Star Odyssey

Chapter 3539: Breaking in by force

Lao Tao patted his clothes: "Let me get out? Don't regret it. This is the only chance for Baiye Chamber of Commerce to rise."

Old Ghost Ye was disdainful and lay down directly on the ground, grabbing the grass to cover himself: "Get out of here, stop talking nonsense."

Lao Tao chuckled: "The Chamber of Commerce schedule once every twenty years is about to begin, why don't you fight for it?"

Old Ghost Ye was impatient: "Gui Gui Gui, the Baiye Chamber of Commerce is gone a long time ago. Why don't you fight for it? Stop making trouble. Why don't you die in Torch City and come back to harm others?"

Lao Tao came closer and said, "You really don't want to fight for it? Let me tell you, it's a sure shot."

Ye Laogui's eyes widened sharply and he stared at Lao Tao through the dim turf: "If you still treat me as an old friend, don't harm me. Let me spend my remaining years here. It's good to die here."

Lao Tao regretted: "You old ghost, you have lost all the ambitions you had when you were young. I look back on the past, when the Baiye Chamber of Commerce was in its glory days, and you were so high-spirited. I could buy everything I wanted from you, and it was very cheap. If If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be where I am today, what a pity, what a pity.”

"Old guy, remember my kindness and don't hurt me. Get out of here." Under the turf, Old Ghost Ye's voice was low.

At this time, a figure rushed from a distance, holding a wooden stick, and hit Lao Tao hard.

Lao Tao didn't move and let the stick fall, unable to hit him at all.

The person who took action was too low in cultivation.

"You junior? Grandson's grandson?"

"Get out of here, I don't want anything, I just want to die here."

The figure landed and looked at Lao Tao in surprise: "Who are you? Stay away from Ancestor."

The person who came had a childish face, holding a wooden stick in his hand, and stared at Lao Tao fearfully.

Lao Tao looked up: "Little guy, your ancestor and I are friends, don't be impulsive."

The visitor looked at Lao Tao in surprise: "Are you the second head of Dayu Villa?"

Lao Tao smiled: "Know?"

The visitor was overjoyed: "Are you really the second master of Dayu Villa? You and the third master have traveled across the spiritual universe without ever losing. Is it really you?"

These words made Lao Tao feel comfortable. He had always flattered Lu Yin, and today he was flattered by someone else. With this feeling, no wonder the head of the household liked him and had to work hard.

"Little guy, you are good at talking, keep it up."

The visitor was excited: "My name is Ye Yan'er, second in charge, and I want to join Dayu Villa."

Under the turf, Old Ghost Ye jumped up: "What nonsense are you talking about? Shut up."

Ye Yan'er was stubborn: "Ancestor, I want to join Dayu Villa and follow the third master to be invincible."

Ye Laogui was so angry that he grabbed the wine jar and threw it at it: "Shut up and get out of here too."

Lao Tao stopped him: "I said, Mr. Ye, you just want to wait for death, and you are going to let your descendants follow you and wait for death? Young people must be ambitious, yes, very good, but the name is not very good, Ye Yan Son, just like a girl."

"I am a girl." Ye Yaner muttered.

Lao Tao was surprised and looked at Ye Yan'er carefully, and then realized that she was indeed a girl.

The main thing is that Ye Yan'er is as ragged as Ye Laogui, like a beggar, and her face is covered with dirt. Who would have thought that she is actually a girl.

Old Ghost Ye was impatient: "Old guy, get out of here and don't make trouble here."

"Ancestor, I want to join Dayu Villa." Ye Yan'er said again.

Old Ghost Ye roared: "Shut up."

Ye Yan'er was scared, she had never seen her ancestor like this.

Lao Tao patted Ye Yan'er on the shoulder and his face became serious: "You really don't want to recover the Baiye Chamber of Commerce? Since I came here, count how many times you have told me to get lost. Are you really so anxious to drive me away?"

Ye Yaner's eyes lit up, Baiye Chamber of Commerce? That's a family legend.

Ye Laogui's face was low: "I know about Dayu Villa. People have been passing by during this period. Your Dayu Villa is lawless, provocative to Tianwaitian, and wants to replace Yu Sangtian. These have nothing to do with us. Baiye Chamber of Commerce has long since declined. What? None, I just want to spend my remaining years in peace and take care of this child, and I don’t want to accompany you to death."

Lao Tao had a headache: "Thanks to me, I specially recommended your Baiye Chamber of Commerce to the third master to compete for the quota of dispatching chamber of commerce. With the support of Dayu Villa, Yi Sangtian doesn't dare to say no, and the Baiye Chamber of Commerce will be able to be glorious again immediately."

Old Ghost Ye sneered: "The Baiye Chamber of Commerce has prospered with the prosperity of Baicao Territory, and also declined with the decline of Baicao Territory. Now we don't want to follow the old path."

"Compared to the decline of Baicao Domain, it is far more dangerous than before to follow your Daewoo Villa and lose one's family if something goes wrong."

Ye Yan'er clenched her fist: "I'm not afraid."

Old Ghost Ye glared at her.

Ye Yan'er stubbornly looked at Old Ghost Ye: "Ancestor, do you know what I have been doing during this time? I went to Dayu Villa, and I asked to join Dayu Villa."

"You're crazy." Ye Laogui roared.

Ye Yan'er said sadly: "We have been abandoned and are living in this corner of the Baicao Domain. How are we different from ordinary people? You want me to live a stable life, but I don't want to. I want to recreate the glory of the Baiye Chamber of Commerce. I want to follow I want to compete with my peers, and I want to go to the Nine Realms and Ring the Sun. I think about many, many things. I know these things, but you don’t let me go. It’s too cruel to me.”

