Star Odyssey

Chapter 3538 Scheduling

Lao Tao glanced at Lu Yin and suggested in a low voice: "Although the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce is not easy to mess with, our Dayu Villa is even more difficult to mess with. We even dare to do things like carving letters in Jigong. Is there anything that the head of the house dares not to do? And Jianyuan The two battles with Nanyoujie have completely established the reputation of being the master. No matter how powerful the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce is, can it be protected by Yu Sangtian himself?"

"So I guess the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce doesn't dare to face the boss. We just go there in a big way like before. The entire Linghua Universe knows that we are going to cause trouble for the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce. So, the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce will definitely find a way to deal with them and fight them. They will definitely not be able to defeat us, the only way is to help us find the murderer of Baliu and Yi Yao."

"It saves us the trouble."

Ru Mu was confused: "What if it was really the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce that did it?"

Lao Tao said fiercely: "Then don't say anything and just mess with him."

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes: "Are you so worried about colliding with the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce?"

Lao Tao blinked: "No, doesn't this save us trouble?"

Ru Mu smiled lightly: "According to what you said, there are only two results in the end. One, the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce will escape, and two, the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce will find a scapegoat, and a scapegoat that we are all convinced of."

"No matter what the situation is, we don't need to collide with them head-on. Senior Lao Tao, am I right?"

Old Tao solemnly said: "You underestimate the ability of the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce. They can definitely help us find the murderer. Even if the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce can't do it, heaven and earth and the Sect of Laws will find a way to help him do it. They want to protect Si Ma. Chamber of Commerce."

Lu Yin stood up: "It's decided."

Several people looked at him.

Lu Yin looked into the distance: "Don't alert anyone, find the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce."

Yuan Qi exhaled, finding the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce was not only for Ba Liu and Yi Yao, but also for Yu Sangtian. The old Tao reminded them in time, allowing them to rule out a plan that would allow the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce to escape.

Lao Tao's face turned bitter. The boss couldn't guess.

Why are you so willing to cause trouble for others?

"Where is the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce?" Lu Yin asked.

Lao Tao coughed: "The whole domain."

Yuan Qi was surprised: "Yisang Tianna? Didn't it mean that it was not annexed by the Daquan Chamber of Commerce?"

Lao Tao explained: "The Daquanyu Chamber of Commerce is the Linghua Universe General Chamber of Commerce. All chambers of commerce in the entire Linghua Universe have joined and arranged their headquarters in Daquanyu. Although the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce has not joined the Daquanyu General Chamber of Commerce, it is convenient for doing business. In the Daquan domain, they are all chambers of commerce after all, and if you leave the Daquan domain, there will be no news about many chambers of commerce."

"Every year, in addition to the materials found by the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce, many of the materials used to create the basis of the sequence also appear in the Daquan area. The Si Ma Chamber of Commerce can also purchase many special materials there."

"There is a more important point. Although the Sima Chamber of Commerce does not join the General Chamber of Commerce, it cannot do without the General Chamber of Commerce."

Ru Mu was curious: "How to say?"

Lao Tao said: "Yi Sangtian's General Chamber of Commerce covers the entire spiritual universe, and indirectly covers all the parallel universes connected to the spiritual universe. It is simply unrealistic to dispatch in a large area, which also leads to the idea of ​​regional dispatch. The core method is that the parallel universe dispatches resources to the spiritual universe, and the spiritual universe then continuously dispatches resources toward the thirty-six domains, and finally dispatches the resources to the whole domain through the thirty-six domains."

"The Daquan Domain can concentrate the resources of the entire spiritual universe. There are too many of these resources. The Si Ma Chamber of Commerce can find the materials for making the foundation of the sequence from these resources. Of course, it is not looking for it in the Daquan Domain, but in Thirty-Six This is the right given to the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce by Tianwaitian."

"There are five dispatching chambers of commerce in the Thirty-Six Domains. All Linghua Universe resources will be sent to the Great World through these five dispatching chambers. Before that, the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce can find the basis for the manufacturing sequence in the resources of these five chambers of commerce. material, which is also one of the sources of sequence-based materials.”

"All five chambers of commerce have people from the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce."

Lu Yin understood. There were so many parallel time and space resources in the Linghua Universe. If they were concentrated all at once in the Great Universe, not to mention whether anyone would intercept them, these resources alone would be enough to make it difficult for the Great Universe to handle it. It would be too messy.

If these resources are dispatched from place to place, the final arrival in the entire domain will be smooth and orderly, and the practitioners who protect the resources will not need to be too complicated, making it easy to manage.

The Si Ma Chamber of Commerce arranges people to go to the chamber of commerce dispatched in the Thirty-Six Domains, and it will also be easy to find the materials for making the foundation of the sequence.

The difference between the Linghua Universe and the Tianyuan Universe lies in unity. The Tianyuan Universe is too chaotic and complex. In order to create energy sources and mechas, Lu Yin wasted a lot of time searching for resources from the entire Tianyuan Universe, and encountered many practitioners who intercepted him along the way. , robbing matters, he didn't handle these matters personally, it doesn't mean they don't exist.

Such things are less likely to happen in the spiritualized universe.

It is convenient to finally unify resources into Tianwaitian.

Yuan Qi sighed: "When I was still here, the Linghua Universe Chamber of Commerce was not completely unified and was scattered everywhere. If you want to find resources, you have to search all over the Linghua Universe."

Lao Tao said: "Now you only need to go to the Great World, and you can find even the rarest resources. There is no need to waste time and energy traveling all over the spiritual universe."

