Star Odyssey

Chapter 3041: Bad Guest

Master Xu said: "Fortunately, Lu Yin took advantage of that child. Next time he encounters the Corpse God, he will be hit hard with the same force."

"Speaking of which, what kind of power is that? We couldn't destroy the branch of divine power, but that power actually severely damaged the Corpse God from within."

Mu Shen glanced at him: "It's time to go back."

Asking this question is tantamount to spying on other people's power. Just now Lu Yin pointed out the karma, and they had taboos in avoiding it.

Xu Zhu apologized: "Yes, I went back. I asked too many questions. Mainly out of curiosity. Okay, Lu Yin, let's go first."

Wood God said: "Although the Corpse God is not dead, he can't come out in a short time. Such injuries are enough to prevent him from showing up for a long, long time. When he shows up again, you will have broken through the ancestral realm."

Lu Yin looked forward to: "There should be a breakthrough, and it may not be so difficult to kill him then."

After saying that, Mu Shen, Xu Lord and Luo Shan all left.

Moon God and Yue Xian also said goodbye to Lu Yin.

Lu Yin thanked him again.

The kindness of saving the March Alliance in the past has been repaid. It will not be so easy to invite the March Alliance to take action in the future. The March Alliance is neither a party to Baiyun City nor a party to the Six-Party Alliance. The three strong ones in the sequence rules are enough to form a party of their own. .

Lu Yin returned to Tianshang Sect. Next, he wanted to look for the Nine-Headed Bird's nest, where there were some good things.

The Nine-Headed Bird is definitely not a bad treasure for an outsider strongman. Lu Yin has seen it through its memory, and he also knows how to go through its lair to the parallel time and space it owns with different time flow rates. This kind of parallel time and space is the treasure of many outsider strongmen. Hard currency for trading.

The only problem is how to find the Nine-Headed Bird's nest.

Although Lu Yin saw the memory of the Nine-Headed Bird, he was not a Nine-Headed Bird and did not leave a mark on his lair. The only way to do so was Biron's compass.

Biron's compass can point to what you want most, and the key point is things. This thing is neither human nor beast, but something that belongs to the universe itself, such as parallel time and space with different time flow rates. This is the existence of the universe itself. It can be found. The Lord of Thunder looks for Thunder through the compass. It can also be found. It can be found even if it is looking for people or beasts.

Fortunately, there was something in the Nine-Headed Bird's nest. Lu Yin saw through its memory that it should be extremely rare and was naturally raised by the universe. This braised wood was the birthplace of the Nine-Headed Bird, and it was also its birthplace. At the core of the lair, the nine-headed bird was born from the stewed wood. It has practiced for countless years and reached the level of sequence rules. It has not found the second stewed wood in its entire life. This thing should be able to be located through a compass.

Thinking about this, Lu Yin calmed down, thinking about the wood, raised the compass, and tore the void apart.

Seeing the void cracking, he took a step forward and disappeared into the Tianshang Sect. When he reappeared, he had arrived at a strange starry sky. He opened his sky eyes and looked into the distance. Lu Yin was excited and found it. He found the nest of the nine-headed bird at once.

This starry sky is the parallel time and space where the Nine-Headed Bird is.

This is different from searching for parallel space-times with different time flow rates. That kind of parallel space-time has almost no sequence strings and needs to be found through compass traction. However, the parallel space-time where the Nine-Headed Bird is located has sequence strings, which can be found by tearing the void directly.

This parallel time and space is not some strange time and space.

Lu Yin hurriedly walked away.

Soon after, he saw a huge tree standing in the starry sky. This tree was found by the Nine-Headed Bird, which was its old nest, and the core of the tree was the braised wood.

Looking at the huge trees in front of him, Lu Yin's eyes flashed, and there was someone inside.

Within the trees, a figure was looking for something, constantly destroying the surroundings.

"It's useless for you to look like this." came the voice.

The figure suddenly turned around and saw Lu Yin, his scarlet eyes pointed with murderous intent.

Lu Yin also saw the figure clearly and was surprised: "Nirvana?"

This figure was clearly the corpse king of the ancestral realm - Nirvana, who was attacking the carrier of the Art of Feeding when he entered the hyperspace disguised as Xuan Qi and fought in the Liuyun Time and Space. This Nirvana's attack allowed Lu Yin to see the black energy source blessing him while swimming. The strength displayed by Zhan, this person is just an ordinary Ancestral Realm Corpse King, at most a little stronger than the True God Guard Ancestral Realm Corpse King. He may have a name, but it is almost the same as Swimming Zhan.

Nie stared at Lu Yin: "Why are you here?"

The corner of Lu Yin's mouth curled up: "It seems that you know me. I'm very curious, why do you appear here? Could it be that the Eternals know the lairs of all the powerful people outside the territory?"

Nie suddenly took action and punched Lu Yin.

The fist stopped in front of Lu Yin, and was easily caught by Lu Yin, unable to move.

Nie growled low, and bullied him forward and hit him hard. Lu Yin kicked out, sending Nie flying out. When Nie hit the ground, he appeared instantly and stepped on Nie's sole.

Nie struggled frantically, but to no avail.

Lu Yin's strength is much stronger than him, and he is not on the same level at all.

"Are you planning to tell me? Do the Eternals know the lairs of all the powerful people from outside the territory? If one dies, they will plunder one." Lu Yin said.

Nie raised his head, his crimson vertical eyes extremely ferocious: "You will definitely be killed by the clan. You will definitely be killed. Humans will resist. Our clan cannot resist."

