Star Odyssey

Chapter 3724 Can’t wait

"Stop." Lu Yin shouted, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

Yue Ya frowned and met Lu Yin's gaze: "Good eyes, remember this feeling, people can't be too emotional. The death of these people can help us solve Mo Shang, and it can also sharpen your will and make you worry-free. , only in that way can you go higher and farther, and you will thank me when you see Jiuxiao Universe clearly."

After saying that, he looked in the direction of Wujiang: "There is actually a top master, how can he not be controlled by me? Mo Shang is dead today, let these people die with him."

"Lu Yin, you have to be grateful to me."

Sikongjian continued to fall, like the sky collapsing, and the dark golden light swept towards the ancestor.

Lu Yin's face looked terribly gloomy.

The voice of the ancestor came to my ears: "This is the power of thinking. I have never seen such a strong thinking. I tried my best to trap my own people. He must be Yue Ya, the god of inferior control who destroyed Rujia."

"To deal with thinking, you must either use your own will to overcome it, or use methods beyond the opponent's thinking."

Lu Yin stared at the end of the moon, and his consciousness was suddenly released. In an instant, the sky shook and the earth shook. The sky of the universe was swaying, covering the heaven and the earth, like a giant opening up the sky and holding up the falling dark golden sky.

This scene shocked everyone.

Whether it was Yue Ya, Yu Sangtian, or the ancestor, they were all shocked.

Emperor Mie Wu opened his mouth wide, what the hell? This guy is going against God, he has never seen such a terrifying consciousness.

The ancestor knew that Lu Yin's consciousness had skyrocketed during this period, but he didn't know that Lu Yin had also absorbed Wuwei's consciousness. Coupled with the previous actions and the conscious life he had captured during this period, his consciousness surpassed everyone, including the old man. First of all, they are truly the most conscious people in the three universes.

Now, this terrifying consciousness has been completely released.

Yu Sangtian's eyes flickered, and sure enough, he guessed correctly, this person can really swallow consciousness.

Otherwise, his consciousness would not have surged so quickly.

Yue Ya was shocked, looking at Sikong Jian being raised to consciousness. He was shocked at first, and then he became more and more excited in the depths of his eyes. It turned out to be stronger than imagined, great, he must get this person, get him, that's it Obtained the position of God of Control.

"Yue Ya, take back the Sikongjian, otherwise don't blame me for taking action." Lu Yin warned.

Yue Ya suppressed the excitement in her eyes and looked at Lu Yin: "I'm helping you."

"Useless emotions will only drag you down. If it weren't for these people, you could be carefree and no one could do anything to you. Now they have become your weakness."

Lu Yin's eyes were murderous: "Nonsense, I'm warning you one last time, take back the Sikongjian."

Yue Ya looked deeply at Lu Yin: "Okay, I'll take it back."

Dark golden light emerged from the bodies of each of the boundless masters, like silk threads being peeled off, heading towards the starry sky.

Lu Yin looked over and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Be careful." Yu Sangtian shouted sharply. A thought of eternal brilliance flashed past in an instant. Lu Yin turned around. In front of him, there was a dark golden sky, starting from the end of the moon, shrouding him.

However, this dark golden sky was penetrated by one thought forever.

Yue Ya didn't expect Yu Sangtian to be able to destroy his move in time. Logically speaking, it was impossible to do so. Yu Sangtian's move seemed to ignore time.

What Yue Ya didn't expect, Lu Yin did.

He deliberately turned around to give Yue Ya a chance to take action, and even more so, to give Yu Sangtian a chance to intervene.

Yu Sangtian couldn't let anything happen to him, he would definitely intervene.

The time to climb the cliff ensures that Yu Sang

God can do anything.

The result was within Lu Yin's expectation. At the same time, Lu Yin's fingertips created a spiral of cause and effect, taking advantage of the moment when a thought of eternity penetrated the dark golden light curtain and hit Yue Ya.

At any time, it is difficult for the spiral of cause and effect to hit the strong. The power of cause and effect can be detected by going through the suffering level, even if it is invisible. Yu Sangtian's level can even resist it for a short time, and Yue Ya is no exception.

Only this kind of opportunity can hit.

Lu Yin used himself as bait to create an opportunity.

The dark golden sky is eternally penetrated by one thought, and Yue Ya himself is penetrated by the spiral of cause and effect.

Although it was not a collaboration between Lu Yin and Yu Sangtian, this move was a collaboration created by Lu Yin.

Yue Ya was shocked by Yu Sangtian's action. The moment he was penetrated by the spiral of cause and effect, he was shocked, is this?

Lu Yin looked at Yue Ya, why was he staring at himself? Under the spiral of cause and effect, Lu Yin saw scenes one after another, all from the Jiuxiao Universe, but he could not find the answer.

The causal spiral does not read memory and is not omnipotent. Even if Yue Ya is hit once, there is no guarantee that he will see the result.

But this is the most Lu Yin can do.

Facing a top player like Yue Ya, it is not easy to hit him once. It can only be said that he is unlucky.

At this moment, Yue Ya's shock was unparalleled.

"Cause and effect, great power."

Until now, only Yu Sangtian and Yongheng had known that Lu Yin had the power of cause and effect. Even Yu Lao and other masters of the spiritual universe didn't know. They only knew that Lu Yin had some kind of invisible power. They might have guessed it, but they didn't know it. Not confirmed.

Now, Lu Yin's power of cause and effect was exposed in front of Yue Ya.

