Star Odyssey

Chapter 3979: Press it down

Lu Yin released the starry sky at his heart, and the Biluo Heavenly Palace enveloped him. His power was not consumed at all and was flowing infinitely. If his opponent was Shan Xiao, Wu Jianzhi would definitely be able to see it and find a way to escape from the Biluo Heavenly Palace, but he was unable to do so. It can be seen, or it can be said that it doesn't care after seeing it, it is too confident, so confident that it thinks that no power can break its defense, unless it is immortal.

This means that even if the life energy is exhausted, Lu Yin can still hold on for a long time by using his strength to coordinate with the object's vitality, constantly consuming its life energy.

Just like when he faced Wuhuang's use of the power of the Heaven-Sealing Foundation, Lu Yin continued to absorb the power to counter it.

It will just be weaker than downwind.

Jiuxiao Universe launched a counterattack, and the insects were constantly being wiped out. The Great Master's oars swept away a large area, but in the face of the endless sea of ​​insects, it was still difficult to completely eradicate them.

There are too many.

At this time, a roar came from directly below where Lu Yin and Chang were fighting, coming from Tomorrow Beast.

Tomorrowmon's roar did not arouse Chang's interest. Compared to Lu Yin, Tomorrowmon's power was too small.

But Lu Yin was surprised, the first night pillar?

Directly below them was the first night pillar.

From the beginning of the war to now, the first night pillar has never been moved, no one has appeared, and no bugs can get in. Lu Yin has always been curious about what is special about the first night pillar, wondering whether it was polished by the same master as the sixth night pillar. But it shouldn't be. The first night pillar is very special. It is the first night pillar in the history of Jiuxiao Universe. It is impossible to say that there is no one on it.

But the first night pillar is always shrouded in fog, making it difficult to see through.

Now, the Tomorrow Beast appears, which means that the first night pillar is about to move.

The ground shook.

Tomorrow walked out, dragged the brown skin around the first night pillar, and pulled back. The huge force made the ground tremble.

Countless insects followed the yellow sand and air towards the Tomorrow Beast. Along the way, cultivators from the cities rushed out one after another, and their energy penetrated the rainbow, killing towards the sea of ​​insects.

As the Tomorrow Beast roared, the first Night Pillar flew out, heading towards the starry sky from beneath Lu Yin and Chang's attack.

Lu Yin was puzzled. Did the First Night Pillar leave at this time?

The first night pillar did not leave, but stayed in the star dome. Immediately afterwards, the rest of the night pillars in the Jiuxiao Universe shook, and a familiar feeling appeared. This was the Lingbao Formation.

Lu Yin looked into the distance. The Nine Heavens Pillar Spiritual Treasure Formation was always on. Even if the Fifth Night Pillar was not present, it could still function. This was beyond his imagination. Now, could the Nine Heavens Pillar Spirit Treasure Formation be changed?

Just as he was thinking about it, a sense of chaos and tearing spread across the void and spread to the entire Jiuxiao universe.

Dan Jin, Gu Duanke, Bai Xia, Wucheng and other Jiuxiao Universe masters shot in the air, using this sense of chaos and tearing to attack the sea of ​​insects. This was not only their killing power, but also the help of the Jiuxiao Pillar Spirit. The killing power of the treasure formation is far greater than before, and it does not consume itself.

Subsequently, more Jiuxiao Universe cultivators took action, using the Jiuxiao Pillar Spirit Treasure Formation to kill.

The sense of chaos and tearing released by the Jiuxiao Pillar Lingbao Formation is like another force coming to the Jiuxiao Universe, which can be utilized to cover the entire Jiuxiao World.

Large swaths of insect corpses fell, and the sea of ​​​​insects disappeared in pieces.

Soon, Jiuxiao Universe will completely eliminate these bugs.

Lu Yin withdrew his gaze. In front of his eyes, a long tail swung out, and the terrifying force hit him hard. Lu Yin raised his arms to resist. His body was knocked back, and his arms tore away blood stains. He stepped forward without hesitation, taking advantage of the long tail. As the sword passed by, San Cang's sword intent slashed out along his fingertips, prying the scales, and blood spilled into the sky.

The long five-claw fell on the head, Lu Yin avoided it, and struck out with a palm, a heaven-shaking palm.

The sky and the earth turned upside down, and the long body fell, but like a flywheel, the tail swung upwards and smashed out from top to bottom.

Lu Yin rushed towards the direction of Chang's tail, grabbing Chang's back with one hand and hitting the Karma Wheel with the other.

The Karma Wheel penetrates and has no effect on the growth at all. Although it has wisdom, it is suppressed by the will to fight at this moment. There is no suffering or choice. It just wants to suppress Lu Yin and show off the power. It is the power of the universe. The most powerful creature.

Bang Lu Yin grabbed Chang's back and smashed it into the Jiuxiao earth, causing a huge hole to appear at the junction of the Southern Region and the Western Region.

Countless eyes are looking over there, where is the end of this battle. If Lu Yin cannot suppress Chang, the rest of the Jiuxiao Universe may not be able to keep it if they join forces. The energy of life fused with the matter of immortality is equivalent to half a step into the realm of immortality. Has near-invincible defense.

Unless the Immortal Realm takes action.

Jingque Terrace, Jingmen Shangyu looked down. How long has it been? How long has it been since she experienced such a thrilling and hearty battle? The Immortal Realm has restricted her. If she is given another choice, she will eventually enter the Immortal Realm, but it may not be possible. so fast.

Master Qingcao frowned: "If Lu Yin can't suppress the insect master, I won't take action."

"It can't escape." Yu Dandan said at the startling door.

The ground is cracking, and the fissures are widening until they are bottomless.

