Star Odyssey

Chapter 3725: Calculating the future

Wujiang dragged the war boat and was enveloped by the majestic consciousness. Around it, bead curtains dropped, and dark golden light intertwined with dark light, forming the most vast and majestic showdown in the history of the conscious universe.

On those spiritualized cosmic warships, the cultivators trembled, looking at the power spread across the starry sky, it was hard to imagine how terrifying it was.

Lu Yin stood on the bow of the Wujiang ship and saw the dark golden clouds in the distance, which brought chills and fear. His intuition told him that it was Yue Ya.

Yue Ya is thinking, without a body. It can be a man, a woman, or even a giant beast in the starry sky. Now it is not impossible to see such a cloud.

"Yue Ya, if you don't deal with Yu Sangtian, why are you chasing us?"

The dark golden clouds sped up, and at the same time, the bead curtains vibrated, and then they were like arrows piercing towards Wujiang and the war boats: "Lu Yin, if you don't seize the opportunity given to you, then I will hand over your entire being to you. Me, I’ll help you reach heaven.”

The Biluo Heavenly Palace opened, and the ancestor took action. Under the changes of the nine heavens, the starry sky was shaken, and a grain of dust turned into soil and encompassed Wujiang and Zhanzhou.

Consciousness cannot block the bead curtain of materialized thinking, so let Chu Chen resist.

The first dust is both the power and the entity of the ancestors.

Dark golden clouds rushed towards Lu Yin, and the small clouds contained unimaginable terrifying thoughts.

Yu Sangtian arrived, and an eternal thought shot out, penetrated the starry sky, and intercepted in front of the clouds.

Yue Ya didn't expect Yu Sangtian to come again. What's going on?

But a single thought cannot stop his true form.

Lu Yin looked at the approaching clouds. The closer they got, the heavier the chill, which made his scalp numb. This sense of crisis had not appeared for a long time. The terror of Yue Ya's thoughts was the strongest he had ever seen, and it was enough to replace Anyone's thoughts, whether it's his own or Yu Sangtian's, once hit by this thought, will be severely damaged or replaced.

Staring at the clouds where his thoughts had materialized, the starry sky was released in Lu Yin's heart, and the majestic consciousness suddenly shrank, all condensed on the consciousness planet, which rotated and crashed towards the clouds.

You have it and so do I.

The Nine Heavens Transformation landed on the consciousness planet, which was the condensation of Lu Yin's entire consciousness.

Thinking is thinking, and consciousness is consciousness. Both thinking and consciousness come from human thoughts.

An eternal thought runs through the center, and the clouds collide with the planet of consciousness.


Invisible power exploded the starry sky, the consciousness planet cracked, Lu Yin retreated step by step, but he still couldn't stop Yue Ya's thinking body?

Yue Ya was equally shocked at this moment. He didn't expect that Lu Yin actually had a conscious planet and turned it into a planet with his consciousness. This person had so many means at his disposal? Actually blocked his thinking body for a short time? Better, this is better, this person is getting more and more appreciated by himself.

To the right, the rock foundation suddenly struck.

Yue Ya avoided it and glared at Yu Sangtian angrily. Regardless, he rushed towards Lu Yin. As long as he touched Lu Yin, he would be able to think into his body. This person was absolutely unstoppable.

However, Yue Ya didn't expect that the foundation of the rock would block the front again along with a thought of eternity.

He avoided it several times, and the rock foundation blocked him several times.

A thought of eternity ignores time and can climb a cliff, which is not something Yue Ya can escape.

Yue Ya looked at Yu Sangtian: "Are you crazy? He is from Tianyuan Universe."

Yu Sangtian looked downcast: "You want to use him to become the God of Yu. If you succeed, will I still have a way to survive?"

Yue Ya shouted sharply: "From now on, you and I have nothing to do with each other, and our grudges will be cleared up."

"Would I believe you?"

"I can send

oath. "


Yue Ya was furious and stared at Yu Sangtian angrily. How could this man be so determined to stop him?

The foundation of rock cannot block Si Kongjian, because Si Kongjian's range is too wide, but it can block Yueya's body, because it is the materialization of thinking.

Yue Ya's thinking materialization has good and bad qualities, and all things in the universe are mutually reinforcing and interfering with each other. Even the realm of immortality is limited by the causal chain, and there is no absolute invincible power.

Seeing Yue Ya being blocked by Yu Sangtian, Lu Yin felt relieved. Who didn't have plans for him? It's good to have a plan. Although it makes me uneasy, everyone becomes a bodyguard.

Since it is blocked.

At Lu Yin's fingertips, the spiral of cause and effect entrenched itself, constantly surrounding it, and the wheel of cause and effect was drawn out.

Yue Ya felt the power of Karma and hurriedly avoided it. He was afraid of Karma and didn't know what would happen if he was hit.

If you miss once, it's twice. If you miss twice, it's countless times.

Unless Yue Ya doesn't cause trouble for him, once he does, Lu Yin will definitely be able to attract Yu Sangtian. With Yu Sangtian standing in his way, Yue Ya will be a target.

Lu Yin could think of it, and Yue Ya could naturally think of it too. He didn't want to try again and again. The longer he delayed, the easier it would be to fail.

And the more Yu Sangtian protects Lu Yin, the more problems there will be. He is very sure that Yu Sangtian also has plans for Lu Yin, otherwise why would he be so protective? biological son?

The spiral of cause and effect continued, and in Lu Yin's eyes, boundlessness became the most brilliant scene in the universe of consciousness.

