Star Odyssey

Chapter 3764 Lu Yin and Meteorite

Everyone is in a heavy mood, how can they relax in the duel of immortality.

"But we can't even get close." Gu Shen said.

Wu Tian sighed: "If you hadn't appeared, this universe would have been restarted."

"Actually, Master Qingcao's words are correct." Jiang Feng's face darkened and he met the eyes of several people: "If the insect nest civilization is completely attracted, we will not be able to stop it."

Everyone knows this, but they cannot even sacrifice the entire Tianyuan Universe to destroy the insect nest coordinates.

Mr. Mu said: "Tianyuan has a way to Tianyuan. Your timely appearance is, in the words of Master Qingcao, an opportunity for Tianyuan Universe. We may not be able to stop the insect nest."

"But just in case, a group of people should be prepared to send away to preserve the spark of civilization."

Lu Yuan said: "We are already repairing the bone boat. The materials are hard to find, but only the bone boat can send people away."

Jiang Feng's eyes were deep: "Facing the insect nest civilization, we cannot do it alone. If we want our Tianyuan Universe to be a torch, they must at least support us with some wood."

"What do you want to do?" Wu Tian asked.

In fact, Jiang Feng's family history is similar to that of Lu Yin. They both grew up step by step from being weak, from being alone to being in charge of hundreds of millions of subordinates. Neither of them are pure cultivators.

Jiang Feng's eyes flashed, the corners of his mouth curved, and he spoke slowly: "Send an insect nest to Ling Hua Universe."

In the universe of consciousness, Lu Yin returned to Wujiang. The rock foundation suppressed the mixed consciousness, but it would take time to completely control these consciousnesses.

Lu Yin had no shortage of time.

He just rolled the dice.

More than half a month later, when Lu Yin put down the dice, he had been in seclusion for three years in the still space of time. He could suppress his consciousness even without relying on the foundation of rock.

And the foundation of rock will naturally be decomposed.

There were four war boats towed behind Wujiang. The people above looked at Wujiang with shock in their eyes. Lu Yin had fought with Yu Sangtian before, but the result was specially publicized by Wujiang, and Lu Yin won.

Yu Sangtian has always been invincible in the Linghua Universe, but now he was defeated by Lu Yin, breaking the belief of all practitioners of the Linghua Universe.

They have no intention of resisting anymore, so let’s just do it.

No one suspects Wujiang of lying, there is no need.

Lu Yin stood on the bow of the boundless ship and moved his arms. His consciousness, cause and effect, and power were all transformed in this universe. He didn't know how far he was from the realm of immortality.

Previously, there were many checks and balances in the conscious universe, and it was very chaotic. Now, Yu Sangtian has been defeated, Yue Ya has been scared away, and has disappeared forever. He should have left. The thirteen-day phenomenon has completely ended. The only thing that Lu Yin cares about in the current conscious universe is That meteorite.

As for Che, it was not within his scope of consideration.

Meteorite, right there.

A few days later, Lu Yin left Wujiang again and found the meteorite.

Meteor was in a residual world, blinking and blinking, looking for something. Lu Yin's arrival did not attract his attention.

"Che came to see you," Lu Yin said, staring at the meteorite.

Meteorite paused, turned around, faced Lu Yin, and rolled his eyes.

"Where are you from, and what is your relationship with Tianzhu Sword and Che? What are you doing here? I want to know." Lu Yin said.

Meteorite looked at Lu Yin for a while, ignored him, turned around and continued to blink. This action seemed to have some special purpose.

Lu Yin's tone was low: "Since you don't want to talk about it, just let me see it." After saying that, Yiwu Tian

The Tao was released, covering the surrounding starry sky, and naturally also covering the meteorite. The wordless heavenly book gave off a faint light, connecting to the shining catalog of gods.

The meteorite suddenly retreated, staring at Lu Yin warily. His eyes were bloodshot and full of aggression, as if to warn him.

Lu Yin ignored his warning. He had fought with Meteor more than once. If Meteor wanted to take action, he would make Meteor feel desperate.

He is completely different now than before.

With a whoosh, the meteorite suddenly hit Lu Yin. Lu Yin slowly raised his hand and hit with huge force.

The meteorite is sometimes strong and sometimes weak. When it is weak, the Star Envoy can repel it. When it is strong, it can smash the time and space level warship. It makes Sangtian level masters like Su Shidao helpless and extremely powerful.

This time, the meteorite was at its strongest, and it hit Lu Yin's hand hard. He thought he could knock Lu Yin away, but the result shocked the meteorite. His eyes were full of disbelief, and he stared blankly at Lu Yin. .

Lu Yin blocked the meteorite with one hand and refused to take a step back.

At this time, a picture appeared on the Catalog of the Gods, which came from the Heavenly Way of Cause and Effect. At the same time, Lu Yin's Heavenly Way of Cause and Effect began to consume, much faster than the consumption of a lifetime that can only be seen clearly. This consumption made Lu Yin's eyelids All convulsed.

He pressed the meteorite with one palm and looked at the Illustrated Book of Gods.

The meteorite eyes looked humanly at Lu Yin up and down. The look of disbelief even overcame the bloodshot feeling. He was shaking wildly and wanted to push Lu Yin away, but under Lu Yin's huge strength, he couldn't push him away no matter what.

