Star Odyssey

Chapter 3963 Taking Root on Land

The bombardment of palms and invisible forces continued. Lu Yin raised his eyes. In terms of strength, the only one he could consider his opponent was Chang. That was one of the four insect masters. The invisible force blasted by Ni was just a mixture of various forces. What use can it be?

Thinking of this, he clenched his palms suddenly, shaking away the invisible force.

The huge body retreated, then turned around and ran away without hesitation. Lu Yin clenched his fist and punched out. Along the way, the void was wiped out, and the sea of ​​insects could not stop him.

Lu Yin punched Ni's body hard.

Ni's body was blown away, but Lu Yin suddenly stared at Wu Jianzhi. The moment he attacked Ni, Wu Jianzhi took action, and a layer of time was attached to Ni's body. The gray layer of time was like Just like it counteracted his punch at first, it continued to counteract his power as time spread.

Although Ni was blown away, he was not harmed at all.

Of course, in the eyes of Ku Ji and others, Lu Yin's punch was already shocking.

They tried their best to hit Ni, but he was knocked away by Lu Yin with a punch.

Lu Yin was not satisfied with just blasting away Ni, he wanted to obliterate it.


There was a soft sound, and Lu Yin's expression changed. When he looked at Wu Jianzhi, the needle jumped to the ninth grid.

Time silhouettes appeared around Lu Yin. He saw his past and the past of the current location of the universe. Among them, he saw the Immortal Realm monster being thrown out of the spiritual universe, and he also saw Master Qingcao chasing the Immortal Realm. The monster goes away.

He saw the traces left by time.

The body has not changed, but time has changed, becoming unfamiliar and uneasy.

This is not his time. This time is strange and cold. How can time have any temperature? But Lu Yin deeply feels the temperature of time.

He went from one time to another.

In front of my eyes, the long river of time appeared.

This is not the long river of time that he is familiar with. This is the long river of time in the time of eternity. It can actually drag out a long river of time?

Lu Yin understood that Wu Jianshi would throw himself into this long river of time and never be reincarnated.

This long river of time is different from the long river of time in Tianyuan Universe, and it must also be a tributary.

No wonder no creature has ever been able to defeat it. No creature has ever left it alive. Some are not dead, but exiled.

Lu Yin looked at the long river of time approaching, the starry sky in his heart was released, the land took root under his feet, coming from the world, the wordless heavenly book above his head released light, and the rotation of cause and effect heaven fixed him deeply in the void.

How is it possible to strip yourself away from your original time and exile yourself to this long river of time?

Lu Yin stared at Wu Jianzhi: "You underestimate me."

The next moment, that strange feeling of warmth appeared, Lu Yin's time was restored, and he returned to his own time.

The recognition of Tianyuan Universe has taken root on the land, how can it be taken away?

In his heart, there is cause and effect, time, and the needs of the universe in the starry sky. How can it be stripped away by just a long river of time?

In the interminable time, the light of the sun and the moon suddenly dimmed, and the cracks on it also expanded in an instant. The needle could no longer beat, and it was obviously injured. To be precise, it was backfired.

It also did not expect that any living thing could take root on the ground and not be stripped of time.

In fact, time is the same, but Lu Yin wants his time, and Eternal Time cannot take it away from him.

So, it retreated.

The sea of ​​insects also retreated.

Lu Yin chased after him and attacked Wu Jianzhi, but Wu Jianzhi disappeared directly.

Lu Yin frowned, was this Luo Chan's power or something?

In the distance, the sea of ​​insects continued to retreat, gradually retreating to a position invisible to the people of Jiuxiao Universe and Linghua Universe.

When Lu Yin couldn't find Wu Jian, he could find Ni.

He took a step forward and chased after him. His huge body was too obvious.

Ni looked back, horrified, and fled. Lu Yin's light was passing through, how could he let you escape.

"Mr. Lu--" someone shouted.

Lu Yin looked back, and Wujian appeared behind him. The needle jumped to one level and took action against those Jiuxiao Universe cultivators. At the same time, gray time spread and gradually covered the distance.

Lu Yin had to retreat, otherwise those cultivators would be doomed.

He can destroy Ni and the Sea of ​​Insects. Similarly, Wu Jianshi can also destroy those cultivators in Jiuxiao Universe.

Compared with bugs that can continue to reproduce, human cultivators naturally cannot sacrifice themselves in vain. Even if those who die are spiritual seeds, spiritual seeds are more precious than those bugs.

Lu Yin returned to support, but Wu Jian did not take action and disappeared.

Its purpose was to make Lu Yin scruple and unable to take action.

This is not the first time that the Hive Civilization has faced off against human civilization, and it has a very good understanding of human characteristics.

Unless Lu Yin can solve the problem of Wu Jianji, he will not be able to fight freely. Even without this group of cultivators, Wu Jianji can still kill the spiritual universe.

Wu Jianshi ran away, retreating into the distance with the sea of ​​insects.

Lu Yin watched quietly. In the blink of an eye, the needle jumped to the ninth grid. There were twelve grids in total. How many more times would it jump after that? What ability will it be?

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lu, it's us who have dragged you down." The person who spoke was a strong man named Xin from the Fourth Night Pillar who had overcome hardships. Lu Yin had met him before in the Full Sense Universe, but at that time, he was with Ming Zui. Lu Yin contacted.

