Star Odyssey

Chapter 3540 Mo Bai

Forgotten God said indifferently: "These are the Six Paths of the Three Realms, the disciples of the ancestors. If they can become disciples, they already have the power to surpass all living beings. In the days of Tianshang Sect, even the strong ones in the Beginning Realm may not be able to do anything to them. If they were not defeated by The ancestors suppressed them, and they have already broken through the miserable state one by one, and it will not be delayed until now."

Wang Xiaoyu wondered: "Why did the ancestor suppress them?"

The Forgotten God shook his head: "I don't know about that. If we don't break through the Three Realms and Six Paths, we people can't break through. The former Tianshang Sect era was destroyed, and the ancestors have a big responsibility."

After saying that, he looked at Wang Xiaoyu with a smile: "Actually, haven't you also had this kind of experience?"

When Wang Xiaoyu betrayed the Fifth Continent and provoked a war between the Fifth Continent and the Sixth Continent, and joined the Eternal Clan, she was only one of the twelve warriors on the battlefield behind the Tree Starry Sky. At that time, she was suppressed even if she could break through to the Ancestral Realm. It wasn't until Lu Yin rose up and the captains of the True God Guards died one by one that Wang Xiaoyu was allowed to climb up.

The one who experienced the same thing as her was Huiwu, the son of Huizu, also known as Wuhou.

"Let's go, the border is sealed, we have to fight out, or we have to find an opportunity." The Forgotten God stretched his body, revealing his beautiful curves.

Wang Xiaoyu frowned: "The Tianyuan Universe is unified by the Tianshang Sect. Will there be such an opportunity?"

The corners of Wang Xu Shen's mouth curled up: "Of course there will be, I have always believed in a truth." Facing Wang Xiaoyu's puzzled gaze, her eyes were deep: "The future of the universe has been determined for a long time. There will be someone in one universe who can determine the future of this universe. Lu Yin is a destined person, the first ancestor, the only true god, and even a few people such as Great Heavenly Lord and Hui Zu. Although not everyone can go up, they have the possibility."

"Such a person has a characteristic that can determine the direction of the war. He may be powerful, or he may have plans for eternity."

"Now these people are dead and gone. If there is such a vacancy in the Tianyuan Universe, someone else will fill it."

Wang Xiaoyu looked into the distance: "There are still many strong people left in Tianshang Sect, including the Three Realms and Six Paths. Could they be this kind of people?"

The Forgotten God shrugged: "Who knows? But in my opinion, your crush is more likely to be this kind of person."

Wang Xiaoyu said nothing.

Wangxu God smiled: "There will always be people in the universe who will stand up and change things in the future. It may take a little longer, but we can wait and see what the Tianyuan Universe will become after losing people like Xiao Lu Yin. Let's go." Well, the time will come."


Tianyuan Universe is a parallel time and space, and the starry sky is full of bugs. Some of these bugs can be recognized, such as Qing Yi, Shou Wu, Seven Star Sword, etc., but some are not recognizable at all, and they are all in strange and weird shapes.

Countless bugs flooded the starry sky, like a sea of ​​bugs.

There is a planet in the center of this sea of ​​​​insects. It has developed scientific and technological civilization and has just developed into the era of steam utilization.

Clear gunshots sounded from time to time, and the city turned into a battlefield.

The entire city was shrouded in gunpowder smoke, blocking out the sun, and the water on the ground turned black. From time to time, people stepped on it, chased it, and escaped.

Not far away, in an ancient building, Yu Leng swung his wine glass and admired the war.

Suddenly, a group of people walked outside his house and violently pushed him away. Yu Leng's eyes turned cold. The Seven-Star Sword passed by the door, and all those people disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

Although he solved those people, Yu Leng's mood did not improve. His eyes were cold and scary: "We've found them again. We can find them in half a year at most."

Behind him, a pleasant voice sounded: "Are we moving again?"

Yu Leng turned around, his cold eyes instantly softened, apologetically and tenderly: "I'm sorry, you must have just adapted to this place."

What appeared in front of Yu Leng's eyes was a beautiful woman with a delicate face and snow-white skin. Her whole body was like a crystal carving, flawless, but her eyes had no pupils and were completely snow-white.

Her name is Mo Bai, and she is Qingxian.

Lu Yin has been away from Tianyuan Universe for decades. During this time, Yu Leng, despite being cautious, still cultivated Qingxian.

He originally thought that Qingxian would be a bug, but Mo Bai's appearance completely shattered his perception.

Qingxian turned out to be a human being, and Mo Bai was exactly the same as an ordinary person. The only difference was his eyes. Those eyes were white and flawless, which fascinated Yu Leng.

No matter how difficult the situation is, as long as Yu Leng sees Mo Bai, his whole person will soften.

"It doesn't matter, I can go anywhere as long as you are here." Mo Bai said, his voice was soft but cold.

Yu Leng knew her well, and this was the most beautiful thing she had ever said.

He smiled: "Let's leave now."

"So urgent?"

"The Tianshang Sect is becoming more and more experienced. They have already encountered the bugs I left behind. They will quickly seal off all parallel time and space, and will find us soon. It is estimated that it will take half a year, but they may be able to find us in two months at most. "

Mo Bai walked to the window: "Tian Shang Sect, is it really that strong?"

Yu Leng said: "Don't meet them. There are too many strong people there. I know you have a talent for cultivation and can learn anything in one go, but it's better to be cautious."

