Star Odyssey

Chapter 3765 Take another look

Meteor still didn't respond, but Lu Yin still spoke, telling one thing after another, not the past battles with the Eternals, but some small things, telling the past of their Lu family, telling the ancestors and the masters and disciples of the Three Realms and Six Paths Love tells stories and characters, both happy and sad.

I don’t know if Meteor heard it or not, but he still kept looking for the light spot.

"Originally, I thought life would go on like this, until one day, the Linghua Universe came and wanted to restart our Tianyuan Universe."

Meteorite paused for a moment, then continued to blink, with almost no visible pause.

Lu Yin also pretended not to see it: "Yu Sangtian Invincible Starry Sky, massacred the Tianshang Sect... I can only take Wujiang and lead the masters of Tianyuan Universe to the Linghua Universe. I don't want to survive, I just want to give Tianyuan Universe a chance to breathe. I don't If I don’t want my hometown to be destroyed, if I don’t want to know my people, my people will disappear forever. There is no joy in life and no fear in death.”

Meteorite turned around slowly and looked at Lu Yin deeply with his big eyes.

Lu Yin looked at him: "What I said is true. I feel the tragedy of your hometown. If it weren't for your luck, I would be the same as you. No, you can at least survive. I will never survive."

"I'm not saying this to get anything from you. I just want you to tell me something because I'm also trying to survive for my own people."

"That Che is obviously no stranger to this place. If Tianzhujian can come here, he can go to Tianyuan Universe."

Meteorite looked at Lu Yin for a long time, as if trying to discern the truth of Lu Yin's words. Finally, he left again, and the remaining world disappeared.

"I can let you see your hometown again." Lu Yin shouted.

Meteorite paused, turned his back to Lu Yin, and did not move.

Lu Yin looked at him with pity: "You can say nothing, just think that I am doing good for myself. If one day I become like you, I hope someone can make people take another look at my hometown. One glance is enough. ”

Meteorite slowly turned around and looked at Lu Yin again, his eyes calm, calmer than ever before.

Lu Yin didn't know whether he agreed or refused. He released the Heavenly Dao of Cause and Effect, and the light from the Wordless Heavenly Book connected with the Catalog of the Gods. The Heavenly Law of Cause and Effect was consumed rapidly, and a picture appeared on the Catalog of the Gods.

This time it is not a small distance, nor is it the restart of the world, but a starry sky with deep blue color, stars are rotating, and grass is blooming in the starry sky, as if the entire universe has been decorated into a sea of ​​grass and a world of flowers.

When Lu Yin looked at the universe, wasn't it dark and profound, but instead tinged with blue? So beautiful.

Meteorite also looked at the Illustrated Book of the Gods at some point, and just looked at it blankly without moving.

The consumption of causality and heavenly law should not be wasted on this kind of thing. For Lu Yin, it is not worth it. However, he is in a very calm mood and is very satisfied. At this moment, he forgets about gains and losses, and forgets about hatred. Only the meteorite looks at the catalog of gods. The scene is frozen forever.

Not long after, a drop of blood and tears fell from the meteorite's eyes, floating in the starry sky, heading towards the Illustrated Book of Gods.

Lu Yin's expression was moved. How sad a creature must be to shed blood and tears.

Those eyes were fixed on the catalog of gods, and the blood and tears seemed to carry his expectations, memories, and wishes through time and space into the blue starry sky, looking for the family he cared about most.

The moment the blood and tears touched the Illustrated Book of the Gods, the cause and effect of heaven suddenly surged. Lu Yin was surprised, how could this happen?

He looked at the meteorite. Could it be that the drop of blood and tears was the cause and effect of the meteorite's past? He released all his emotions in this drop of blood and tears and integrated them into the law of cause and effect.

fall from the sky

Shi himself has the power to overcome hardships and the Great Perfection, and the Sky-Forged Sword Destroying the World failed to kill him. Much like Mr. Mu, he also encountered the realm of immortality.

This meteorite, with its emotions for its hometown and its people, lingered for countless years, and was finally completely released at this moment.

And the cause and effect of heaven suddenly skyrocketed to the level that only a person could see a lifetime ago, and continued to expand.

In the end, it was expanded by nearly half.

You must know that the current cause and effect of heaven comes from the top elites of Tianyuan Universe and Linghua Universe. It is the lifetime experience of those people. This meteorite is comparable to so many elites. How long has he lived? It shouldn't be like this, unless his emotions are extremely strong, so strong that they can rival the elites of the universe.

At this time, Meteorite turned around, his eyes calmed down again, and he looked straight at Lu Yin. His eyes looked up and down, as if he wanted to see through Lu Yin.

Lu Yin was grateful: "I thought my karma would consume a lot, thank you."

Meteorite's eyes became more lively and less gloomy, as if they could see the light again.

The meteorite slowly approached Lu Yin.

Lu Yin did not avoid it and allowed the meteorite to come to him.

Let’s not talk about whether the meteorite will be detrimental to him. Even if it is, it is not his opponent at all.

Although the meteorite had previously avoided his palm through unknown means, under his own vigilance, it was not so easy for him to take action.

The meteorite suddenly released its consciousness and struck Lu Yin.

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows, consciousness?

The consciousness of the meteorite has been absorbed by Lu Yin for a long time, and it has long been impossible to pose a threat. Now it releases its consciousness, not to attack, but to give it to Lu Yin.

Lu Yin saw his intention and absorbed his consciousness without any politeness.

