Star Odyssey

Chapter 3962 Cause and Effect and Time

Lu Yin suppressed many speculations and stopped looking at Chang.

No matter what Chang is, even if it is Hunji, there is only one identity at this moment, the enemy, the enemy who must be killed.

However, if this enemy is left to Gu Duanke and the others, it will be troublesome for Wu Jian.

Lu Yin had already used words and tricks against Wu Jianzhi, but it was useless. To be honest, Lu Yin was not sure whether this thing was a living thing.

Now among the four battlefields in the Jiuxiao Universe, their side is the quietest. They have not come into contact with each other, and only Wu Jianshi confronts Lu Yin.

Lu Yin played the cause and effect, but he wanted to see what the Infinite Time was.

The causal spiral penetrated Wujian with such ease that even Lu Yin couldn't believe it. Wujian didn't even have the intention to hide.

The scene played by Karma made Lu Yin silent.

The picture is of the current battlefield and nothing else.

Lu Yin once again played the spiral of cause and effect, ten times in a row, without avoiding it at all times, and the pictures he played out more than ten times were all the same scene. Most of the pictures appeared from different angles, but it could be seen that they were all on the current battlefield. .

Lu Yin's face darkened, he was indeed a master of time.

Cause and effect, you can see the past, there is cause and effect.

However, Wu Jianzhi has completely solidified its own time at this point. It can be said to be one point, or it can be said to extend the current time infinitely. As a result, the past picture seen by Cause and Effect will always be this line that extends infinitely. In other words, as long as Wu Jianzhi If it is willing, it can let Lu Yin see the picture it wants to be seen.

After many years of understanding cause and effect, I have encountered various masters and even fought against creatures in the Immortal Realm. This is the first time I have encountered this method.

It is equivalent to saying that his cause and effect have been broken.

Cause and effect is a powerful force, and time is also a powerful force, including space and even some other forces. They are all powerful forces. Although cause and effect is more magical, it is not invincible. Otherwise, Qinglian Shangyu would be invincible and would not hide the Jiuxiao Universe.

Lu Yin knew that one day he would encounter a being who could ignore cause and effect, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

At this time, the needle on Wujianshi jumped a beat, and Lu Yin's heart also beat a beat. The crisis came, and the chill made him avoid the place immediately. A tearing pain came from his heart. Lu Yin lowered his head, and his body , separate, is this?

He was not the only one who formed a line with Lu Yin from the time of eternity. On this line, Lu Yin was the first, but not the last. This line stretched far and wide across the stars, causing the bodies of many cultivators to be torn apart.

Countless people are sluggish, what's going on?

They didn't allow them to think too much, their bodies suddenly recovered again, and they were all at a loss, what happened?

Light flowed around Lu Yin's body. He reversed the situation for a second to allow his body to recover. At the same time, he also saw clearly what Wu Jianzhi had just done. That was to fix a line of time. That line, time remains unchanged. It existed forever. The material that the line touches, regardless of whether it is moving or not, the position where it touches the line is also fixed for a time. If it does not move, it is that point. If it moves, the body will be torn apart.

This is the sharpest sword that time has transformed, and even Lu Yin's defense cannot avoid it.

No matter how strong his defense is, he can't survive the time.

The sword of time can only be fought against by time.

Lu Yin shouted: "Everyone retreat to Jiuxiao."

No one can help in this battle. These people who rush forward are just cannon fodder. If Wu Jianji is not dealt with, this battle will be really difficult to fight.

He expected that Wu Jianzhi would be difficult to deal with, but he didn't expect that the attack would be so sharp, and even he almost got hit.

On the opposite side, the sun and the moon alternately shined brighter in the endless time. It seemed that Lu Yin could not expect that Lu Yin could reverse its attack in one second, only to see the needle beating again.

Lu Yin punched out without hesitation, stepped backwards, parallel time, approaching the time of eternity.

The starry sky suddenly darkened. For the dark and deep starry sky, it was like a gray curtain was spread over it. It became brighter, but Lu Yin's heart sank. This was the power of time.

His punch was ineffective again, no matter how powerful it was, it was meaningless in the face of time.

And the needle of Infinite Time jumped to the fifth grid.


There was a soft sound, and an indescribable weight descended. Lu Yin seemed to be thrown into the vortex of time and space at this moment. People were squeezing and crushing him from all directions. He immediately used Object Extreme Counterattack, and behind him, Sancang Sword Intention was slashing towards Wu Jianzhi. , Sancang Sword Intent was crushed as soon as it appeared.

The invisible terrifying force is not an entity at all, but it is more terrifying than the entity.

The consumption of entities and time, even if Lu Yin uses the eternal matter to take action, cannot hurt Wu Jianshi. Its control of time is too terrifying. It can extend time indefinitely and consume any kind of power.

But no matter how terrifying the control of time is, it is not a realm of immortality after all.

While Lu Yin was enduring the invisible pressure, he also shot out the wheel of cause and effect, flinging it towards the time of eternity.

Wujianshi still did not avoid it, but this time it was different. The moment the wheel of cause and effect hit Wujianshi, the sun and moon shook at Wujianshi, and cracks appeared visible to the naked eye. The needle suddenly jumped back and moved for the first time. , avoid.

The pressure on Lu Yin suddenly disappeared and he sneered. Although this thing has been immersed in time for a long time and has far more control over time than himself, causing him to be at a disadvantage for a while, the power of cause and effect is not inferior to the power of time. As long as it is a living thing, as long as it wants to step into In the realm of eternal life, there must be suffering.