Lu Yin calmly looked at the Catalog of the Gods. There was still an endless square inch away. He didn't know how long this scene would last. How long had this meteorite existed in the square inch away?

The life of Cai Keqing came out very quickly.

The consumption of the Karma and Heavenly Dao made Lu Yin feel heartbroken and bleeding, but he had no choice. If he wanted to understand the meteorite, he could only do this, and the worst he could do was to pick up bricks.

Just as he was thinking about it, the picture in the Illustrated Book of the Gods changed, and he saw a starry sky. The reason why it was a starry sky and not a square inch away was because he saw civilization, saw the unique traces of civilization in living things, and saw - extinction.

Lu Yin's pupils shrank sharply, looking at the picture in shock.

On the screen, a strange-looking non-human creature was being exterminated. He saw the destruction of the planet, the distortion and compression of the starry sky, which was the restart of the universe. He also saw the sky-made sword sweeping across unscrupulously, killing every creature. Dying the starry sky, making the entire universe despair.

This scene was just like when Yu Sangtian killed Tianshang Sect, no, it was even worse than that time. The bloody scene made his heart sink. No living thing could escape. This was the destruction of the world.

The number is meaningless. The huge sky-made sword sweeps across the starry sky, shattering countless planets with every pass.

The string of sequence is constantly tearing apart, and each parallel space and time turns into dust.

Crazy and manic emotions spread in Lu Yin's heart, his eyes changed, the starry sky in his heart, and the power planet rotated faster and faster.

At this moment, with a light palm, the picture in the Illustration of the Gods disappeared, and the meteorite moved away.

The manic feeling in Lu Yin's eyes receded. He turned his head and saw the meteorite far away from him. He looked at his palm and then looked at the Conferred Gods Illustration. How did this meteorite stay away from him? No trace at all.

Meteorite stared at Lu Yin with his eyes, then turned around and left in one direction.

Lu Yin watched him go away, not knowing what to do for a moment.

He knew what kind of creature the meteorite was. It was the extinct creature in the picture just now, but it was covered with a meteorite shell. This

The shell's defense was extremely strong, and it was through this that he escaped from that annihilation, but all his kindred were wiped out, and he encountered the restart of the universe.

The person leading this restart is Tianzhu Sword, or in other words, the master behind it - Che.

The one who seemed polite and warned him.

It is really unimaginable that such a person would restart the universe and cause the extinction of all life in the universe.

Lu Yin pondered on the spot for a long time before chasing the meteorite in the direction it left.

The meteorite entered another residual world, eyes blinking continuously.

"Are you looking for that invisible point of light?" Lu Yin's voice came. Apart from this, he couldn't think of anything in the remaining world that could attract meteorites.

Even he couldn't find the light spot, so it was obviously not an ordinary substance.

Meteorite ignored him and continued to blink and wander away.

Lu Yin had no intention of taking action against him now. He was lucky. Turning back time saved Tianyuan Universe from disaster and gave him a chance to save his hometown. However, this meteorite was not so lucky.

The feeling of his kind being exterminated and being the only one left in the entire universe is suffocating to think about.

Moreover, Lu Yin didn't understand how he stayed away from her just now.

He looked at the meteorite and kept blinking. After blinking, he changed places, and then kept changing places.

Lu Yin didn't bother him, and the meteorites didn't leave either. They were all in this remaining world.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye. On this day, Meteor's eyes widened suddenly, as if he had found something. He blinked, and Lu Yin stared carefully. He vaguely saw ripples in his eyes, as if something had entered.

The next moment, the remaining world disappeared.

Lu Yin secretly thought that indeed, he had obtained the sharp fragments before and used the sharp fragments to move the light spot, and the residual world would also move. The essence of the residual world represented was the light spot. The meteorite should have absorbed the light spot, causing the residual world to disappear.

How is that light spot absorbed?

What substance is it again?

The meteorite continues to the next residual world.

Then in a few days, that remaining world will disappear, and we will move on to the next one.

On average, meteorites can cause a residual world to disappear in about five days, but those disappeared residual worlds are very ordinary and very small, and cannot even cover a planet. If the residual world is larger, it should take more than five days.

The larger remnants encountered on the way were all avoided by meteorites.

"What do you call your civilization?" Lu Yin asked.

Meteorite ignored it.

"How long have you been developing?"

Meteorite ignored it.

"Why did Tianzhu Sword restart your civilization? Is it to enter eternal life?"

Meteorite ignored it.

"Did that Che step into eternal life with the help of the restart of your civilization?"

Meteorite ignored it.

He didn't want to respond to anything. As long as Lu Yin didn't hinder him, he wouldn't take action against Lu Yin. The reason for his attack at the beginning seemed to be that kind of madness, but his consciousness was absorbed by Lu Yin a lot, leading to that kind of madness. They are all suppressed. If they don't lose control, nothing will happen.

Lu Yin looked at the meteorite and kept blinking, looking for the light spot, and slowly said: "I don't belong to this universe. This universe is called the consciousness universe. In the two directions of the consciousness universe, there are the spiritual universe and the Tianyuan universe. I come from Tianyuan Universe."

"Tianyuan Universe is my hometown. There are my people, my relatives, and my lovers..."

Lu Yin slowly told some things that happened in Tianyuan Universe.

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