This time Mingzuo stayed at the Fourth Night Pillar and became the second line of defense inside and outside the Night Pillar, and Xin Ze came with him.

Lu Yin waved his hand: "It has nothing to do with you, it's just a test for each other."

Unable to see clearly all the abilities of Wu Jian Shi, Lu Yin never thought of leaving it behind. The reason why he chased Ni was actually to verify one thing, and now the verification was completed.

You guessed it right, the fighting on the other three battlefields is almost over.

The sea of ​​insects will retreat.

Just as Lu Yin guessed, the sea of ​​insects retreated on the second day, and the other three battlefields were victorious.

In the battle between Luo Chan and Ji Tu, Erxiaozhu could not hold on at first, but Qing Xing suddenly joined the battle and suppressed the battlefield.

In the battle between the Eighth Night Pillar and Shan Xiao's group of insects, Xuelou used the eighth style to injure Shan Xiao and win.

As for the battlefield in the west, the Third Night Pillar had been snatched back. Chang was very powerful, but apart from Chang and Hua Yan, there were no masters in the Insect Nest Civilization on the entire battlefield, so that most of the Insect Sea was wiped out.

The return of the Third Night Pillar is exciting.

With the sea of ​​insects receding, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and thought they saw hope of victory.

Lu Yin's face didn't look good.

"Did you retreat on purpose?" Master Qingcao didn't look surprised.

Lu Yin said solemnly: "I went after Ni specially. Ni could have escaped with the help of Luo Chan's power, but it couldn't. It had to rely on Wu Jian's time to force me to go back to support it. If I was cruel and didn't support it, I believe Ni would be dead."

"They are using Ni's death and the taking back of the Third Night Pillar to cover up Luo Chan's talent. It's like we know Luo Chan's talent and deliberately compress the defense line inside and outside the Night Pillar."

"We are hiding the Jingmen, and the Hive Civilization is also hiding Luo Chan. This retreat is to expand the front. The larger the front, the less likely we are to support each other. Especially once we go beyond the scope of the Jingmen, we will compress the battlefield. The meaning is gone.”

Jingmen Shangyu looked at the starry sky: "tactics."

Master Qingcao asked: "Do they know about the existence of Jingmen?"

Lu Yin shook his head: "I don't know about this. Maybe I know it, maybe I don't know it, but it does not affect their control of the war situation. Using the death of a group of bugs in exchange for the absolute advantage of expanding the front line is not a good thing for the Hive Civilization." It is only fitting that we should become complacent and think we have won the war.”

"If we chase them now, can we completely eliminate these bugs?" Jingmen Shangyu asked.

Lu Yin looked at her: "It's unlikely."

Master Qingcao sighed: "Because we know the four major insect masters, it is unlikely. They are all hiding their strength. What if we don't understand? They make us feel that we can win."

"What if I kill the four insect masters?" Jingmen Shangyu suddenly said.

Master Qingcao subconsciously glanced at her wrist.

Lu Yin also looked at Jingmen Shangyu's wrist, and said in a low tone: "In the Immortal Realm, as long as there is only one chance to make a move, it is enough to determine the outcome. If seniors waste this chance to make a move because of the four insect masters, the Immortal Lord waiting for us may be Take action."

The door was filled with silence.

They understood this truth, so they never took action.

If you attack the bugs and let yourself be bound by the causal chain, making you unable to deal with the fairy master, even if the fairy master takes one more action than them, it is enough to determine the survival of civilization.

Lu Yin suddenly looked at Master Qingcao: "Senior, let's take action."

Master Qingcao: "..."

Lu Yin just said, how could Master Qingcao take action? Not to mention how many calculations he has for Jiuxiao Universe, even if he doesn't, he will cherish every opportunity to take action in order to spiritualize the universe.

In the Tianyuan Universe, the Ancient God discovered that Master Qingcao was behind the scenes, and took action with all his strength. Master Qingcao only severely injured him, and it was Eternity who killed the Ancient God.

Jiang Feng faced off against Master Qingcao, but was also not killed.

It is simply impossible for him to take action for Jiuxiao Universe at this moment.

"Junior means not to kill, can you capture him?" Lu Yin said.

Master Qingcao laughed: "Do you think we are stupid? Never thought about it?"

"So?" Lu Yin was confused.

Master Qingcao looked at his wrist: "As long as you take action, there will be cause and effect. Killing will only make the cause and effect more serious."

Lu Yin said: "This junior also knows this, so what I mean is, if you capture the four insect masters, is it within the acceptable range for you?"

Master Qingcao replied directly: "Not here."

Jingmenshang Yudao said: "Qingcao has already tried once. He wanted to catch Chang, but failed."

Lu Yin didn't know this and looked at Master Qingcao in surprise: "Failed?"

Master Qingcao looked to the west: "Seeing that the Third Night Pillar was completely destroyed, no matter how much I didn't want to take action, I should at least bring the Third Night Pillar back, but the result was like this. That Chang protected the Third Night Pillar, so you just said The Sea of ​​Insects retreated deliberately, and I have no suspicion at all. Guduanke and the group of Death Hill can't do anything to Chang, let alone snatch back the Third Night Pillar."

Lu Yin looked solemn: "Chang can actually hold the third night pillar in the hands of seniors?"

Master Qingcao and Lu Yin looked at each other: "It's not about protection. It can use the eternal matter and possess the energy of life."

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