Ye Laogui's body shook, and the anger in his eyes dissipated and became dim.

Lao Tao sighed: "Old Ghost Ye, you are getting old, and so am I, and will eventually die. This child is still young. She has her dreams and her path. How many people have died on the road of cultivation? Do you think the leader Invincible's spiritual transformation into the universe was so smooth? His path to cultivation was equally bumpy."

"Even if you can protect her for a lifetime, can you protect her descendants? How long can you protect the descendants of her descendants? You are not in the realm of immortality."

Ye Laogui closed his eyes and sat down slowly, feeling very sad.

Ye Yan'er walked over and hugged Old Ghost Ye: "Ancestor, Yan'er doesn't want to live a useless life."

Ye Laogui was silent for a long time, sighed deeply, looked up at Lao Tao, and said with a serious face: "Promise me, if something happens, even if she dies, she will die after you."

Lao Tao nodded: "I didn't harm you, old friend. I will never forget your kindness to me."

"Dayu Villa has been in Baicao Territory for so long, but I haven't looked for you because I was pessimistic at that time and knew that Dayu Villa was on a path of death. However, during this period, I followed the third master to challenge the world's masters. You know Ling How many people in Hua Universe can stop him? The battle between Jia Yuan and Nan You Jie, the master of the Zhi Kong Domain even took the initiative to cooperate. These are the reasons why I came to you."

"When we join Daewoo Villa, there is a high chance that we will die, but there is also a slight possibility of reaching the top. If there is no chance of this, I will not come to you."

Old Ghost Ye sneered: "You didn't instigate Wujiang to come to Baicao Domain?"

Lao Tao swore: "It was definitely not me. It was the Third Master who saw the starry sky map and confirmed that he wanted to choose Baicao Domain. Who made Baicao Domain have such a good location, just in the middle of the thirty-six domains."

"Okay, let's go, the Baiye Chamber of Commerce should rise."

In a corner of the spiritual universe, the dark sky was covered by thick clouds, the earth was filled with dark red, and the magma almost made the surface transparent.

A figure sat cross-legged on the dark red ground. After an unknown period of time, the figure stood up and opened his eyes. Next to him, another figure appeared. It was a child. He looked like one year old, but he had a look that was completely outside of this age group. of vicissitudes of life.

I saw the child stepping out in one step, and his body suddenly grew up, becoming about five years old. Then he stepped out again and became about twelve years old. He was almost as tall as the person next to him. Then he stepped out again and became a young man. Within the body, dark red power exploded and spread in all directions.

"As expected of Zhuo Bao, it has allowed me to transform again. I look forward to meeting you, Lu Yin."

The next moment, dark red divine power soared into the sky, unleashing its power unbridled.

Beyond the sky, Yu Sangtian suddenly looked in one direction, this is it? He disappeared.

In the Baicao Domain, Lu Yin suddenly walked out, standing in the starry sky with a gloomy expression.

Divine power, he felt the divine power, and the only true God finally appeared again.

During the battle between Jian Yuan and Meng Sang Tian, ​​Lu Yin fell into a dream, causing Cheng Gong to appear and everyone besieged him.

Now, the breath of the only true god appears, in that direction.

The only true god took away the God-given spiritual seed, which was a turbid treasure. He himself transformed again with the spiritual seed. I wonder what would happen?

Yu Sangtian is the biggest threat on the surface, and the only true god is the biggest threat secretly.

On the dark red earth, Yu Sangtian arrived, but there was no trace of the two figures.

Looking at the ground, Yu Sangtian's face was solemn. This power made him afraid. In the eternity of Tianyuan Universe, where are you?

Tianyuan Universe, the border, has been blocked since the beginning of Wujiang. The two doors are closed, and no one can leave.

On this day, the Tengu roared and crashed towards the border gate. With a bang, the gate shook.

The spear came out of nothingness and stabbed the tengu. Once the spear hit, the tengu howled.

Jialan Zhiluo walked out of the void. In front of his eyes, a piece of land solidified from the void. Sitting on the Ruins of Forgetting, the God of Forgotten Ruins took action.

"I want to leave Tianyuan Universe and seek death."

Not far away, Wang Xiaoyu appeared, and countless cultivators around him attacked. Black energy penetrated the starry sky and hit Wang Xiaoyu.

The Forgotten God had a headache: "Jialan Zhiluo, we can't leave Tianyuan Universe even if we want to? Staying here will only cause trouble for you."

Jialan Zhiluo's eyes were cold: "It's not troublesome, just eradicate it."

As he spoke, the silver-wrapped spear flew, mirrors appeared around the Forgotten God, and cold spear points emerged from the mirrors.

The Forgotten God had no choice but to hide behind the Tengu. Countless spear points stabbed the Tengu, causing the Tengu to wail and be stained with blood. Taking this opportunity, the Forgotten God used Nine Wolf to Devour the Sky, and nine huge wolf heads bit into Jialanzhiluo. A royal staff appeared in Jialanzhiluo's hand.

"Can you handle the royal staff?"

Soon after, the starry sky returned to silence, and Jialan Zhiluo frowned, unable to keep them.

The Forgotten God is extremely hidden. Why did this woman leave Tianyuan Universe? This journey must be to spiritualize the universe. Do you want to join up with the only true God?

On the other side, the Forgotten God was helpless: "I can't get out. I didn't expect to meet Jialan Zhiluo."

Not far away, Tengu's wounds were bleeding. It could block countless attacks, but that didn't mean it wouldn't get hurt.

Wang Xiaoyu glanced at the Tengu: "Jialan Zhiluo is stronger."

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