Star Odyssey

Chapter 3972 Magical Moves


The starry sky collapses.

Chang's huge body was knocked back, and Qing Xing was like a meteor hitting the distance, but was caught by Dan Jin.

Huge power spread along the body, Dan Jin's arms shook, and she couldn't help but fall back.

Qing Xing spat out a mouthful of blood and was shocked: "What a perverted physique."

The Eight Chaos Ancient Styles, the inherited power of the current emperor, the immortal realm combat skills, and the immortal substance, actually only managed to repel Chang.

This was something Qing Xing didn't expect.

Dan Jin also didn't expect Chang's body to be so strong. He was simply a monster.

The Lord looked into the distance. Chang was simply an overwhelming force. Guduanke and the masters of Death Hill could not defeat it at all. The plan of the Hive Civilization was too obvious, but they had their confidence.

Lu Yin clenched his fist. He couldn't help but think about Chang's power for a while, but killing Wu Jian was the most important thing right now.

"Be honest." The master slapped Luo Chan again, and she was dazed.

However, it had indeed been beaten and showed no signs of injury at all.

It's not like Wu Jianshi, who was split apart by the master's oar.

Every life has advantages and disadvantages. The time of infinity is strange, and time can make it invincible, but if it can be hit, the defense is also very weak.

"Leave this thing to me, you go and deal with Wu Jianzhi." The Lord shouted, she happened to be Luo Chan's nemesis.

As the sun and moon alternated more and more frequently, Luo Chan was obviously feeling uneasy, because Luo Chan did not pass on the news of human attack to them.

How could humans not attack the other three battlefields? Not appropriate.

Humanity should take advantage of the gathering of the four insect masters to attack the other three battlefields.

Could it be that humans know Luo Chan's abilities?

Just when he thought of this, Lu Yin's Karma Wheel swept across, and cracks appeared in the sun and moon again in the Eternal Time. The erosion of the long river for more than a year had restored the cracked place, and now it cracked again.

"Do humans know Luo Chan's abilities?"


"Then deal with these humans, they can't escape."

"Wujian, leave the human in front of you to me. I feel that he is very powerful."

"Forget it, this human being must die. Not only is he powerful, he can travel through time, and he also understands the power of cause and effect. This human being is too variable. I want to kill him."

"Are you finally going to use it? Haha, let me watch him die. No one can survive your trick. It means our trip was not in vain."

"End him, Wu Jian."

When consciousness comes, the heaven and earth locks cooperate with the eternal matter to lock Wu Jian. At the same time, the Sancang Sword Intention appears behind Lu Yin, which also merges into the eternal matter and cuts.

He originally thought that this sword could cut into Wu Jianzhi. Even if it could be passed away by time, Lu Yin still had to fix it and use cause and effect to solve it.

However, the Heaven and Earth Lock failed, the Sancang Sword Intention failed, and Wu Jian appeared in front of Lu Yin, less than one meter apart.

how come?

Lu Yin looked at the needle that was close at hand. This needle did not move, but the sun and moon formed a second needle. At this moment, Lu Yin was inside this second needle. He didn't know how he ended up here.

The Great Master, Qing Xing and Dan Jin all saw it and wondered how Lu Yin could be swallowed by Wu Jianzhi.

That's right, Lu Yin seemed to be swallowed by Wu Jianzhi at this moment.

In the starry sky, far away, Master Qingcao's eyes flashed. Beside him, the imperial guard on Jingmen looked solemn. Is there any other tricks?

This time of eternity is so strange. How did this kind of life form appear?

She couldn't help but take action and couldn't let Lu Yin be killed.

Although he doesn't know what this move is, but he has just used it now, it must be his deep strength. Lu Yin, can he hold on?

Tick ​​tock~tick tock~tick tock~~

Lu Yin looked at the needle that was very close at hand. It was so close that he could reach out and see the cracks on it clearly. He was sure that he could break it as long as he grabbed the needle.

How did you get in?

Swallowing himself in without a moment's notice?

He actually didn't notice it at all, it was as if time had been cut off. On one side of the cut was the image of himself being far away when the distance was endless, and trying to chase it down. On the other side of the cut, he had already entered its body.

But what is it going to do?

Lu Yin raised his hand to grab the needle.

Tick ​​tock~tick tock~tick tock~~

The hand, passed through the needle, caught nothing.

Lu Yin looked around. He was inside the second needle, which was formed by the alternation of the sun and the moon. He couldn't catch anything either.

In the distance, Dan Jin and the others looked at each other in shock. The master was saying something, but Lu Yin couldn't hear anything.

The starry sky in his heart was released, and Lu Yin didn't believe that Wu Jianzhi could really trap him.

Suddenly, the needle in front of me rotated rapidly, faster and faster, forming a circle in an instant. It was an afterimage formed by going too fast.

Lu Yin stared at the needle, so fast? Not fixed in any one direction.

Does the needle rotating so fast mean that the flow of time is accelerating?

In the outside world, what Dan Jin and others saw was another scene.

When the needle rotated rapidly, they saw an insect nest, a crystal clear and beautiful insect nest. It was obviously an insect nest, but it felt inexplicably beautiful, as if it was the most beautiful thing in the world.