Mo Bai nodded and faced Yu Leng: "It's up to you." After saying that, he looked up at the starry sky.

From this angle, Yu Leng was obsessed with the beauty of the white ink. He stretched out his hand, wanting to touch the white snow that haunted his dreams, but he didn't dare. He didn't dare to blaspheme, lest this dream be broken.

After looking at it for a long time, Yu Leng forcibly withdrew his gaze, turned around and left. After taking a few steps, he looked back at Mo Bai and asked curiously: "Why are you always looking in one direction during this time?"

Mo Bai withdrew his gaze and looked at Yu Leng: "I'm used to it."

Yu Leng nodded without asking any more questions. He wanted to tidy up before leaving.

After Yu Leng left, Mo Bai raised his head again and looked in that direction. It became clearer and clearer. Master, is it you?

Lu Yin left Tianyuan Universe, but he did not forget that there was still the threat of the insect nest civilization here.

So he left behind a group of bugs that specifically spread across the starry sky in search of nearby bug nests. This was a way to deal with bug hive civilization so that the Tianshang Sect could find the bug nests.

Although this method will take a long time, there is no way, there are some things that need to be done.

Yu Leng developed insects and was found by the Tianshang Sect several times through this method. Without this method, the scale of the insect sea he developed would have been even larger, unimaginable.

Also in the Tianyuan Universe, Tuo Lin is back. He travels around many parallel times and spaces, exploring Lu Yin's footsteps, and then returns.

But instead of returning directly to Tianshang Sect, he went to Earth.

The earth is the starting point for Lu Yin to embark on the path of cultivation, and it is also the place he has always longed for. Although that place is very close and within easy reach, for Tuo Lin, there is only one chance to go to the earth, and with the most pious Only emotion can go, otherwise even if he can step over in one step, he will not go.

Landing on the earth, this place has changed a lot from when Lu Yin first embarked on the path of cultivation, but this change only revolves around changes in people's lives and will not change the geographical features. This is the earth.

Tuolin walked step by step on the earth, walking the same path that Lu Yin walked, and finally reached Jinling and saw the huge statue.

"Master is so great that we can't even see his back."

"Really? I can see Master's back? Thank you, Xiaoyu, this is the greatest affirmation for me. In fact, you are the one who can see Master's back. Don't be modest, you can really see it."

"People around? What's wrong? Pointing at you?"

"It doesn't matter, just let them go. They also have a lot of respect for Master. They must learn to be tolerant."

"You are so kind, Xiaoyu. Without you, it would be difficult for me to get through this journey. There is no need to thank me. He is our master, and we should be like this."

"How long will you stay here? I don't know. Maybe, wait until the master comes back. He will definitely come back..."

Tuolin was looking at Lu Yin's huge statue, and many people around him were looking at him because he was carrying Lu Yin's statue on his back.

In recent years, there are many people who want to gain the attention of Tianshang Sect with pious gestures. It is best to be accepted by Lu Yin as a disciple, but there are too many such people and it is meaningless, and no matter how pious the person is, they cannot attract Lu Yin's attention. With his eyes, he stood too high.

Over time no one did this anymore.

"Brother, it's useless to do this. Your land master is gone." A voice sounded and reached Tuo Lin's ears.

Tuo Lin looked back and was surprised: "Jiang Chen?"

Jiang Chen frowned, stared at Tuo Lin for a while, and then remembered: "Are you Tuo Lin?"

Tuo Lin smiled: "It's really senior Jiang Chen. Tuo Lin has met senior."

Jiang Chen waved his hand: "Don't call me senior. I'm not even married yet. Call me old."

Tuo Lin said seriously: "You are Master's best friend, so it is appropriate to call me Senior."

Jiang Chen praised: "I didn't expect Brother Lu to have such a polite disciple as you, much better than that Huican, haha."

Tuo Lin was embarrassed: "Junior brother is not bad, but we don't see his advantages."

"By the way, what are you doing?" Jiang Chen looked at Tuo Lin strangely. The two had never met, but some people in Tianyuan Universe had seen Tuo Lin's appearance, and Tuo Lin naturally understood Jiang Chen. He is Lu Yin's friend.

In pursuing Lu Yin's path, Tuo Lin understood Lu Yin better than anyone else.

Tuolin tightened his grip on the statue on his back: "I am following the path of Master."

Jiang Chen was confused: "So, what are you doing?"

"Follow the path of the Master."

"what is that?"


"Stop, I understand, good boy, when Brother Lu comes back, I will definitely praise you in front of him."

Tuo Lin smiled and said, "No, this is what a disciple should do."

Jiang Chen praised: "As you said, I want to recruit a few disciples. Really, the more I look at you, the more I like you. Do you want to go to Baiyun City to have a look? Your master has also been there."

Tuo Lin's eyes lit up: "Is it okay?"

"What's wrong? Let's go. If you're lucky, you can still see my old sister. Her relationship with your master is awesome."

"Zizi, what do you mean?"

"It's just Zizzi."

"I'm sorry, I'm too stupid to understand. What? You can't understand either? We are all too stupid and cannot reach the level of master."

Jiang Chen was curious: "Who did you say the last sentence to?"

Tuo Lin said: "Xiaoyu."

Jiang Chen looked around: "Is there anyone there? Don't scare me, I'm a cultivator."

Tuolin thought for a while: "Okay, no."

Jiang Chen is weird, this guy can't be sick, right? He needs to talk about it when Brother Lu comes back, and if he is sick, he needs to be treated.

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