"Yi Sangtian has made a great contribution to the spiritualization of the universe in terms of resources."

"The method of intelligent airspace is also indispensable." Lu Yin decided.

Lao Tao doesn't know about this. Many things have the shadow of Zhikongyu behind them, but you can't see them clearly until you reach a certain height.

"If the leader wants to find the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce, now there is an opportunity. It will not attract anyone's attention at all, and he will definitely be able to find the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce." Lao Tao said.

Lu Yin stared at him: "Are you still thinking of ways to avoid the collision with the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce?"

Lao Tao laughed dryly: "I don't dare, I don't dare. After the master's decision, Dayu Villa will do whatever it wants. The villain can only take the lead and share the master's worries."

Rumu is funny.

Yuan Qi looked at Lao Tao, he was a talent.


Lao Tao looked stern: "I just said that the resource scheduling of the Linghua Universe will be concentrated in the Daquan Domain. Before the Daquan Domain, there were five dispatching chambers of commerce in the Thirty-Six Domains. It is not easy to become a dispatching chamber of commerce. After all, many resources will be dispatched. After going through the hands of the Chamber of Commerce, the Dispatch Chamber of Commerce can buy some resources by itself, which is equivalent to having the right of first refusal for the entire Linghua Universe. This is a fertile spot. It is not only useful to itself, but also useful to others, so there are many chambers of commerce vying for these five positions. ."

"The position of the Dispatch Chamber of Commerce has changed every twenty years. We can take this opportunity to compete for the position of the Dispatch Chamber of Commerce. Important figures from the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce will definitely be present. Perhaps they will also have a hand in the Dispatch Chamber of Commerce to allow the more cooperative chamber of commerce to succeed. This will not Exposing ourselves.”

Lu Yin understood: "You want us to compete for the position of this dispatching chamber of commerce?"

"No need, Baicao Domain itself has a chamber of commerce. It also served as a dispatching chamber of commerce when Baicao Domain was prosperous. However, with the decline of Baicao Domain, we have completely lost hope of competing for this position. We can take advantage of it." Lao Tao said.

The Baicao Domain was once very prosperous, but with the decline of Yu Shan, it almost became a cultivation desert. No one came back, especially when Yu Shan was still watching here, making the Baicao Domain even more restricted by cultivators.

But there are many ordinary people living here.

Compared to Lu Yin and others, the Baicao Domain is not that big and can be crossed in one step. However, if one lowers his cultivation level to the ancestral level, the Baicao Domain is still very large and not so easy to cross. If it is lower, such as half-ancestor, star Even in the Enlightenment Realm, the Baicao Domain is very large.

After all, it is one of the thirty-six domains.

Here, a mountain range can have a starry sky, just like a pond civilization with a starry sky among trees. There are many such civilizations.

There was a mountain range that was once very famous in Baicao Domain, named Baiye Mountains, because of the Baiye Chamber of Commerce that had appeared there. The Baiye Chamber of Commerce once represented Baicao Domain and won the dispatch quota of thirty-six domain chambers of commerce. During that period, countless resources were concentrated Going to Baicao Territory made Baicao Territory the envy of countless people, and also made the Baiye Chamber of Commerce famous.

Unfortunately, the duration was too short, and the Baiye Chamber of Commerce also declined along with the Baicao Domain.

Now there are only a few people in the entire chamber of commerce.

Lao Tao came to Baiye Mountains, found the ruins of Baiye Chamber of Commerce, and entered.

The glory of the Baiye Chamber of Commerce can be vaguely seen from the ruins. The unique Baiye logo is carved in every corner, which is brilliant yet simple. There are traces of the Lingbao Formation underground. The entire mountain range is home to one training place after another. Provided to those cultivators who transport resources, various heavenly materials and earthly treasures once grew deep in the mountains.

The entire mountain range is integrated into one, and protected by some kind of spiritual treasure formation, it is strong enough to withstand a certain level of powerhouses.

This is the once glorious Baiye Chamber of Commerce.

Lao Tao clasped his hands behind his back and sighed: "What a pity, what a pity."

At the corner, stones fell and hit the ground with a soft sound.

Lao Tao looked around and saw a man lying sleeping in the shadow of the ruins. If it hadn't made a noise, he might not have been able to detect it.

This person was just like an ordinary person, with no noticeable aura. His body was covered with turf, and there were wine jars beside him. He looked decadent, eating and waiting to die.

Lao Tao came to this person and kicked him out.

With a bang, the wine jar shattered, and the sleeping man was kicked to the ground. He wailed, covered his buttocks and jumped up: "Who, who disturbed your grandpa's sleep?"

Lao Tao looked at this man with a smile: "Long time no see, Old Ghost Ye."

The sleeping man had a vicissitudes of life, his clothes were ragged, his gray-white beard was still dripping with wine, and his eyes were red and full of anger.

Seeing Lao Tao, the man's eyes widened and he laughed: "It's you, old friend."

Lao Tao smiled and said, "Long time no see."

"Yes, yes, it's been a long time." Suddenly, the man threw a gray substance at Lao Tao, with a smile on his face. He grabbed the wine jar and smashed it down on his head. Lao Tao was well prepared and easily avoided the wine jar. It hit the ground with a loud noise and shattered. Old Tao was afraid: "You old guy are still so treacherous."

The man gritted his teeth and said: "You old ghost, you kick me as soon as we meet. Who is treacherous?"

"How can you get up otherwise?"

"Get out of here, as far away as you can."

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