Above the head is consciousness and a dark golden bead curtain, surrounded by rock foundations and clouds, and there are many spirals of cause and effect that gather and shuttle continuously. An ordinary cultivator can ascend to the sky by mastering any one of these powers.

No matter how Yue Ya tried to avoid it, he was hit by the spiral of cause and effect.

At the moment when cause and effect hit the clouds, thinking and cause and effect collided, turning into a tornado and flowing upstream, tearing open the starry sky of consciousness.

Lu Yin stared blankly at this scene. Different from the previous time when he penetrated Yue Ya's body, this was a pure collision of thoughts and causes, and this was predicting the future.

Lu Yin knew that he could predict the future when he first understood it.

Using a cause-and-effect spiral to explore the intersecting causes and effects is the way to predict the future.

But all this time, Lu Yin has not been able to use it. Instead, he has continued to see the past and the causes and consequences of the collision of causal lines.

He could see the past, but could never really predict the future.

However, at this moment, Yue Ya's majestic thinking became the helper for causal calculation of the future. His thinking was constantly consumed, and the causal tornado kept leaping forward.

Yue Ya is surprised, what's going on? Why did my thinking suddenly consume so much?

Only Lu Yin could see cause and effect predicting the future.

He looked up at the sky and gradually saw it clearly.

He withdrew his gaze and looked at Yue Ya again, his eyes filled with heat and greed similar to the way Yue Ya looked at him before.

So that's the case, no wonder Yue Ya wants to find him at all costs.

Danjin's promise and replacing Mo Shang are all fake. The real reason is that consciousness is used as the carrier, the body is used as the container, and the thinking body is used to achieve - words are followed by the law.

Practitioners are familiar with following the rules of the word. Some powerful practitioners can do it with the help of sequence rules, but they only rely on their own strength.

What Yue Ya wants to achieve is a combination of consciousness and thinking, which has the terrifying power to change everything in the universe, starry sky, and even the rules of the sequence.

This is the power that is only possible in the immortal realm.

Yue Ya has been practicing for too many years, and he figured out that as long as there is a creature with the intention

It can be done by using consciousness as a carrier, because his thinking is too powerful.

When one person's thinking is powerful to a certain level, it can really change everything.

With the fusion of consciousness and thinking, even if he is not in the Immortal Realm, he still has combat power comparable to that of the Immortal Realm, without having to endure the restrictions of the causal chain.

This is Yue Ya's biggest purpose.

Seeing this clearly, Lu Yin understood Yue Ya. If it were him, he would try at all costs. Once successful, he could indeed become the master of the three universes. Even the other three gods of superior control would be difficult to resist, because that Three people are limited by the causal chain, but he is not.

Yue Ya can try, because he is a thinking body, and he can also try.

Yue Ya wants to take away his body and control his consciousness.

He can also take away Yue Ya's thinking body.

Whatever Yue Ya can try, he can also try.

So at this moment, Lu Yin looked at Yue Ya with greed, exactly the same way Yue Ya looked at him before.

This kind of gaze can't be hidden, which makes Yue Ya confused. Why is this person looking at him like this?

Yu Sangtian also saw it. He looked at Lu Yin and then at Yue Ya. Their eyes were so similar.

Lu Yin didn't expect that a shortcut to the immortal realm's combat power would suddenly appear. It appeared so suddenly, but it kept getting closer to him, and he couldn't get rid of it even if he wanted to get rid of it.

As long as he catches Yue Ya and integrates his thinking, he can follow his words and act, comparable to the realm of immortality. This temptation is too great, so big that he wants to take action immediately.

However, reason still stopped him. Even though Yu Sangtian had been helping him deal with Yue Ya, once Yue Ya was at a disadvantage, he would also turn against him. No one could break this balance.

Moreover, Lu Yin couldn't defeat Yue Ya. Yue Ya's thinking was too strong. Once there was a confrontation, even if he could escape, most of Wujiang's people would be unlucky. Even if the ancestors joined forces with him, they might not be able to save them.

Greed is a desire that people cannot get rid of. Yue Ya cannot get rid of it, and Lu Yin cannot get rid of it, but the situation does not allow them to continue.

Yue Ya looked deeply at Lu Yin and retreated. The look in his eyes before leaving clearly let Lu Yin know that he would not give up.

This is what Lu Yin hopes. Even if Yue Ya gives up on him now, he will not give up on Yue Ya.

As soon as Yue Ya left, Yu Sangtian naturally also retreated. He didn't want to fight at all, but he had to maintain this balance.

After both of them left, the people on Wujiang breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Wujiang is very powerful at the moment, enough to overwhelm the strong men in the consciousness universe and the spiritual universe except Yu Sangtian, the ones who just took action were all such strong men.

Their experience of being controlled was too profound.

"The God of Xiayu is indeed very powerful, even Yu Sangtian can't stop him." The ancestor sighed with emotion.

Lu Yin looked at the direction in which Yue Ya was retreating: "Senior, I have seen the road to eternal life."

The ancestor was surprised: "The road to eternal life? Yi Tian Que?"

Lu Yin shook his head.

"Consciousness?" the ancestor asked again.

Lu Yin still shook his head: "Thinking."

The ancestor frowned: "You want to cultivate the power of thinking? This is not good. Although your road is very wide, wide enough to accommodate all power, but."

Lu Yin looked at the ancestor: "Consciousness connects thinking. This is what Yue Ya wants to achieve. Invincible power. If he can do it, so can I."

The ancestor's eyes widened and he wanted to say something, but something came to his mind and he pondered deeply.

Lu Yin did not interrupt, and no one else came forward.

Wujiang was quiet for a while.

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