The insect nest appeared, and with the rapid rotation of the needle, a vague creature blooming with colorful rays of light was born. It was so sacred and so noble that even Dan Yan and other Dzogchen masters who had overcome hardships were ashamed to look at it.

It seems to be the most noble creature in the universe, and even humans cannot look directly at it.

The needle spun faster as the creature blurred into view.

Lu Yin released the starry sky in his heart and released the law of cause and effect. It did not affect him. He could release any power, except that he could not escape from the time of Wujian, which seemed to be different from him in time and space.

Shan Xiao's laughter came out: "This move can kill the strong man with eternal life, haha."

This sentence made Danjin and the others feel horrified.

Master Qingcao and Jingmen Shangyu shocked, could they kill the powerful person in the Immortal Realm?

There should be no misfortune in the world, even if it is a strange life in the universe, it should not cross the gap between heaven and earth to kill a powerful person in the immortal realm. It does not use immortal matter at all, and it has no life energy. How can it do it?

Jingmen Shangyu couldn't help but take action and couldn't let Lu Yin be killed.

Master Qingcao stopped him: "Wait a minute, with Lu Yin's strength, even if he dies, he still can't resist at all. If this move can really kill the Immortal Realm, it will also be a threat to you and me. See clearly, maybe this move was originally used To deal with you and me.”

The imperial guard at Jingmen said solemnly: "Lu Yin cannot die."

"I know that the other party is just trying to survive the hardships of life. No matter how strange it is, it is impossible for you and me to have no time to save him." Master Qingcao said in a low tone.

Starry sky, Lu Yin grabbed the needle again, but it still penetrated and couldn't catch anything.

Time is the power of time, but he himself didn't feel any change. Looking to the outside world, he saw the disbelieving eyes of Dan Jin and others, as if they were looking at a dead person.

What, do they think they're going to die?

Lu Yin exhaled, time is really a strange power, the strength he showed, even Dan Jin and the others didn't trust him.

As his eyes moved, he saw Shan Xiao, staring at him with a smile, and even made a sign of ending.

Do you trust Wu Jianshi so much?

Time is very powerful. Even the great master, the ferryman of the long river of time, may not be able to understand this move of Wu Jian Shi. This should be a power or talent that belongs exclusively to Wu Jian Shi. His own flow is enhanced a hundred times, but it cannot interfere with this. trick.

So, let’s first take a look at what this trick means.

Time is magical, cause and effect, why not magical?

As long as you think about it, there is no cause and effect that you can't find.

The Heavenly Way of Cause and Effect has been released long ago, but it can't do anything about the Infinite Time, and the wheel of cause and effect can't touch the Infinite Time. Since there is nothing you can do about the Infinite Time, then let's figure it out for ourselves.

The purpose of Wujianshi's move is to kill himself, and his own death is the result, so what needs to be calculated is the cause, himself, and why he will die.

After Lu Yin's death, the majestic consciousness was suddenly released, which did not affect Wu Jian Shi, but Wu Jian Shi heard Lu Yin's voice.

"If I am not alone, replace it with benefit! If I am changing, replace it with non-existence! The enlightened mind, fearless of selfishness, as solid as a rock, and fearless of oneself, the self shines on the sky! The wheel of cause and effect, I myself Look to the sky, look at the endless distance of all living beings, and protect the return of all living beings in the universe..."

One word after another appeared in its ears, cause and effect entangled from Lu Yin's palm, moving in the opposite direction, like a tornado, connecting the sky and the earth, and deduced why he died.

The law of cause and effect was suddenly consumed, and the consciousness was also constantly consumed. Using consciousness as a help to predict the future, Lu Yin did not believe that he could not see through this move.

With a cry, the law of cause and effect dispersed.

Lu Yin raised his eyes and looked at Wu Jian again. He couldn't suppress the shock in his eyes. It was like this.

He didn't expect that there was such a strange trick in the universe. It was not a combat skill at all, nor was it an understanding of time. It was more like a loophole that interfered with the normal operation of the universe, a loophole that ignored the laws of heaven and earth.

Wu Jian created a template, put other creatures into the template, and compared its lifespan with that template. If the creature put into the template lives longer than the template itself, it will be safe and sound, without any changes or any injuries. , but if the trapped creature does not live as long as the template body and dies directly, it will not be injured, but will be directly erased.

And that template is - Immortal Lord.

No wonder Dan Jin and the others looked at him as if they were dead.

Let yourself compare your lifespan with the Immortal Lord, how can you possibly compare, unless you break through immortality, this comparison is not about possibility, but reality.

The needle in front of you is rotating, which is the lifespan that the fairy master has lived. Once the needle slows down, it means that the time the fairy master has lived has passed, and the remaining time begins to exceed the lifespan.

As long as there is no problem with your brain, you will know that comparing time with the powerful people in the Immortal Realm is courting death.

The three words "eternal realm" speak for themselves.

There are also strengths and weaknesses in the Immortal Realm. Lu Yin guessed that even in the Immortal Realm, the Immortal Lord is definitely not weak. If the immortal monsters he encountered before were compared to the Immortal Lord in terms of lifespan, they would definitely not be able to compare with it, let alone himself.

This is the greatest foundation of Infinite Time.

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