some reason, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, imagining that such power was both unexplainable and impossible to guard against. If such a master was still alive, he would suspect that he had seen something illusory.

"Ahem, it's almost time. I, I can't hold it anymore, let's do it." Karma spoke with difficulty, blood flowing down his entire body.

Lu Yin couldn't bear it, but still raised his hand: "Senior, junior, Lu Yin, formerly known as Lu Xiaoxuan, the Taoist Master of the Heavenly Sect of the Fifth Continent in the First Space, here to send senior off on his way."

What the child saw was blurry and bloody: "Protect your civilization well, I hope you don't take the path I took."

Lu Yin solemnly said: "Thank you very much."

After saying that, he slapped a palm and landed on the child's forehead. The child's body swayed and slowly fell to the ground.

In the distance, Mu Shen and others watched all this. A generation of strong men finally died. The founder of the Giant Hell was once focused on and searched for by the Six Directions Society, but now, he is still dead.

Lu Yin felt silently uncomfortable. He took a deep breath, and the general ordering platform appeared: "In my name, order the generals."

Figures gradually appeared on the general stage. Lu Yin didn't know how to distinguish the strength of Karma. He didn't understand that the power of fantasy could never defeat him. But if he understood, this power was easy to break. He didn't know how to distinguish the strength of Karma. It doesn't matter who you target, but you should be able to hit it successfully.

Seeing the mark gradually deepening, suddenly, the platform shook, and his blood connected, making Lu Yin vomit out a mouthful of blood. His face turned pale, and there was a vague and shocking sound in his ears. When he looked up, a word "天" appeared suddenly, and he didn't know where it came from. Come on, press hard on Lu Yin.

This was something Lu Yin had never felt before. Even when he was sneak-attacked by Zhenwu Night King, and even when faced with the superiority of the Great Heavenly Lord, he never felt this way.

This is the feeling of being suppressed by the sky. The sky is collapsing. He feels the despair of ordinary people facing the doomsday. It is not just the doomsday, but also the feeling of ants looking up at the sky. What is going on? What is this?

Everything happened in just an instant. The word "Heaven" suddenly pressed down, as if Lu Yin had violated something.

At this time, the dice suddenly appeared without any warning. At five o'clock, it faced the Zizi of Heaven. The flame that once burned the Book of Destiny appeared. It did not go towards the Zizi of Heaven, but towards Karma's corpse. I don't know. What was burned, the word Tian disappeared at the moment when it was about to suppress Lu Yin.

true or false?

Lu Yin stared blankly at the top of his head. There was nothing. Not far away, the general point platform was empty. There was no mark of karma. The dice slowly disappeared. Everything was calm. Further away, Mu Shen and others were not abnormal, as if just now. Everything that happened was an illusion.

fantasy? Is it the power of fantasy?

That's not right, why would I believe that one word can suppress me? Or even kill yourself? Why did the dice suddenly appear?

Also, Lu Yin wiped the corner of his mouth. The blood was real. He was indeed oppressed by a sense of despair that he had never experienced before. He experienced the feeling of ordinary people, the thin line between life and death, the real thin line between life and death.

He looked at Karma's corpse, but his corpse had already turned into ashes and dispersed, turning into ashes the moment the flames burned.

If it wasn't for the injury or the appearance of the dice, Lu Yin wouldn't believe what just happened. Where did the words come from? Is it because of karma?

His gaze was deep, and light appeared all around him. Look, he wanted to see and see clearly what happened.

He was unwilling to give up, why should he be killed? Inexplicably injured, he wanted to see where the strength came from.

The stream of light shuttled, and the scene in front of him changed. Flying ash slowly fell in front of him, forming a body with karma. He saw the flames, but he did not see the zigzag. He suddenly stared at the direction of the burning flame, and the stream of light kept looking back. The flame shrank and returned to within five o'clock of the dice. He stared at the karma corpse. At that time?

Lu Yin saw clearly that the word "Slave" appeared on Karma's forehead.

"Slave" is engraved on Karma's forehead. Normally he cannot see it at all, but when he clicks on the general, the word "Slave" appears. "Slave", "Tian", what does it mean?

The light returned, and everything in front of me was empty.

Lu Yin's thoughts were complicated, and there was actually the word "Slave" on Karma's forehead? He knew exactly what this word meant.

Who can take karma as a slave? God? But what does this day represent?

Lu Yin's fingers were numb, feeling as if he had touched some kind of taboo.

If it weren't for the flames, would he still be standing here now?

This flame appeared when he burned the Book of Destiny. At that time, I stole the talent of flame with five points on the dice and kept it in the dice. Unexpectedly, it saved me this time. The flame is related to Taikoo City, and the Book of Destiny is the divination Even if Taikoo City was burned down, then, the word "Heaven" is also related to Taikoo City?

The Taikoo City is obviously the place where the strongest human beings from ancient to modern times resisted the Eternals' string of destruction sequence. It stands to reason that he has seen it clearly, but why does this Zizi appear? What does this word mean in Taikoo Shing?

Lu Yin became more and more confused. Taikoo City was by no means as simple as Mu Ji said. There must be something wrong. He wanted to go to Taikoo City.

Lu Yin's eyes were firm and he must go to Taikoo City to see the big secrets there.

The platform floated slowly, and when Lu Yin looked at it, not only the mark of karma disappeared, but also the mark of the Cyclops King.

The Cyclops King was originally caused by Karma and appeared with the power of fantasy. Now that Karma told Lu Yin that it was a fantasy, Lu Yin would naturally not believe in the existence of the Cyclops King, so this power would disappear.

It was heartbreaking to lose two masters who could be called generals at once, but Lu Yin saw some kind of secret, some kind of secret that must be revealed.

In the distance, Mu Shen and others came over: "Master Lu, how are you doing?"

Lu Yin didn't know how to tell them, so he could only nod: "It's over."

The virtual master had a headache: "It took a lot of effort to beat the Corpse God like that, but he is still alive. It will be even harder to kill him in the future."

Yuexian said: "It wasn't us who beat him, it was that kid who beat him."

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