Star Odyssey

Chapter 3973 Mercy

Lu Yin couldn't figure out how a life that had survived hardships could have such a trick. No, it shouldn't be a trick, but a talent. Wu Jianzhi had this talent, and the Immortal Master fulfilled it and made himself a template. Otherwise, there would be no way. There could be such a perverted talent.

However, there must be limitations or costs to using this technique, otherwise it would have been used in the first place.

With this kind of trick, no one can be his opponent in the realm of immortality.

"What's the name of this move of yours?" Lu Yin asked, staring ahead.

He knew that Wu Jianshi was looking at him. He didn't know whether the eyes were needles or the alternation of the sun and the moon.

"Don't you want to talk? It seems like you really treat me like a dead person."

"No wonder, who can compare with the Immortal Lord in terms of lifespan?"

The surroundings trembled obviously, and traces of gray appeared, spreading toward the surroundings.

"Human, how do you know?"

Lu Yin praised: "You have such an invincible trick, but you still don't know how to die. Is your caution directed at me, or at us humans who are powerful in the immortal realm?"

"A strong human being, you deserve my caution."

"It's such an honor to be able to die under this trick. This life will not be in vain."

"Strongest human being, what is your name?"

Lu Yin put his hands behind his back: "Lu Yin."

"Lu Yin? I will remember this name."

"There are a lot of unmelted times in your long river of time, and most of those times come from this move. You guessed it right, the Immortal Master has walked through your long river of time, so he has a template, and those who died under this move Living things, their time will enter that long river of time."

There was no answer for a moment.

Lu Yin was curious: "Where did your long river of time come from?"

There was still no answer from Wu Jianshi.

Lu Yin's eyes flashed: "The civilization of the universe you gave birth to lasts for a long time, right?"

"Lu Yin, what are you testing? Are you really going to die?"

Lu Yin nodded: "Of course, no one can break your trick and compare your lifespan with the immortal master, unless you are a strong person in the immortal realm, but I am not."

"But you give me a feeling that you are not going to die. You have been testing me and trying to get something from me. A dead person wouldn't want to know that."

"Wrong. Just because you are about to die, you want to die clearly. This is the characteristic of us humans."


"You can ask the insect master in human form, she also knows."

"But I don't want to tell you, I always feel like something is wrong with you."

Lu Yin sighed: "Isn't it good to show some mercy to the dead? Is there no mercy in the Hive Civilization?"

"The fairy is the most merciful, she created us."

"Be kind to you, but cruel to us."

"Human, if you want respect, I can give it to you because I remember your name. But if you want kindness, I can't give it to you. If you want recognition, I can't give it to you either."

Lu Yin took a long breath: "I understand, then let's compare."


"Life span."

"Human, you should wait, or find a way to spread the news. Maybe you humans' eternal life experts can save you. You want to compare your lifespan with the fairy master. This joke is not funny."

"I heard the universe has a lot of jokes."


"Tell me about it?"

Silence for a long time.

Lu Yin raised his hand and slowly pointed at the rotating needle: "If you turn it clockwise, it represents the future. So, if you turn it counterclockwise, does it represent the past?"

The stream of light shuttled back and forth, Lu Yin's eyes were sharp, and he reversed for a second.

There was a click.

The needle stopped instantly, and the stream of light hit the needle hard.

No matter what he did before, Lu Yin could not touch the needle, but now the needle was rotating and entered the template state. The entity could not touch it, but time could. He used the stream of light to reverse the needle.

The past and the future, as long as there is a future, there will be a past. The future represents life span, and the past also represents life span.

You can compare with the future, and I can compare with the past.

"You decide the way, I decide the direction."

"Lu Yin, how long have you survived? Do you know how long the Immortal Master has survived? Lifespan compared to the future is the kindness given to you. If you lived longer than the past, you would have died long ago. Why do you compare with the Immortal Master how long you have lived? Why?" Wu Jian's voice fluctuated, and it really couldn't figure out what Lu Yin was doing.

It is clear that the Immortal Lord has lived for too long, and the eternal life experts among the humans in this universe may not have lived longer than the Immortal Lord. How long has this human being in front of him lived? The needle might turn once and he would be dead.

But why did he do that?

The more unreasonable it is, the more disturbing it is.

This human being cannot seek death, what is he going to do?

From the outside, Dan Jin and others, as well as Jingmen Shangyu and Master Qingcao who were further away, all saw it and saw Lu Yin take action. Although they didn't understand what Lu Yin was doing, since he took action, it meant that he had room to resist.

Yu relaxed at the startled door, still staring intently, wanting to save Lu Yin's life at the critical moment.

The needle quickly reversed one circle.

Lu Yin is fine.

Then the second lap was reversed, and Lu Yin was still fine.

Then the speed became faster and faster, and it continued to rotate counterclockwise, gradually becoming as fast as the clockwise rotation just now, forming a circle.

Lu Yin was still fine.

Wu Jian was confused. Since the war with Jiuxiao Universe, many things were beyond its understanding. The Great Master, Lu Yin, and these people all made it confused. They were different from the civilizations it had fought with before. What happened to this human being? He should have died long ago.