The wheel of cause and effect is dedicated to dealing with misfortune.

"Let's see how much time you can waste." Lu Yin raised his hand, fell with a palm, and the heaven and earth lock descended, blending into the eternal matter, locking the endless time.

Although the Heaven and Earth Lock is consciousness, it is an immortal combat technique that can lock all external forces, means, and even cognition of living beings, and time is no exception.

The sun and the moon rotate in the endless time, and the invisible time is consumed by the lock of heaven and earth, dragging it down with the spread of time, until the lock of heaven and earth disappears.

Lu Yin has a vast consciousness and a lot of eternal matter. He wants to see if this time of eternity can really hold his consciousness and eternal matter.

Suddenly, his expression changed, and an invisible slash passed by before his eyes. He waved his hand casually and struck with a shattering slash.

Ni took action, and the sea of ​​insects rushed towards Lu Yin, trying to submerge Lu Yin.

Lu Yin took a step forward and punched Ni.

Ni directly received a punch. The punch was so powerful that Ni was knocked back, but he endured it, and in turn, invisible force blasted out, pushing across the starry sky.

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows. It was exactly what Kuyuan and the others said. This thing could absorb tangible power and release it into invisible power. Lu Si Zhan and Ku Yuan's attacks had no effect.

It's quite good to be able to withstand the punch I just punched. Then, let's do it again.

Lu Yin moved away from the invisible power released by Ni, raised his hand, and flicked his fingers. The void trembled at his fingertips. As a finger popped out, it was consumed along the way. He turned his head and intervened in an instant. The sun and moon alternated faster.

This guy can resist the Heaven and Earth Lock while hindering his own attack.

I have to admit that the Infinite Time is very strong, terrifyingly strong. Looking at the three human universes, there are very few people who can fight with it. Even if it encounters the immortal realm, it can take action. It has played with time.

However, it is still a little short of a goal to block himself.

Lu Yin may not be able to kill Wu Jianzhi, this thing is too weird, but if he wants to kill a Ni, no one can stop him.

He didn't need to step backwards, he just walked towards Ni. He faced an endless sea of ​​insects, but Lu Yin raised his hand to obliterate them all.

When the crisis came, the needle of Infinite Time dropped one square, but before the square fell, Lu Yin avoided the spot and avoided the line. Then, something shocking happened to Lu Yin. That line , can move.

The thread swept across the starry sky, even affecting the sea of ​​insects, and countless insects were torn apart.

That line is the line of time, which is completely invisible to the naked eye. Wu Jianshi's control over time is so strong that Lu Yin has to travel through the stream of light to collide with the line of time.

The flowing light is not weak. Although Lu Yin is far inferior to Wu Jianshi in terms of time, the flowing light absorbs many unmelted times in the long river of time. It can weigh down the years with great weight. Even the long river of time can be crossed, let alone a river of time. The line of time.

The line of time kept slashing towards Lu Yin like a sharp blade, but was blocked by the flowing light.

Lu Yin walked towards Ni step by step.

The sea of ​​insects no longer attacks Lu Yin, but instead attacks Ni.

Qingyi, Shouwu, Shilong, etc., all attacks fell on the shell Ni was carrying, as well as some insects that Lu Yin had never seen before.

Insects continue to multiply and evolve, and there are so many types that even the Immortal Lord may not recognize them all.

Some insects are so powerful that they can cause vibrations when they hit Ni's body.

Ni continued to absorb tangible power and stared at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin approached step by step, but Ni did not retreat. Instead, he stepped forward and looked at each other.

Less than 10,000 meters away from Ni, Lu Yin stopped, raised his hand, bent his five fingers, power spread along the five fingers, and the void twisted along the way, as if his palm was enlarging, and headed towards Ni.

Infinite time continuously creates the thread of time, making it difficult to interfere with Lu Yin.

In the Linghua Universe and the Jiuxiao Universe, countless people looked and saw a huge palm grabbing towards the distance.

Ni Ping retreated to the left and right, and at the same time blasted out a huge invisible force, flooding the sky and blasting towards the big hand.

Ku Ji, Lu Sizhan and others looked at the stars. They knew Ni very well. From the first meeting to avoiding it, they had experienced the process of trying every means to destroy this creature, but had no choice but to escape.

I am deeply impressed by Ni's defense.

It can be said that Nirang has no temper.

I don't know how far Lu Yin can go. After all, there is more than one Ni, and there is also an infinite time.

They all know about the four major insect masters.

They also saw the scene where Wu Jianzhi took action. The weird and terrifying power of time was frightening. Perhaps except for Lu Yin and Yongsheng Shangyu, no one in the Jiuxiao Universe could truly compete.

After all, the power of time is invisible and intangible, and it can be affected by the slightest carelessness. Lu Yin not only understands cause and effect, but also masters the power of time.

Compared to the other three battlefields, although this battlefield is quiet, it is the most dangerous.

The huge palm continued to spread, tearing the void apart, and clashed with the invisible power emitted by Ni.

The starry sky twisted and then broke open, countless black cracks spread, and the sea of ​​​​insects was torn apart.

In the distance, the cultivators of Jiuxiao Universe were shocked. Fortunately, Lu Yin told them to step back, otherwise too many people would be buried in the aftermath.


Thank you. Tomorrow will be better. 19147 Brother’s reward will be added. Thank you! !

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