Lu Yin frowned, and with a sudden force, he trampled Nie to death.

After all, he is the Corpse King. Interrogation is impossible. In fact, there is no need to interrogate. Since Nirvana can appear here, it must be the instruction of the Eternal Clan. The Eternal Clan actually has a way to find the nest of the Nine-Headed Bird. This is no small matter.

The Nine-Headed Bird is cautious. Only it can return to its old nest. If the Eternals can find it, the Nine-Headed Bird will definitely not know about it.

If the Nine-Headed Bird is like this, is it the same for other powerful people from outside the territory? Then, the foreign objects treasured by the powerful outsiders will inevitably be obtained by the Eternals. If this is the case, the collection of the Eternals will be terrifying.

No wonder the Eternals keep hiring Star Toads to take action. The resources that Star Toads are attracted to seem to be worthless to the Eternals. They can be doubled at will. They are basically using the resources of other foreign powerhouses to buy Star Toads.

So, here comes the question, do the Eternals know the lair of Star Toad? If you know that so many resources were paid to Xing Toad before, does it mean that the Eternals are sure to take it back?

The more Lu Yin thought about it, the more he realized that the Eternals were always doing business without capital, which was quite ruthless.

The more you know about the Eternals, the more you will be amazed by them. Although most of the Eternals are corpse kings, in fact they are extremely intelligent. It is no wonder that the Tianshang Sect was destroyed. Many things seem simple, but they are linked together.

Lu Yin suppressed the speculation in his heart and followed the Nine-Headed Bird's memory, deep into the trees, to the corner, and pressed down with one palm. Below was the entrance to the Nine-Headed Bird's treasured resources. It did not have the habit of using the Ning Kong Ring to store foreign objects. , everything is stored below.

Nirvana is looking for these.

Soon, Lu Yin saw the Nine-Headed Bird's treasures, weapons, training resources, treasures of heaven and earth, and countless more. Unfortunately, these were of little use to Lu Yin.

There is also star energy crystal marrow here, which is about 100 million cubic meters. It's not too much, not too little, it's better than nothing.

In addition to star energy crystal marrow, there are actually six-party cultivation resources such as super crystals and hui crystals, as well as many other resources. They should be the resources of some cultivation civilizations it encountered. Lu Yin took them all away. The stars in the starry sky in his heart can Infinite increase.

Among the many resources, there are two most precious ones. One is the star gate. This star gate leads to all the parallel spaces and times with different time flows in the Nine-Headed Bird. Those parallel spaces and spaces have already been opened by it, and this star gate is the entrance.

The Nine-headed Bird will inspect it every once in a while. After all, parallel time and space may be entered at any time, and no one can predict it. It does not allow others to covet its things.

The second precious thing is the essence of stewed wood.

The essence of braised wood is a liquid that has been condensed by braised wood for countless years. Lu Yin does not know its specific function. He only knows that in the memory of the nine-headed bird, this thing is the most precious, and it is more precious than those parallel time and space with different flow rates.

From its birth to now, we have only accumulated one bottle of Braised Wood Essence, which is very, very rare, and I have never been willing to use it.

Lu Yin found it.

The Nine-Headed Bird was reluctant to use it, but it was an advantage for himself, but he didn't know what the purpose of this thing was, so he put it away and talked about it later.

Nothing much follows.

Lu Yin took the star gate out of the tree and looked back. There was no need to destroy it. Maybe a new owner would arrive soon.

He returned to Tianshang Sect, took out the Star Gate in the back mountain of Tianshang Sect, entered, and practiced these parallel time and space with different flow speeds. In the future, these parallel time and space can be used as rewards given by Tianshang Sect to elite disciples. No one will refuse to travel in this kind of parallel time and space. Cultivation within.

Since he became the master of the Tianshang Sect, he finally had substantial benefits for the people below. Even the fifth tower may not be more attractive than this parallel time and space.

The Nine-Headed Bird has four parallel time-spaces with different time flow rates. It took Lu Yin three years to fully admit it. The time of the streamer's look back increased by thirty-two seconds, and the real time spent in the parallel time-space was seven. Eighteen years.

This is called seclusion. Three years go by in a blink of an eye. In the past, it was just a sip of tea.

After all, more than ninety years have passed since I entered the earth. This is real time. If you count the four o'clock on the dice and the time in parallel space and time with different flow rates, it will be almost hundreds of years. It is no longer a younger generation.

Lu Yin exhaled, and the field swept across the entire Tianshang Sect, huh? Why is He Ran here?

He looked down the stairs and saw He Ran coming to the cauldron and playing with the saplings. He was just about to go take a look when the King of the Second Night reported: "There is a war in the Behemoth Star Territory. Please let the Tao Master know clearly."

Lu Yin was surprised: "War in the Behemoth Star Territory? With whom?"

"A civilization that accidentally broke into the time and space of my fifth continent."

Lu Yin was funny. He kept going outside the territory and entering other parallel time and space, but there were also guests at home, and they were also unwelcome guests.

Soon, the King of the Second Night played the scene of the war in the Behemoth Star Territory to Lu Yin.

Lu Yin looked towards the light curtain.

Inside the light curtain, spaceships with strange shapes appeared one after another, surrounding the light mask, and sending out beams of light to blast towards many starry sky beasts. The styles of these spaceships were completely different from those of the Fifth Continent. Each spacecraft was protected by a light mask. , leaving many starry sky behemoths to be beaten.

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