It knows very well how long one revolution of the needle represents. This human being should not be able to hold on for even one revolution, but how many revolutions have it taken now? How could he not die?

"Lu Yin, what did you do?"

The corner of Lu Yin's mouth curled up: "It's nothing. Let's compare the years we have lived with the Immortal Master to see who can live longer."

"Impossible, you can't live longer than the Immortal Master."

"It's not certain, maybe I am in the realm of immortality?" Lu Yin teased.

He was silent for a while, as if he was observing Lu Yin.

Lu Yin seemed to be relaxed, but he had to pay a lot. He consumed a fifth of his Karma and Heavenly Law.

You must know that the cause and effect of heaven has increased a lot since it entered the Jiuxiao universe, especially the time of Yue Ya and the time of transparent moths. The increase was exaggerated. Even so, it is estimated that a battle with a creature that survives suffering consumes one-fifth of the energy. One, you can imagine the price paid.

This is just a creature that survives hardships at the life level, not the realm of immortality.

Since Lu Yin came to Jiuxiao, he has almost never spent so much on a strong person who can overcome hardships, including the Great Perfection of Overcoming hardships.

He saw the horror of strange life in the universe.

The transparent moth is one, and the timeless time is another.

The other three insect masters are not simple either.

"You are definitely not in the immortal realm." The voice of Wu Jianzhi came out.

Lu Yin said calmly: "Then see if I can compare to the Immortal Master."

The needle kept turning, and the longer it turned, the more obvious the vibrations around Lu Yin became. Wu Jian was emotionally unstable and couldn't understand how Lu Yin did it.

As for the outside world, Dan Jin and the others were still staring at this scene, while Chang and Shan Xiao didn't take any action and were also staring at this scene.

Anyone who knows Wu Jianzhi knows how incredible this scene is. Except for the dead immortal creature, Lu Yin can be regarded as the first creature to reverse the direction of the needle and survive to this day. Even if Chang and others are faced with this move, Can't live that long.

This human obviously looks very young.

How could its lifespan be comparable to that of the Immortal Lord?

As time passes, the needle slows down.

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows and curved the corners of his mouth: "It seems that I am going to win."

"Impossible, impossible, human, how on earth did you do it?"

"Do you want mercy?" Lu Yin suddenly asked.

Silence for a long time.

When it comes to lifespan, Lu Yin will definitely not be able to compare with the Immortal Master in the future, but in the past, why can't he compare? Because what he is comparing is not the actual lifespan he has survived, but the template of the Immortal Master in the long river of time.

The Immortal Lord left a template in the long river of time in the Infinite Time, proving the years of its existence. Lu Yin also left his footprints in the long river of time.

He broke through the beginning, went against the past, faced the long river of time, and got close to the ancients who shocked even Qinglian Shangyu and others. How long have those ancients existed? Lu Yin didn't know whether they were alive now, but they must have existed for a long, long time in the past, and the years when Lu Yin was close to them were definitely no shorter than the years the Immortal Master lived. No, it was definitely longer than the years the Immortal Master lived.

He almost touched the last ancient man's shoulder.

And the long river of time that he went against the ancients is the mainstream, and the long river of time in the time of eternity is the tributary, which is also his confidence.

Whether it is the main stream or the tributaries, they all belong to the same long river of time, and the tributaries will surely converge into the main stream.

If you want to compare, then compare to see who has left more lasting footprints in the long river of time.

This is the answer given by causal calculation, and it is also where Lu Yin's vitality lies.

Time is a powerful force and has magical abilities. Cause and effect is also a powerful force and can survive from desperate situations.

If he hadn't calculated this, Lu Yin would have been in trouble when he wanted to crack Wu Jianzhi. He himself didn't have confidence. Maybe he would really die. This was the strange life in the universe.

The surroundings were shaking violently, and the needles formed by the alternation of the sun and the moon were cracking. Lu Yin's eyes gradually became clear. He had transcended time.

What has always trapped him is time, the timing of this move.

Now, he is out of trouble.

Not to mention Chang and others, Wu Jianzhi himself had never seen this scene before, because the template for this move at the beginning was the Immortal Lord, and it had never failed. No creature could face Wu Jianshi and leave alive. Lu Yin was the first One, so that the current scene has always been unfamiliar to them.

Lu Yin took one step forward and walked out.

Tick ​​tock~


There was a loud noise, and the reversed needle broke. Lu Yin grabbed it and grabbed the broken needle, while the surrounding void continued to disappear, as if it was restarted, broken, and time and space were disappearing.

"Be honest." The master slapped the oar hard, sending Luo Chan flying away after he reached Lu Yin instantly.

Qing Xing used the immortal substance to cooperate with Luan Gu's Qi Jue. He hit Shan Xiao directly with one finger. Dan Jin released the alchemy, and his face was more serious than ever before: "Alchemy, endless restart."

Chang roared angrily and rushed towards Lu Yin.

The alchemy exploded suddenly, turning into countless space-time vibrations, overlapping, and fragmentation. It was like the universe was restarting, and it blocked Chang for a while.

Dan Jin coughed up blood: "Mr. Lu, hurry up."


Thanks to the back figure in reincarnation brother for the reward, I will give you more, thank you! !

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