He didn't care if he was exposed. On the cliff, those in Jiuxiao Universe already knew that it would definitely be transmitted back to Jiuxiao Universe. Yue Ya knew that it was no big deal.

Yue Ya looked at Lu Yin in shock and said in disbelief: "You actually have mastered the power of cause and effect?"

Lu Yin looked into the distance. The dark golden color on the bodies of Wujiang's masters had disappeared, and they were no longer controlled.

At this moment, everyone was staring at Yue Ya with fear.

They were not afraid of a life-and-death fight, but this person silently controlled them all. This power was truly terrifying.

The boundless man is astonishing to Yue Ya’s thinking power.

Yue Ya was even more shocked that Lu Yin had mastered the power of cause and effect.

People in Jiuxiao Universe are no strangers to cause and effect, because Qinglian Shangyu has mastered the power of cause and effect.

How supreme would a person who has mastered the power of cause and effect be if placed in the Jiuxiao universe? Perhaps except for those three superiors, there is no one else who can suppress him.

Yue Ya never expected that Lu Yin could actually master the power of cause and effect.

At this moment, he could no longer suppress his excitement and excitement, as well as his indescribable greed.

He stared at Lu Yin greedily. This person must be his, and no one can stop him. As long as he gets this person, let alone the expected power, he can even get the power of cause and effect. This person is destined to fulfill his destiny.

Yue Ya's greedy eyes were hard to hide.

Lu Yin felt very uncomfortable being stared at by him, looking at him like an object.

"I don't have to control your people. Mo Shang must be solved. You and I join forces. The future of the three universes is yours." Yue Ya encouraged again, and then rushed directly towards Yu Sangtian without waiting for Lu Yin's reply. , raised his palm and pressed down, the dark golden light curtain turned into bead curtains, which continued to fall.

"Mo Shang, you are dead."

Yu Sangtian frowned, feeling inexplicably

Something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Seeing Yue Ya's palm fall, he subconsciously avoided it and took action at the same time, prepared to be controlled by his thoughts for a moment.

The dark golden sky continued to turn into bead curtains and drooped from Lu Yin's consciousness.

Lu Yin found it difficult to hold him up.

He can hold up the Sky Canopy, but he cannot hold up these dark gold bead curtains.

Big beads and small beads fell on the jade plate. The universe is just this jade plate. As the bead curtain became more and more numerous, Lu Yin felt more and more uneasy. He boarded Wujiang and said, "Retreat."

Wujiang is heading into the distance.

Yue Ya didn't stop him, he let Wujiang leave and took action on his own, as if he was desperate.

Yu Sangtian couldn't explain the strange behavior. Seeing Wujiang retreating, Yu Sangtian also wanted to leave.

As soon as Yu Sangtian pointed out, a thought shot into the distance forever, and he disappeared with a thought forever.

Yue Ya stopped in place, not even looking at Yu Sangtian's departure. He turned his eyes to the direction Wujiang was retreating and took a deep breath. His body split open, and the blood turned into mist and spread. With a soft sound, the body was completely broken.

A dark golden stream came out of the body. It was an object similar to the shape of a cloud. That was the end of the moon, the formation of materialized thinking.

The dark golden clouds headed towards the direction of Wujiang's retreat.

The universe of consciousness continues to spread dark golden light, getting further and further away.

No matter how far Wujiang retreats, this dark golden color will always follow him.

Lu Yin became increasingly uneasy: "Retreat to parallel time and space."

The ancestor took action, and the parallel time and space had just been torn open. Before they could enter, dark golden thoughts poured in, forcing Lu Yin to open a parallel time and space again.

But it's the same every time, the dark golden sky completely covers the universe, chasing Wujiang away.

Keep spreading.

The First Ancestor exclaimed: "With such a powerful mind, I even believe it is in the realm of immortality. How can it be a god of inferior control?"

"Without this power of thinking, we cannot control the Great Perfection of Overcoming Suffering." Lu Yin's face was downcast. If you spread, I will spread. Thinking of this, his consciousness completely spread out and went in all directions. No matter how far his thoughts spread, His consciousness caught up at the same time.

Let this battle spread to the entire universe of consciousness and see who can't sit still first.

Far away, Yu Sangtian stopped and looked at the top of his head. His thoughts and consciousness were spreading. Yue Ya did not stop because he retreated. His real target was Lu Yin, not himself.

Lu Yin cannot die, let alone fulfill Yue Ya.

Everyone could clearly see the greedy look Yue Ya had on Lu Yin.

Thinking about it, Yu Sangtian turned back and headed towards Wujiang.

Consciousness is like a road sign. Lu Yin spreading his consciousness is telling everyone in the conscious universe where he is.

No matter what Yue Ya wants to do, no one can succeed.

I care that Tianque has a four-way game balance. Now, add a month and continue.

The dark golden clouds headed towards Wujiang. Yue Ya watched the consciousness spread above his head. He didn't know that Yu Sangtian wanted to protect Lu Yin, nor did he know that he had been concerned about the balance of the four directions in Tianque. He had just forced Yu Sangtian away. To track Wujiang with thoughts is to take action against Lu Yin.

He can't wait any longer, he doesn't want to wait for even a second. This is his path to eternal life, the most powerful path to eternal life.

No one can stop him.

Even if Yu Sangtian intervenes, he cannot stop his strongest thinking body.

Lu Yin, he is determined.

Soon, the boundless horizon is in sight. Want to escape to parallel time and space? How can it be.

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