Lu Yin jumped out and soared into the sky. From behind, he was knocked out hard. His eyes were fixed on Lu Yin. How could he still be there? The life energy of this human being should have been consumed.

Lu Yin clasped his fists with both hands and hit the head hard, knocking the head down.

The horizontal ripples in the void spread instantly, separating the sky and the earth, forming a white patch.

Lu Yin gasped and looked at his hands. The white air flow dissipated. It was used up, and the life energy was gone.

Below, Changbaoxiao rushed up again. It also saw that Lu Yin's life energy was exhausted: "Human, how many times can you stop me?"

Lu Yin calmly said: "Many times."

After saying that, his body surface dried up, and infinite power circulated around him. At the same time, light flowed through him, so he had to use some means.

The long body collided hard, and in front of Lu Yin's eyes, a stream of light shuttled. He reversed for a second, and the long body stepped backwards. Lu Yin stepped backwards, and in parallel time, he took advantage of the one second of reversing time to punch hard.

Long, was smashed down again.

Although the punch was not very powerful, it was far less powerful than the punch made by integrating the energy of life with the eternal matter, but it at least knocked the leader back.

Changfuji: "Despicable."

Lu Yin shrugged: "I didn't say I would compete with you in strength. After all, you are too big."

"Human, I'm going to swallow you." Chang rushed out fiercely, clawing at Lu Yin with five claws.

Lu Yin exhaled and came.

Bang Lu Yin's body was blown away, without the energy of life fused with the eternal matter to resist. He was more than a step behind in strength, but he was not so bad that he would be crushed.

If he didn't use the energy of life and the matter of immortality, Lu Yin would be as powerful as Chang.

In front of his eyes, a long tail was drawn, and Lu Yin's stream of light shuttled back and forth for a second. At the same time, in parallel time, Sancang's sword intention merged into the eternal substance and slashed.

With a hiss, a lot of scales on the long body were scraped off, and blood spilled to the sky.

Chang Angry turned around and pressed down with his five claws. Lu Yin was suddenly pressed to the earth. The flesh on his body recovered, dried up again, and came again.

Under the eyes of countless people, Lu Yin relied on the strength of things to turn against each other and joined forces with Liu Guang and Chang to start a duel with injuries for injuries. Although it was not as fierce as the previous force confrontation, it was even more miserable, and the sky was filled with scarlet red.

Lu Yin's body continued to recover, but the blood stains torn apart by the five claws did not disappear.

The long body surface was constantly stained with blood from Sancang's sword intent, but to it, it was just a flesh wound.

No one knows how long this battle will last, and no one can intervene.

In the Jiuxiao world, the sea of ​​insects gradually fell into silence. The entire Jiuxiao universe cultivators used the Jiuxiao Pillar Spirit Treasure Formation to crush the sea of ​​insects.

Lu Yin didn't know this at first, so now he knows why Jingmen Shangyu is so calm. Once humans overwhelm the insect nest civilization in terms of extreme combat power, no matter how many insects there are, they will not have an advantage.

If he had used this move from the beginning, Luo Chan could easily break the Nine Heavens Pillar Spirit Treasure Formation.

This was the home field advantage, but it came at a high cost. Too many people died in Jiuxiao Universe, countless rivers were dyed red, and it would take a long time just to clean up the insect corpses.

Lu Yin's body hit the mother tree hard, causing the tree to shake.

Breathing heavily, Chang Death stared at it from a distance. Unless Lu Yin was killed, it couldn't leave, and it didn't want to leave. The winner must be determined in a duel of strength.

Lu Yin took off the leaves from his head and was about to walk out.

The voice of Jingmen Shangyu came to my ears: "Can you win?"

Lu Yin said solemnly: "Of course."

"Thank you."

Lu Yin bent his fingers, his bones made a soft sound, twisted his neck, and jumped towards the long body.

Chang roared filial piety and bumped it hard. Lu Yin punched out and hit it hard on the head.

Chang originally thought that Lu Yin would reverse time and give it a moment, but not this time. Lu Yin punched Chang on the head directly, and Chang's power hit Lu Yin without any reservation.

The sky and the earth roared.

The huge sound was like a violent wind, causing countless people to faint. Many practitioners were bleeding from their orifices. They could not bear it and did not dare to look.

"It's just a bug, get out of here." Lu Yin yelled, pressing his fist on the long head. The life energy of the long head was endless, like a thousand mountain wall blades. The power in Lu Yin's body was also endless, coming from before the long head. The force that bombarded his body was absorbed by the extremes of things.

This is the limit of Lu Yin's power.

I can't believe it, how is it possible? This human being actually has such terrifying power?

But it is impossible to suppress myself. My life energy does not allow me to bow down.

He bared his teeth and roared, and more power surged out.

Scarlet power surged out of Lu Yin's body surface, and the True God was at ease. The particles of the Sealing Heaven sequence were continuously covered, and infinite power flowed. At the same time, his body dried up again, absorbing the power from the long-term, and feeding it back while absorbing it.

The sky trembled, and the power suppressed countless people who found it difficult to breathe and did not dare to make the slightest sound.

At this moment, Lu Yin had no intention of using any other power. He just wanted to use physical strength to suppress Chang. This was instinct and the dignity of fighting creatures.

Lu Yin's eyes were dazzled by his roar. The power in his body kept pouring out. He couldn't lose. In terms of strength, he had never lost before. It was just a bug. It was just a bug. Press it down. Press it down. , press it down...


White air flowed out of the fist, and then, there was an indescribable feeling in the body, as if it had been reborn. More white air flow poured out, seemingly endlessly. This was the air of life, how could there be so much? Far more than before.

Chang was shocked, it saw it, how could it be possible?

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