Meteorite is the second existence among all the creatures he has seen that can absorb consciousness. The universe of consciousness can fulfill himself and him.

Now he has fulfilled himself.

Meteorite has much more consciousness than Lu Yin imagined. It seems that he has not been idle during this period, absorbing a wave of consciousness life.

In the end, they all belonged to Lu Yin.

Lu Yin's consciousness continued to increase. Midway, his eyes changed. In addition to consciousness, he also had that crazy and manic feeling. However, this feeling came quickly and was suppressed by consciousness quickly.

Then there is memory.

Some incomplete memories from meteorites were absorbed by Lu Yin along his consciousness.

The cause and effect of heaven dissipated, and the surrounding starry sky became silent.

The meteorite's consciousness continued to decrease, and eventually, it was completely absorbed by Lu Yin, but it only absorbed the consciousness he released, and its own consciousness of maintaining rational cognition would not be absorbed.

Meteor's eyes stared at Lu Yin again and left quickly.

Lu Yin did not pursue him any further. Although the meteorite still said nothing, he had already reached this point and there was no point in pursuing him any further.

He still didn't know Che's origin.

But through the incomplete memory of the meteorite, he did know some things, and he also saw spots of light.

There are light spots in the remnant world. Before, Lu Yin needed the help of sharp fragments to see it, but now he can see it by himself. It relies on the madness and mania. It is not the emotion of the meteorite itself, but a kind of power, a kind of inheritance. The power in the meteorite universe is difficult to cultivate even with the strength of the meteorite, and it must have reached the level of immortality.

Forcibly exposed to the power of the Immortal Realm with the Dzogchen Cultivation of Overcoming Suffering, the sequelae brought to the meteorite was that madness and uncontrollable, but it was also because of the power of the Immortal Realm that he escaped the destruction of the world and became the one who restarted the universe. The only life that survives.


Yin didn't know why the meteorite left this power to him. This was something he didn't expect.

Meteor definitely wants to take revenge. To take revenge, he can never do it without losing the power of the immortal realm. But thinking from another angle, even with this power of the immortal realm, he cannot do it. Otherwise, Che will not be able to leave alive. The Tianzhu Sword is just Che's weapon. If you dare to chase the meteorite, you must not care about the power that the meteorite has.

Has he given up?

Did you fulfill his wish?

A feeling of madness came over his mind. Lu Yin covered his forehead, suppressed his consciousness, and exhaled.

Looking at the remaining world again, the light spot can no longer be seen.

It is only possible to see light spots when the feeling of madness and mania arises. Once the feeling is suppressed, it will never be seen.

He understood why Meteorite kept blinking. This was Meteorite's method of using the feeling of madness.

What is that light spot? Meteorite would rather endure the uncontrollable feeling to get it.

Che must have looked for the meteorite, but it was fine. Did Che let the meteorite go? Or is there nothing you can do about the meteorite? After all, the meteorite escaped from that world-destroying restart, and the meteorite itself would definitely not be able to do so, then.

Lu Yin looked at the remnant world in trance, without hesitation, he gathered his consciousness and immersed it in the starry sky at his heart. Suddenly, the feeling of madness and mania surged over him, making his eyes bloodshot.

Taking this opportunity, he stared at the residual world and vaguely saw a light spot. He could see the entire residual world at a glance. Of course, it was related to the relatively small size of the residual world, but it took several days to see the meteorite. He should have absorbed it before. His consciousness was absorbed along with some of his uncontrollable feelings, resulting in his ability to find light spots being much worse.

And because he immediately absorbed many consciousnesses and suppressed that feeling, he never saw the light spot.

Slowly approaching the light spot, the light spot disappeared. Lu Yin grabbed the air with one hand. Then he felt crazy and frantic again. The light spot appeared again. This time, he immediately grabbed it and penetrated it, but could not catch it.

I saw it but couldn't catch it, and then the light spot disappeared.

Lu Yin frowned, how could this happen? What a magical thing.

He recalled how meteorites catch light spots with their eyes, which blink and blink to blink the light spots in.

Something seemed wrong. Lu Yin thought for a while and decided to give it a try.

He felt crazy and manic again, and his face was close to where the light spot appeared, or to be precise, his eyes. When he saw the light spot, he moved closer, blinked, and the light spot disappeared, but he still didn't touch it.

Lu Yin was speechless, what was wrong?

He pondered for a moment and thought of something, spiritual seed liquid.

According to his speculation, this light spot may have the ability to allow the meteorite to escape from destruction and restart the world, which is the ability to deal with the pursuit of the immortality realm, which is equivalent to the power of the immortality realm, and the power of the immortality realm in himself is the power of cause and effect.

The power of cause and effect is considered to be a power that can only be mastered by the Immortal Realm. Anyone who can master the cause and effect before the Eternal Life Realm is enough to record history and be evergreen for thousands of years. In the eyes of the people in Jiuxiao Universe, they are qualified to be controlled by Qinglian. Accepted as a disciple.

And he not only has the power of cause and effect, but he can also capture the power of cause and effect of others, relying on the spiritual seed liquid.

Thinking of this, he wrapped his palms with spiritual liquid, feeling crazy and frantic. When he saw it, he grabbed it.

I started with nothing, but I caught it.

Lu Yin looked at the light spot in his hand. He had caught it. The remaining world around him was disappearing, but why couldn't he feel anything? It was as if I had caught a beam of light.

He thought for a moment and threw the light spot into the spiritual seed liquid.

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